Patterico's Pontifications


Open Thread: Convention, Day Two

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:42 am

I can’t bear to watch. You tell me what’s going on.

185 Responses to “Open Thread: Convention, Day Two”

  1. Football starts tonight. No one will be watching.

    Rodney King's Spirit (aeda60)

  2. The highlights will be a going-through-the-motions expression of support for Obama’s reelection by the only Donkey since Roosevelt to serve two full terms … and the acceptance speech by the intellect of the Democratic Party.

    aunursa (7014a8)

  3. People of the Government, by the Government, and for the Government.

    Amphipolis (d3e04f)

  4. Mitt Romney drowns puppy dogs, Paul Ryan pushes grandmothers off cliffs, and Ann Romney has an expensive horse that she bought without government money. Also, the GOP wants to put black people back in chains. We’re in favor of that three letter word, “j-o-b-s.” And wealthy business owners want to make middle class people “poor,” so they will no longer be able to purchase the goods and services that the wealthy business owners are selling. It’s a clever strategy that will obviously help wealthy business owners increase their profits ! Or something like that. We love America, we love the military, and we love moms. Did we mention we love moms ? Barack loves moms so much, he wears mom-jeans. Rinse. Repeat. ZZZZZzzzzzzz.

    Elephant Stone (65d289)

  5. I had credentials for Day 3 (Obama acceptance speech), except…. not so much.

    Kman (5576bf)

  6. Watching the DNC is like watching one long welfare line. Either the people are directly on it (the crowd) or they have sucked on the public teat for most of their lives (the speakers).

    Ipso Fatso (1e3278)

  7. Dems removed any mention of God from the Party platform and turned their backs on Israel by withdrawing recognition for Jerusalem as the capital city.

    Michelle Obama quoted Saul Alinsky, and Solyndra co-conspirator, and big-time Obama bundler, Steven Spinner got a VIP Tour of the Convention floor, but ran like a scared rabbit when the TV crews spotted him behind the podium.

    And, Obama’s bogus claim of 4.5 million new jobs went largely unchallenged.

    ropelight (18ab19)

  8. Does Saint Sandra speak today?

    JD (a13448)

  9. JD, re Sandra–

    If so, David brooks will be disappointed. Even he noticed (and said aloud) the Dems sort of overshot their wad on social issues in day one and should stop now that the base has been well fed. He said he thought the economy, debt and jobs might warrant a mention or two from Dems on convention days two and three.

    elissa (9fa026)

  10. The lovely and talented Fauxchahontas is on the menu too.

    elissa (9fa026)

  11. Get ready to check Lieawatha’s speech for plagiarism.

    Icy (71a307)

  12. _________________________________

    I can’t bear to watch.

    Well, how about something like this, located not too far from where the Democrat convention is occurring.

    Mark (e03145)

  13. Does Saint Sandra speak today?

    Comment by JD — 9/5/2012 @ 8:45 am

    You mean Saint Sandra Magdalene, right JD?

    nk (875f57)

  14. Thinking that a dead-cat bounce on the heels of this convention is the Donk’s best possible outcome.

    The need some French ‘youths’ to light a few and break up the party.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  15. Football vs. Abortion and Bill Clinton; not a tough one.

    Will say Ol’Bill does look better in the rearview each day. But watching Tony Romo vaporlock in the 4th quarter is the choice. It’s raining like crazy here in NYC so this could be a sloppy game.

    Bugg (6cf7f9)

  16. Obama era in a nutshell: 5 trillion added to the deficit now at 16 trillion); higher unemployment now at 8.3%; 43 million people on foodstamps; $4000 drop in avg. income; US AAA credit rating gone; the cost of a tank of gas has doubled. Anyone who votes for these fools are either brain dead or suicidal.

    mary (53c64b)

  17. Oops, I’m wrong. We aren’t blessed with wisdom of the Democrats’ intellectual leader until tomorrow night.

    aunursa (7014a8)

  18. aunursa,

    So, Joe Biden doesn’t speak until tomorrow night, then ?

    Elephant Stone (65d289)

  19. Biden has been moved to the stadium, in the 3rd level hot dog stand supply closet Friday at noon. He has been told it’s a very special top secret time slot fro the most special of the Dems, or as he would say, a big f__in’ deal. If they give him a few shiny toys and trinkets afterward Ol’Hairplugs will smile.

    Bugg (234f77)

  20. Bugg,

    I would also incidentally add that the hot dog stand supply closet is where they store the weenies.

    Elephant Stone (65d289)

  21. MATT WELCH ON Deficit Denialist Democrats at the DNC. (from Insty)

    “In this idyllic landscape of Democratic magical thinking, there is no state and local budget crises, no unaffordable and underfunded defined-benefit public pension obligations, nothing at all standing in the way of ‘investing’ in our public safety, except (in ex-Republican Stern’s words) ‘right-wing extremists.’ Vallejo, California is not bankrupt because of public employee pensions, and the rest of the state is not following suit. It’s a hell of a place, this Democrat-land. Wish I could live there. . . . One of the great ironies of this convention already is that speaker after speaker denounces Republicans for being unable to tell the truth or get their facts straight. Meanwhile, one of the most important truths of modern governance—we are well and truly out of money—sits neglected in the corner.”

    elissa (9fa026)

  22. ___________________________________________


    And if I’m not mistaken, Welch is generally of the left, or, at the very least, he’s a libertarian liberal. He’s certainly not a rock-ribbed Republican/conservative. That’s why his observations illustrate just how truly dogmatic — how ultra-liberal — a person has to be in America in 2012 to shrug off such sentiments and instead remain firmly wedded to Obama, the left, and the Democrat Party.

    Mark (e03145)

  23. Dennis Prager is playing the Brett Baird interview of Dick Durbin:

    BB: Why did the Dems take the word God out of its party platform?

    DD: Are you trying to say that Dems are Godless?

    BB: Why did the Dems take the reference to Jeruselem out of its party platform?

    DD: Harry Truman was the first president to recognize Israel.

    You got to love this convention.

    AZ Bob (7d2a2c)

  24. elissa @21 – Welch’s piece points out the lies and misleading speeches given by many of the speakers yesterday – the concept the you can’t continue “investing” (code=spending) when you don’t have any money. The fact is that many of the speakers yesterday have fought battles with entrenched union interests over pay and benefit reforms, but you never would have known that from their speeches or that towns and cities are declaring bankruptcy due to fiscal insolvency caused by profligate spending and promises, yet Democrats want MORE, MORE, MORE.

    Independent fact checkers rate truthfulness of speeches – PANTS ON FIRE

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  25. The lovely and talented Fauxchahontas is on the menu too.

    Get ready to check Lieawatha’s speech for plagiarism.

    LOL. Nice. Nothing better than good snark.

    IGotBupkis -- "Faecies Evenio", Mr. Holder? (8e2a3d)

  26. Comment by ropelight — 9/5/2012 @ 8:27 am

    Dems removed any mention of God from the Party platform

    But Michelle Obama made sure to put it in her speech.

    and turned their backs on Israel by withdrawing recognition for Jerusalem as the capital city.

    They brought it in line with American foreign policy. They are now really paying attention to this Jerudsalem isn’t recognized by us as the capital position. Someone pointed out that there hhad been numerous statements published during the Bush Administration that matter of factly referred to Jerusalem as the capital, so they actually retriacativelyu changed what they said.

    Not only did they remove Jerusalem as the capital from the platform, but also gone is the statement that Palestinian refugees should be resettled in a new Palestinian state (and not in Israel) Actually, they shouldn’t be forced out from Lebanon or whereever they are now.

    But this is not turning their backs on Israel. It’s caving into threats from SaudI Arabia and Qatar or others.

    What bothers me is the claim taht if Israel attacked Irann the coalition could fall apart. That is bad judgement and not knowing when someone is bluffing.

    Michelle Obama quoted Saul Alinsky

    I don’t remember that and I can’t find it in any transcript.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  27. It would be interesting trying to compile a list of things that people at the Repub and Dem conventions agree on for a start, and then go from there. Some should be pretty simple, but probably not many. When a large percentage of people do not base their decisions on what they think about an issue, but how they’ve been persuaded by misinformation (without even knowing it), it really is the transformation of society from thinking people to manipulated creatures, motivated by passion.

    Let’s start with one thing, look at the people at the podiums and don’t cut out the ones you don’t want others to see.

    Let’s look at what President Obama pledged about the deficit and the economy and what should happen to him in 3 1/2 years if he didn’t accomplish his promises.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  28. “They brought it in line with current American foreign policy.”

    Sammy – Fixed that for you. Also, they did not retroactively change anything related to the Bush Administration. No idea what you mean by that sentence.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  29. “But this is not turning their backs on Israel.”

    Sammy – How do you categorize telling Iran that we will not aid Israel if they attack Iran as long as Iran does not attack U.S. interests in retaliation?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  30. I can’t wait for Fluke and the Cherokee!

    Should be the final mother lode of offensive quotes for the GOP to use!

    Patricia (e1d89d)

  31. I can only take so much of zero-sum economic theory, where for business to make money little brown children have to starve and go without their heart transplants.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  32. I hope someone is watching this thing because if Day 1 was any indicator, it’s a target-rich environment for faux pas and a great campaign commercial generator. I expect a lot of DMCA takedown attempts.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  33. “Dems removed any mention of God from the Party platform”

    No wonder, compared to Barack Obama, Nero was a Saint.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  34. “They brought it in line with current American foreign policy.”

    Comment by daleyrocks — 9/5/2012 @ 11:46 am

    Sammy – Fixed that for you.

    No, that’s been American foreign policy since 1948. Every president has been afraid to change that. Congress passed a law saying that the U.,S. Embassy moved be moved to Jerusalem (and we’re talking about West Jerusalem here – what was Israeli territory before 1967 and 1968, when East Jerusalem, plus a certain amount of surrounding territory, was annexed to the city of Jerusalem and to Israel.

    The law contained a waiver (actually a waiver of the budget penalty provision) and every year since every president has signed it. I think since Clinton.

    What nobody thought they needed to do was bring their party’s platform into alignment with actual American foreign policy which is to say the status of Jerusalem awaits negotiation.

    There have been some anti-Jerusalem-in-Israel changes. The consulate there is not really supposed to be for people residing in Israel. It’s oriented toward Palestinians.

    We also have the issue of what happens when an American citizen is born in Jerusalem. Congress passed a law saying that if the parents (or the person) wanted it, it should state he or she was born in Jerusalem, Israel. Now they say just Jerusalem, no country. The Executive branch has refused to implement it on the grounds that Congress is treading on its responsibilities, and now it’s going to the Supreme Court, in the coming term, IIRC.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  35. I can only take so much of zero-sum economic theory, where for business to make money little brown children have to starve and go without their heart transplants.
    Comment by Kevin M — 9/5/2012 @ 12:01 pm

    Once upon a time every human was doing subsistence hunting/gathering/fishing then subsistence agriculture and building. I think it is obvious that somehow the pie got bigger, not just some took a bigger piece. There is not that much surplus in a subsistence level economy to be taken out to make modern economies elsewhere.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  36. “No, that’s been American foreign policy since 1948.”

    Sammy – Correct, up until Obama, who now views it as a final status negotiation item. By removing it from the party platform it is now in line with his foreign policy. What is unclear about that?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  37. Also, they did not retroactively change anything related to the Bush Administration. No idea what you mean by that sentence.

    Skip down to the last two paragraphs of the second quote if this is too much to read, or just read what is here in bold:

    White House Cleanses Israel from Website

    At 3:22 p.m., I posted this photo of Vice President Joe Biden and Shimon Peres, with an accompanying caption that indicated it had been taken last year in Jerusalem, Israel: The point of posting the photo was to show that, although the State Department refuses to say that Jerusalem is in Israel, even the White House website acknowledges this elementary truth (at least for Western Jerusalem, west of the 1949 armistic lines). But not any more. Within two hours of posting, the White House has apparently gone through its website, cleansing any reference to Jerusalem as being in Israel. The caption now reads: “Vice President Joe Biden laughs with Israeli President Shimon Peres in Jerusalem, March 9, 2010.”

    Obama Re-Writes History on Bush and Jerusalem

    The optics of methodically erasing the word “Israel” from the White House webpage caused a predictable uproar.

    Those who make it their business to rationalize White House hostility toward Israel were relieved, then, when the Washington Jewish Week’s Adam Kredo published an article claiming that the Bush administration had enforced an identical policy. Kredo cited a “search of the Bush White House’s archives” and photos of Laura Bush touring the Western Wall to conclude that the Bush White House webpage “never explicitly labeled [Jerusalem] as part of Israel.”….

    …Getting beyond photo captions, Bush-era documents show that the previous White House was indeed able to correctly identify the city of Jerusalem as being inside the state of Israel. The record shows that the President even acknowledged that the Jerusalem consulate – the same one that won’t issue passports referencing “Jerusalem, Israel” – was located in Jerusalem, Israel. Bush’s statement nominating Jeffrey Feltman to be ambassador to Lebanon, for instance, explicitly described Feltman’s previous position as “Deputy Principal Officer at the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem, Israel.”

    It gets worse for Obama’s defenders, though, than merely being demonstrably wrong. It turns out that while they were insisting that the Bush administration consistently refused to reference “Jerusalem, Israel,” the Obama State Department was busy scrubbing documents in which Bush administration referenced “Jerusalem, Israel.” Straight down the memory hole. That’s kind of amazing when you pause and think about it, no?

    The “Jerusalem, Israel” captions and statements from the Bush-era White House are digitally archived and frozen, and so beyond the administration’s reach. But Bush-era State Department reports are stored on the Obama State Department’s servers. Two old documents in particular – the State Department’s FY 2002 and FY 2003 Performance and Accountability Reports – come up quickly in searches. When they were originally written they both had appendices identifying the location of the Jerusalem consulate as “Jerusalem, Israel.” Some time in the last two weeks that location was changed to “Jerusalem.” Whoever made the changes even went back and scrubbed the old “hard copy” PDFs. You can do the compare and contrast yourself. Click on these links for scrubbed versions of FY 2002 HTML, FY 2003 HTML, FY 2002 PDF, FY 2003 PDF, and on these links for cached original versions of FY 2002 HTML, FY 2003 HTML, FY 2002 PDF, FY 2003 PDF.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  38. Sammy – So what you actually meant was they lied about the Bush Administration’s positions on Israel? That’s fine and consistent with what these people do.

    Just ask yourself if there is no issue with removing the language in question from the Democrat platform as you contend, why are people upset?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  39. That GOP-led “War on Women” doesn’t seem to be doing so well for the Donks, does it?
    Axelrod is doing such a marvelous, fabulous job.

    AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92)

  40. No one will be watching us…
    Why don’t we do it in the road?

    mg (44de53)

  41. 38- Does Obama KNOW Obama’s position on Jerusalem?
    Or, is it Valerie Jarrett’s position that he reads off TOTUS?

    AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92)

  42. sleeeepy – Where did 60% of the black voters in Milwaukee go? I’m just glad we don’t have any issues with voter fraud in this country.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  43. 39. Comment by daleyrocks — 9/5/2012 @ 12:24 pm

    Sammy – So what you actually meant was they lied about the Bush Administration’s positions on Israel?

    No, they didn’t lie about what their position was.

    What they did was, as I said, (#26) retroactively change various statements published during the Bush Administration (apparently mainly picture captions, and references to the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem) that matter of factly referred to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

    This would be like going through statements published by previous adminsitrations and removing anything that seemeed to too strongly recognize Taiwan as the government of a country or independent of China, or people the U.S. government sent there as diplomats.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  44. Just ask yourself if there is no issue with removing the language in question from the Democrat platform as you contend, why are people upset?

    It’s political. It shouldn’t be a BIG issue – although I guess it’s interesting that nothing else, like on abortion, seems to have been changed.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  45. “No, they didn’t lie about what their position was.”

    Sammy – So they altered picture captions to make the position of the Bush Administration appear to be different than what it actually was and this is somehow different from lying about the Bush Administration’s positions. Good rationalization.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  46. “It’s political. It shouldn’t be a BIG issue”

    Sammy – Go figure. Some people see Obama as consistently selling out Israel, some people don’t.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  47. “No, that’s been American foreign policy since 1948.”

    Comment by daleyrocks — 9/5/2012 @ 12:11 pm

    Sammy – Correct, up until Obama, who now views it as a final status negotiation item.

    That’s been policy all along.

    By removing it from the party platform it is now in line with his foreign policy. What is unclear about that?

    Nothing. Nobody has felt it necessary till now to take the idea that Jerusalem, certainly West Jerusalem, should be recognized by the Arabs as the capital of Israel, or that it is the capital of Israel, out of political, non-official, non-diplomatic, non-Presidential, statements and speeches.

    Nor was it out of any American proposals. So some people may wonder if somethinbg has changed.

    Nothing has changed except that Obama’s really afraid of displeasing Prince Bandar, now Saudi Arabia’s intelligence chief, as well as secretary-general of its National Security Council, and a strong contender for King.

    Bandar always threatens to cut off co-operation -why do you think Jonathan Pollard’s sentence has not been reduced all these years?

    Bandar recently decided to spread a rumor he’d been assassinated. He’s probably the man who killed Vincent Foster.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  48. I think it is obvious that somehow the pie got bigger, not just some took a bigger piece

    You would think so, but what I hear every time I turn on CNN or FNC is that the only way for poor people to get more is for government to redistribute. Which is pretty much zero-sum.

    In fact, the number of speakers sneering at the idea that all can win is amazing. Thatcher had it right: They’d accept the poor being poorer if the rich were less rich.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  49. #26, Sammy, Michelle quoted one of Saul Alinsky’s favorite comparisons, it’s in Rules for Radicals, chapter 2, “America as it is, and America as it should be.”

    ropelight (18ab19)

  50. #44. The only problem with it then…
    is it’s just so Orwellian.

    Ken in Camarillo (481b14)

  51. Here’s a video where Margaret Thatcher refutes the same lame socialist arguments that the Dems are still spewing today. It’s 4 and a half minutes of floor-wiping at Question Time.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  52. More dead babies & free ice cream.

    CrustyB (69f730)

  53. Dem Congresswoman Yvette Clarke on Colbert Report says that:
    Dutch owned slaves in Brooklyn as recently as 1898. She was serious and stood tight even when Colbert laughed.

    Our country is in the very best of hands.

    elissa (9fa026)

  54. We aren’t blessed with wisdom of the Democrats’ intellectual leader until tomorrow night

    Hmmm. “Wisdom”. People keep using this word in connection to Obama.

    I do not think it means what they think it means…

    IGotBupkis -- "Faecies Evenio", Mr. Holder? (8e2a3d)

  55. 50. Thanks for the book report. Anyone seen the photos of George R. meeting Alinksy at the former’s office?

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  56. Comment by Kevin M — 9/5/2012 @ 12:58 pm

    The Left sneers at “Trickle-down Economics”, but they are perfectly fine with Trickle-up Poverty, aka State-Socialism.

    AD-Restore the Republic/Obama Sucks! (b8ab92)

  57. 48. Define “Nobody”.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  58. .

    Ms. Clarke gets the “Cynthia McKinney” award for
    “People too dumb to serve… at McDonald’s…”
    for this month.


    IGotBupkis -- "Faecies Evenio", Mr. Holder? (8e2a3d)

  59. DD: Harry Truman was the first president to recognize Israel.

    …And BHO was the first President to NOT recognize Israel…

    IGotBupkis -- "Faecies Evenio", Mr. Holder? (8e2a3d)

  60. Ooops, hold up on Israel and Jerusalem a moment, will ya?

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  61. “Nor was it out of any American proposals. So some people may wonder if somethinbg has changed.”

    Sammy – Maybe you should take the time to try to figure out why people are upset about the changes to the Democrat Party Platform about Israel and things like Jay Carney being unwilling to answer a question when asked directly what is the capital of Israel rather than just engaging in denialism.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  62. Hey, I just tuned in a little late and Tony Villar was just embroiled in a platform fight!

    What was it? I missed the issue itself.

    Patricia (e1d89d)

  63. gary – Heh. Obviously deleting the language was no big deal in the first place.

    Obama steps on his crank once again.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  64. Found on Wikipedia:

    Test for narcissistic personality disorder:

    Glibness/superficial charm
    Grandiose sense of self-worth
    Pathological lying

    and histrionic personality disorder:

    Lack of remorse or guilt
    Emotionally shallow
    Callous/lack of empathy
    Failure to accept responsibility for own actions

    If you add to this a tendency towards irresponsibility and poor imulse control, you have a psychopath.

    Just sayin’

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  65. Behind the News with Bill Ritter Sept 5 (WABC-TV)

    All is forgiven?

    You can’t make this stuff up: Guess who is giving the benediction tonight at the Democratic Convention, just after Bill Clinton delivers his nominating speech for Barack Obama?

    The Rabbi for Monica Lewinsky and her family for decades, at the temple where the world’s most famous White House intern attended religious school.


    You can’t script this stuff.

    Rabbi David Wolpe back in the day accused Clinton of hiding behind a “flinty legalistic apology” for his non-sex sex with the intern. Who planned that nifty bit of scheduling?

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  66. Okay, they put God and Jerusalem back in the platform and the vocal vote had it defeated, so Tony V just went ahead and affirmed it!

    Chaos at the DNC

    The crowd booed and hissed God and Jerusalem! Hilarious. Hang on, kids, it’s going to be a bumpy ride tonight!

    Patricia (e1d89d)

  67. 64. Comment by Patricia — 9/5/2012 @ 2:09 pm

    Hey, I just tuned in a little late and Tony Villar was just embroiled in a platform fight!

    What was it? I missed the issue itself.

    Probably Jerusalem. Tony Villar (aka Antonio Villaraigosa) is the chairman of the Democratic National Convention.

    Democratic National Convention, which he’s chairing.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  68. 62 gary — but they said it hadn’t been deleted!

    I’m beginning to think that even when they try to tell the truth, their old lies will bite them. Well, that’s true of everyone.

    htom (412a17)

  69. Oh, the platform language. No comment on the other, history-altering, deletions. My bad.

    htom (412a17)

  70. Jerusalem change made to party platform, over loud objections

    Former Ohio governor Ted Strickland introduced two amendments: one affirming Americans’ “God-given potential” and another recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

    Convention Chairman Antonio Villaraigosa asked for a voice vote on the changes, which require a two-thirds majority. The vote was clearly close, and he called for a second and then a third round, after which he declared the two changes had passed, although the vote again sounded about even to many observers. There was loud booing from delegates who objected to the changes.

    They put back in a reference to God and to Jerusalem as being the capital of Israel, although they had to break the rules to do so.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  71. Comments by Kevin M and AD

    I think we all agree it is true that sometimes people can be unscrupulous and swindle people and take advantage of people, and so add to their wealth in unjust ways, but just to have wealth does not mean someone took it from someone else.

    Obama was directly quoted as saying that the rich should pay higher taxes even if the total tax revenues went down, “just to be fair”, even though that would most hurt the poor who need services. That was before election #1.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  72. Patricia – Here is a link from Daily Caller and another from Hot Air describing the original pro-Israel language deletions from the platform that got people excited.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  73. 29. Comment by daleyrocks — 9/5/2012 @ 11:49 am

    Sammy – How do you categorize telling Iran that we will not aid Israel if they attack Iran as long as Iran does not attack U.S. interests in retaliation?

    The U.S. sent a secret message to Iran through two unidentified European countries that the United States would not be dragged into hostilities if Israel attacked Iran over its nuclear program (assuming it wasn’t a joint operation in the first place) as long as U.S. military assets or other specifically American things were attacked.

    Nobody would expect anything else.

    It’s an attempt to deter Iran from attacking U.S. naval ships, closing the Straits of Hormuz and so on.

    That’s not the same thing as not aiding Israel, or even not sending in people to man anti-missile batteries.

    It’s just the difference between a yellow light and a green light.

    It’s not even a declaration the U.S. would not get involved later. It’s not a declaration Israel wouldn’t be helped by emergenecy shipment of arms, or an indication of the posisbility any kind of U.S. Iran deal that Israel would not be happy with.

    Barack Obama is just trying to protect U.S. soldiers from coming under fire..

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  74. This might be an indication that the possibility of an attack in the not too distant future is high.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  75. In a related matter, the U.S. is very unhappy with Iraq, which is allowing Iranian planes to overfly Iraq and land in Damascus Airport with weapons and personnel.

    Barack Obama is sort of standing there like a deer in the headlights.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  76. “The U.S. sent a secret message to Iran through two unidentified European countries that the United States would not be dragged into hostilities if Israel attacked Iran over its nuclear program (assuming it wasn’t a joint operation in the first place) as long as U.S. military assets or other specifically American things were attacked.”

    Sammy – Guess what? It’s not secret.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  77. Barack Obama is just trying to protect U.S. soldiers from coming under fire..
    Comment by Sammy Finkelman — 9/5/2012 @ 2:36 pm

    Unfortunately, a “yellow” light is a “yellow” light, not red. It means, “Push your luck and you will probably get away with it”.

    Once upon a time there were things called allies, and to pick a fight with one was to pick a fight with all.
    Yes, the scenario of an Israeli strike against Iran and being subject to retaliation is very different from responding to an unprovoked attack on Israel; but it doesn’t seem we’ve done anything else forceful to inhibit Iran from getting nukes.

    Just think, there was a time about 10 years ago when the world knew that when the US told a dictator enough was enough, or else, we meant it. The world I think would be better off today had the US been able to maintain that reputation.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  78. “Nobody would expect anything else.”

    Sammy – It is a clear signal to the world that the United States and Israel are not on the same page with respect to Iran. You are free to interpret it however else you want.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  79. the U.S. is very unhappy with Iraq, which is allowing Iranian planes to overfly Iraq and land in Damascus Airport with weapons and personnel.

    Regardless of anything else, are you going to favor the bully next door or the police 2 blocks away?

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  80. “The U.S. sent a secret message to Iran through two unidentified European countries that the United States would not be dragged into hostilities if Israel attacked Iran over its nuclear program (assuming it wasn’t a joint operation in the first place) as long as U.S. military assets or other specifically American things were attacked.”

    Comment by daleyrocks — 9/5/2012 @ 2:43 pm

    Sammy – Guess what? It’s not secret.

    I noticed that.

    It didn’t work.

    Iran says it treats Israeli military threats as American

    DUBAI (Reuters) – Iran makes no distinction between U.S. and Israeli interests and will retaliate against both countries if attacked, an Iranian military commander said on Wednesday….

    “The Zionist regime separated from America has no meaning, and we must not recognize Israel as separate from America,” Ali Fadavi, naval commander in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, was quoted as saying by the Fars news agency.

    “On this basis, today only the Americans have taken a threatening stance towards the Islamic Republic,” Fadavi said. “If the Americans commit the smallest folly they will not leave the region safely.”

    Of course Obama may not be too good at poker.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  81. Actually, I think, the current Iranian regime wants a war – or something.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  82. They think they can win.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  83. Actually, I think, the current Iranian regime wants a war – or something.
    They think they can win.
    Comment by Sammy Finkelman — 9/5/2012 @ 2:49 pm

    Then what is the discussion about? If the Iranians think they can win a war they will start it.
    Even if they didn’t think they could win it, they may start it anyway because of their apocalyptic beliefs. (And no, Christian belief includes nothing about provoking violence and chaos for the sake of hastening the Apocalypse)

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  84. Mayor Mumbles Menino just spoke, I feel sorry for the interpreter, probably has carpal tunnel.

    mg (44de53)

  85. Comment by MD in Philly — 9/5/2012 @ 2:54 pm

    If the Iranians think they can win a war they will start it.

    I think that’s right – if Iran thinks they can win, they will start it. And right now they look like they’re ready to start something.

    Maybe they think they can overwhelm the United States, and put too much on its plate, or that they can sink an aircraft carrier or two.

    Or, they’re bluffing.

    Iran Navy to extend international presence to Atlantic Ocean

    The Navy’s 21st warship fleet, comprising of Alvand and Bandar Abbas warships, returned to Iran after completing its 77-day mission in the North of Indian Ocean, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  86. I think Iran may think they can break the sanctions.
    Or they may prefer attempting to do so to caving in.

    Japan thought that way in the fall of 1941.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  87. James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal’s “Best of the Web” is taking the weather reason for not using the Bank of America Stadium at face value.

    It was raining there.

    I also heard something about a 30% possibility of rain being an average for all years.

    Thousands of people with tickets to Thursday’s speech now won’t be able to get in. They’ll be ticked off if it doesn’t pour. Oh well, Elizabeth Warren is speaking tonight. Maybe she can do a rain dance.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  88. Jerusalem and “God” are back in.

    (CNN) – Democrats voted to update their party’s platform Wednesday evening at their convention to include a reference to Jerusalem being the capital of Israel, as well as the insertion of the word “God,” neither of which was included in their platform this year but was in previous platforms.

    President Barack Obama himself intervened regarding the Jerusalem language, a senior Democratic source told CNN, adding, that he thought the original draft was “a strong statement and he didn’t want there to be any confusion about his unshakeable commitment to the security of state israel. The issue of the day is Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah.”

    carlitos (49ef9f)

  89. Don’t be too quick to interpret diplomatic language:

    Remember US Ambassador to Saddam’s Iraq April Glaspie’s July 1990 response to the sudden Iraqi military build-up, including massing his troops near the Kuwait border.

    She told Saddam that Washington, “does not have an opinion” on the disagreement between Kuwait and Iraq, stating “we have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts.”

    She further stated that the U.S. had no intend “to start an economic war against Iraq”.

    Later, Saddam claimed he had received an official diplomatic green light from the United States to invade Kuwait.

    ropelight (18ab19)

  90. Oh geez, hadn’t refreshed the comments.

    carlitos (49ef9f)

  91. Democratic National Convention scheuled speakers:

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  92. List from Wikipedia for Wednesday:

    The speakers for the day include:

    Luis Gutiérrez, Representative for Illinois’s 4th congressional district

    Diana DeGette, Representative for Colorado’s 1st congressional district

    John Pérez, Speaker of the California State Assembly

    Thomas Menino, Mayor of Boston, Massachusetts

    Judy Chu, Representative for California’s 32nd congressional district

    Steve Westly, Former State Controller and Chief Financial Officer of California

    John Larson, Representative for Connecticut’s 1st congressional district

    Ken Myers, Deputy Sheriff for Carroll County, Iowa

    Richard Trumka, President of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations

    Steve Israel, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman and Representative for New York’s 2nd congressional district

    Patty Murray, Senior Senator from Washington

    Pedro Pierluisi, Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico

    Tom Steyer, Co-founder of Advanced Energy Economy
    Charles Schumer, Senior Senator from New York

    Karen Bass, Representative for California’s 33rd congressional district

    Al Green, Representative for Texas’ 9th congressional district
    Emanuel Cleaver, Representative for Missouri’s 5th congressional district
    Dannel Malloy, Governor of Connecticut
    Denise Juneau, Montana State Superintendent of Public Instruction
    Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader and Representative for California’s 8th congressional district
    Tom Vilsack, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture
    Barbara Mikulski, Senior Senator from Maryland
    Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education
    Johanny Adames
    Jim Hunt, Former Governor of North Carolina
    Harvey Gantt, Former Mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina
    Elizabeth Bruce
    Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America
    Steny Hoyer, House Minority Whip and Representative for Maryland’s 5th congressional district
    Barney Frank, Representative for Massachusetts’s 4th congressional district
    Ed Meagher
    Eric Shinseki, U.S. Secretary of Veteran’s Affairs and Former Chief of Staff of the United States Army
    Michael Nutter, Mayor of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    John Hickenlooper, Governor of Colorado
    Simone Campbell, Executive Director of NETWORK
    Jack Markell, Governor of Delaware
    Karen Mills, Administrator of the Small Business Administration
    Bill Butcher
    Kamala Harris, Attorney General of California
    Benita Veliz, DREAM Act Activist
    Cristina Saralegui, Journalist, Actress and Talk-Show Host
    Sandra Fluke, Georgetown Law School Graduate
    Austin Ligon, Co-founder and Former CEO of CarMax Inc.
    Karen Eusanio
    Bob King, President of the United Auto Workers
    Randy Johnson, Cindy Hewitt and David Foster, Former Employees of Bain Capital
    Chris Van Hollen, Representative for Maryland’s 8th congressional district
    Jim Sinegal, Co-founder and Former CEO of Costco
    Elizabeth Warren, U.S. Senate candidate for Massachusetts[22]
    Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor of Los Angeles, California and Chairman of the 2012 Democratic National Convention
    Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States[22]

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  93. Comment by carlitos — 9/5/2012 @ 3:43 pm

    If you haven’t yet, you need to hear the audio of the vote on the convention floor.

    Somebody(ies) didn’t get the memo. Villaraigosa recognized Strickland (I think) who introduced the motion to change the language. Villaraigosa said the resolution needed a 2/3rds vote to pass. He asked for a verbal vote, more than once, and finally declared it passed, when it clearly was more of a 50:50.

    Hewitt’s been playing it.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  94. Comment by ropelight — 9/5/2012 @ 3:44 pm
    The perfect example of the point I was trying to make.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  95. Forward:

    Cuomo and Hill and a whole lot of nothing.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  96. Thanks MD. I haven’t listened to Hewitt in a long time. I should tune him in on the new internet radio thingie. But not tonight. Swanky dinner with Mrs. Carlito for the anniversary, followed by Cowboys / Giants on TiVo. DNC is not a compelling alternative.

    carlitos (49ef9f)

  97. On Drudge righ now

    Once you vote Black you never go back OBAMA 2012

    (Photo of actual delegate political buttons worn on the convention floor.)

    elissa (9fa026)

  98. Heard Bubba and the WH have been scripting Slick for weeks, working together on his economic apology for DNF Himself.

    I could be wrong, but they trusting the wrong aparatchik, he double deals from the top, bottom and middle of the deck.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  99. That’s pretty funny, elissa.

    Just a side note – I saw William J Clinton in person, shook his hand and all a few months ago. He did not look well. I’m curious how he does with this speech.

    carlitos (49ef9f)

  100. The WWoW’s crystal ball has been hacked:


    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  101. haha… O’Reilly (aka Teh Buffoon) just highlighted today’s Deval Patrick LieFest, as he compared Patrick’s dismal record to Romney’s successful years as Mass Governor… he had Kirsten Powers red-faced/ embarrassed, but Marry Anne Marsh is too stupid a political hack to realize she’d been effectively defenestrated by Teh Buffoon.

    Colonel Haiku (530222)

  102. Sammy had his finger right on the pulse of those platform modifications as usual.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  103. ROTFLMAO:

    Reap the whirlwind Bl*wJ*b.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  104. Just a side note – I saw William J Clinton in person, shook his hand and all a few months ago. He did not look well. I’m curious how he does with this speech.

    Comment by carlitos

    One… no make that a couple of questions, Carlitos… 1) did he wink at you? and 2) did he ask for your phone number? Teh guy is known for drilling anything that’s ambulatory, so teh questions are of a serious nature.

    Colonel Haiku (530222)

  105. Comment by carlitos — 9/5/2012 @ 5:17 pm

    The real important thing, that one may not be told, is that the resolution didn’t really pass, V just said it did, I guess because it was supposed to, but there was no way the “yea’s and “nay’s” sounded like 66/33; more like 50/50. Dem convention officially for God and Jerusalem, unofficially against for all to see who were watching.

    For me in the east Hewitt can be convenient to listen to while working in the kitchen, etc.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  106. Once you vote Black you never go back OBAMA 2012
    (Photo of actual delegate political buttons worn on the convention floor.)

    Comment by elissa — 9/5/2012 @ 5:20 pm

    First post-racial president. Afraid not.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  107. Tony Villargrossa is a very undemocratic li’l fellow…

    Colonel Haiku (530222)

  108. The real Cherokee of Cherokee N.C. have a few things to say to Fauxchahontas. Excellent!

    elissa (1144d8)

  109. BDS nothing, dementia is inbred:

    The lie being he can’t breathe underwater?

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  110. SPQR, that is such a sad, sad video. I don’t even know what to say. These people would kill the goose that laid the golden egg.

    Dustin (73fead)

  111. 115. This genius on the HotAir column linked above on Urkel’s bleeding of the Left:

    “The only majority vote Republicans can currently count on is that of older white males and the 65+ segment of the population…both of which are shrinking as a share of the electorate. Every other demographic group – blacks, Hispanics, Asians, young people, women, LGBT – lean Democratic. And furthermore, each are increasing their share of the electorate.”

    Magic is underwater with women, especially married women, to a slight edge over men. Seniors are notably about to swell their demographic, and LGBT do not reproduce, gene or no, East Asians are not especially Donk leaning, and Hispanics like work, kids, and liberty, not an auspicous hook up for Marxists.

    With no money, holding this ethnic goulash together is fantasmagoric.

    gary gulrud (dd7d4e)

  112. Hmmm, what could the Democratic Convention really need?

    I know! Calls for more failed gun control measures so that Obama can “stimulate” more gun sales, the only successful Obama “stimulation”.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  113. I’m watching the Cowboys, but glancing around it appears Debbie Washingmachine-Shinglehanger is explaining in precise terms why people should run away from the DNC as quickly as possible.

    I only insult her because there have been few more deserving recipients.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  114. I could not bear to watch, even with the sound off. Is Sandra Fluke handing a pizza to Clinton,
    in a short skirt, and flipping her thong as she walks off the stage?

    nk (875f57)

  115. Whoa, ABC isn’t even showing Saint Fluke’s speech. It might give the oldsters the vapors.

    Of course, you have to suffer Donna Brazille, Stephanpopoucicle, George Will, Diane Sawyer, Cokie Roberts and Matthew Dodd, apparently on hand to push the wheelchairs.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  116. In case you’re wondering, Michelle hit it out of the park and she may be elected to high office soon! Yea!

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  117. Yep, Will and Brazille confirm that Michelle is a rock star. Someone is the first to do something according to Stephanoupsaur breathlessly. Back to the game. Please leave tips for Pat if you liked my play-by-play of ABC’s coverage of the DNC.

    Wait, please leave tips for Pat if you didn’t like my coverage of the DNC. That should work better.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  118. 97. It was not only not 2/3 and more like 50-50, but the Nays seemed to have it. Anthony Villagroisa (sp?) just faked the results it after 3 tries.

    Sammy Finkelman (8c951a)

  119. Michelle is a sensible South Side Chicago mom. She wants the best schools for her daughters, a $35m home in Hawaii, and a $3m/year retirement account. “Mr. Stinky” is just the price to pay.

    nk (875f57)

  120. Elizabeth Warren speaking “sure never dreamed I’d be the warm up act” for President Clinton.

    “game is rigged against them – wasn’t always this way”

    Sammy Finkelman (8c951a)

  121. CBS News reported about 20 min ago Pres Obama en route to convention for surprise appearance (probably on stage with President Clinton.

    Didn’t he make a surprise appearance a day early also in 2008?

    Sammy Finkelman (8c951a)

  122. I bet the former President never dreamed she would be the “warm-up” act either.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  123. You know, I don’t think Matt Welch is going to be very impressed tonight either. See comment #21 above.

    elissa (1144d8)

  124. Eliz Warren: Her political hero before Obama: Theodor Roosevelt. Romney has money in Cayman Islands to avoid taxes. Romney wants to raise taxes $2,000 on avg people. Corporations are not people because people die. Her agency made a bank pay back money – that’s what happens when you have Pres on side of middle class.

    Sammy Finkelman (8c951a)

  125. Comment by Sammy Finkelman — 9/5/2012 @ 7:14 pm

    I definitely agree with you that the voice vote did not pass, V only said it did. To me I couldn’t say by ear alone whether yeas or nays were louder, but the yeas should have been obviously louder for it to pass, and they weren’t.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  126. ABC cuts away from the nation’s Great Red Hope.

    I denounce my racist self a hundred times over for offending Native Americans and some old white lady. Stupid racist me.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  127. Did Pocahontas realllly just say that Ted Kennedy knew how to act when called ?

    That’s the guy who left Mary Jo Kopechne to drown, and failed to report it to the authorities until after lunch the following day…after consulting his personal attorney.

    I swear, Democrats have no sense if irony.

    Elephant Stone (65d289)

  128. 59. 48. Define “Nobody”.

    Comment by gary gulrud — 9/5/2012 @ 1:38 pm

    Dennis Kucinich

    Steve57 (40573d)

  129. CBS reported Pres Obama got personally involved in platform change. Asked why it was changed. Of he didn’t cause it, who did? Hillary Clinton? Bill Clinton? ?

    NYT this morning complained about things in platform but never mentioned by speakers: Ban on assault weapons. Ending poverty. Carbon emissions need to be cut because of climate change. Nuclear nonproliferation. Confronting North Korea. Combatting narcotics trafficking. Campaign finance reform.

    Sammy Finkelman (8c951a)

  130. Tony V: Dem rules say only one person can be nominated. Clinton will speak. Short video comes first,.

    Sammy Finkelman (8c951a)

  131. Clinton: Hoarse.

    wants to nominate a man cool on outside, burns for America on inside

    Since 1961 job score Rep 24 M Dem 42m 42 million

    Sammy Finkelman (8c951a)

  132. There you have it:

    “We’re all better together than you are on your own,” with the government leading. That’s what Democrats believe.

    The most popular man in America just said it. I saw it. Let’s all celebrate comrades.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  133. Rep like Eisenhower Reagan both Bushs were OK. Did things. . What’s works in real world is co-operation. Business and gov Foundations and universities.

    Sammy Finkelman (8c951a)

  134. 128. CBS News reported about 20 min ago Pres Obama en route to convention for surprise appearance (probably on stage with President Clinton.

    Didn’t he make a surprise appearance a day early also in 2008?

    Comment by Sammy Finkelman — 9/5/2012 @ 7:20 pm

    King Putt hates to be upstaged. That’s why he picked Biden as his Veep.

    Steve57 (40573d)

  135. 134. Did Pocahontas realllly just say that Ted Kennedy knew how to act when called ?

    That’s the guy who left Mary Jo Kopechne to drown, and failed to report it to the authorities until after lunch the following day…after consulting his personal attorney.

    I swear, Democrats have no sense if irony.

    Comment by Elephant Stone — 9/5/2012 @ 7:32 pm

    I wish I could take credit for this, but I read it somewhere today; the Democrats keep talking about a war on women and so far the star of the Democratic National Convention was a man with the only confirmed kill.

    Steve57 (40573d)

  136. What you want to bet the President comes out to hug Bubba.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  137. Uh oh. Clinton just said we’ll feel something. Words to the wise.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  138. Clinton going on waaaaaaay toooooooo loooooong. Get the hook.

    elissa (1144d8)

  139. Oh my, Clinton is still going on. It’s important again. I’m sure it makes sense in context. Oh, he’s scaring the old folk.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  140. Oh my, Clinton is still going on. It’s important again. I’m sure it makes sense in context. Oh, he’s scaring the old folk.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  141. So silly, I apparently had to post it twice.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  142. Oh no, Bill is playing the down syndrome and autism card against the GOP.

    Doesn’t he belong to the same party that trashed Sarah Palin’s baby, four years ago ?

    Elephant Stone (65d289)

  143. Oh my, Clinton is lying. There’s a surprise.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  144. Not to worry Ag80. No one is still awake to notice. He is blowing it by not having the discipline to know when to quit.

    elissa (1144d8)

  145. So, it’s not the spending, it’s the lack of taxes. That is arithmetic. Brought to you by the Dems who can’t find a single thing to cut except the stuff that will cause cataclysm.

    I hate to say it, but Clinton doesn’t know arithmetic and he’s turned into a pied piper for disaster.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  146. Billy Jeff’s just going down all sleeeeepy’s tired talking points now. Nothing original.

    elissa (1144d8)

  147. The funny thing is, I keep finding things to ridicule during commercial breaks for the football game. By that alone, I would say that Clinton does not know when to stop.

    If Obama is indeed waiting in the wings, he’s got to be really, really mad.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  148. The funny thing is, I keep finding things to ridicule during commercial breaks for the football game. By that alone, I would say that Clinton does not know when to stop.

    If Obama is indeed waiting in the wings, he’s got to be really, really mad.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  149. And there he is: The big O. The President takes the stage to say, “Why didn’t you shut up?”

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  150. Did anyone clue Clinton that there was a good NFL game on so keep it short? Almost all of what Clinton said about the GOP’s failure to work together applies even moreso to Jarrett…uh, Obama. The idea is agree with Jarrett…uh, Obama is good cooperation, disagreeing with them is bad, evil and wrong. DO IT OUR WAY! NOW!

    Caught a bit of Tom Brokaw with Hannity. Good luck with the Ls, Tom.

    Bugg (6cf7f9)

  151. 155. The funny thing is, I keep finding things to ridicule during commercial breaks for the football game. By that alone, I would say that Clinton does not know when to stop.

    If Obama is indeed waiting in the wings, he’s got to be really, really mad.

    Comment by Ag80 — 9/5/2012 @ 8:22 pm

    He knows when to stop. He’ll stop just as soon as Sandra Fluke fetches back that drink he told her to get him.

    Steve57 (40573d)

  152. Ladies and Gentlemen, the next President of the United States: Bill Clinton!

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  153. Wait, the next President of the United States may be Kevin Ogletree.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  154. Stay the course. We’ve heard that before.

    nk (875f57)

  155. Don’t get complacent. Get door to door.

    nk (875f57)

  156. Admiral Oldsmobile and Fauxahontas… yeah, baby, yeah.

    Colonel Haiku (530222)

  157. Cowboys win. How did that happen?

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  158. Cherokee people… Cherokee tribe
    Slick Willie wouldn’t stop
    Liawatha lied

    Colonel Haiku (530222)

  159. As a 1/1,000,000,000,000th Cherokee, I really resent your jibes against Warren.

    nk (875f57)

  160. Whatever happened to the “one-drop” rule? Do we live in the CSA or the USA?

    nk (875f57)

  161. Since I was watching the game and only commented during breaks, did Clinton really say we’re better off now? Just curious. That’s what CNN says.

    Ag80 (b2c81f)

  162. The delegates have better funny hats than the GOP people.

    Funniest moment, besides Tony Villar’s incompetence at being the chair, was when they were talking about the heroic first responders (i.e., union members) and they showed a cop sitting down, then cut away quickly when they realized he was asleep!

    Patricia (e1d89d)

  163. I did not hear that, Ag80, but we are certainly better off without the scent of thongs and pizzas in the Oval Office.

    nk (875f57)

  164. teh crooked finger
    wags and it makes me think of
    the lies and fat girls

    Colonel Haiku (530222)

  165. ____________________________________________

    He is blowing it by not having the discipline to know when to quit.

    That suddenly reminds me of his notoriously and laughably long-winded speech at the Democrat convention back in 1988, or some time before he started formally campaigning for the White House. He was mocked back then for not having enough sense to realize his speech was ridiculously overextended. So 24 years later and history is repeating itself.

    I also recall his giving a speech in LA right after the big earthquake struck Northridge in 1994, during his tour of the damage. Again, he went on and on, and on.

    Clinton also is notorious for showing up late to appointments.

    Bubba and Obama, two narcissists to the max, and two of the leading figureheads of the Democrat Party and left.


    Mark (e03145)

  166. Did Monica ever get another man? I cannot help but wonder that if any other man would wonder, when he was kissing her, that he was _____ Clinton by proxy.

    nk (875f57)

  167. teh man on man hug
    two… two… two liars in one
    history is made

    Colonel Haiku (530222)

  168. who knew monica
    would be giving lewinskys
    free on Chanukah?

    Colonel Haiku (530222)

  169. got no stadium
    and they got no balloons but
    plenty of buffoons

    Colonel Haiku (530222)

  170. After rambling on and on, and then hugging the Chosen One after the speech, Bill nown has some latitude to take some digs at Obama during the next couple months if he wants to go that route. If he’s criticized for it, he can always say, “Hey, I stood up there for an hour at the Convention, and then hugged the man—how can you say I’m trying to sabotage him ?!”

    I think if the Clintons are focused on Hilary running for Prez in 2016, they’d need Romney to defeat Obama, for multiple reasons.
    That way, Hilary could run in ’16 against a man who is her age (Romney), rather than have to run against a much younger fresher Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal, or Chris Christie in 2016.

    Also, if Obama wins in November, I think a younger Andrew Cuomo or Brian Schweitzer would be more likely to be passed the baton as the Dem nominee in ’16, rather than the Dems choosing a nearly 70 year old Hilary Clinton.

    If Romney beats Obama, then the Clintons will at least have the argument, “See, he really wasn’t ready for that proverbial 3AM phone call—you guys should have nominated me in ’08.”

    Elephant Stone (65d289)

  171. Barack Obama is sort of standing there like a deer in the headlights.

    He has another, different posture?


    Smock Puppet, 10th Dan Snark Master (8e2a3d)

  172. Colonel,


    Well played. With Sleeeepy’s earlier fantasies about America becoming more like Germany, I’m sure there’s a Nena “99 Luft Balloons Buffoons” joke in there somewhere, but I’m too tired to pursue it.

    Elephant Stone (65d289)

  173. I assume Clinton has finished and is banging Fluke as we speak?

    Rodney King's Spirit (aeda60)

  174. Given it is Clinton …
    Given he is not POTUS anymore …
    Given he can’t smoke given the heart condition …
    Given we know Fluke has lifetime supply to birth control …
    Given Hilary is in Asia …

    I predict a cream pie surprise.

    Rodney King's Spirit (aeda60)

  175. Bill Clinton and Chris Dodd are giving Fluke the ol’ “waitress sandwich” treatment as a tribute to the late Sen. Ted Kennedy as we speak.

    Steve57 (40573d)

  176. Bill Clinton gushing lies like a fire hose brought back a lot of memories.

    The fact checkers are going to have a field day with the pile of manure he dropped on the stage tonight.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  177. fact checkers: What Clinton lies? Ooh, look! Paul Ryan just claimed Anderson Cooper said DWS was living in an “alternate reality.”

    Liar! That’s a four pinocchio, pants on fire lie! Lie, lie, lie!

    Anderson Cooper said DWS was living in an “alternate universe.”

    “Lyin’ Ryan does it again,” says CNN headline writing staff.

    But getting back to Clinton’s speech, we factcheckers could find nothing wrong with it.

    Steve57 (40573d)

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