Patterico's Pontifications


Ach, Das War Nicht Sehr Gut

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:17 pm

Just before he jumps, I’m pretty sure he says: “I am voting for Barack Obama.”

Binders Full of Women!

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:01 pm

P.S. This is not from the Onion, but we here at Patterico management had to rub our eyes to be sure.

Luntz Focus Group: Romney Won, Obama Sucked

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:40 am

Personally, I was frustrated by what I thought were missed opportunities by Romney, and figured others would give Obama the nod. Not these people:

And a CBS flash poll, while showing Obama narrowly winning overall, had Romney winning on economic issues, 65%-34%.

So I’m feeling pretty good today, actually.

How about you?

LAPD on SWATting: At Some Point, Someone Will Die

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:36 am

It’s almost like the LAPD is taking it seriously:

One law enforcement source deeply involved in the investigation warns … if the pranks continue, it’s only a matter of time before an innocent person is mistaken for a phantom shooter and gets shot to death.

Cops are alarmed at the rash of swatting incidents and fear they will escalate even more. They also say it’s inevitable that someone waiting for emergency help may die while cops and EMTs are off responding to swatting calls.

But there’s good news — We’re told the LAPD has several promising leads … including electronic footprints left by the people making the prank calls. And in the case of Ashton Kutcher, we’re told cops believe the people behind his swatting incident were scoping out his house, and nearby homeowners may be providing some hot leads.

For what it’s worth, I got a phone call from someone at LAPD working on the (attempted) SWATtings of Kutcher, Bieber, and Cyrus. They were interested in how my case had been investigated and by whom. They seemed to know a lot about SWATtings. I believe it’s the first time I ever got an unsolicited call from a detective working on SWATtings, and they weren’t working on my case. It’s a good sign for the victims of those (attempted) SWATtings.

Good luck to them.

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