Patterico's Pontifications


JD at the Ironman

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:49 am

JD’s wife has posted this on Facebook:

In dangerous heat conditions at Ironman Louisville, JD put in a GREAT effort with a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and about a 17 mile run until needing 3 bags of IV fluids and some medical attention from severe dehydration. He’s all good. THANK U to all his awesome, unbelievable friends who cheered him on. No one can do this physically or mentally without the love and support of family and friends!!

I have no words to express how hard that sounds. Glad JD is OK.

36 Responses to “JD at the Ironman”

  1. I’m trying to imagine doing 1/5 of any one of those legs, and failing.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  2. Remarkable.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  3. Damn bassard is always showing me up … 😉

    SPQR (c4e119)

  4. “… until needing 3 bags of IV fluids and some medical attention from severe dehydration.”

    this made me cringe…

    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  5. I hope JD is as proud of himself as he absolutely deserves to be for all the dedication, discipline, preparation, and results he achieves.

    *bows down* We’re not worthy.

    elissa (288675)

  6. 4. Ditto. Practice makes perfect.

    gary gulrud (46ca75)

  7. Yay JD! I hope you’re ok. Great job.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  8. Damn, that’s badass. Way to go, man.

    Leviticus (f9a067)

  9. My whole body hurts just reading about it.

    Steve57 (99bd31)

  10. I had to collapse in my chair after reading that.

    jakee308 (ba1e65)

  11. Ironman? *shakes head*

    I’m considering entering a StaPuft Marshmellow Man race, but I haven’t worked up enough motivation to sign up for one yet. Congrats JD, IV fluids or not you’re an Ironman.

    Russ from Winterset (830aac)

  12. AWESOME!!!!

    Just a warm up for the next one.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  13. She left out a little bit. One of my friends found me unconscious in a lawn next to the run course about a quarter mile short of the 19.5 mile checkpoint. I passed out a couple more times in the medical center, while they ran IV fluids for a few hours. I got another IV this morning, for a total of 4 liters of fluids, and am heading home. Other than being sore and bloated, I am all good.

    JD (ee393f)

  14. Wow! Great job.

    mg (31009b)

  15. Well, thank goodness that because of Nancy Pelosi you have Obamacare, JD. so you can pursue your dreams. :}

    elissa (288675)

  16. “Sore and bloated… Sandra Fluke in 2014!”

    Colonel Haiku (43bfc3)

  17. Do you lose weight in a race like that?

    Could Oprah enter an iron man race and come out the other end looking like Rihanna?

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  18. JD, get well soon and congratulations.

    Mrs. JD, the next time he looks like he’s going to do something like this again, hit him with a frying pan. (Yes, that is advice to commit aggravated battery and domestic violence but you know what I mean.) 😉

    nk (dbc370)

  19. Get well soon, Ironman! Sometimes you get da bear, and sometimes,
    well, da bear gets you. Da bear would’ve gotten me out of the gate.

    felipe (b5e0f4)

  20. Get well, JD. That was your first, right? You’ll do better, I’m sure.

    htom (412a17)

  21. Excellent first effort, JD. There is no way in hell I could even contemplate doing an Ironman.

    Bill H (f9e4cd)

  22. Your passed out on the lawn story is more virile than mine.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  23. What can I say? JD’s the man.

    Dustin (7f67e8)

  24. The heat and humidity won out yesterday. My fitness was fine, and a couple silly decisions early on set me back. All in all, I am pretty happy with it. With a heat index over 100 I knew it would be a struggle, since our summer had been unseasonably cool.

    Thanks, all.

    JD (1a7bb7)

  25. Mr. mg could not have been more clear

    so glad you’re safe and sound though

    triathlons in august are of the devil i think

    oh btw if you get thirsty on the way home this is my new summer beverage for after hiking

    not sure if you get it there in the heartland though

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  26. “Your passed out on the lawn story is more virile than mine.”

    carlitos – Heh. Which one?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  27. The doc this morning told me that in between passing out, I kept asking what mile marker was I at, what time I was, and did I have enough time to finish.

    JD (40d7b7)

  28. add “is it safe?’ to that and You. Would Be… teh Marathon Man!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  29. Glad you are recovering, JD. I didn’t pray that you would win, but I did pray that you would be safe and nobody died.
    Did you swim in the Ohio River? With the current?
    How many other victims to the temp were down the hall, do you know?

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  30. The finish line must look like a pub crawl!

    mg (31009b)

  31. 26. “Your passed out on the lawn story is more virile than mine.”

    carlitos – Heh. Which one?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 8/25/2014 @ 12:45 pm

    I can’t speak for carlitos but in my case…

    all of them.

    Steve57 (99bd31)

  32. Hey at least you found a nice soft place to take a nap while waiting for your friend to come by…

    Glad you are OK now. Whatever those bad decisions were, I am sure you’ll get it straightened out…

    steveg (794291)

  33. What a man!! Congrats, JD.

    Dana (4dbf62)

  34. MD – I was not alone, by any stretch. The expo center looked like a giant MASH episode.

    JD (40d7b7)

  35. And yes, swim in the Ohio River, into the current for the first 3/4 of a mile, downstream for the remaining 1.65 miles.

    JD (40d7b7)

  36. Is JD on a low salt diet?

    Sammy Finkelman (7d0d47)

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