Patterico's Pontifications


MSM: Obamacare was Obama’s Biggest Mistake (Neutral Story Line)

Filed under: General — Karl @ 10:37 am

[Posted by Karl]

On Sunday’s The Chris Matthews Show, the HuffPo’s Howard Fineman and the WaPo’s David Ignatius both identified Obamacare as Pres. Obama’s biggest mistake.  On Twitter, some on the right — including some I consider to be very sharp — consider the comments an interesting admission, or worthy of mockery.  There is more to the comments than that.

Consider the actual quotes:

HOWARD FINEMAN, HUFFINGTON POST: Chris, on things under his control, not the wars so much because they were built in, his decision to spend all of his political capital in a year and a half of his time on the healthcare reform law I think was his biggest political mistake.

MATTHEWS: Wow. Smart statement.


DAVID IGNATIUS, WASHINGTON POST: I would agree with Howard. The idea of launching a major change in social legislation without having a consensus in the country and in Congress about what that should look like was a mistake. That’s just not how a president makes good policy.

Note what is not said.  Neither believes a government takeover of the healthcare sector was a bad policy.  Rather, they believe it was a political mistake and that it is “bad process” to pass legislation without consensus.  The establishment media took an entirely opposite position when it counted.  When the debate was raging, the media never tired of writing about how everyone was going to love Obamacare after it was passed.

The comments from Fineman and Ignatius reflect two things.  First, they are a belated recognition that Obamacare is truly unpopular.  Second, they reflect a need to get themselves on the record against passing big, controversial legislation now, before the 2012 election.  Should the GOP thump Obama and the Dems next year, they want to be able to point to comments like this when they oppose anything like the House GOP budget, entitlement reform and so on. 

It’s just another iteration of the “Neutral Story Line.”  The establishment media rejected the idea that it was wrong to legislate gigantic societal change when Democrats had big enough majorities in Congress.  Now that the GOP may end up in control, it’s a bad idea… until such time as the Dems win again.


82 Responses to “MSM: Obamacare was Obama’s Biggest Mistake (Neutral Story Line)”

  1. Yes, they always come out in oppostion to sweeping “comprehensive” legislation after the country has arisen in overwhelming oppostion to same, whether or not it has passed, since the fact of the legislation has become an albatross around the neck of Progressives everywhere, and threatens to drag them down to an overwhelming defeat.
    They don’t give a fig about whether of not the legislation was effective, and/or needed, it is just the atmospherics and how it affects the future electability of those who the media thinks should lead the country.
    With ObamaCare, they backed the wrong horse, and they saw the results in 2010 (all very predictable BTW –
    they saw the polls that, as the debate unfolded, showed that this legislation was increasingly unpopular and they ignored that unpopularity;
    all the while saying how good it would be once it was passed and we knew what was in it),
    and they foresee the results in 2012, and they are frightened to death.
    Oh, Boo-Hoo!

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (8fe3ec)

  2. sharpest peeps all know
    milbank and ignatius

    ColonelHaiku (024133)

  3. MATTHEWS: Wow. Smart statement.

    How many conservatives have rightfully wailed about Obamacare being the worst decision the president has made (and for the same reasons Fineman gives) and yet they were mocked by Matthews? But let a Huffpo journalist make the same claim it’s immediately laudable and profound.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  4. Obama’s worst mistake? Getting elected, the poor sap.

    C. S. P. Schofield (b8ee74)

  5. Store this under … Everybody loves a winner, everybody hates a loser.

    Talk about Monday morning QBs. What disgusting turds Fineman,et al

    S. Carter aka J-Z (049336)

  6. But you know in your hearts who Fineman and Ignatius will be pulling for in the 2012 race and it won’t be the R’s. They have a candidate to re-elect and will do their duty to see that that happens. They along with Matthews are nothing more than shills.

    Ipso Fatso (74cbec)

  7. Other things that will come up again:

    The debt the Republic owes to the Filibuster.
    The evils of Gerrymanders
    Dissent is patriotic
    The homeless epidemic
    Crony capitalists
    Wall Street versus Main Street
    Casualty counts and crippled veterans

    all it will take is Republican control.

    Kevin M (563f77)

  8. Dear Karl,

    What can Fineman say? Were you expecting mea culpas? Even to those who pay little attention to politics, it is readily apparent that things are getting worse, not better. The personal toll is heartlessly non-partisan. The inconvenient truth is that liberal nostrums have not worked. The Obama cheerleading team, including liberal pundits and pols, and some soft-headed conservatives as well, has no place to hide.

    To anyone paying attention, the failure is not with Obama so much as it is with liberal policy nostrums. Through his actions (e.g., the continuation of Bush era war on terror policies, TARP II, and, most recently, the reversal of EPA mandated ozone rules) even Obama has acknowledged this. The killing of bin Laden, arguably the highest achievement of this administration, conveys an explicit repudiation of liberal politics.

    So why is Obama being fingered to take the fall? The liberal establishment is beginning to realize that it is either him or us. Ad hominem attacks are the only recourse for those on the left. The new meme is “blame the personality, blame the process, just don’t blame the politics.” Were you expecting Howard Fineman to fall on his sword?

    Yours truly,


    ThOR (94646f)

  9. Mister Tingles can
    motormouth with best of them
    like mook on meth jag

    ColonelHaiku (024133)

  10. ThOR,

    I agree with your point, but wrote to note it’s only half of what’s going on. It’s not merely throwing Obama under the bus personally to cling to their “progressive” philosophy. It’s also pivoting to the arguments they expect to make if and when Obama loses.

    Karl (37b303)

  11. They’re preparing the Post-Obama battlefield.

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (8fe3ec)

  12. While I dislike most of the policies Obama has supported, I have vowed to fight Obamacare to my dying days and I will!

    JoyO (6e3dcd)

  13. Coffee cup in hand I took a few minutes to read Mo-Do’s brutal column in the NYT and the accompanying comments. Now, this post from Karl. I am beginning to wonder if there is a desperate behind the scenes effort being mounted by influential Dems (using the media of course) to urge Obama to announce he will not run for a second term while there is still time for them to field another candidate. There is an aura of hopelessness and inevitability that the President is not up to the task, and that he can not be re-elected starting to peek through the clouds out there in lib-land.

    His deciding to leave as “a good one term president” could solve a lot of sticky wickets for the congressional Dems who face having to run on the same ticket with him in 2012.

    elissa (1b352c)

  14. It was a volatile situation. Then something interesting happened, which shows how closely the authorities are monitoring events: The minister of the interior arrived on the scene about 30 minutes after the protest started, apologized to the beaten man and took him away in his car. The police officers were reprimanded. The crowd eventually dispersed, and some (perhaps with official encouragement) began chanting in favor of Assad.

    here is another measure of ignatius’ whorish pliability

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  15. oops link

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  16. elissa, I was surprised to see MoDo’s relentlessness toward the president. She’s disgusted with him, yet still manages to place a lot of the blame for his folly on the unyielding R’s, but nonetheless, I didn’t expect such a direct shot from her,

    Obama’s re-election chances depend on painting the Republicans as disrespectful. So why would the White House act disrespectful by scheduling a speech to a joint session of Congress at the exact time when the Republicans already had a debate planned?

    And why is the White House so cocky about Obama as a TV draw against quick-draw Rick Perry? As James Carville acerbically noted, given a choice between watching an Obama speech and a G.O.P. debate, “I’d watch the debate, and I’m not even a Republican.”

    The president is scrambling and you know just how bad it is when his only *cover* (using the term very loosely) is Jay Carney’s cockamamie spin on everything. Desperate times, desperate measures, and you take what you can get.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  17. Mr. Feets – I thought you were talking about an environmental protest in the U.S., like for the Keystone Pipeline.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  18. the keystone pipeline thing is one of those stories what can startle normal people who maybe voted for Obama last time but didn’t realize how viscerally people on Obama’s team hate hate hate jobs

    happyfeet (3c92a1)

  19. Jay Carney’s cockamamie spin

    You mean Mr. Pickelpuss?

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (8fe3ec)

  20. Obama made a lot of mistakes with respect to the HCR legislation, the most significant of which was the timing – when he’d subcontracted out the economic policy to Bernanke.

    But the next most significant was that Obama chose the role of cheerleader rather than actual leader. He did nothing to lead the actual crafting of the legislation, did almost nothing to influence its major policy choices, and often appeared ignorant of the details of what had been drafted. That got noticed more and more toward the fall of ’09 as the more he campaigned for it, the less popular it grew.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  21. Jay Carney is proof of how utterly wrong I am each time I’ve said in the past that the last press secretary was the stupidest guy I could imagine.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  22. Another Drew,

    The Barone analysis is very good. And lining each of his salient points is the administration’s consistent and unfailing underestimation of the American public’s intelligence and powers of observation. They assume we will not see, will not be able to connect the dots, and will not be able to grasp the degree of contempt they have for us. Their unspoken message is that we are essentially, in the way of their progress. It’s our fault.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  23. Politicians of any ilk should never be trusted. Political commentators should be held to slightly lesser trust than politicians. And Press Secretaries shouldn’t even be listened to. (sic)

    dfbaskwill (c021f2)

  24. The devastating fact about Obamacare is that simple reforms using a market mechanism would have gone a long way to help the real problems of health care costs.

    One very simple reform would be to allow balance billing in Medicare, and for that matter private insurance. A real growing problem is inadequate compensation for medical providers, especially doctors. They are growing unwilling to see Medicare beneficiaries. Practice consultants to internal medicine practices recommend no more than 11% Medicare in a practice.

    The Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale has notified Medicare that it will accept no more patients.

    A very simple solution would be to allow doctors to charge an amount greater than the Medicare payment so long as it was fully disclosed prior to treatment.

    The effect would be to go back to something like the 1950s when wealthy patients were charged more than poor patients and the fact of the increased charge would discourage excessive utilization.

    The problem with such an approach is that it surrenders control to the doctors and patients. Bureaucrats might be laid off since they had nothing to regulate. The French have used such a system since the Second World War and it results in high quality and lower cost by about 50%.

    Mike K (8f3f19)

  25. dfbaskwill,

    While I normally would agree with you, I still adore Dana Perino. Smart, professional, cool and collected…I can’t remember an instance when she was anything but while Bush’s PS…and Tony Snow, too. Perhaps they are the exceptions to the rule?

    They seemed to have lacked that inherent snakeoil salesman quality that most of the others possess.

    Dana (4eca6e)

  26. Comment by Dana — 9/4/2011 @ 1:50 pm

    Someone on the ‘net this weekend quoted Dick Tuck, or at least they thought it was he, in opining about the voters:

    “The voters have spoken, Damn Them!”

    We just refuse to listen to our betters at our own peril…

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (8fe3ec)

  27. Dana, Ms. Perino and Mr. Snow are basically conservatives, and could speak from the heart, and not attempt to conceal their true intentions.
    The same cannot be said for Progressives; or as Rush is want to say:
    They have to lie or no one would ever vote for them.

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (8fe3ec)

  28. SPQR,

    I think it’s debatable whether O’s lack of direct involvement in crafing O-Care was a net negative. Carter often managed to be ineffectual because he did try to insert himself too much in the legislative process. Arguably, O-care got passed because O limited himself to buying off “stakeholders” — PhRMA, AARP, AMA, etc. — and left the sausage-making to the sausage-makers. It wasn’t going to be popular anyway, so it made a certain sense for Obama to seem ignorant of — or distance himself from — the details.

    Karl (37b303)

  29. …and, Yes!, I know Tony is no longer with us, and a great loss it was.

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (8fe3ec)

  30. Karl, I think the concern is that no one ever explained it. The left wanted NHS style single payer and the right wanted to be left alone. This required lies being told to everyone.

    Mike K (8f3f19)

  31. Actually, Obama’s biggest mistake was outsourcing all of “his” legislation to Pelosi/Reid, as if he had a choice.

    A. Weiner (d1c681)

  32. Actually the Apollo Alliance, crafted the plan, as with the stimulus, Congress just took dictation.

    ian cormac (4e0dda)

  33. Karl, you missed the Colonel’s tip in his #2 comment. In your first sentence, second to last paragraph, you mistakenly wrote Milbank instead of Ignatius.

    Ordinarily, it wouldn’t matter, but this is an important post.

    ropelight (fb3c97)

  34. Yes, Milbank would never come to this conclusion, except in the Fringe universe.

    ian cormac (4e0dda)

  35. Col, ropelight,


    Karl (37b303)

  36. Colonel ropelight, I like that. As you were.

    ropelight (fb3c97)

  37. You right wing KKK members………………..I say they are right-wing because they hated communism.

    /Little Green chicken abusers

    I don’t believe in the above which is why I put the Little Green chicken abusers stuff in here.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  38. Gee, Nazi’s hated communists, but they were just two-sides of the same Socialist coin.
    Who knew that socialists were members of the VRWC?

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (8fe3ec)

  39. Karl, IMO, I think it was a net negative precisely because it became obvious that his “signature” issue had no signature on it.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  40. ObamaCare is proof positive the Democrat Party has rejected the very foundations of representative democracy in blind adherence to the tyrannical imposition of a collectivist bureaucratic institution on an unwilling populace.

    Is it any wonder they’re looking for someone else to pick up the tab?

    ropelight (fb3c97)

  41. We’re talkin’ Lifeboat Ethics here.

    ropelight (fb3c97)

  42. Dear Karl,

    Thanks for the reply. Yes, I agree, the post-defeat party line is taking shape as we speak. I find the process quite mesmerizing. Reading political blogs, I am experiencing a sensation much like what I once felt when a friend lost control of a car we were riding in: everything is slowing down and I can see the impact coming. The impact I am referring to here is the reaction from Black Americans who still think Obama can do no wrong. These are the same Black Americans whom the Democrats have been assuring that achievement is rightfully a product of demographic entitlement rather than individual merit. This will not sit well with America’s largest minority group, nor should it. I don’t think the Democrats have thought this one through.

    Yours truly,


    ThOR (94646f)

  43. Obama bought off key votes to ram the plan through despite most Americans being against it. Now Obama gives waivers to his cronies. I thought he said that if you like your medical plan, you can keep it. Then why are waivers necessary?

    AZ Bob (aa856e)

  44. This blog post is super juicy. It looks like they are going to start fighting back. It’s about time somebody took on these counter-productive ignoramuses!

    If FreedomWorks gets their way, President Obama is going to get re-elected… Can’t we all just allow the candidates speak and let people decide for themselves!

    Dan (0663b3)

  45. that’s that Kibbee Kat
    the guy with funky sideburns
    and thousand yard stare

    ColonelHaiku (024133)

  46. How to fix healthcare in ten easy steps:

    Step One: Deport illegal Latinos.
    Step Two: Deport more illegal Latinos.
    Step Three: Deport still more illegal Latinos.
    Step Four: Deport visa over-stayers, fake “students,” and chain migrants, along with their families.
    Step Five: There are probably still a lot of Latinos that you forgot to deport earlier. Deport them.
    Step Six: By now you will start to notice that public hospitals, clinics, and emergency rooms are once again becoming usable for the actual Americans who built them in the first place, thus taking a good deal of pressure off the system.
    Step Seven: Nationalize the cost of maintenance of chronic care for a suite of say about a dozen common long-term ailments, things like Alzheimer’s and certain cancers, which tend to bankrupt families b/c of their duration. Do this as an explicit quid pro quo with the insurance companies, thus alleviating certain of their long-term costs in exchange for their flexibility w/r/t clients who have pre-existing conditions.
    Step Eight: Now that the basic problems have been shrunk considerably, take a step back and evaluate. What further steps should be taken or avoided, in light of the improvements? What needs to be adjusted?
    Step Nine: Take those relevant adjustment steps after due consultation with the electorate.
    Step Ten: Whoops! Just found a couple million extra illegal Latinos hiding under the floorboards. Deport them.

    d. in c. (1e48bc)

  47. Thanks for the spam, Dan.

    JD (318f81)

  48. How about we deport illegals of all races paulturd.

    Obama was elected because he was half black if he were full white he would not have made it out of the primaries.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  49. d in c, thanks for taking a serious issue and making it look like the racist crap we don’t need to see around here.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  50. It isn’t “racist crap,” it’s realism. Stop being so childish about the word “racism.”

    TOJO TO ADMIRAL HALSEY: Why are you being so racistly racist?!

    So. Let’s take DB’s advice and “deport illegals of all races”. Okay. Abracadabra, done! Who did you mostly just deport?

    If you answered “Latinos,” then congratulations, you win a free kitten.

    Somalis and Irishmen can’t just walk here, can they. But who can?

    If you answered “Latinos,” you win a puppy.

    Who of all groups advocating for sustained illegal invasion/colonization is most politically entrenched, most linguistically chauvinistic, and most racially aggressive?
    Whose sheer numbers alter the political calculus through plain old critical mass?

    That’s right, Uzbekistanis.

    Until you’re willing to speak frankly, things will continue as they do, and you can explain to your grandchildren in Spanish (not in Malay, not in French) why you thought it wasn’t such a big deal.

    But you get a pat on the head for being Pure of Heart. Next.

    d. in c. (6d8a47)

  51. Why is it racist to deport illegals?

    AZ Bob (aa856e)

  52. SPQR and DohBiden: you’ve both accused me of being “racist”. In today’s society it’s a rather serious charge and can have rather serious consequences.

    So I’d like the two of you to be serious about it.

    Please post (individually) your working definitions of “racism” and “racist”. In other words, please let us know precisely what you mean when you use these terms. People often mean very different things when they use these hermeneutically unstable words; I’d like to know exactly what it is you think _you_ mean.

    Thanks in advance.

    d. in c. (1e48bc)

  53. It is racist to only deport one set of illegals while allowing others to have carte blanche to do what they please.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  54. Gee, Nazi’s hated communists, but they were just two-sides of the same Socialist coin.
    Who knew that socialists were members of the VRWC?

    Nazis themselves admitted they were true socialists.


    The Communists didn’t do anything good for people. Therefore they were
    not socialists. The National Socialists were the true socialists:


    My post proved that the NS were not “terrorists” and that they were
    true socialists in the good way. Of course there is also plenty of
    other things I could have chosen from.

    For those of you unfamiliar with Usenet, Topaz is a nym for a neo-Nazi nithing and Holocaust denier.

    Michael Ejercito (64388b)

  55. Funny when Bush was in office some Military men had PTSD but no military men suffer from PTSD during the Obastard admin.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  56. #56 Non-responsive. Try again.

    d. in c. (ae55d7)

  57. If you had said deport them all regardless of race or religion than I would have agreed.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  58. Funny when Bush was in office some Military men had PTSD but no military men suffer from PTSD during the Obastard admin.

    Anyone make such a claim?

    Michael Ejercito (64388b)

  59. The MSM.

    Sorry man.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  60. Look man if you don’t like my posts feel free to say so.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  61. #60 Well we’ve gotten that far at least. But did you notice in my original comment Step Four, which was a blanket deportation suggestion (the details refer to how non-Latino illegals mostly get here) without regard to race. So I’m already onside with you on that point, as it were.

    The logic of your position disregards on-the-ground reality; it is akin to saying the Union Army was “racist” b/c they only waged war on the Confederacy over slavery, and not against all other slave-owning powers such as Arabia, as well.

    I’m sorry to have offended you but the repetition of “Latinos” in my original comment was merely a bit of rhetorical comedy, owing to their disproportionate numbers in the overall set. Lookit, I used to work in emergency rooms in the Southwest. I know a thing or two about scale.

    Given the tetchy politics of the general situation I reckon I can sympathize with your sensitivity on the topic. Not calling you out personally but this is a real, practical situation with a real, practical topography, and so it needs to be discussed in plain terms. Look at how Obama used bogus rhetorical civil-rights schtick as his cover for opposing the Arizona law.

    These guys believe they’re fighting a war (which they’re winning) and too many of us believe we’re simply having a discussion. Time is on their side, and Scale Matters.

    d. in c. (68ff46)

  62. Yeah alright then.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  63. Scum sucking bottom feeders
    Flush all down toilet
    No regrets

    Comanche Voter (0e06a9)

  64. d. in c., take your troll act elsewhere.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  65. Why is the Tea Party called racist?

    AZ Bob (aa856e)

  66. Obama’s biggest mistake was being a bad administrator. You know that there are still many positions in his administration that are unfilled…
    (Yeah, I know a linked to an editorial, it’s hard to find news stories about this failing).

    Of course, the Democrats still control the Senate, and they were firmly in control for Obama’s first two years. There’s no reason for Obama not to have had a slate of appointees ready on the day he was sworn in. That’s the whole point of a “transition team” for a new President.

    Xmas (314d74)

  67. Shorter SPQR: poo-flinging monkey flings monkey-poo, runs away. I’m still here waiting, and at least DB had the proper sense of honor to engage me on our shared ground.

    State your definition of “racism,” chappie. You were brave enough to hurl it, you must know what you mean by the word.


    d. in c. (6d8a47)

  68. Jefh is a SCOAMF, no matter how you slice it.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  69. d. in c., when your reading skills exceed third grade, call me.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  70. From an Instapundit link:

    Public Debt of the U.S. now at $10-Trillion!
    “…During Obama’s presidency, debt held by the public has now increased by $3.71694 trillion–or almost 59 percent from the $6.3073 trillion in debt held by the public that the government owed to its creditors on Jan. 20, 2009, when Obama was inaugurated…”

    Is this a Happy Labor Day, or what?
    Just think how happy we’ll all be in labor to pay this stink-pile off (well, not us, but our kids/grand-kids/great-grand-kids).
    It’s not that the debt on 20Jan2009 wasn’t bad enough, but we Hope(d) & Change(d) for much more – Not!

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (31bef0)

  71. Obama’s public policies embody the conscious implementation of the Cloward/Piven strategy, no more, no less.

    ropelight (2aeb1f)

  72. Big Zero is the embodiment of the mid-level, government functionary, and it’s a disaster that he was elected our POTUS and, as such, the Leader of the Free World.

    Let that be a lesson to all who voted for him.

    ColonelHaiku (432fca)

  73. Anyone who voted Obama deserves the misery he has wrought upon them.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  74. Steven Hayward over at PowerLine struck a great phrase, soon to be seen on t-shirts everywhere:

    It must really suck to be a “Progressive” right now.

    A nice touch would be the Obama Campaign symbol replacing the “o” in Progressive.

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (31bef0)

  75. Obama is a communist Saboteur.

    Hosni Mubarak who wasn’t perfect was driven out of power by this dirtbag and replaced with the Muslim Brotherhood.

    DohBiden (d54602)

  76. A Marxist does, what a Marxist believes.

    Another Drew - Restore the Republic / Obama Sucks! (31bef0)

  77. ‘President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let’s take these [Republican] son of bitches out ‘

    – Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. 9/5/11

    ColonelHaiku (432fca)

  78. #73 Thus do we observe the wit and wisdom of SPQR. I think there’s gotta be a “Brave Sir Robin Award” in this for ya, bud.

    But all the same, we have here a bit of a tactical object lesson in politics going forward: in our present political climate, given the challenges we face, it’s sometimes necessary to put across rational arguments that are bound to make the Left and the unthinking (BIRM) a tad uncomfortable. They usually, with monotonous predictability, dismiss one’s arguments without confronting them, with the magic word “racist.”

    So. Ask them what they mean, exactly, by this word. Mostly they use it as a magic spell and have no idea what they actually mean by it, because they’ve never seriously thought about it.

    Try it some time, it works a treat!

    d. in c. (352bcf)

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