The New York Times on How One Business Will Deal with ObamaCare
Rachel Shein and Steve Pilarski have a problem. That problem is ObamaCare.
THE CHALLENGE The company is one of thousands of small businesses that employ more than 50 full-time employees and thus will be required to offer health insurance to their workers — or pay into a government fund — beginning Jan. 1. Rachel Shein and Steve Pilarski, the married owners of the bakery, which employs 95 people, estimate this could cost their business up to $108,000, and they are weighing their options as the date approaches.
The article takes us through three options that Shein and Pilarski have to meet . . . THE CHALLENGE.
One is to buy the insurance. That’s $108,000 a year.
A second option is to pay the penalty, er, tax, er, “employer shared responsibility payment.” That, apparently, is about $120,000 a year, net ($130,000 minus $10,000 saved in not having to manage the plans).
And the third option?
Ms. Shein is considering a third option: outsourcing certain jobs to reduce the staff, because businesses with 50 or fewer employees will be exempt from the penalty. “We can outsource the cleaning and make the drivers independent contractors,” she said, “and we can cut the least profitable delivery routes, least profitable accounts or reduce the variety of items we create.”
A related idea not mentioned in the article: she could have 49 full-time employees and 50-60 part-time employees working under 30 hours per week, I suppose. It may well be that some employees are going to become exployees.
(In totally unrelated news, looks like unemployment is going to skyrocket next year. Damn those Republicans and their damn sequestration!)
Shein and Pilarski say prices may be going up about 4 per cent at their bakery. That’s probably the only business in the country that will raise prices significantly to defray the extra costs of ObamaCare. Yes, my eyes are rolling — rolling like bowling balls.
(In totally unrelated news, looks like inflation is going to take off next year. Damn those Republicans and their damn sequestration!)
The article does not mention whether these two voted for Obama. I’d be curious to know. Heck, I *am* curious to know!
Apparently we’ll find out in about a week how Shein and Pilarski plan to meet THE CHALLENGE. I’ll stay tuned for that! Don’t change that channel!!!