The TOTUS Has Been Abducted! (Maybe!) And a Contest!
[Guest post by Aaron Worthing; if you have tips, please send them here. Or by Twitter @AaronWorthing.]
TOTUS, as you might know, means Teleprompter of the United States, meaning the President’s teleprompter, an acronym that has gotten a lot more use since Obama became president, because of his downright embarrassing dependency on it. Why we don’t call it TOPOTUS (Teleprompter of the President of the United States), I don’t know. Anyway, so earlier today it was stolen and maybe we recovered it:
A truck filled with President Obama’s podiums and audio equipment was stolen in Henrico just days before his visit to Chesterfield.
We confirmed an investigation with the U.S. Defense Department. There are still a lot of questions. The biggest one being did the thieves intentionally target the President’s truck or did they take advantage of a crime of opportunity and give a big “uh-oh” when they saw what was inside.
When you see President Obama speak, there is a pretty typical setup including the presidential seal on a podium, the see-thru Teleprompter and a portable sound system.
Thieves saw the truck carrying that equipment and couldn’t resist the target.
We’re told the truck was parked at the Virginia Center Commons Courtyard Marriott in advance on Wednesday’s presidential visit to Chesterfield.
Sources said inside that vehicle was about $200,000 worth of sound equipment, several podiums and presidential seals, behind which only the President himself can stand.
They told NBC12 around 12:30 Monday afternoon that truck was recovered in the parking lot of the Holiday Inn Express near the airport and hotel staff confirm police activity. One guest we spoke with said he saw various law enforcement agencies examining a white box truck parked there.
Which of course doesn’t answer the question: did they recover the POTOTUS?
And in my mischievous mind I thought, “Hey, this calls for a little fun.”
So starting today I am announcing a contest. The prize? Respect. And maybe as it develops we can get you something more tangible.
So this is what I want you to do. Create a picture related to the idea of the POTOTUS being abducted. You could show it with a gun pointed at it, or maybe with the current issue of a news paper, whatever works for you. Just make it something suggesting the POTOTUS has been kidnapped. And then I want you to caption your picture with what you would demand if you were going to ransom it.
Like here’s one I created:
Yeah, probably not very funny and not even particularly well done, but that’s where you come in! Send me your best pictures that fit that template to If we get enough, I will even give you guys a chance to vote on your favorite.
And let’s say that the deadline for this contest is Monday, so you have a whole weekend to come up with something better than mine.
And once again, the first prize is… respect! And like I said, maybe I will think of something more tangible I can give you. But hey, at least you can have some fun with it, right?
[Posted and authored by Aaron Worthing.]