Patterico's Pontifications


Brett Kimberlin’s Stalkerish Behavior Towards Aaron Walker and His Wife

Filed under: Brett Kimberlin,General,Neal Rauhauser — Patterico @ 6:52 pm

Several days ago, the Web site “Breitbart Unmasked” published pictures of Aaron Walker and his wife taken outside a Maryland courthouse. I have blurred out the faces from the photographs, but want to otherwise reproduce them here for you:

The site attributed the grainy, stalkerish photos to a “witness” that the site refused to name.

Today, Aaron Walker names the “witness”: Brett Kimberlin.

In a post that describes an apparent escalation of Kimberlin’s obsessive behavior towards Aaron and his wife, Aaron describes how Kimberlin has shown up twice at a courthouse at times when Aaron was there.

The first time, Aaron says, Kimberlin took pictures or video footage of Aaron’s wife while she was waiting in the car outside the courthouse. Aaron had seen Kimberlin inside the courthouse and asked his wife to wait in the car, where he thought she would be safer. But Kimberlin slipped outside without Aaron noticing. According to Aaron’s post, Kimberlin parked his car behind Aaron’s, circled the car, saw Aaron’s wife, pulled his car around to face her, and took footage or pictures of her as she sat inside the car. Aaron says Kimberlin smiled as he did this, which is extraordinarily creepy.

Aaron and his wife reported the incident to police, and Kimberlin photographed them as they did so (see the second picture). Aaron’s wife was reportedly in tears for much of the rest of the day.

On another day when Aaron had a scheduled hearing, Aaron says, John Hoge of Hogewash saw Kimberlin circling the parking lot on two different occasions, presumably looking for Aaron’s car again. (A car with Virginia plates stands out in a Maryland parking lot.)

That Kimberlin was the mystery witness described by the “Breitbart Unmasked” web site should come as no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention. “Breitbart Unmasked” is a site devoted to dishonest character assassination, and its targets have one thing in common: they have been critics of Brett Kimberlin. The site has published scoops on court appearances involving Kimberlin minutes after those appearances have ended.

What is surprising is that the site would actually bother to document Kimberlin’s stalkerish behavior. It’s as if they are proud to publish these photos, which send a chill down the spines of normal people.

This news comes on the heels of reports that Kimberlin and his associate Neal Rauhauser have made calls to the establishment hosting the BlogBash party, which Aaron plans to attend, threatening the establishment with protests by Muslims due to Aaron’s involvement with the “Everyone Draw Mohammed” web site, which Aaron and others created to stand up to Islamic extremists who would kill those who dared to depict Mohammed.

Given Kimberlin’s well-documented history, the pictures shown above and the behavior described in Aaron’s post cause me concern. I encourage Aaron and John Hoge to stay safe.

MORE from Stacy McCain and John Hoge (here and here).

60 Responses to “Brett Kimberlin’s Stalkerish Behavior Towards Aaron Walker and His Wife”

  1. I’m at something of a loss for words — and I heard about this from both Aaron and his wife the day it happened. Something about writing it out and publishing the pictures just takes the words away from me.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  2. The Kimberlin Crime Family has a certain animal level of cunning, of the kind you associate with low level grifters and conmen, but they are not too bright really. They keep working themselves up to criminal convictions.

    Which is where they belong – imprisoned.

    SPQR (768505)

  3. Prayers, AW

    JD (b63a52)

  4. Aaron I have a fuly furnished guest cabin available anytime, very private, very secure – you know how to contact me. I’m just a few hours away

    EPWJ (590d06)

  5. Your kind thoughts are appreciated.

    My wife coped the next day with gun-range therapy. Go to my site and you will see a link to how well she shot.

    Aaron "Worthing" Walker (23789b)

  6. Another “tidy little package” from Texas Tim today too FYI

    Auntie fraud (2f38aa)

  7. kimberlin ralphhaus
    rats or other vermin sleaze
    are a cut above

    Colonel Haiku (270fa3)

  8. Auntie Fraud:

    Where? Email me or DM me. Don’t link it here.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  9. Judging by his past adventures this Kimberlin dude doesn’t seem to be much concerned about crossing legal lines. Apparently because he’s never been held to account.

    I went to the link, Aaron. Your wife shot well. But I doubt she’ll be well served by the .380. It just doesn’t have a good track record. Moving up to the .45 would be a nice step, but better would be discarding the Veep’s advice and getting an AR if it’s still legal where you live. Despite what he claims it’s a lot easier to hit with an AR than any handgun or a shotgun. If you’re leery of using a rifle in an urban situation, don’t be. With the right loads it’s not a worse choice then a handgun, any effective handgun cartridge sending a bullet whistling through drywall just as dangerously. It may even be better. Some of the PDs around here settled on the Winchester ballistic tip load for the .223. It was great on perps, but so non-penetrative they had to change mags if they were dealing with a barricaded suspect as it was useless in that situation.

    Not that a 12 gauge isn’t worthwhile. A Mossberg 590 A1 or Remington 870 is not to be despised. Just make sure you use loads that are made for personal protection and not hunting big game or recoil will play hell if your wife ever attempts to practice with it.

    Get both. That way you’ll never be too far from your “downstairs” gun or your “upstairs” gun no matter where you are.

    Also keep in mind you never have to reload a knife.

    Steve57 (60a887)

  10. SarahW (b0e533)

  11. Kimberlin is just not right in the head.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  12. 12. Nope:

    I think I need to start keeping a softball bat by the front door.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  13. 9. As long as we’re on the subject of sh*tholes, NJ needs pumping.

    Comment by gary gulrud (dd7d4e) — 3/11/2013 @ 8:11 pm

    The state of the law is pathetic. Not to put ideas into anyone’s head, but wouldn’t it be good if this were more reflective of the state of the law:

    Concerning self-regulatory rules within the Samurai community, the Code offered Article 51:

    “A man must not live under the same sky as one who has injured his lord or his father. Notice must be given to authorities of the intention to kill an offender and permission will be granted so long as there is no delay or rioting involved.”[9]

    Personally I’d advocate broadening the law to cover wives and children. I doubt I’d be able to restrain myself if someone threatened them.

    But I suppose we should be inclusive and include husbands for the sake of wives who might wish to seek redress for an offense under the law.

    Not like I have a problem with that.

    There’s an old Japanese tale of two daughters named Miyagino and Shinobu. Their father was a farmer who was unjustly killed by a samurai. A common occurence; the Japanese called these “crossroad cuttings” or “sword testing murders” as bored samurai would claim a peasant had committed an act of disrespect just to test the quality of a new blade.

    So Miyagino and Shinobu secretly studied swordsmanship and other martial arts, then petitioned the local lord for permission to take revenge on the samurai who murdered their father. The daimyo ordered the samurai, Shiga Daishichi to face the girls in combat and they killed him.

    My kind of chicks.

    Steve57 (60a887)

  14. 14. Portentous?

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  15. Remember Tuco’s Dictum: When it’s time to shoot, shoot! Don’t talk, shoot!

    ropelight (3e13f1)

  16. Cut the head off the snake and the body dies.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  17. In a post that describes an apparent escalation of Kimberlin’s obsessive behavior towards Aaron and his wife, Aaron describes how Kimberlin has shown up twice at a courthouse at times when Aaron was there.

    Due respect, but the obsessive behavior is Aaron’s. He’s obsessed with Kimberlin and all things Kimberlin-related. He blogs obsessively about it, and he tweets about it, and goads, prods and keeps tabs on Kimberlin “associates”. That’s why he drove across state lines into Maryland (where Kimberlin lives) on February 28 — to follow a Kimberlin-related hearing — am I right? It had nothing to do with Aaron, except it held Aaron’s obsessive interest.

    It’s why Aaron’s cries of victimization always ring hollow. I’d have more sympathy if the “Kimberlin stalked my wife” story involved Kimberlin driving from Maryland to where Aaron lives, rather than Aaron driving his wife to a courthouse where Kimberlin is likely to be, and then claiming he “stalked” her.

    It’s part and parcel of Aaron’s sense of entitlement, as well as inability to come to terms with his own culpability. Like that video that Aaron loves to show — the one where he assaults Kimberlin. Yes, fine — Kimberlin exaggerated the injuries of Aaron’s assault, but Aaron still thinks he the victim, overlooking the fact that he assaulted Kimberlin in the first place. Aaron always seems to have an excuse for his obsessive aggressive behavior, so that he can claim victimhood.

    Kimberlin may be a d-bag, but you can’t obsessively go after Kimberlin and Kimberlin supporters (in blogs, in tweets, making personal appearances) and then whine to the courts about how they won’t leave you alone. That’s why Aaron’s lawfare is bound to fail: he occupies the same low ground (maybe even lower) than Kimberlin occupies.

    P.S. “Journalist?” Bwaaahahahahahahaha!

    Kman (5576bf)

  18. Kman’s logic continues. Aaron’s obsession is why Kimberlin stalks him at a courthouse Kimberlin had no business being at.

    SPQR (d58854)

  19. Aaron’s obsession is why Kimberlin stalks him at a courthouse Kimberlin had no business being at.

    Why was Aaron at the courthouse on the 28th? What “business”?

    As for March 1, Aaron acknowledges that Kimberlin was there on March 1st to “visit the commissioner” to help out a “friend”. So Kimberlin apparently did have business there, even by Aaron’s own account.

    Look, let’s be honest. They’re both keeping tabs on each other. They’re both overly concerned (to a fanatical degree) about who is in whose camp, and who is a threat to themselves, etc. But if you forced me to pick who was playing offense and who was playing defense, it’s Aaron playing offense and being more provocative (especially with the lawsuits).

    Kman (5576bf)

  20. “Let’s be honest” … I’m waiting for you to start.

    SPQR (d58854)

  21. Anyone who claims Kimberlin had reason to rush to court admits Kimberlin’s involvement in BS’s behavior. If they were being honest….

    SPQR (d58854)

  22. Kimberlin had reason to rush to court admits Kimberlin’s involvement in BS’s behavior

    “Involvement”? Describe the nature of the “involvement”. I don’t know what you mean by that.

    Kman (5576bf)

  23. Kimberlin has repented and just wishes to live a normal quiet life, right Kmart? Your moral equivalency is disgusting, Ms Doubtfire.

    JD (b63a52)

  24. If he isn’t involved partnered in cahoots etc with Bill Smallfeldt, then why would be need to rush to Court to assist him? This is standard Kmart sophistry.

    JD (b63a52)

  25. If he isn’t involved partnered in cahoots etc with Bill Smallfeldt, then why would be need to rush to Court to assist him?

    I don’t know what that means — “involved, partnered, in cahoots with”. Involved in WHAT? In cahoots TO WHAT END?

    Kimberlin is allowed to have “friends” (Aaron’s term), is he not? Is having friends illegal or immoral in any way? If all you have against BS is “guilt by mere association”, then you don’t have anything.

    Kman (5576bf)

  26. Look, let’s be honest. They’re both keeping tabs on each other. They’re both overly concerned (to a fanatical degree) about who is in whose camp, and who is a threat to themselves, etc. But if you forced me to pick who was playing offense and who was playing defense, it’s Aaron playing offense and being more provocative (especially with the lawsuits).

    Nobody asked your opinion. We all know you’re full-on in the tank for Kimberlin. That’s why you say Aaron is being more aggressive when Kimberlin is circling Aaron’s car and taking pictures or video of his terrified wife as she sat inside.

    Of course, if Aaron did that to Kimberlin’s wife, you’d be beside yourself with outrage.

    Tell us your opinion of Kimberlin circling Aaron’s car and taking pictures or video of Aaron’s wife while she sat inside. I heard it from Aaron’s wife herself. What’s your opinion of that?

    Hypocrite. Partisan hypocrite.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  27. He parked behind their car, saw her inside, circled around, parked facing the car, and took pictures/video.

    Kman will defend that, or criticize it in the most mild manner possible, because Kman is a hypocrite. (And may be frightened that Kimberlin and his cronies know his real identity. Don’t discount cowardice as a possible motivating factor.)

    Patterico (9c670f)

  28. I don’t know what that means — “involved, partnered, in cahoots with”. Involved in WHAT? In cahoots TO WHAT END?

    Anyone one of us could have predicted that one. I listed several because i knew you woukd sieze on that and try to divert. Ask them. They are the ones the deny. Hey are the ones hiding behind multiple online names, personalities, and websites.

    What was Kimberlin’s need to be there for liberal grouch’s hearing?

    JD (b63a52)

  29. Definitely cowardice, coupled with a heaving helping of asshattery.

    JD (b63a52)

  30. We all know you’re full-on in the tank for Kimberlin.

    You know I’m not.

    Tell us your opinion of Kimberlin circling Aaron’s car and taking pictures or video of Aaron’s wife while she sat inside. I heard it from Aaron’s wife herself. What’s your opinion of that?

    I wonder if he knew she was inside (depends on the window tint, the sun, and how far away he was). So I’m not sure he was taking video and pictures of HER, or just the car. Either way, it’s creepy.

    Then again, Aaron’s friend took pictures of Kimberlin’s car and posted it, so what am I to make of that? If Kimberlin does it, it’s bad; if Aaron does it, it’s okay?

    Like I say, I don’t see much high ground on either side.

    Kman (5576bf)

  31. I wonder if he knew she was inside

    She said he smiled at her. Breitbart Unmasked has published another picture of the front of the car where you can see someone is inside.

    Hoge was sitting there having lunch. Kimberlin GOT OUT OF HIS CAR AND WENT OVER TO THEIR CAR. When he made eye contact with Aaron’s wife, he got back in, circled around to park in front of her, and took the pictures. Smiling at her.

    You would be freaking out if Aaron had done this. You’re far kinder to the convicted bomber and suspected murderer than you are to Aaron. You are most definitely in the tank for Kimberlin and you disgust me. I’m done talking to you for the day. I have to go to work.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  32. One need not agree with every jot and tittle of Aaron’s approach to this matter to see that Kimberlin’s actions, especially in light of his violent history, are far more aggressive and worrisome.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  33. (T)hey are the ones hiding behind multiple online names, personalities, and websites

    Unlike Aaron “Worthing”, who attested that was his real name.

    Hence, my point about both parties basically playing the same game.

    What was Kimberlin’s need to be there for liberal grouch’s hearing?

    The same as Aaron’s “need” to be there to support Hoge probably.

    Hence, my point about both parties basically playing the same game.


    I didn’t mean to hijack Patterico’s post, so I’m leaving the thread. I’ve weighed in with my two cents. Some of you will (silently) agree; some never will. Have at it. Or have at me.

    Kman (5576bf)

  34. Your ability to find moral equivalences all while ignoring the actual facts is breath-taking.

    JD (b63a52)

  35. Kman writes: “I don’t know what that means — “involved, partnered, in cahoots with”. Involved in WHAT? In cahoots TO WHAT END?”

    The brazen dishonesty in that statement alone certainly makes one wonder, Kman, about some rather basic questions of your character. Or are you just stupid enough to think anyone buys your act?

    SPQR (768505)

  36. And Kman, if you really think anyone believes you are not advocating for Kimberlin, you have some serious reality detachment issues.

    SPQR (768505)

  37. If it denies the plain meaning of words, quacks without comprehension, has feathers, and waddles when it walks, it’s a doubleplusungood duckspeaker peddling partyline doublethink.

    ropelight (3e13f1)

  38. In cahoots TO WHAT END?

    Sex partners.

    Rob Crawford (6c262f)

  39. Kman — how does Kimberlin’s taint taste?

    Rob Crawford (6c262f)

  40. 31. Like I say, I don’t see much high ground on either side.

    Comment by Kman (5576bf) — 3/12/2013 @ 7:44 am

    You’d have to have a moral compass to find the high ground. You’ve demonstrated you don’t.

    Nobody agrees with you except maybe Kimberlin and his ilk. There are words to describe the depths of dishonesty soulless ghouls such as yourself are willing to descend to in order to pretend there’s some sort of justification for excusing your filth, but I don’t care to use them.

    Steve57 (60a887)

  41. Kman is not making a case to anyone but himself, and I doubt he’s really doing all that great on job with that guy, either.

    SarahW (b0e533)

  42. Lay down with mangy dogs, don’t be surprised when you end up with fleas, ticks, worms and other assorted blood-suckers, kMan.

    Colonel Haiku (d51a46)

  43. One need not agree with every jot and tittle of Aaron’s approach to this matter to see that Kimberlin’s actions, especially in light of his violent history, are far more aggressive and worrisome.

    Comment by Patterico (9c670f)

    Absolutely right. It’s one thing to have differences about a strategy, and another to actually attempt to equivocate good with evil. It’s one thing to say ‘hey, I wouldn’t invest as much time in this cause as you’, and another to pretend a vicious monster is the same as a victim who stubbornly asks for justice.

    All I can offer is prayers that some good comes of this endless thing.

    Dustin (73fead)

  44. speaking of stalkerish behaviour why is cap’n ed at the vatican?

    is it just me or is it turning out that replacing a living pope is way less of a thing than replacing a dead pope?

    it just doesn’t feel as momentous and historical as last time

    I think it’s cause when a pope dies it really makes you think and reflect and then bam there’s a new pope but it’s kinda sorta the same pope kinda like how doctor who does it

    I dunno

    this way is just different

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  45. Mr. Feets – The godless heathen liberals don’t think it’s a thing even with the sixteen chapels.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  46. poor little bieber he never really had a chance in a lot of ways Mr. daley

    but he has loads of time left to fix himself

    happyfeet (4bf7c2)

  47. unless he dies or something

    happyfeet (4bf7c2)

  48. then we would have to have a conclave for to select a new bieber

    happyfeet (4bf7c2)

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  50. As if anyone cares.

    Carlos the Jackel (b8ab92)

  51. Carlos, you must care. The spammers live off of your caring.

    SPQR (768505)

  52. Then they should be careful who they irritate.

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