Patterico's Pontifications


Holder Resigns

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 5:20 pm

Good riddance. I wonder if it was forced.

38 Responses to “Holder Resigns”

  1. I hear he is preparing himself for a nomination to the Supreme Court. Adam Clayton Powell would be equally qualified. Charley Rangel took his place.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  2. the Roberts whore court is already sufficiently corrupt and sleazy I think

    Holder should find an institution that retains a certain amount of integrity and respectability where he can use his talents to the fullest

    happyfeet (a785d5)

  3. Like the UN.

    Kevin M (b357ee)

  4. Were Obama competent, he would have a replacement ready to go and jam them through the Senate under the nuclear option. But perhaps he thinks he’ll wait until after the midterms, when he’s planning to drop a lot of bad news.

    Kevin M (b357ee)

  5. I doubt it was forced. I seem to recall after Obama was reelected in 2012 Holder said that he would stay for one or two years more then move on. There is undoubtedly some other angry race-obsessed employee in the Department of Justice whom Obama hopes to promote to AG. I just hope that the GOP can force Obama to nominate the Democrat version of Michael Mukasey, a moderate who is put in place in order to defuse tensions.

    JVW (638245)

  6. Perhaps Victoria Toensing and Joseph diGenova can hook a brother up?


    Colonel Haiku (d0a528)

  7. But perhaps he thinks he’ll wait until after the midterms

    There’s always the Executive Order option. Congress would moan, but otherwise do nothing.

    navyvet (ec562e)

  8. Limbaugh suggested that he resigned in order to make it easier for Obama to nominate him to the Supreme Court should a vacancy arise. After all, he’s only 63.

    Dana (4dbf62)

  9. Here is a snipped from Obama’s remarks in today’s announcement.

    That’s why I made [Holder] America’s lawyer, the people’s lawyer. That comes with a big portfolio, from counterterrorism to civil rights, public corruption to white collar crime.

    Perfect, just perfect. A People’s Lawyer for a People’s Republic. It’s amazing what Obama lets slip when he and his speechwriters don’t pay close attention to the garbage he utters.

    JVW (638245)

  10. When a vacancy

    Dana (4dbf62)

  11. How would this make it easier to appt him to SC

    happyfeet (0838df)

  12. Limbaugh suggested that he resigned in order to make it easier for Obama to nominate him to the Supreme Court should a vacancy arise.

    Here is an interesting thought: Supreme Court appointments are limited and last for a lifetime, so they are no doubt highly coveted by ambitious lawyers from both parties. If Holder were to be nominated, might a fellow Democrat who has his or her eyes set on Supreme Court appointment (or an ally thereof) be inclined to maybe spill the beans on some of the more unseemly aspects of Holder’s tenure? Washington is a vicious place. No, I tend to think Holder would not want to subject himself to the scrutiny that a Supreme Court nomination would entail, and I think that any remaining red or purple state Democrats in the Senate would not relish having to defend him as a nominee.

    JVW (638245)

  13. He thinks it will be easier for Holder to make the jump from a private firm (which he believes Holder will head on to) than to go from Justice to Supremes.

    Dana (4dbf62)

  14. Who’s the replacement, Frank Nitti?

    mojo (4a927a)

  15. I’m confused it would still be totally unacceptable for holder to rule on obamacares or immigrants or anything else hardly

    Or not I guess

    Is there any precedent?

    Cant read link now

    happyfeet (0838df)

  16. Imagine if Elizabeth Warren is bored with the Senate and figures she can’t unseat Hillary as the 2016 nominee, so she lobbies for a Supreme Court appointment only to have Holder nominated instead. Isn’t it pretty easy to see Warren and some of her allies working to stick the shiv into Holder and torpedo his nomination so that it can go to Fauxchontas?

    JVW (638245)

  17. In the name of equality, Rosemary Lehmberg.

    Dana (4dbf62)

  18. AG Kamala Harris…

    except Moo-chelle would have a hissy fit, and might even eat her in a violent rage.

    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  19. Holder’s tenure in real terms: including his contempt for Congress, damage to race relations and “desire to use the law to advance a dubious view of social justice.”

    Dana (4dbf62)

  20. According to Business Insider Al Sharpton will be “aiding Obama in his search for a new AG”. How nice. A race-baiting, racist criminal is helping Respct pick another like-mined criminal for the Injustice Dept..

    mojo’s right. Nitti would fit right in with these pigs.

    Hoagie (4dfb34)

  21. I doubt Holder will be leaving any time soon.

    If I read it right, his resignation will not take effect until Obama nominates a replacement and that person is confirmed.

    jim2 (cd2fc9)

  22. Ruth Bader Ginsberg resigns, Holder gets to SCOTUS. Obama rams it through after Election Day so even if the GOP takes the Senate he can ram it through on a party line vote in judiciary committee and then in the Senate.

    Bugg (f0dbc7)

  23. Bugg,

    Nope, not Bader Ginsburg. In an interview this month, she was asked about resignation:

    Who do you think President Obama could appoint at this very day, given the boundaries that we have? If I resign any time this year, he could not successfully appoint anyone I would like to see in the court. [The Senate Democrats] took off the filibuster for lower federal court appointments, but it remains for this court. So anybody who thinks that if I step down, Obama could appoint someone like me, they’re misguided. As long as I can do the job full steam…. I think I’ll recognize when the time comes that I can’t any longer. But now I can.

    Dana (4dbf62)

  24. Except she is a sick old woman who has yet to be told what’s best for The Party by her Dear Leader….uh, I mean, America and the President.She ain’t buying green bananas.

    Bugg (f0dbc7)

  25. Dana (4dbf62) — 9/25/2014 @ 6:24 pm

    Dana, it’s ironic that the quote above — especially the part about “as long as I can do the job full steam” — comes from a Justice who likes to snooze on the bench and during the State of the Union (though it’s hard to blame her when Dear Leader is droning on and on).

    JVW (638245)

  26. The very fact a sleazy, dishonest ultra-liberal like Eric Holder lasted as long as he did says a lot about how leftist politics intertwined with a leftist media are intrinsically corrupting to this society.

    Even a conservative version of an Eric Holder would have been someone I wasn’t tolerant of, but would have been someone I was totally embarrassed by. I think more of the right would respond in a similar manner. Perhaps that’s one reason there really aren’t rightwing versions of places like the city of Detroit or countries like Venezuela.

    Mark (c160ec)

  27. That Holder only got 21 votes against when he was nominated to be AG after being instrumental in the sleaze bag Marc Rich pardon really is amazing. Which is the point; the One is nothing if not brazen. From now until a new probably GOP majority Senate is sworn in in january, there is nothing stopping Obama from doing it.

    Bugg (f0dbc7)

  28. IMO there is no conceivable way that man could ever be confirmed for the Supreme court (see article linked below). There are way too many ambitious connected Dem white male lawyers of note who are waiting their turn and getting older by the day after being passed up by the two lovely abd wise “ladies.” The fur would fly in Washington on both sides of the aisle if Holder were to be nominated by Obama for the SC after the political debacle of his making at the Justice Dept.

    elissa (0e838d)

  29. I have no idea why he resigned,
    but until proven otherwise, I am going to assume it is a political maneuver or some other reason that most of us would not be happy with, but that is just fine with the one.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  30. “Counter-terrorism”? Pre-AG, his law firm was the most ardent supporter of Gitmo detainees in the Western world. Commie-terrorist symps.

    Colonel Haiku (d0a528)

  31. MD.

    The judge just denied Holder’s DOJ request to further delay tuning over Fast and Furious docs (Vaughn index) in a pretty straightforward and terse ruling. That mighta coulda have had something to do with the reason and timing of his “resignation”.

    elissa (0e838d)

  32. Obama can pardon him and may now expect to lose the Senate.

    gary gulrud (46ca75)

  33. That Holder only got 21 votes against when he was nominated to be AG after being instrumental in the sleaze bag Marc Rich pardon really is amazing. Which is the point; the One is nothing if not brazen. From now until a new probably GOP majority Senate is sworn in in january, there is nothing stopping Obama from doing it.

    Bugg, I don’t disagree with you but let’s not forget the drubbing the GOP took in 2008 and the degree of desperation they had in the early days of Obama to stay relevant. It’s sort of understandable that they saw this as a fight they couldn’t win. It’s a miracle that 21 Senators stood up and voted against this sack of sleaze.

    To me the people who are unforgivable are all the Washington DC lawyers who were veterans of the Reagan, Bush 41, and Bush 43 administrations and who vouched for the integrity of their fellow well-connected highly-paid Washington insider. Those people should never be allowed to work in a Republican administration again.

    JVW (638245)

  34. God, I hope there has not been a computer crash which caused Holder to lose all those Fast and Furious documents.

    elissa (0e838d)

  35. Dana linked to the Cato Institute’s spot-on summation of Holder’s tenure at Justice earlier, but for those of you who didn’t click to it, this is the final paragraph and it is the perfect retort to anyone who tries to pretend that Holder was anything other than a left-wing partisan hack:

    Still, it must be said that Holder was a “uniter not a divider” on one front: under his reign, the Justice Department has suffered a record number of unanimous losses at the Supreme Court. In the last three terms alone, the government has suffered 13 such defeats – a rate double President Clinton’s and triple President Bush’s – in areas of law ranging from criminal procedure to property rights to securities regulation to religious freedom. By not just pushing but breaking through the envelope of plausible legal argument, Attorney General Holder has done his all to expand federal (especially executive) power and contract individual liberty beyond any constitutional recognition.

    Memorize that, and be ready to throw it back in the faces of any liberal who dares to come to Holder’s defense.

    JVW (638245)

  36. Holder resigned so he could spend more time with his guns south of the border.

    mg (31009b)

  37. I hear Nifong is available…

    Dan (00fc90)

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