Obama Administration Knew Stevens Assassination Was Terrorist Attack Within 24 Hours
Unbelievable — and yet, so very, very believable:
Five days after the attack on the Benghazi consulate that left four Americans dead, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, the Obama administration sent UN Ambassador Susan Rice onto five Sunday talk shows to insist that the sacking of the consulate was the result of a protest over a YouTube video that “spun out of control.” The government of Libya was already scoffing at that story, and by the end of the next week the White House began reluctantly admitting that terrorists had attacked the diplomatic mission. Today, however, Eli Lake reports for the Daily Beast that the Obama administration knew within 24 hours that the attack had not been a spontaneous event, but a well-planned terrorist attack.
Terrorist attack on September 11, administration lies about it, media ignores.
I don’t see any news here, do you?
The media is going to continue to ignore this — unless Mitt Romney brings it up, every day, until they finally confront it.
Let’s go, Mitt.