Robin Williams, RIP
Robin Williams has died. Preliminary reports indicate suicide by asphyxiation, due to depression.
He made everyone laugh, but apparently his despair was too much to overcome.
I firmly believe depression is an illness. It’s like contracting a virus. It’s not your fault. You don’t do it to yourself. It happens to you.
I can’t improve upon the words of Ken White, who had a long series of connected entries on Twitter about this. Read them below.
I want to talk to people who are so depressed they are contemplating suicide. Sorry for the length. (1/19)
— Uhh Huh Huh Hwow! (@Popehat) August 12, 2014
You may be thinking about it more on days like this, when a famous person commits suicide. (2/19)
— Uhh Huh Huh Hwow! (@Popehat) August 12, 2014
It's OK to think about it. It's not your fault that you are. It's good to be honest. But you have to talk to someone about it. (3/19)
— Uhh Huh Huh Hwow! (@Popehat) August 12, 2014
You can't imagine talking making a difference. That's the depression lying. It will. (4/19)
— Uhh Huh Huh Hwow! (@Popehat) August 12, 2014
You're feeling alone and alienated. But you're not alone. People care about you. (5/19)
— Uhh Huh Huh Hwow! (@Popehat) August 12, 2014
You're also not alone because other people have felt what you feel, and get it. They would get you. (6/19)
— Uhh Huh Huh Hwow! (@Popehat) August 12, 2014
You're thinking you're better off dead, and nobody will care. You're wrong. That's the depression lying. (7/19)
— Uhh Huh Huh Hwow! (@Popehat) August 12, 2014
People care about you and will be devastated if you kill yourself. It will rip apart lives. (8/19 )
— Uhh Huh Huh Hwow! (@Popehat) August 12, 2014
It's not your burden to suffer forever for the sake of others. But you have to talk to someone for their sake. (9/19)
— Uhh Huh Huh Hwow! (@Popehat) August 12, 2014
You don't have to find the strength to suffer forever. You only have to find the strength to pick up the phone, or meet with a friend (10/19)
— Uhh Huh Huh Hwow! (@Popehat) August 12, 2014
You're thinking that you can't face this alone. You don't have to. People want to help you. (11/19)
— Uhh Huh Huh Hwow! (@Popehat) August 12, 2014
You have value. You have already made a difference in other lives. There's so much you could still do. (12/19)
— Uhh Huh Huh Hwow! (@Popehat) August 12, 2014
You can't believe it now, but you will feel better. You can feel normal. And normality can be amazing. (13/19)
— Uhh Huh Huh Hwow! (@Popehat) August 12, 2014
I'm not asking you to suffer for life, or years, or months. I'm asking you to hang on a day or two to ask for help. (14/19)
— Uhh Huh Huh Hwow! (@Popehat) August 12, 2014
You're worried some people will judge you. Sure. Fuck 'em. People who matter will not. (15/19)
— Uhh Huh Huh Hwow! (@Popehat) August 12, 2014
Make a call, or go see a friend, and say "I need help." Just saying it will make a difference. (16/19)
— Uhh Huh Huh Hwow! (@Popehat) August 12, 2014
It's okay to need help. We're all broken. You can be Superman some other day. (17/19)
— Uhh Huh Huh Hwow! (@Popehat) August 12, 2014
Go to one of these places for help: (18/19)
— Uhh Huh Huh Hwow! (@Popehat) August 12, 2014
Just make the call. Just talk to someone. You can do that. It will make a difference. (19/19)
— Uhh Huh Huh Hwow! (@Popehat) August 12, 2014