Ben Carson Apologizes — For WHAT?
David Zurawik at the Baltimore Sun:
Dr. Benjamin Carson, the famed Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon, apologized Friday for his “choice of words” and use of examples in discussing gay marriage on Fox News earlier in the week.
During Sean Hannity’s show on Tuesday, when asked about the matter before the Supreme Court, Carson said, “Marriage is between a man and a woman. No group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality, it doesn’t matter what they are. They don’t get to change the definition.”
The comparison of gays to members of the North American Boy/Man Love Association and those who engage in bestiality set off a backlash of criticism in the media, online and on campus.
That’s a comparison?
I don’t think that’s a comparison, and I don’t care who says it is — be they David Zurawik of the Baltimore Sun, or Snooki, or Hitler.
(Did I just say that a journalist and an annoying reality show star are homicidal dictators who killed millions?)
It’s sad that Ben Carson is apologizing for nothing. I’d rather have him quote the classic Breitbart line: “Apologize? For WHAT?”
If someone wants to apologize for their choice of words, the Alaskan Congressman who called migrant workers “wetbacks” is a decent candidate. Ben Carson? Not so much.
cause of he compared gay people to kiddie diddlers?
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/29/2013 @ 10:47 pmCompared?
Patterico (2efd47) — 3/29/2013 @ 10:48 pmIf someone claims, let’s say, that the logic of extending constitutional protection to same-sex marriage would justify protection for polygamy, is that a comparison of gays to polygamists?
This is cheap phony outrage. Nice to see happyfeet fueling it.
Patterico (2efd47) — 3/29/2013 @ 10:51 pmyes Mr. P – compared
the good doctor posits a set, you see
and this set includes the following: gay people, kiddie diddlers, and animal-shtuppers
in other words, the good doctor’s (banal 700 Clubber) instinct is to contextualize gay people with sexual deviants
I think we as a society are a little bit past that
a little bit past that *irrespective* of one’s feelings about gay marriage
and this is why he apologized I think
but still
what he said was revealing
and what it reveals is that the Fresh New Voice of Dr. Ben Carson ain’t nothing but the squackerings of a stanky regular old social con
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/29/2013 @ 10:54 pmSorry. I don’t see it as a comparison. I see it as a set of increasingly absurd examples. Which is typically what happens when people invoke Hitler, by the way — it’s virtually never a comparison but almost always a reductio ad absurdum.
But it’s always good cheap outrage to take such an argument and falsely call it a comparison.
HE CALLED ME HITLER!!!!!!!1!!!!1!!1!!
Patterico (2efd47) — 3/29/2013 @ 10:57 pmwell i don’t need to belabor my point but yup that’s how i see it in #4
at the end of the day my suspicion is that old people suck these days
they just don’t get it
bless their hearts
paradigm shifts like what we see with gay marriage are very rare to see in real life
and it sucks for sure but paradigm shifts are inherently tricksy and otherwise good men like dr. carson can just up and find themselves on the wrong side of them
I can’t help him
he needs to fix himself
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/29/2013 @ 11:02 pmwho the hell goes through their day and reaches for NAMBLA as an example of ANYTHING???
old people is who
old people who’ve watched WAY too much 700 Club
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/29/2013 @ 11:04 pmMr. P to make up for my contrariness here is a thought-provoking but blessedly short piece on what is is to be a californian in these days of ascendant fascism
you can click the pic after you read the article but also you can just click here cause of it’s such a great pic you don’t really have to read the blog posting
but you should read it anyway
i found it interesting as someone given to fits of itinerancy
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/29/2013 @ 11:13 pmMr. mg had a comment I was still trying to process in my head but it’s gone now
perhaps it’s just as well
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/29/2013 @ 11:15 pmWhen innocent children have no choice because of gay nambla feelings, blame old people. Effing priceless.
mg (31009b) — 3/29/2013 @ 11:22 pmmojados are illegal and illegals are mojados.
what’s your point?
redc1c4 (403dff) — 3/29/2013 @ 11:51 pmso much for this guy being the brand spankin’ new face of the GOP. turns out he’s just another old-fashioned, run-of-the-mill, ‘social conservative’ bigot. nambla ?? beastiality ?!? good grief.
el polacko (2c21d2) — 3/30/2013 @ 2:00 amwe need somebody who’s genuinely interested in limited government, individual liberty, and equal protection under the law as promised to all citizens by our constitution…not another pat robertson candidacy.
It is damn sad that nambla members are in bed with the aclu.
mg (31009b) — 3/30/2013 @ 3:35 amSome of you puritans have never seen little boys lives ruined by the gays of nambla. If you do, help them, please.
I see that happyfeet ahs blitzed the blog.
Must be on a topic held dear.
But frankly, it’s bs when the easily offended and overly sensitive get to determine when and how some offends them.
The sensitivity, of course, is because sexual deviants have always gotten upset by being included with other sexual deviants with fewer proponents or more repugnant descriptions.
They don’t want their deviancy to be dredged up for review. No. They want everyone to believe that one particular set of sexual practices is normal and the others; not so much.
That’s because if their sexual practices were to be considered deviant again (as they were for thousands of years) then it could be shown that since they are not “normal” they can’t be equated with the normal practices of non deviant socially constructive sexually active people.
This is what Gay Marriage Movement is all about (and which is rejected by the majority of gays); the acceptance of deviancy as being normal and even preferred. (the new normal if you will).
Disregarding their preferred propaganda word choices and associations is a big no no and will result in outraged outrage at the temerity anyone shows to discuss the facts.
They’re also aware of how being lumped with other deviants points out the slippery slope that has begun with the defining (or un-defining) of marriage.
They understand that once gay marriage is accepted IN LAW, that other practitioners of deviant practices will clamor to have their particular deviancy sanctified by law or at least decriminalized.
The first to try will be polygamy/polyandry (there have already been suits presented) as they are the least odious and have an abundant and thriving population (ironically Christian and Mormon) next will be “marriages” with those handicapped by a dearth of years being able to “love the one they’re with” (which should please Woody Allen, George Lucas and Jerry Sandusky, not that I’m equating them) and finally those who are really really PET lovers.
See why they get upset with the conflation of one set of deviants with another? It then is obvious to even the most casual observer that if society is not allowed to define what a couple is in LAW, then society shouldn’t and CANNOT be allowed to keep ANYONE from practicing their deviancy (regardless of precedent or potential damage to society). By LAW.
No matter how repugnant or vile their particular deviancy is or how socially destructive it is.
And that’s where Western Civilization is headed.
Think of it as an experiment in Social Deconstruction.
(by deviant, I refer to sexual practices that are dominate as a person’s means of sexual gratification due to equipment mismatches or lack.
That other people indulge in what appears, on the surface, to be similar practices occasionally shouldn’t be construed as blessing others whose sole practice consists of deviant behavior with a perception of implied acceptance as normal. Do I have to spell it out?)
Jcw46 (0af03c) — 3/30/2013 @ 3:49 amApparently carson was to be the graduation speaker at Hopkins Med this year and the class is circulating a petition to uninvite him.
Any reader of PP knows my views on SSM, and I’m not sure apologizing for his remarks makes anything better, but including beastiality in the original comments is a bit of rhetoric too far to be useful.
MD in Philly (3d3f72) — 3/30/2013 @ 5:28 amNAMBLA, on the other hand, is an actual organization with a social and political agenda, but including it may not help the discussion either.
Well I introduced this piece of ‘doubleunplusgood’ from a proper fisking of Klein, at another blog I hang out in;
Of course, we can consider Kevin Jennings, formerly of the ‘Safe Schools’ office of the DOE, to fit in the Venn diagram, and Perez, formerly at Justice, to defend any and all claimants.
narciso (3fec35) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:01 amI asked a Hopkins graduate how many times he had sex. He started counting then he fell asleep.
nk (c5b7ef) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:32 amKim Kardashian would make a suitable substitute for Dr. Carson as speaker at the Med School graduation. She would never say anything that would challenge their beliefs. (This Country is going to Hell in a handcart BTW).
dfbaskwill (c021f2) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:44 am‘when the going gets strange, the weird go pro’
narciso (3fec35) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:48 amUnfortunately, Carson’s foolish apology revealed that he is too spineless to be considered for higher office.
Fred Z (80a49d) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:57 amWell Happy, I may be a “stanky regular old social con” but at least I don’t have sh*t on my schlong from buggering someone, nor an enlarged arsehole from being buggered.
So I kinda think the overwhelming balance of stanky is with the gays.
Further, real social cons are utterly indifferent to gays and gay marriage. Don’t bugger each other in front of the children, frighten the horses and dogs or ask for government money and privilege and I’m OK with it.
As for the old people comment, give me a break, we old people care less and less about the idiocies of young fools under 60. You’re all stanky and unable to control yourselves.
Fred Z (80a49d) — 3/30/2013 @ 7:04 amThat was really uncalled for, FredZ.
JD (b63a52) — 3/30/2013 @ 7:05 amHappyfeet
What is it that all three of those groups have in common? They all want to put their penis’s in places where it does not belong.
All groups with the same form of sexual deviancy? Yes.
dwok (c32280) — 3/30/2013 @ 9:39 amBut they LOVE each other!
No other justification is needed, right?
Amphipolis (e01538) — 3/30/2013 @ 9:45 amthis discussion isn’t really making me rethink my impression that the bloom is off the Mr. Dr. Carson rose
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 11:26 amhappyfeet:
It’s like the 70’s again and the hippies are back with their “don’t trust old people” theme, only this time the young control the culture and the government.
DRJ (a83b8b) — 3/30/2013 @ 11:32 amAnd the “new” folks controlling the culture aren’t that young, DRJ. The folks trying to control Teh Narrative™ are counting on people, um, not playing close attention.
Simon Jester (e88e07) — 3/30/2013 @ 11:35 amnonono the fascists control the culture and government
and they’re raping young people something fierce
it really upsets me, the kids I know what struggle to find jobs here in LA
and they all either voted for food stamp or pretended to but never actually did or would have if they were american citizens
I’m hoping I can score my friend F an interview for my old job this week – he’s a green carder what doesn’t get the opportunities he deserves and this would take him to a whole new level
it’s exciting to think about and kinda poignant how he doesn’t yet fully grasp what this would mean for him
cross your fingers
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 11:40 amMr. Feet: the “young people” voted the fascists into power. Twice. Remember?
Mainly because they wanted to think of themselves as cool and hip. Narcissistic and emotional. Not because of anything even remotely resembling a coherent view of geopolitics or economic theory.
Yes, we can!
Simon Jester (e88e07) — 3/30/2013 @ 11:43 amIt is striking how all these premises, are built on a house of cards;
narciso (3fec35) — 3/30/2013 @ 11:43 ami said that about how the young people are stupid in line 4 of comment #28 Mr. Jester
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 11:44 amThey voted the full panoply of fail from Villaraigosa to Obama, pikachu, one can’t even work around that level of stupidity.
narciso (3fec35) — 3/30/2013 @ 11:49 amVillaraigosa is a cheeseball
but on the Bloomberg/Emanuel scale he’s definitely a junior league fascist at best
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 11:52 amMr. Feet, you can call them “stupid” if you like. I think “useful tools” is more appropriate.
Simon Jester (e88e07) — 3/30/2013 @ 11:54 amVery seriously…ask your average college freshmen some basic facts about American and world history. Current events. Even recent things that have happened.
There is a disconnect.
And these are smart young women and men.
So I look at Dr. Carson, and I consider his upbringing. The struggles he has had to make. The good he has done, personally, for society.
And I am ashamed that so many dismiss him, and think he is less fit to be in the Oval Office than the last few occupants.
Simon Jester (e88e07) — 3/30/2013 @ 11:58 amwell i feel sorry for them either way
they’ve been steeped in a fascist and brainwashy milieu and they don’t know any different
at least the california ones
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 11:58 amI liked Mr. Dr. Carson a lot until he dropped the veil
now I can’t really distinguish him from the santorum huckabee perry herd anymores
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 12:00 pmwhat he said was revealing
And your indignation and smart-ass comments aimed at people who believe in multi-partner marriages — and, by the way, a desire for non-monogamy hues closer to much more of typical male nature than male homosexuality does — nullifies your indignation towards anti-SSM people.
Mark (212a14) — 3/30/2013 @ 12:00 pmYou are a braver man than I, Mr. Feet, when you say:
The “yoot” of America don’t like that observation, I have found. I mean, they watch Stewart and Colbert.
Simon Jester (e88e07) — 3/30/2013 @ 12:01 pmoh crap my indignations gotted nullified
now what am I supposed to do
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 12:02 pmMr. Jester I have nothing against flavouring my politics with both a healthy contempt for my political opponents and a generalized and robust cynicism, but I can affirmatively argue for the policies I want to see for to help America, and for to help these kids
but the kids, all they have is the contempt and the cynicism
it’s all they know
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 12:05 pmAnd these are smart young women and men.
But when it comes to common sense, they’re “mentally challenged.” Compassion for compassion’s sake — which is a religion for the lazy, foolish, and, in particular, the young — tends to stifle logic and reality. But late-teen or twenty-something adults at a university at least have a bit of an excuse for their willful naivete and column-A-column-B compassion. But when people as old as their parents, or as old as the guy now in the White House, are no better, something has to be innately deficient about such humans.
Mark (212a14) — 3/30/2013 @ 12:10 pmnow what am I supposed to do
When you’re calling others “bigot” or “hatey,” or “trashy” for being opposed to SSM, just remember to look in the mirror.
Mark (212a14) — 3/30/2013 @ 12:14 pmActually, Mr. Feet, with all due respect, you are not correct:
Ask them about BHO’s policies. Any of his policies.
Their answers are not those of a cynic. They are those of a starry-eyed nerd being asked to the prom by a cheerleader.
That is what our society has spent decades creating, I’m afraid.
Simon Jester (e88e07) — 3/30/2013 @ 12:47 pmi think you talk to much smarter ones than I do, honestly
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 12:52 pmAs Dennis Prager has articulated on his radio talk show far better than I am able in this short post, no known civilization in history (Babylonian, Persian, Assyrian, et al) has EVER sanctioned homosexual “marriage,” per se, as they no doubt understood marriage to be divinely-ordained institution between a man and a woman (not always one man/one woman, but always heterosexual in constitution).
Despite running recklessly against the tide of history, fanatics (such as “Happy Feet”) are so confident of themselves, they see those of us who disagree with them as backwards, stale, etc.
It will not go well for us. Genesis Chapter 19 is in the Bible for a reason. When I was a child, the behavior of the men of Sodom toward Lot and his guests seemed very hard to believe. Now, it reads like tomorrow’s newspaper.
Once we cede control of our society to the Sodomites, God will allow us to fall as a civilization. Maybe not on Tuesday, but we will collapse.
I wonder if it is outside the realm of the possible that “HappyFeet” is actually a euphemism for “GlansPenisUberAlles?”
man_in_tx (8eeae4) — 3/30/2013 @ 4:56 pmhe is risen Mr. man in tx!
happy easter!!!
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 5:02 pmDear HappyFeet:
Thank you very much — and same to you. He is indeed risen! (Sodom and Gomorrah not so much.)
man_in_tx (8eeae4) — 3/30/2013 @ 5:06 pmif I may there was a lot more going on in sodom and gomorrah than a little guy on guy action
they were really just not very nice people all around
whereas most gay people I know are very very nice
I’m sure some of them are mean like the canadian one that killed the guy on youtube
but that’s the exception that proves the rule I think
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 5:19 pmYeah, they’re not allowed to march in Gay Pride parades anymore. That they ever were should tell us something, but happysquat won’t stand anyone thinking about that.
Possible? I guarantee it. Happyfeet is a thug; the baby talk masks a fascist attitude.
Rob Crawford (d8dade) — 3/30/2013 @ 5:33 pmGays are like muzzies, they will not condemn the disgraceful acts of their people on innocent victims.
mg (31009b) — 3/30/2013 @ 5:35 pm“whereas most gay people I know are very very nice”
So I’ve noticed. Particularly in the way they have treated their political opponents going back to the days of Anita Bryant.
man_in_tx (9aee82) — 3/30/2013 @ 5:48 pmif I may there was a lot more going on in sodom and gomorrah than a little guy on guy action
they were really just not very nice people all around
True: They were not very nice people all around. Sort of like the folks who make up the Gay Rights parades in San Francisco, performing fellatio on one another IN PUBLIC. (It is on film, please do not try to deny it.)
However, they were also involved in a more than “a little guy on guy action.” They were controlled by “GlansPenisUberAlles” lust.
Reread Genesis Chapter 19. They turned down Lot’s offer of two virgin daughters to defile as they pleased. (Guys’ butts only, please.)
man_in_tx (9aee82) — 3/30/2013 @ 5:53 pmAnita Bryant is a cuckoo bird
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 5:55 pmGays are like muzzies, they will not condemn the disgraceful acts of their people on innocent victims.
Excellent observation and analogy.
Interesting that the “gays” and muzzies have at this time in the West an uncomfortable alliance through which they are destroying the few remnants of Western Christian civilization.
Once that work of demolition is finished, they will be forced to turn on one another for a final battle of control of what little remains of this once-great civilization.
man_in_tx (9aee82) — 3/30/2013 @ 5:56 pmSort of like the folks who make up the Gay Rights parades in San Francisco, performing fellatio on one another IN PUBLIC.
well I’m the first one to tell you they should knock that off, but it’s consensual at least
in sodom and gomorah they didn’t care about consent plus they were terrible people besides, so God had to smite them with his smiting powers
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 5:57 pmHave gays done anything but whine and complain or bitch and moan?
mg (31009b) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:00 pmyes Mr. mg for example on 9/11 they saved like a billion lives by taking on the terrorists with just their bare hands
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:01 pmAnita Bryant is a cuckoo bird
Terrific ad hominem.
Try to substantiate your slander.
Question: Being a “cuckoo bird” merits being viciously savaged in the media and having her singing and advertising career destroyed by your “happy” fellow-travelers?
By the way, Anita Bryant is a wonderful Christian lady.
man_in_tx (9aee82) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:01 pmwe have to agree to disagree about Anita
she’s a fanatic who self-destructed I think
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:02 pmThat’s not a comparison. That’s 3 individual groups that would try to completely changed the definition of marriage.
He shouldn’t have apologized.
NJRob (e2e51e) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:03 pmI brought up the earlier context about Gomorrah, their arrogance and lack of generosity, brought them low, as much as their carnal interests,
The good Doctor mentioned some of the factions who are pushing for and would benefit from this redefinition of marriage, we can’t have that.
narciso (3fec35) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:05 pmbut it’s consensual at least
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? What does that have to do with committing this vile act in broad daylight in front of children?
Your “happy” mask is slipping a bit. So I see a vicious leer peeking out over the top of it?
man_in_tx (9aee82) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:05 pm59-happyfeet, Some of us had close friends on those United planes on 9-11. A billion my ass.
mg (31009b) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:07 pmI said it’s wrong to have sex in public but nevertheless their behaviour contrasts with the behaviour of the smited people in sodom and gomorah, Mr. man in tx
that’s just the truth of the matter
whole different fact sets
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:07 pmit was a lot more people than I ever saved from terrorists Mr. mg
and I’m ever vigilant
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:08 pmHave gays done anything but whine and complain or bitch and moan?
Yes. Of course: The ones who keep “it” in the closet and choose to be productive members of society.
The ones making all the noise and flaunting their beloved “orientation?” Obviously, not so much.
man_in_tx (9aee82) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:09 pmKeep shucken and jiven happyfeet, it’s all you have.
mg (31009b) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:11 pmy’all are biased against gay people I think, Mr. texas guy and Mr. mg
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:12 pmbut nevertheless their behaviour contrasts with the behaviour of the smited people in sodom and gomorah, Mr. man in tx
that’s just the truth of the matter
whole different fact sets
No: Just a matter of time … progression in destruction of our society, and time. A implies B.
We have already come a LONG way since the days of the Stonewall riots in 1969 — all downhill.
Next stop, Sodom and Gomorrah.
man_in_tx (9aee82) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:14 pmProbably, but then again, this is the way the Church was born, in opposition to Rome’s practices,
narciso (3fec35) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:16 pmnobody’s getting fed to any lions Mr. narciso
you can count on me to make damn sure of that
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:18 pmHey happyfeet, who made you Queen for a day? Your going to tell me I am biased towards gays and you have no idea where the soles of my feet have been nor seen what my eyes have seen. Typical uppity gay response.
mg (31009b) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:20 pmy’all are biased against gay people I think, Mr. texas guy and Mr. mg
Surely you know that the Communist State of California requires the teaching of homosexual “orientation” in a positive light in public schools from the Kindergarten level on up.
Sounds to me, at least, like the “gays” are the ones who are biased (and grooming the kids, to boot).
Those “nice” Homosexuals are a small minority of our population, but they appear to be the dominant element in shaping our culture today. I would would be tempted to call that biased, personally.
How about you, Mr Happyfeet? Or, do you wish to whitewash such uncomfortable facts?
man_in_tx (9aee82) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:21 pmyes Mr. mg I thought about it some more and I decided that yes I’m going to tell you that you are biased against gays
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:21 pmMr. tx nobody learns anything in California schools
the curriculum is irrelevant
it’s just a union whore pension system/daycare service
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:23 pmI need to punch out.
Regardless of how horribly wrong I believe him to be on so many important issues, I will give Mr Happyfeet credit for keeping the tone civil this evening — something many today (on whatever side) do not seem to be able to do.
A tip of the hat to you, Mr Happyfeet, for that. And a prayer for your soul’s salvation, as well.
man_in_tx (9aee82) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:25 pmthank you Mr. tx, and have a great weekend
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:26 pmblow me.
mg (31009b) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:26 pmIt is most assuredly not irrelevant, pikachu, it is the tool, for generating the new type of person, as Robin has pointed out,
narciso (3fec35) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:28 pmohnoes Mr. narciso
if their scheme works California might end up being dominated by the left!
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:29 pmMr. Feets – Why didn’t the Democrat Racist Victim Media Industrial Grievance Complex get all wee wee’d up when the “Wise Latina” used essentially the same type of argument as Carson in court on Tuesday, comparing SSM to polygamy and incest? I think you know why.
Mr. Olson, the bottom line that you’re being asked — and — and it is one that I’m interested in the answer: If you say that marriage is a fundamental right, what State restrictions could ever exist? Meaning, what State restrictions with respect to the number of people, with respect to — that could get married — the incest laws, the mother and the child, assuming they are of age — I can — I can accept that the State has probably an overbearing interest on — on protecting the a child until they’re of age to marry, but what’s left?”
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:34 pmI should not have said compared in #82, the Wise Latina was making the same form of Slippery Slope argument as Dr. Carson. Heck we see them coming out of the mouth of lying President Blameless all the time as he constructs strawmen of Republican positions and what will happen to America if such policies are enacted.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:39 pmNow, daley… You are going to cause some circuitry explode. I’m sure that the Justice’s views have “evolved” in the last few months.
By the way, this is why I am frightened horrifically by Supreme Court Justice’s “interpreting” the Constitution. They treat the Constitution like the Oracle of Delphi (hi, nk!).
Simon Jester (e88e07) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:40 pmshe’s ain’t the mostest articulate wise latina is she
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:42 pm“I’m sure that the Justice’s views have “evolved” in the last few months.”
Simon – Her views will I’m sure evolve before the opinion is issued, since that question was asked this past Tuesday.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:44 pmYeah, it’s really terrible when Republicans nominate Supreme Court Justices. They just aren’t qualified.
Simon Jester (e88e07) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:44 pmMaybe what she needs is a gay relative to help her evolve.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:45 pmAgain, this is what frightens me, daley. I don’t think that these characters have any basic philosophy. I think they just “shoot from the hip” and justify their snap judgements later as best they can.
Remember the story about McNamara when JFK was elected? McNamara went to the Joint Chiefs to determine their nuclear war strategy, if the US was attacked. He was dumbfounded.
“Gentlemen,” he supposedly said “you don’t have a strategy. You have some kind of terrible spasm.”
Simon Jester (e88e07) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:46 pmI do not think we are understanding each other Mr. daley
let’s work on that
ok I’ll start
Mr. P said that “This is cheap phony outrage.”
But I am not outraged. What Mr. Dr. Carson said is a very common belief among Team R people – that gay people are same same as kiddie diddlers.
I can’t get excited about that.
I’m just disappointed that it turns out Mr. Dr. Carson is just a run of the mill 700 Clubber. I’d really thought he was something fresh and new.
He’s wholly unremarkable now, and even moreso as we learn that his ambition in life is to become a Fox News propaganda whore.
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:49 pmHi, Simon. At least the people knew that the Pythia was smoking something when she made her pronouncements. Just kidding. I mostly respect the Supreme Court except when I disagree with their decisions.
nk the pedant (c5b7ef) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:50 pmWell after Kelo, the detainee cases, and NFIB v. Sibelius, I’m checking for the vent,
narciso (3fec35) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:53 pmDenial flows right through this piece;
narciso (3fec35) — 3/30/2013 @ 6:59 pmthe DC snipers were of color
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 7:01 pmif I remember right
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 7:01 pmyup it’s in the comments there
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 7:02 pmKelo is a great case. (Yeah, yeah, I know.) The Court stuck to a century or so of eminent domain precedents that won the West. Seriously. At least settled it. Probably helped the North win the war too. A hard history makes for hard law. 😉
The less said about the detainee cases and Obamacare, the better. Maybe, “WTF!”
nk (c5b7ef) — 3/30/2013 @ 7:02 pmR.I.P. record producer Phil Ramone
Icy (82b7b0) — 3/30/2013 @ 7:05 pmI agree on the latter, nk, but really the government can take your property for private rather then public interest?
narciso (3fec35) — 3/30/2013 @ 7:06 pmnk, you aren’t a pedant, I think. I see you more as a classicist. Which is why I invoked your name!
Simon Jester (e88e07) — 3/30/2013 @ 7:07 pmHappyfeet is not the enemy
repeat if necessary and yes I cringed at the inclusion of Nambla but I reject the notion that the esteemed Dr Carson was not communicating clearly
And several of you owe him an apology. waay uncalled for.
Carson has strong opinions against gays which is not out of step for minoritieswho mostly shun and abhor the practice
EPWJ (073ca2) — 3/30/2013 @ 7:10 pmI was kind of tongue in cheek. I also believe that TIFFs are a form of corruption now. They are certainly not as vital to the national interest as the railroads of the Old West or the routes east from the Nevada silver mines. Those were the kind of precedents the Court adhered to in Kelo.
nk (c5b7ef) — 3/30/2013 @ 7:11 pmthanks Mr. J
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 7:11 pmDang, Eric, I thought it was the animal-loving grads who objected being grouped with gays. I need to analyze this stuff more carefully.
nk (c5b7ef) — 3/30/2013 @ 7:18 pmYes, happyfeet’s flippancy is infectious.
nk (c5b7ef) — 3/30/2013 @ 7:20 pmWell let see, if the usual reaction sets in;
narciso (3fec35) — 3/30/2013 @ 7:22 pmThat’s just plain wrong. We are stating clearly that they have the same agenda, which is to redefine marriage away from what it’s always been, the union of a man and a woman, to something it’s never been, the union of people of the same sex.
It’s no different than people acknowledging that religious social conservatives and secular social conservatives have the same agenda; keeping marriage defined the way it’s always been.
NJRob (fe68e7) — 3/30/2013 @ 7:26 pmGetting tired of your anti-religious bigotry. Why is it surprising to you that a successful, conservative man is also religious. Most are. Deal with it.
NJRob (fe68e7) — 3/30/2013 @ 7:27 pmSee, I look at a person born in poverty, rising to excellence, and saving many, many lives…and I think, “even if I disagree with something this fellow says, I should probably listen and think about it, rather than spout off…”
But that isn’t what the blogosphere is all about.
Simon Jester (e88e07) — 3/30/2013 @ 7:39 pmAshamed is what gays should feel about nambla.
mg (31009b) — 3/30/2013 @ 8:32 pmBelated R.I.P. to Clive Burr, drummer on the first four Iron Maiden records
Icy (82b7b0) — 3/30/2013 @ 8:37 pm“I do not think we are understanding each other Mr. daley
But I am not outraged. What Mr. Dr. Carson said is a very common belief among Team R people – that gay people are same same as kiddie diddlers.”
Mr. Feets – I think we do understand each other you just pretend not to. I think you also, like Obama, pretend to believe Team R people believe things which they do not when you have no evidence of such beliefs. Dr. Carson was making an argument, just like the Wise Latina, not stating a personal belief system. You can continue pretending otherwise, or not.
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 3/30/2013 @ 8:51 pmI think you also, like Obama, pretend to believe Team R people believe things which they do not when you have no evidence of such beliefs.
there’s a ton of evidence right here in this these commentings Mr. daley – scroll up
Mr. Dr. Carson is their new hero
happyfeet (8ce051) — 3/30/2013 @ 8:59 pmHmmm. Mr. Feet, I don’t mean to argue, since I know that this is a “hot button” topic to you.
But when you say something is “commonly believed” by folks with “R”s after their names…do you have any, well, data to back that up?
Or do we all get to play that game and take our emotionally held beliefs about others living across an entire nation and socioeconomic spectrum, and claim that they are fact?
Because I think this approach is one of the many things wrong with politics today.
Simon Jester (e88e07) — 3/30/2013 @ 9:04 pmNo, pikachu, he had us at hello, when he carved up Obama like a Christmas goose, something our standard bearer didn’t even try to appproximate.
narciso (3fec35) — 3/30/2013 @ 9:05 pmHappyfeet has jumped the shark. It happens. Someone disagrees with you, and no matter how hard you try to smear them, they don’t get smeared.
Dana ward (694db4) — 3/30/2013 @ 9:08 pmIt sucks doesn’t it happyfeet. You’ve made a complete ass of yourself. Dishonesty sticks, and it’s stuck to you.
So the point is not what is said, but how it is said and by whom.
Clarity is wonderful. Language is the property of those who think the right things.
Wow. Just wow.
Ag80 (b2c81f) — 3/30/2013 @ 9:10 pmI think happyfeet has been pretty good in this thread.
These kids, who objected to Dr. Carson, are graduating medical school. They know what paraphilias are. Zoophilia and pedophilia are paraphilias. Perversions. Homosexuality has not been classified as a paraphilia since before they were born. Their problem could be with Dr. Carson’s knowledge of medicine.
nk (c5b7ef) — 3/30/2013 @ 9:16 pmOh, nk, I don’t think the students have any problem with Dr. Carson’s quite impressive knowledge and practice of medicine.
And I would take them far, far more seriously if I knew that they could tell me in what decade the Civil War was fought. As just an example. We have carefully and deliberately created a culture that has little knowledge of their own history. Which has some advantages.
Simon Jester (e88e07) — 3/30/2013 @ 9:18 pmIt’s a group of eight, who put the petition forth,
narciso (3fec35) — 3/30/2013 @ 9:20 pmthe wolves baying for his blood are indeed a small clique.
Ha, nk, that was funny.
Their problem has nothing to do with medicine.
I hope with the entire being of my soul.
Ag80 (b2c81f) — 3/30/2013 @ 9:26 pmThe Health and Human Rights Student Group began circulating a petition, linked out of its Facebook page, challenging Carson’s selection as the 2013 commencement speaker for the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
Read more:
narciso (3fec35) — 3/30/2013 @ 9:27 pmFrom the earlier piece, this was not their first tiff with him, but the multitude;
In a letter obtained by Media Matters, eight members of the school’s class of 2013, including a co-chair of the school’s LGBT organization, ask their fellow students to sign a petition describing Carson, a neurosurgery professor at the university, as “an inappropriate choice of speaker at a ceremony intended to celebrate the achievements of our class.”
narciso (3fec35) — 3/30/2013 @ 9:29 pmI just have 1 word to explain their opposition.
NJRob (fe68e7) — 3/30/2013 @ 10:05 pmThis was their very disingenous petition, referred here;
narciso (3fec35) — 3/30/2013 @ 10:11 pmNow, Ironically, gun control, is a fairly big issue there, although Baltimore, well you know the drill;
narciso (3fec35) — 3/30/2013 @ 10:17 pmnk,
acrually its well known,its not something that gets mentioned alot.
Nambla has as much to do with gays as child porn has to do with heteros
EPWJ (073ca2) — 3/30/2013 @ 11:03 pm“‘We’re Americans. We just want to be treated like everybody else.’ That’s a compelling argument, and to deny that, you have got to have a very strong argument on the other side. The argument on the other side hasn’t been able to do anything but thump the Bible.” – Bill O’Reilly, Fox News
In other words…. game over.
Dad (af3d40) — 3/31/2013 @ 12:46 amLame, rover.
Icy (9678a1) — 3/31/2013 @ 12:47 amEPWJ- Perhaps you gays should try and distance yourself from nambla by having a parade.
mg (31009b) — 3/31/2013 @ 2:38 amThere’s no comparing LGBTQ folk and NAMBLA, and any effort to do so is incredibly offensive. Gay relationships are consensual and about love. NAMBLA members are pedophiles (not gay) and their relationships are, by default, nonconsensual and are about power.
Pedophiles aren’t gay or straight- they’re pedophiles. Normal sexuality classification doesn’t work with these people; they’re aroused by their victim’s age, not their sex. Anyone who says “gay pedophile” is ignorant. As a matter of fact, something like 90% of pedophile’s encounters are opposite sex (last time I checked).
As a gay man, I can assure you that all I want is to marry the *man* I love and raise a family. I have zero desire (nor have I ever desired) to abuse kids. I’m attracted to other men, end of story.
Stop comparing gay men to these monsters. It makes you look ignorant, provincial, homophobic and just plain idiotic. Worse, you’re taking the focus off of the pedophiles on the street.
Marcus (b7eacd) — 3/31/2013 @ 7:30 amMarcus, do you know what the initials NAMBLA stand for?
elissa (9e3aa8) — 3/31/2013 @ 7:32 amBullshit Marcus.
They’re only non-consensual because we define the age of consent to be a certain age. Just like we’ve previously acknowledged an eternal truth that marriage is between a man and a woman.
But, as you’re so fond of, laws change.
NJRob (fe68e7) — 3/31/2013 @ 7:38 amIt’s obvious that Marcus knows what NAMBLA stand for, but it seems you do not fully understand the nature of the pathology, since the phenomenon is not related to sexual orientation, but does relate to the pathology, Elissa.
Perry (23796f) — 3/31/2013 @ 7:50 amBill O’Reilly, Fox News
In other words…. game over.
Comment by Dad
From now forward, the hateful “dad” has to accept whatever position Bill Falafel advances.
JD (3cbfc7) — 3/31/2013 @ 8:00 amAnd Marcus, before you go off on another rant, be aware that I, more than many here, stand with the idea of gay marriage of the type you describe that you wish for yourself. I believe you. But I say to you also that there is both a real and an optics problem that you as homosexuals can either ignore, rant about, or try to do something productive about when it comes to victimized and helpless young boys. This is essentially the same message many tried to give the Catholic Church for decades about the activities of some of its priests which was also ignored and covered up.
elissa (9e3aa8) — 3/31/2013 @ 8:02 amElisa – perry says you are a hohophobe.
JD (3cbfc7) — 3/31/2013 @ 8:04 amDo they keep the ‘Squirrels’!in pens, JD?
narciso (3fec35) — 3/31/2013 @ 8:10 amI know. I try to be helpful and see where it gets me, JD?
elissa (9e3aa8) — 3/31/2013 @ 8:11 amIt makes you look ignorant, provincial, homophobic and just plain idiotic.
Sorry, but research indicates there is a reason for such an assumption.
^ The strong correlation between unhinged liberalism and homosexuality (ie, a high percentage of the GLBT crowd being of the left, if not far left, emotionally if not politically) is also another indicator that a person is more likely to not know or recognize — or is more willing to circumvent — proper socio-cultural boundaries.
Mark (212a14) — 3/31/2013 @ 8:41 am“‘We’re Americans. We just want to be treated like everybody else.’ That’s a compelling argument, and to deny that, you have got to have a very strong argument on the other side. The argument on the other side hasn’t been able to do anything but thump the Bible.” – Bill O’Reilly, Fox News
In other words…. game over…..
Dad (af3d40) — 3/31/2013 @ 8:47 am“The argument on the other side hasn’t been able to do anything but thump the Bible.”
Dad – How much Bible thumping was going on in the Supreme Court this past week?
daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 3/31/2013 @ 8:54 amThe thing about O’Reilly is his Colbert’s impression of him, is not that far off.
narciso (3fec35) — 3/31/2013 @ 8:59 amElissa-
I work with youth, many of whom have been the victims of sexual abuse. Of course, pedophilia exists and I actively work with victims of such abuse. My point is simply that its erroneous to blame pedophilia on the gay community. I assure you, the LGBTQ community is just as disgusted with NAMBLA as everyone else. I’m not suggesting it isn’t a problem- far from it! My point is that many are blaming the wrong group. Gay folk have nothing to do with pedophiles, period.
Again, what many people seem to be missing here is the idea of consent and the difference between sexuality and sexual pathology. Two consenting adults of any gender in a relationship is healthy, whereas children are not able to give consent to engage in a sexual relationship. That’s what makes the “relationships” that NAMBLA monsters engage in completely unhealthy. Its less about the minor’s sex and more about their age. Furthermore, pedophilia (paraphilia) is a socio-emotional or mental disorder, whereas homosexuality is a normal expression of human sexuality. Comparing the two is like comparing apples and oranges… they simply aren’t connected.
Marcus (b7eacd) — 3/31/2013 @ 9:11 amBill O’Reilly, Fox News
In other words…. game over.
Comment by Dad
From now forward, the hateful “dad” has to accept whatever position Bill Falafel advances. Every single one. If he is a “game over” the science is settled discussion-ender, every single one of his positions will be gospel truth to you.
JD (3cbfc7) — 3/31/2013 @ 9:12 amGay folk have nothing to do with pedophiles, period.
Marcus, you just cannot make this statement because it is demonstrably untrue. No more than anyone else could make the same statement.
JD (b63a52) — 3/31/2013 @ 9:19 amTwo consenting adults of any gender in a relationship is healthy,
Why are you duo-normative?
JD (b63a52) — 3/31/2013 @ 9:20 am“I don’t care what this court does with this particular ruling, Proposition 8. I think the inertia is clearly moving in the direction that there is going to be gay marriage at some point nationwide.” -Rush Limbaugh
Game over
Dad (af3d40) — 3/31/2013 @ 9:24 amDad – are you arguing with the voices in your head?
JD (b63a52) — 3/31/2013 @ 9:25 am‘Shirley he can’t be serious’
narciso (3fec35) — 3/31/2013 @ 9:28 amDad, you’re just upset because Mom left you for an employed man.
Elephant Stone (8ab82b) — 3/31/2013 @ 9:59 amHey guys I got a idea for happy feet its all cool how bout mumbil has a unckel and he dont sing and he only duse beatbox it be cool and btw im 23 and its all cool what you did
cody cantrell (e410cc) — 4/6/2013 @ 6:28 pm