Cain Surging?
[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here. Or by Twitter @AaronWorthing.]
Well, that is according to Zogby, which in my experience has not exactly been the most reliable poll. Still, for what it’s worth (h/t The Blaze):
Herman Cain has opened up a 20 percentage point lead among likely Republican primary voters in the race for the Presidential nomination, and also holds a narrow lead among all likely voters over President Barack Obama.
Cains share of the GOP primary has jumped 10 percentage points since Sept. 26 and is now at 38%. Mitt Romney is second with 18%, followed by both Rick Perry and Ron Paul, at 12% each.
The Oct. 3-5 IBOPE Zogby interactive poll also matches Cain, Romney and Perry against Obama. Cain led Obama, 46%-44%, while Obama is one-point ahead of Romney, 41%-40%, and leads Perry, 45%-40%.
Probably the more significant long-term number there is how he polls against the President. Maybe I am projecting my own beliefs onto Republicans, but the most important qualification is that the candidate can beat Obama. I think Republicans care about this more than they have in a long time. And truly the only person in the GOP field—including people who have not declared, even declared they were not running (like Christie and Palin)—that is so awful I might actually vote for Obama over him or her is Ron Paul. And I said “might,”—I might still pull the lever for Paul rather than four more years of Obama. We are literally at the “almost anything would be an improvement” stage.
Of course that poll number against Obama might be deceptive. Just today at Hot Air we learn that nearly half of Americans can’t even name a single GOP contender: