Patterico's Pontifications


Rapid Response: RNC Video Shows Biden Laughing at Serious Issues

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:16 pm

Well done.

L.A. Times Flat-Out Lies, Claims Biden and Ryan “Exchanged” Contemptuous Looks and Gestures

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:04 pm

Who are you going to believe? The editors of the Los Angeles Times, or your lying eyes?

Vice President Joe Biden and Rep. Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin tangled over the Middle East, the economy and Medicare in a scrappy back-and-forth at their debate on Thursday night.

It was a remarkably lively exchange of scoffing, eye-rolling, smirking and mocking laughter as the vice presidential rivals argued at a table in the 90-minute face-off at Centre College in Danville, Ky.

You can read the whole article and you would never know that ALL of the “scoffing, eye-rolling, smirking and mocking laughter” came from Joe Biden.


The “Lowering Expectations for Paul Ryan” Post

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:58 am

He might tell some wheelchair bound guy to stand up. Or make a crack about Bobby Jindal and 7-11s, or about Allen West being clean and articulate.

You really just never know.

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