Patterico's Pontifications


Almost Time for a Friday Afternoon News Dump

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 11:20 am

What will it be?

UPDATE: Looks like the answer is official confirmation of just how deeply Eric Holder was involved in monitoring James Rosen’s emails — which functions as official confirmation that he lied under oath, though they will never admit that.

33 Responses to “Almost Time for a Friday Afternoon News Dump”

  1. Evidence of draconian tactics Something that Barry Obama/Eric Holder/Jack Lew had to do in order to ensure national security or fairness.
    It will turn out to be so important to the security or fairness of the middle classes of the American people, that it had to be revealed on Friday afternoon before the first three day weekend of the summer—you know, for maximum publicity.

    Or something.

    I so do appreciate that this Barry Obama person is looking out for me. That’s why I voted for him in twelve fourteen different precincts.

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  2. Kathleen Sebelius resigning to spend more time with her family. Sandra Fluke to step in as replacement.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  3. After intensive study, defense and intelligence community has determined that the Al Qaeda leadership which was devastated by the smart foreign power policy of President Asterisk has been replaced by a new generation of Al Qaeda leadership.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  4. I think it will be drone-related, detentIon, or terrorism.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  5. This is tough because the administration as gone through most of the Amendments from the Constitution already. . .

    WASHINGTON — White House spokesman John Carey said “The low level employees that decided not to notify President Obama about Fast&Furious, Benghazi, the IRS and DoJ debacles are being fired from their positions by being offered early retirements so long as they do not speak out.”

    OldSarg (c8169b)

  6. Whatever the document dump we may see today, I’m sure that President Obama will find out about it when he reads the newspaper tomorrow !

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  7. Having gone through the rest of the Bill of Rights, they’ll announce their plan to quarter troops in our homes.

    Rob Crawford (e6f27f)

  8. Speaking of Friday afternoon news dumps, does anyone recall the huge Friday document dump that the Obama Administration unveiled on the day before the Osama Bin Laden killing ?

    (In other words, only the Obama Administration knew that this document would more than likely disappear from the media and the public consciousness once the Bin Laden killing would be revealed about 30 hours later.)

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  9. #7, Rob Crawford,

    Well, played, friend.

    …and once we’re quartering the troops, we’ll be expected to hold their umbrellas.

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  10. 3rd-A….those quartered troops will be from his Civilian National Security Corpse.

    askeptic (b8ab92)

  11. We’ll also be expected to quarter the Peace Corpse. (spelling is correct)
    Doing so will help lift up the middle classes, and promote fairness. Or something.

    After all, homes that have unoccupied guest rooms should not go unused when many middle class Americans are struggling to pay a mortgage on a house that does not have unoccupied guest rooms.

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  12. Notwithstanding existing statutory protections for whistleblowers, President Obama signed an executive order prohibiting current and former government employees from testifying before Congressional oversight committees without first preclearing their appearances and testimony with the White House upon threat of potential fine and/or imprisonment.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  13. Lois Lerner goes missing after brutal questioning by evil white men. Questions included: What is your name? What is your occupation? She’ll be found under a bus owned by the DOJ.

    glenn (647d76)

  14. The news dump was yesterday. Obama’s foreign policy/winding down the war on terror speech.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  15. daleyrocks ? Is that a satire?

    SPQR (768505)

  16. “daleyrocks ? Is that a satire?”

    SPQR – We will have to wait and see, won’t we.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  17. there’s already one GI living in this house, so Jefh is SOL on sending any more here… 😎

    redc1c4 (403dff)

  18. daleyrocks, Obama has no power to write any such executive order.

    SPQR (768505)

  19. There is a supermoon this month. And Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are hanging out together. Which explains the Boy Scout vote.

    nk (875f57)

  20. Angela Merkel arrives at Passport Control at Paris airport.

    “Nationality?” asks the immigration officer.

    “German,” she replies.


    “No, just here for a few days.”

    nk (875f57)

  21. daleyrocks, Obama has no power to write any such executive order.

    Comment by SPQR (768505) — 5/24/2013 @ 8:10 pm

    It hasn’t stopped him before. After all, he rewrote the immigration laws with an exec order.

    peedoffamerican (35b482)

  22. “daleyrocks, Obama has no power to write any such executive order.”

    SPQR – So what, it hasn’t stopped him from acting unconstitutionally in other areas and by the time they finish hashing it out in the courts his term will likely be over or close to it. What’s the downside for him?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  23. While we are at it, if the one tried to run for a third term, who would stop him?

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  24. On the news non-dump, rumor has it there have been riots in Sweden.
    Some say it’s because people are fed up waiting for an ABBA reunion.
    Others say it is because people are tired that there has been no heir to Bjorn Borg.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  25. True, Ace of Base, is not a suitable substitute.

    narciso (3fec35)

  26. How does one say, ‘Python’ in Swedish:

    narciso (3fec35)

  27. The media wonders why we don’t trust them: Washington Post used misleading photo to bash coal plant. Again.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  28. Oh, narciso…what a link…
    ”Our ambition is really to do as little as possible,” Stockholm Chief of Police Mats Löfving explained
    While Stockholm burns they aren’t even going to fiddle…

    The photo does not serve as evidence against the popular expression linking blond hair to level of intelligence…maybe someone wants to sue.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  29. hey! but doesn’t Sweden have a fab government controlled healthcare system? I think I heard that somewhere.

    elissa (ba628d)

  30. I don’t understand why the Mormons are rioting in Sweden. Did somebody insult The Osmonds ?
    Or something ?

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  31. 28. From the link:

    But the blog claims the caption is misleading and the coal plant is not emitting smoke, instead pumping out condensed water vapor.

    Read more:

    That’s di-hydrogen monoxide!

    The culprit in all hurricanes, tornadoes and floods.

    And eventually it goes into the sea, raising the sea level.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

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