Patterico's Pontifications


You Must Read Allahpundit’s Summary of the Obama/Palin Comparisons. Now.

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 12:03 am

I will not excerpt.

OK, just this:

A homework assignment for aspiring speechwriters: Try to write an address titled “I Didn’t Kill Anyone” without sounding aggrieved.

Now read the whole thing.

They called Obama’s speech masterful. Absurd.

This is masterful.

486 Responses to “You Must Read Allahpundit’s Summary of the Obama/Palin Comparisons. Now.”

  1. the only way Ear Leader will ever give a “masterful” speech is if he gets a stunt double…

    otherwise he’ll just keep giving the same masturbatory tripe he always spews out, with the odd sly middle finger thrown in for extra tackiness.

    my cats have more presence than the First Empty Suit.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  2. Game, set, match.

    M. Scott Eiland (27aed4)

  3. This is masterful.

    Allahpundit, Krauthammer, Ace, … contrast w. Buckley getting pwned in a debate by Chomsky … Hannity, Demint.

    I’m seeing a trend where the really brilliant thinking occurs right of center, not so much on the far right.

    This is my personal observation. I don’t expect it to be universally accepted here, or accepted by anyone. But that’s how I see it.

    Christoph (8ec277)

  4. “Try to write an address titled “I Didn’t Kill Anyone””

    That’s your mistake right there.

    tcom (017d51)

  5. when I said the Palin victim posts would mount and mount boy I wasn’t kidding

    poor lady getting so much guff she deserves to treat herself

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  6. As I said on another thread, Palin’s speech set the tone for the day and forced Obama not to make as much of a jackass of himself as usual.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  7. What strikes me is that so many of her detractors like Christie, don’t realize it can happen to them,
    she knows quite well what’s it’s like to be toasted
    by the hometown, and then turned into a ‘virtual pariah’ Does he think they won’t go after those poor
    teachers, affected by any of his policies, that the bell will not toll for thee/

    narciso (6075d0)

  8. Try to write an address titled “I Didn’t Kill Anyone” without sounding aggrieved.

    Then don’t wrote an address titled “I Didn’t Kill Anyone”. Write one entitled, “This Isn’t About Me”.

    Not surprising that Palin wasn’t able to mash those four words together.

    Kman (d30fc3)

  9. Then don’t wrote an address titled “I Didn’t Kill Anyone”. Write one entitled, “This Isn’t About Me”.

    Not surprising that Palin wasn’t able to mash those four words together.

    Comment by Kman — 1/14/2011 @ 6:40 am

    Just re-read the transcript, to be certain. And it wasn’t about her. Oh sure, in the middle she talked some in general about libeling people and blaming them wrongly for the murders, just as Pres. Obama did. Now my question is, why would some people think talking about that is talking about (among many other pundits) herself? Hmm, let me think…

    no one you know (325a59)

  10. Comment by Kman —

    Did you listen to her speech? It was about America’s strengths and freedoms. You won’t see it turned into a David Plouffe t-shirt.

    Vermont Neighbor (6fe71a)

  11. For almost a week the likes of tcom and kmart and their slimy ilkk have blamed Palin and the right for every kind of sin imaginable. When they defend themselves against said charges, they wail and gnashing their teeth and rend their garments over the audacity to defend oneself. This is not about you, despite the faxt that we have made it about you for the last 5 days. FU, kmart.

    JD (9c6ca7)

  12. Kman, I thought of you last night, wondering where you were…

    Even seasoned professionals, who aren’t seasoned “quite enough”, can make the mistake that “they’ve seen it all”, when they haven’t. Making this error becomes painful (at best) when they encounter a challenge an order of magnitude higher than what they’ve experienced. Palin become governor by overcoming entrenched people of her own party as well as the opposition party, she was not completely naive about politics, yet she has stated that while she expected things to get worse on the national stage, she never imagined how vicious it would get.

    I would suggest that any Republican who wants to criticize her first consider what it would be like to have your personal email hacked and made public and your children, especially teenagers, bear national scrutiny, especially since it doesn’t have to be true, let alone “fair”, and that’s just for starters. That’s not to say she is not to be criticized, but that it’s easy to take make a cheap shot that you’ll regret later.

    Maybe people “inside the beltway” know enough crap about each other to make sort of a “mutually assured destruction” deterrent from things that are too over the top, and an outsider like Palin does not have that knowledge base. I don’t know.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  13. I can’t wait for Sockpuppet Friday this week. I realllly can’t. 😉

    no one you know (325a59)

  14. If Rove hadn’t been forced out of office, and incurred significant legal bills, if Bennett hadn’t been branded as genocidal, and a hypocrite for his
    gambling issues, and a few other examples, if Bush hasn’t forced down to the 30s, then maybe I would grant them a hearing

    narciso (6075d0)

  15. I guess we have to understand something and if I seem to be talking down to anyone – really – I apologize in advance sincerely.

    Palin is a target because she’s a Republican and a woman who is not a fetus killing fembot.

    Palin has further compounded the fury because she engages in salty political speech (which makes the prunish Republican getalongers swoon and infuriates the raft of garbage that permiates the MSM)

    She is being unfairly attacked by a crew of cretins that are still smarting from the beatdown the Republican party just finished up a few weeks ago.

    Unfortunately, in a case of a horible tragedy where children and hero citizens are gunned down – she felt a need to defend herself from the gutter – poorly timed, poorly delivered, and further compounded this tragedy by using a term that gave even more amunition to her crew of cretins – this time – that is her own doing.

    Obama’s speech – I heard it on the radio and they diminshed the applause so I was spared the a-holes in the audience effect

    My impression – never was there a more insincere, future talking point laden smarmy transparent holier tha thou expose of every flaw in the man exposed – this is not a speech from the heart from a man who has two girls near the age of the child that just died – totally deviod of emotion, of anger, of resolve of idignation of sadness.

    Of course this mud laden gutter speech has to be compared to Gov Palin’s

    It was however a much better speech than Palin’s -watching Palin’s several times – was worse – much worse – cold, ingratiating, fake

    I expected it from Obama and am not surprized by him at all, I thought – held out hope – that Palin would take the christian route, help the victims, talk about the victims and not give a rats rear end about the crew of cretins who were not worth mentioning – but she did – and unfair or fair whatever – she had no business injecting herself into this any more than Obama and like him did it to protect her brand name

    Both are at fault, Palin was forced into it so to an extent that mitigates much of the damage she wrought by being foolish enough to respond to morons, scum – but she should have had counsel that told her a better way through deeds rather than press releases and videos –

    No one in their right mind can honestly blame her for this – anyone doing this is worthy of scorn for life – loss of jobs freedom – to me if we want to start seriously mentioning hate crimes of speech – anyone doing the Palin hater shooter thing needs to understand the serious consequences of their foolish selfish prostelyezing

    EricPWJohnson (d84fb0)

  16. The left on Palin (preferably via the NY Slimes):

    Sarah Palin should be presidential and ignore the slurs against her.

    The left on Obama (preferably via the NY Slimes):

    Obama needs to be more vocal about the slurs against him.

    Pure Saul Alinsky.

    retire05 (e0b7e7)

  17. MD in Philly:

    Kman, I thought of you last night, wondering where you were…

    You know, it was weird, MD. Girlfriend was in the hospital Tuesday evening, and the entire outside world just went away. Once she was out of the woods and I came back to the real world (last night), I read all these things about “blood libel”, etc. and it all — I mean ALL of it — from BOTH sides — seemed so silly. Really really silly and unimportant.

    All I’ve seen was Palin’s thing and Obama’s speech and it really was a study in contrasts. I think Palin came off as defensive, which was unfortunate because I don’t think she needed to defend anything. And by being defensive, she led credibility to the accusations (which I think were directed at eliminationist rhetoric in general, and not at her specifically).

    Obama’s speech, I think, was the best he’s given since being in office.

    But again, I have to tell you, ever since the shooting, I confess to being more than perplexed about the course of the national dialogue. And I think everyone is to “blame”, quite frankly.

    Kman (d30fc3)

  18. I thought Obama’s speech at the U of A was his best speech so far and he pulled the rug out from under Krugman and company by NOT following their line like Bill Clinton did in 1995. The atmosphere at the rally/memorial was distasteful but the university president thinks of Obama like Margaret Carlson felt about Clinton. For all I know, he was under the lectern giving the O a bj during the speech.

    My daughter was a student at U of A in 2008 during the campaign. They put up big screen TVs all over the campus showing Obama speeches 24/7. The place is so left wing, she left and came back to California last year. I read some of her course material while helping her study and do homework. It was astonishing, including left wing lies about history.

    Mike K (8f3f19)

  19. Oh, yeah, and then there is this about the spontaneous logo on the “memorial” t-shirts:

    Any questions?

    retire05 (e0b7e7)

  20. Have you read, Krugman, ( I know, why?) he clearly doesn’t think he was rebuked

    narciso (6075d0)

  21. I finally heard on the radio Obama’s speech and thankfully they muted the audiences reaction which spared me the more unseemly portions of it

    My impression – never was there a more self centered, smarmy, future talking points laden, speech that exposed every transparent flaw in that man’s character. Imagine a speech given by a man who had two young girls very similar to the one he was supposed to honor – to bring a greiving nation together over – instead it was about the brand name, the clear superficially trite sound bites immistakenly deviod of any emotion, sincerity, and dignity that such a group of people who died for democracy so richly deserved and he had a choice to deliver but felt a political calling to a lower animalistic purpose to wallow in the gutter with his MSM choir.

    Unfortunately, Obama’s gutter laden speech wasn’t the only one that day. A person unfairly attacked, accused of causing this horrific action also had a choice – do the right thing or protect the brand name.

    Using the opportunity to increase the brand name gave a cold, insincere, speech about herself and her brand and not about the loss of such a precious child and irreplacable leaders and icons of the community. Further compounded by an unfortunate use of language that in a case of the upmost delicacy decided that her brand name salty rhectoric was injected ever so briefly as to inflame her critics into further foaming, thrashing – all at a time for calm and reflectful respect for the families who really lost something that day – people they loved.

    So Compare? Rahter forgive and most importantly – forget…

    EricPWJohnson (d84fb0)

  22. Kman, what the national “dialog” is about is that the Democratic Party, which has largely purged itself of moderates, has lost the confidence of the people and is losing its power in the government. Since the Democrats are “the party of government” they are panicking. The economic policies of the Democrats and the unions (I know it’s redundant) have failed. We will see a blowout of inflation similar to the Carter period but the national debt then was not the problem that it is now.

    The more intelligent and successful members of the public have been stirred deeply because they see the possibility of disaster if the country does not change course. That is where the tea parties came from. The less intelligent, many of them paying no taxes and watching soap operas or standing on the corner BSing with their friends, don’t care or don’t know what is happening. Since they never were successful, they have nothing to lose.

    The parasitic unions learned nothing from the collapse of the auto industry. The parasites killed their host, an inefficient form of parasitism in the animal world but, as long as Democrats control government, the UAW does not learn that lesson. The SEIU is next, Richard Riordan, who should have tried to prevent this, now says that 90% of cities and states will be bankrupt in 5 years. Too bad he didn’t do something about that when he was Mayor of LA.

    The fury directed at Sarah Palin and talk radio and Fox News is like the fox that shot the hunter. Democrats are afraid of loss of power. The country comes second.

    Mike K (8f3f19)

  23. And by being defensive, she led credibility to the accusations (which I think were directed at eliminationist rhetoric in general, and not at her specifically).

    Obama’s speech, I think, was the best he’s given since being in office.

    But again, I have to tell you, ever since the shooting, I confess to being more than perplexed about the course of the national dialogue. And I think everyone is to “blame”, quite frankly.

    Comment by Kman — 1/14/2011 @ 7:24 am

    Am sorry to hear about your girlfriend and hope she’s OK.

    But you are very mistaken about your point above about Palin — a lot of it was directed at her – by name — about stupid things that were obviously metaphors, when no one calls Obama out for his own metaphors like “They bring a knife, we bring a gun”, or Kos for his bullseyes on his own maps, etc.

    It’s true there is a lot of lack of civility in the US today. There has been for a long time. It’s my opinion that there are two reasons for the increase in reporting on it now:

    1) it’s conservatives angry instead of liberals angry (and we didn’t hang anyone in effigy or make little movies about Obama being assassinated, as the left did for Bush, Cheney and Palin, variously), and

    2) because of (1) and the fact that the media, statistically, leans liberal, the examples of anger are being highlighted, either on purpose to make those the media disagrees with look bad, or because a liberal reporter is naturally going to notice the uncivil rhetoric directed against his or her favorite politician more than the converse.

    Have been watching the political scene very carefully for over ten yrs now and I don’t think there is any more angry rhetoric or vitriol than there was four to eight years ago. I think there is less. But I do think it’s getting more play in the media now.

    no one you know (325a59)

  24. Of course Krugman doesn’t feel rebuked. He is a Nobel Prize winner and is thus infallible. Like William Shockley.

    Simon Jester (f104b1)

  25. Using the opportunity to increase the brand name gave a cold, insincere, speech about herself and her brand and not about the loss of such a precious child and irreplacable leaders and icons of the community. Further compounded by an unfortunate use of language that in a case of the upmost delicacy decided that her brand name salty rhectoric was injected ever so briefly as to inflame her critics into further foaming, thrashing – all at a time for calm and reflectful respect for the families who really lost something that day – people they loved.

    So Compare? Rahter forgive and most importantly – forget…

    Comment by EricPWJohnson — 1/14/2011 @ 7:30 am

    Re: “blood libel,” the highly respected (and both liberal and Jewish, BTW) Alan Dershowitz has used the term himself and defended her on it, saying it’s standard usage now. Nuff said.

    And more importantly, it doesn’t really seem as though you’ve read or seen the whole speech. It really wasn’t about her. And it certainly wasn’t cold.

    I thought both Pres. Obama’s and Gov. Palin’s speeches were very good. (It was the crowd and concession stands, T-shirts, etc at a memorial svce that soured the President’s speech somewhat for me. But am not sure he had much to do with that, except perhaps asking the people to tone it down, which I don’t think he did; could be wrong.)

    no one you know (325a59)

  26. Noyk – there is no reasoning with that.

    JD (9c6ca7)

  27. Actually Simon, there’s more of a similarity there, as well, I found about this in the new book,
    “the Dissappearing Spoon”

    narciso (6075d0)

  28. Kman- I second what NOYK said. Hope the girlfriend is OK, and evaluating Palin’s speech needs to be in the context that she specifically and explicitly was blamed within hours of the shooting by the media because a page on her website showed a number of Congressional districts that were especially “targeted” to try to remove the Dem incumbent and the districts were marked with “cross hairs”, hence “it was obvious” that the “targetting allusion” was responsible for an assassination attempt. Of course, as another PP reader pointed out, this “concern” did not stop the media from showing the picture over and over again, pointing out the other 21 districts.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  29. Comment by MD in Philly — 1/14/2011 @ 7:49 am

    Plus, Kman, the map was about a yr old (causation, right), plus the symbols (directed to a map, not people) looked more like location markers than what the left did specifically to JD Hayworth, or Kos’ own bullseyes ( see first link – actual targets) etc etc.

    It was a monumentally hypocritical and stupid libeling of a specific person of responsibility for the murders of six people. Because they didn’t agree with what she and other conservatives said. (Nobody called Kos out.) Hence the (excuse the expression) dead-on hit of “blood libel.”

    no one you know (325a59)

  30. MD, NOYK:

    I obviously cannot say that “nobody accused Palin of being personally responsible for the shooting” because that’s clearly not true. I’m sure someone somewhere on the Internets did just that.

    But I don’t think any serious and reasonable person held Palin personally responsible.

    I think the criticism from serious and reasonable people was that eliminationist rhetoric creates a climate that inflames loonies like Loughner, and Palin’s poster/map was but one example. I think that’s a reasonable position, and one worthy of discussion, even if one doesn’t agree with it.

    But Palin unfortunately responded to the fringe criticism, and in doing so, only lowered her stature (imho) and made her look like a whiner/victim. If she felt compelled to say anything at all, she should have focused more on real atrocities and real victims.

    Kman (d30fc3)

  31. But I don’t think any serious and reasonable person held Palin personally responsible.

    I think the criticism from serious and reasonable people was that eliminationist rhetoric creates a climate that inflames loonies like Loughner, and Palin’s poster/map was but one example. I think that’s a reasonable position, and one worthy of discussion, even if one doesn’t agree with it.

    Comment by Kman — 1/14/2011 @ 8:28 am

    It is easier to argue that only fringe people did this, but unfortunately it’s not true. “A climate of right-wing hate” and “right wing rhetoric,” in addition to specific jabs by Kos (“Mission Accomplished, Sarah Palin”) and criticism of her map on her website and phrases like “don’t retreat, reload”, etc.

    Here is a partial list of those associating the shootings with the “climate of hate” “created” by Beck, Palin, and the Tea Party: RFK Jr, news reports by ABC and CNN and the NYT, Sheriff Dupnik in AZ, Newsweek, Paul Krugman. Some of them mention Palin and Beck and the Tea Party by name, some just talk about a “climate of hate” (which, since a Democratic official was shot, means Republicans).

    I don’t want to give more links in this coment because the spam filter will keep it aside, but I’ll post all the links in my next comment.

    Are you arguing that all these people (and those media outlets or individuals I missed here) are “fringe”, or that they are not “serious and reasonable?” I would say they all gave evidence this week of the latter assertion, but am surprised to hear that conclusion from a liberal like yourself.

    no one you know (325a59)

  32. Kman,

    links as promised (some you have to click through to the source quotes):

    Markos Moulitsas of Daily Kos

    RF Kennedy Jr

    Bill Clinton

    Sheriff Dupnik

    Bob Kerrey

    The NYT Editorial Board



    no one you know (325a59)

  33. I am calling BS on kmart. The idea that it is possible that someone somewhere might have blamed Palin is so disingenuous as to make one question anything that writer could ever say. Then, kmart proceeds to call her out for eliminationist rhetoric cough cough BS cough and blames her. But not personally. F@ck off.

    JD (822109)

  34. Comment by no one you know — 1/14/2011 @ 8:53 am

    Just posted all the promised links. Hope they aren’t in the spam filter (I wouldn’t be able to tell, from my own computer). They’ll show up later if so.

    no one you know (325a59)

  35. Oops, forgot one of the better ones:

    Paul Krugman

    No, my mistake after all – Palin’s name’s not in there. Oh wait, it is! Along with several other names.

    no one you know (325a59)

  36. Kman’s already aware he’s wrong.

    Why are we even responding to him. You’d have to be living in a hole not to realize that the mainstream was, in fact, singling her out for blame.

    Hell, the mainstream says Palin ‘won’ because the mainstream had stopped blaming her and was moving on. Now they are saying they never blamed her, and she is the one who really brought it up.

    It’s pathetic.

    Kman’s just interested in fighting. He could care less what the truth is. Let’s keep him away from guns.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  37. Then, kmart proceeds to call her out for eliminationist rhetoric cough cough BS cough and blames her. But not personally.

    Comment by JD — 1/14/2011 @ 8:53 am

    Yes. To confirm, just ask for two examples of “eliminationist rhetoric.” At least one, and probably two of them, will involve Sarah Palin somehow.

    no one you know (325a59)

  38. It’s just partisan posturing: when one side does something, it is unspeakably evil. But the other side? Stage #1: deny it happens. Stage #2: admit it happens, but not often and besides you didn’t know about it (hi, Ezra Klein!). Stage #3: admit it happens, but say Republicans are worse.

    Rinse and repeat.

    Simon Jester (11db5b)

  39. It’s pathetic.

    It is. And your comment reminded me – again – that this is the guy we were supposed to be ignoring. Sorry about that. But am rather tired of the double standards, contentless shrieking and hypocrisy of the far left.

    Am not even sure (my own jury’s still out) whether or not I’d want Sarah Palin as President. But the personal nature and viciousness of the unrelenting attacks certainly is putting me on her side more every day.

    As a caller to Al Sharpton’s radio show said a day or two ago (paraphrasing, but close): “Don’t know too much about her but I’m thinking she must be top dog or they wouldn’t be attacking her like this.” They’re scared witless, and it’s showing, big time.

    no one you know (325a59)

  40. Am not even sure (my own jury’s still out) whether or not I’d want Sarah Palin as President. But the personal nature and viciousness of the unrelenting attacks certainly is putting me on her side more every day.

    All things being equal, it would be nice to vindicate her against this hatred. I think a lot of people would love to tell the MSM and the lefty slime out there that this kind of tactic shouldn’t be employed again.

    Of course, all things aren’t equal. But if someone experienced with great policy views and the ability to fight back doesn’t run against Palin, she will probably have my vote.

    All sane Americans are tired of the Kman crazies pushing their paranoia about ‘eliminationism’ onto good folks. Kman is constantly projecting… so what does that tell you about his recent, crazy charge?

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  41. no one you know:

    Are you arguing that all these people (and those media outlets or individuals I missed here) are “fringe”, or that they are not “serious and reasonable?

    Hmmm. Perhaps I’m not making myself clear.

    There’s the criticism that Sarah Palin was personally responsible for the shooting this past weekend.

    And there’s the criticism that eliminationist rhetoric creates a climate which can trigger off loonies like Loughlin. “Eliminationist rhetoric” of which Palin’s map is but one example.

    Those are two very different criticisms

    I think very few people actually made the first accusation, yet if you were to listen to the right (including this site), one might conclude that was the ONLY accusation made.

    Of COURSE it is absurd to make Palin personally responsible for the Tucson shooting. Such an accusation is so ludicrous that it shouldn’t even rise to the level of requiring a response.

    But the criticism about eliminationist rhetoric is, I believe, a legitimate one worthy of conversation. (As an aside, I think the left picked the wrong case and wrong time to have that conversation, as I don’t believe Loughlin serves as an example of the theory that eliminationist rhetoric promotes violence. But I think it’s a viable point anyway, supported by other examples.)

    Kman (d30fc3)

  42. I think very few people actually made the first accusation,

    Wrong. Try googling for once in your life, and then get back to us – if you somehow fail in this simple task, we’ll be happy to provide you with numerous examples (but you’re not really interested in facts, are you?).

    Dmac (498ece)

  43. I think very few people actually made the first accusation,

    Wrong. Try googling for once in your life, and then get back to us

    Dmac, perhaps you need to upgrade your reading skills. I didn’t say NOBODY said that… Of course I’m going to find people if I google…

    Kman (d30fc3)

  44. Of course I’m going to find people if I google

    Translated: “My mind is made up, don’t confuse me with the facts, or expect me to educate myself.”

    Some chump (4c6c0c)

  45. Noyk – don’t forget crissy tingle.

    That is your standard BS, kmart. She is responsible, just not personally responsible. Eliminationist rhetoric. F@ck off.

    JD (109425)

  46. Firedoglake, it only took them 43 minutes.Crissy Tingle. Krugman has not quit yet. Kos. How much more mainstream MFM can you be?

    JD (109425)

  47. If the Palin “I didn’t do anything wrong” speech was not necessary, why did she give it?

    Why did Sarah Palin remove the crosshairs sortly after the shooting then say they were just “surveyors scopes?”

    Why did Glenn Beck remove a website photo of a gun right after the shooting?

    Why has Roger Ailes told his Fox News employees to “tone down the rhetoric” just after the shooting?

    If there was no problem, why take these actions?
    I don’t know, maybe we should ask Charles Turner Habermann.

    Who me? (25d965)

  48. “Hell, I’m even enjoying listening to Mark Levin again!”

    While I can’t go quite that far in pursuit of unity,

    I’m still reading ‘Rico and enjoying it more than ever.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  49. Is that like Bachmann Turner Overdrive.

    narciso (6075d0)

  50. rock solid political instincts it’s like machiavelli and monster trucks all rolled up in one fetching package

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  51. Well, some people are predictable. Aren’t they?

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  52. Why did Sarah Palin remove the crosshairs sortly after the shooting then say they were just “surveyors scopes?”

    Nice. So Palin’s responsible for murder because she took down the page people were freaking about?

    And yeah, they were surveyer’s scopes. I think that’s been proven to the satisfaction of anyone reasonable.

    So, I can just use your same logic to exonerate Palin. Why is the left showing this map, over and over, if they think it leads to violence? It makes sense for Palin to take down a map people have wrongly associated with a tragedy, just out of taste. What possible argument does the left have for displaying a map they think leads to violence?

    The truth is that they don’t really think it leads to violence at all. It was a map, marking elections.

    Ailes may have told his people to be demure in a tragedy because that’s just common sense PR in the wake of a tragedy. Big deal.

    Stop trying to blood libel people you just disagree with politically.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  53. I can’t believe she tried to incite surveyings of innocent people

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  54. Remember, in the logic of Democrats: people don’t kill people, maps do.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  55. “And by being defensive, she led credibility to the accusations (which I think were directed at eliminationist rhetoric in general, and not at her specifically).”–Kman

    Headline from an editorial in the New York Daily News…

    “Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ blood is on Sarah Palin’s hands after putting cross hair over district”

    I’m not going to waste a whole lot of time pointing out that lefties are stupid and dishonest, because that’s basically been done to death.

    Dave Surls (baf88e)

  56. I found Joe Scarbottom’s sober assessment on MSNBC, that Palin’s response to criticism was a ‘career ender’.

    Meanwhile the elites are attempting to breath life into ‘anyone but Shiva’ looking for a career breakout.

    Career enders:

    Romney, converting from Roman Catholicism to Mormonism. Quoted on Obamacare as “loves mandates” and that Masscare is different because MA is not insurer of last resort.

    Huckabee, six pardoned or commuted career criminals are subsequent or recidivist killers. Defends First Wookie on anti-obesity inquisition.

    Newt, leaves two wives once they become ill. Early supporter of RNCC and Scuzzi in NY-23.

    Daniels, wife leaves, marries doctor in CA and four years later they remarry, public supporter of illegal amnesty, blames imminent IN pension disaster on Obama’s DOJ.

    TPaw, bridge disaster of DOT design, two publicly funded stadia, light rail money pit(operation 80% subsidized), Ethanol whore.

    Palin, quit to avoid personal bankruptcy, was born an attractive woman.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  57. Dustin, didn’t that character on the Left who said that his opponent should be “put up against the wall and shot” also do a New York Times article on eliminating hateful rhetoric?

    Jaw dropping hypocrisy, but why not? I haven’t seen a Left-leaning criticism of him yet.

    I have forgotten his name, but he was in the House of Representatives for years.

    I wonder if the Sunday Morning crowd will criticize him? I know the New York Times did not.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  58. Simon, that was Kanjorski.

    Just imagine the reaction today if he had been a Republican! But apparently him being a democrat somehow means his eliminationist rhetoric is ignored. The comparison between that, or Sharpton’s life’s work, against a freaking map, proves your point on hypocrisy and media honesty.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  59. Kanjorski, I think Romney’s always been a Mormon,
    and you’re too harsh on Daniels, which Politico is trying to torpedo through innuendo, this say.

    narciso (6075d0)

  60. Mitch Daniels is underrated. He would make a terrific President.

    He has stepped on a couple of landmines, but he is actually up for the job (as much as someone can be, anyway).

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  61. And the President oil shuttering commission is calling Jindal a ‘showboat’ that makes him the QE2
    by comparison

    narciso (6075d0)

  62. The election of Mitch Daniels in 2012 would be a wonderfully hopeful sign that our beleaguered little country may yet right itself.

    happyfeet (a55ba0)

  63. I can’t believe she tried to incite surveyings of innocent people

    Comment by happyfeet — 1/14/2011 @ 10:01 am

    Remember, in the logic of Democrats: people don’t kill people, maps do.

    Comment by SPQR — 1/14/2011 @ 10:01 am

    Can’t decide which of these is funnier. LOL

    no one you know (325a59)

  64. It’s a funny thing, but most people get defensive when they’re accused of spewing hate or of having blood on their hands.

    There are exceptions, of course…

    LIBERAL: Surls, you use hate speech against liberals.

    SURLS: Yeah, well that’s because I hate liberals.

    LIBERAL: Surls, you have blood on your hands because of your hateful rhetoric.

    SURLS: Not so. Actually, it’s because I bathe in the blood of liberal babies.

    The best defense is a good offense, if you ask me.

    Dave Surls (baf88e)

  65. 58. “I think Romney’s always been a Mormon”

    Wiki: “His father also presided over the Detroit Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to which the family belonged.[13]”

    It would appear that I’m wrong but it’s me torpedoing Daniels, not an avatar of Politico. He’s a shyster.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  66. Forgot to ask: did the multilinks above ever show up (8:53 comment) – apparently it can show to the commenter-only, if in spam filter. That was pretty much my reply to Kman, even after his later comment…

    no one you know (325a59)

  67. Forgot to ask: did the multilinks above ever show up (8:53 comment)


    Dustin (b54cdc)

  68. Thanks, Dustin. Kman, they’ll be available for your perusal later I guess. If you’re interested.

    no one you know (325a59)

  69. I’m reminded of this, Python seems to have been prescient;

    narciso (6075d0)

  70. …And your comment reminded me – again – that this is the guy we were supposed to be ignoring. Sorry about that. But am rather tired of the double standards, contentless shrieking and hypocrisy of the far left…. Comment by no one you know (and others)

    Well, I think it is good to offer interchange of good will on occasion in the hope that it will be happily returned. And even Pres. Obama could be pleased that an offer of civil discourse was made (though it would have been anyway).

    Kman- Still hope your girlfriend is better, which is a lot more than many on the left wish of Gov. Palin.

    But I don’t think any serious and reasonable person held Palin personally responsible – Kman
    In one way I agree with you completely!! No one seriously blaming Palin should be considered serious and reasonable, but unfortunately they are.
    As far as the general tone of civil discourse, let me know when Obama condemns “Bushhitler”, “Bush lied and People Died”, “Pigs with lipstick” etc., etc.

    As a caller to Al Sharpton’s radio show said a day or two ago (paraphrasing, but close): “Don’t know too much about her but I’m thinking she must be top dog or they wouldn’t be attacking her like this.” They’re scared witless, and it’s showing, big time. Comment by no one you know

    And as soon as another serious conservative candidate comes to the front, they’ll get “palinized”, too, as we’ve dicsussed before.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  71. “And more importantly, it doesn’t really seem as though you’ve read or seen the whole speech. It really wasn’t about her. And it certainly wasn’t cold.”

    noyk – I could not agree more that the people making the comments that Palin’s sppech was defensive, all about her and protecting the brand have obviously not taken the time to listen to or read it themselves. We have seen demonstrated ample times particularly in the past week the folly of relying on biased sources for analysis.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  72. I think the size of ammo chosen by the media changes with the threat. And Palin they saw as a huge threat. Big enough that they continue to kick her.

    A hot woman comfortable in front of the camera cannot be the face of the Republican party. It simply can’t be allowed because the Dems low information male voters might be moved (so to speak).

    Another reason that I think Palin got one time rarely repeated treatment is that she’s a woman. Because of motherhood (I’d guess), it’s easier to paint a man as bad than it is to paint a woman as such.

    Bottom line: Palin will continue to be withered by the media because they can’t risk her coming back (she’s not really electable right now, but could be in the future). And the boring guy with the bow tie that we metaphorically nominate will be given ‘Republican’ treatment. But not Palin treatment. The latter’s a bigger political threat and the media knows it.

    East Bay Jay (2fd7f7)

  73. Dmac, perhaps you need to upgrade your reading skills. I didn’t say NOBODY said that

    No, you said this:

    I’m sure someone somewhere on the Internets did just that.

    Oh, yeah – no doubt someone somewhere probably made that threat (who knows who did that or where, right?) – which is a ridiculous assumption on your part that suggest incredulity that no more than one person made that threat, when in fact it was hundreds, if not thousands. You are one duplicitous asshat.

    Dmac (498ece)

  74. …which is a ridiculous assumption on your part that suggest incredulity that no more than one person made that threat, when in fact it was hundreds, if not thousands. You are one duplicitous asshat.

    Wow, you really do have reading comprehension problems.

    Kman (d30fc3)

  75. Ooops. That was me

    Kman (d30fc3)

  76. Fixed. Thus to preserve the full self-parody of you assailing someone else’s reading comp skillz.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  77. Fixed. Thus to preserve the full self-parody of you assailing someone else’s reading comp skillz.

    Thanks for the fix. But forgetting to change back my name has nothing to do with reading skills and everything to do with lack of sleep skills. 🙂

    Kman (d30fc3)

  78. no, failing to change back doesn’t have anything to do with reading comp. your continual failures to read or comprehend does. putting your name to it, just reminds everyone who is accusing whom of bad reading comp.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  79. Fixed. Thus to preserve the full self-parody of you assailing someone else’s reading comp skillz.

    Comment by Aaron Worthing — 1/14/2011 @ 12:25 pm

    And nicely put. LOL

    no one you know (325a59)

  80. East Bay Jay,

    Good points. In addition, the Democratic Party is based on identity politics and that image will be seriously damaged if the GOP is the first major political party to nominate a female Presidential candidate. Women are more likely to be Democrats so this would be a serious problem for them.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  81. DRJ

    Sarah Palin IS one of the very few Female politicians that is also where she is based upon her own efforts and is not a relative or spouse of a current or former politician

    There will be more Sarah Palins

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  82. Okay. Who are they?

    DRJ (fdd243)

  83. Eric

    that is a good point, something i have said all along. she has always been a better real feminist than most of the so-called strong women in politics today.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  84. That’s a very important distinction, EPWJ.

    Gov Haley is another great example. Loathe as I am to admit it, O’Donnell is too, though she hasn’t taken office. Fiorina is, too.

    That’s a huge difference from the Hillary Clinton and Caroline Kennedy model, where they are feminist icons simply because they are female.

    I’d say the best example of this is KBH, who was one of the most popular politicians in Texas for quite a while. She’s leaving on her own terms, too. I’m not a huge fan, but she was quite a pioneer. Ann Richards, someone I’ve never liked very much, also worked her way up from school teacher.

    Red states seem to be ahead of the curve on this issue.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  85. A big difference between, say, Ann Richards, and Sarah Palin, is that Palin has a thriving family. She’s much more like moms out there than most female politicians.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  86. Eric,

    Can you clarify your comment? Here’s what I took from it:

    First, there will be other women candidates like Sarah Palin who made their own political career, as opposed to latching onto a relative’s coattails.

    Second, there will be other women candidates better than Sarah Palin … to which I asked: “Okay. Who are they?” I’d also add, when will they be ready?

    DRJ (fdd243)

  87. “she’s not really electable right now, but could be in the future”

    Which is the stick Rove, Will and Krauthammer are beating her with remembering(dare I say it?) Mike Castle.

    Dear Leader’s high water mark against a right-of-center conservative has to be weighed against a smaller total running against a tick the elites will favor.

    My intuition is the ‘hated candidate’ can do better than the ‘hated party’. I know Obot Indies who might well go for a Romney but there are many who would drift down ballot.

    I think he does worse than Palin in both the primary and the final election. In his favor, on his left Bloomberg appears to be toast but on the right, e.g., Cain, not so much.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  88. I think any viable conservative will be “Palinized”, male, female, whoever.

    They did what they could to G.W. Bush,they found they could do even more to Palin. They will go soft during primaries on whoever they would rather see in the general, then all hades will break loose when a nominee is decided. I will be very, very, very surprised if this does not occur. Other than the Lord’s return, I don’t see what will prevent it.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  89. DRJ

    There are a whole raft of highly qualified candidates waiting for 2012 one is most certainly to get a VP nomination

    And more and more women of substance without party machine ties are joining everyday

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  90. DRJ

    Sarah Palins fame will last as far as Huckabee and Mitt google her record as governor and oil comapny executives lay out the cost to the west cost Palin imposed to give her people thousands of dollars per family

    Palin has a record, its proudly her own – but in todays climate of high prices, unemployment and high taxes – her record (which hey we are actually discussing what the woman did! A First! not her bra size, not a cover of runing with moose, no cheerleading but what she did and didnt accomplish as governor! – this is the golden parity that women need to be treated like any other idiot politician!) – her record doesn’t sadly fit the feeling out there today i the electorate – despite herculea efforts by everyone here to apologize and rationalize away her record – its going to be rammed down her throat just like Huckabees taxes and taxes and taxes he had a hard time swallowing towards the end – the dont hit me I’m a man of god thing worked for two or three debates.

    Sarah paved the way for the modern republican woman, I would like to se her ru for Senator or get a VP nod from Perry

    But her classic mistakes taking the bait by the cretins this week – she shows as much brittleness as the one – who as we all know is a disaster

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  91. Every time you make stuff up about her, your hatred shines through even more brightly, and your credibility plummets even further. There are plenty of reasons to oppose her without making up nonsense.

    JD (822109)

  92. With EPWJ, I often get the impression he specifically resents that she didn’t play ball with big oil the way most corrupt politicians do. She actually made the best deal she could with the property of her citizens. that’s not how it’s supposed to work, say the oil executives who lavish incredibly wealth on people like Murkowski, notorious for corrupt land deals.

    I don’t need another Rezko pal. Palin’s ethics are proven, and I admire them. I want someone who has less drama and more experience, but ethics are so much more a priority.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  93. Note how he says she cost the west coast money. What’s he mean? He means she charged too much for Alaska resources. But that’s not true. Those resources are worth whatever Palin could manage to get for them.

    That’s fair dealing, but it’s not often you really get a hard negotiator in this type of position.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  94. JD’s right. Palin can be beaten, but not like this.

    She isn’t a saint. She’s actually kinda annoying to me. But she is an ethical leader who gets a lot of the core aspects of good leadership. I just think that falls short of the incredible needs of the White House.

    I want someone with more experience. There are candidates who worked in White Houses, AND led a state properly, who can run. The worry I have isn’t that Palin will unfairly railroad everyone else, but that the wrong sort of attacks on Palin will suck out all the oxygen needed to reach the best decision.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  95. JD – Palin’s also a racist because she appeared at a conference with Tom Tancredo and did not denounce him for things he did not say or something.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  96. Dustin

    I’m not saying she’s unethical or am I saying she’s a racist

    But she has a record – its not one that matches well with todays political environment

    Her record as Governor has not been challenged in the political arena yet –

    So lets wait and see – I dont see her running because as well as she has spun her accomplishments – there are those that disagree and they are waiting their turn for their side

    Be wary of one sided political stories – they are rare – but they happen

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  97. Well, on this we agree. I don’t really want her to run, and sometimes suspect she will simply pick our nominee instead. But that’s not up to me. I respect her right to run. God knows she’s earned that.

    I didn’t suggest you called her a racist. If that was somehow suggested by my comment, I apologize… it wasn’t my intention.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  98. “Tank forever discredited the good people (but now I’m not so sure) who are considered Tea Party Patriots who gave this hate filled racist a standing ovation

    He was followed by Palin who should have denounced him but didnt

    Comment by EricPWJohnson — 1/13/2011 @ 6:41 pm”

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  99. “Not ONE Tea Party group denounced Tank’s and Palins(well her obvious failure to denounce it) racism at the rally

    Comment by EricPWJohnson — 1/13/2011 @ 7:06 pm”

    That’s a bit more clear.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  100. Be wary of one sided political stories – they are rare – but they happen

    I’m much warier of serial fabulists who make up their past experiences from whole cloth, in lieu of their (most likely) actual and pathetic ones. Since you’ve never been able to account for all of your amazing exploits in the past, your credibility as a honest commentor is less than zero, while your credibility as a fantastical baboon is quite high.

    Dmac (498ece)

  101. Wow, you really do have reading comprehension problems.

    Funniest comment of the thread.

    Dmac (498ece)

  102. Dmac

    I love you too man!

    Let me put you down as a Palin supporter – is that correct?

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  103. I’ve got you down as a Moby, EPWJ.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  104. SPQR

    Yep another fan – I love you too – Go GMT Games!

    EricPWJohnson (8a4ca7)

  105. ^strike as non – responsive, your honor. The witness is thus convicted and will be sentenced based on past usage of multiple false aliases and lies regarding his fraudulent past. In summation, another classic Troll.

    Dmac (498ece)

  106. To paraphrase Don Rumsfeld:

    We go into an election with the candidate we have, not the one we may wish we had.

    Is Sarah Palin the perfect, or even the best, candidate?
    Probably not!
    But worse, that better or even perfect candidate may exist out there somewhere, but he/she is never going to submit themselves or their family to the indignaties inherent in a run for high political office.

    AD-RtR/OS! (322946)

  107. Her record as Governor has not been challenged in the political arena yet

    — Stand-up comedy is a tricky thing, EPWJ. Don’t quit your day job.

    Icy Texan (d40c08)

  108. Eric:

    Sarah Palins fame will last as far as Huckabee and Mitt google her record as governor and oil comapny executives lay out the cost to the west cost Palin imposed to give her people thousands of dollars per family

    Independent oilmen will support Palin in droves. If oil company executives are smart, they will also support Palin because, unlike most politicians, she actually wants to maximize America’s energy resources.

    Palin has a record, its proudly her own – but in todays climate of high prices, unemployment and high taxes – her record (which hey we are actually discussing what the woman did! A First! not her bra size, not a cover of runing with moose, no cheerleading but what she did and didnt accomplish as governor! – this is the golden parity that women need to be treated like any other idiot politician!) – her record doesn’t sadly fit the feeling out there today i the electorate – despite herculea efforts by everyone here to apologize and rationalize away her record – its going to be rammed down her throat just like Huckabees taxes and taxes and taxes he had a hard time swallowing towards the end – the dont hit me I’m a man of god thing worked for two or three debates.

    Everyone has to live with their record and because Palin has actually governed, she will be criticized for things she’s done. That’s fair, but instead of putting my faith in politicians who think it takes guts to tax Big Oil, I’ll take a gutsy governor who has actually stood up to Big Oil on the issues.

    Sarah paved the way for the modern republican woman, I would like to se her ru for Senator or get a VP nod from Perry

    I could live with a Perry-Palin ticket. I could also support a Palin-Perry ticket. At this point, I could support a lot of tickets. I’d also like to see Palin run for Senator or other elected office, but not because I think she needs more seasoning as much as I like her values and thus I’d like to see her remain involved in politics and government. I think your point is you’d like to marginalize her, but we already knew that from your snide bra size and cheerleading comment.

    But her classic mistakes taking the bait by the cretins this week – she shows as much brittleness as the one – who as we all know is a disaster

    Eric, you respond with brittle hostility simply for being called a Palin critic and a sop to Big Oil. If you had been called the names Palin has, would you have waited 4 days and then responded with the reasoned calm Palin has?

    DRJ (fdd243)

  109. “If you had been called the names Palin has, would you have waited 4 days and then responded with the reasoned calm Palin has?”

    DRJ – I think it’s perfectly clear that unjustly attacking people he does not care for SOP for EricPW, yet he does not have the testicular fortitude to admit he frequently posts misinformation to this blog. His willingness to throw around unsupported allegations of racism, Tancredo, Palin, O’Keefe, suggest a dangerous character flaw.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  110. Polling out today of over 1400 voters shows public is not buying the media spin of how Palin damaged herself with her speech.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  111. DRJ

    I apologize for appearing brash or sexist

    As the husband of one of the highest ranking woman in the Middle East Oil industry and the father of three daughters at the top of their classes at West Point, Murray, and ASD I have a strong vested interest in moving women forward agaist the ceiling.

    Given that – I assure you I have watched Palin long long before McCain appointed her as his VP nod with great concern and interest. – I guess my point is that we are getting beyond the simplistic indentity politics and looking at her as an equal neither male nor female but political.

    I was not being snide I was marginalizing those cretins who thought making fun of her cup size (Caribo Barbie) and her obvious fitness (the running magazine) were the only news about the woman and wass hopeful we were progessing to the point that we can actually treat her record as her own.

    I remember the thread very well, you were trying misdirection, focusing on severance tax which to me indicated (I could be wrong) that your blatant hero worship of Palin was totally clouding your fair even handed usually sound judgement.

    From someone who decried the hero worship of Obama (rightfully so) – you refuse categorically to see that this woman was a business wrecking crew – a woman focused only upon power consolidation of wealth for herself and does not care one whit about the public interest.

    You apparently see her as a first – understandably I wish to see a Palin as well step up and take charge. Why just yesterday I was listening to yet another situation where a female highly qualified was being shunted aside, now caught up in the inevitable power plays that those at the top engage in constantly.

    The shooting:

    No one officially accused her of anything, she, with brittle barely concealed hostility, used the situation to protect and promote brand Palin – which recently had diminished in the glare of the ceiling of crass exploitative stunts

    Resoned calm or calculated branding?

    I posted the irrefutable facts that she increased spending and taxation to levels unseen in the
    USA. This she cannot run away from and will be bulldozered with it soon

    Not my fault I didnt ask her to raise the taxes on the vital employer in her state by almost 80%

    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  112. Where is DCSCA when you need his, um, resume and absolute moral authority?

    Simon Jester (86ea30)

  113. Daley

    I posted quotations by a well respected newspaper that quoted Tancerdo directly

    He,to my research has not asked or demanded a retraction – therefore you have again not provided anything to refute anythig – you are just offering an opinion of my motivations which you could not possibly be even remotely knowlegable of.

    If you carefully read what I wrote – I feel she is worthy of a VP slot – thats quite a bit for someone who mismanaged her office – however – bad advice – listening to advisors who know little of the industry inside economics (I also dont expect them to)- could have also contributed to her decisions.

    But Like Pat with O’Donnell, and Allahpundit – I’m not going to lie for Palin, debase myself unseemly, and be disengenious because knowing that she has serious fundamental personal, moral and political flaws and pretending to go along just because cretins of the left criticise her – oh boo hoo!

    Given that though she is far better for our country than almost anyone the democrats now and in the future could field to lead our great nation and the free world – I think that she can contribute with spervision

    Without McCain she would have been broke by now and probably in bankruptcy

    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  114. That one proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that epwj is every bit the douche that we have believed him to be.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  115. JD

    Please, explain your reasoning?

    Did you contribute this month to the blog that continously slanders Pat?

    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  116. F@ck you. Here is my reasoning. You make stuff up. You claim authority you do not possess. You claim facts that do not exist. You are rude to people like DRJ. BREITBART has not been indicted.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  117. JD

    So, you are still contributing to the blog that slanders Pat, thanks for confirming it

    I wasn’t rude to DRJ – in fact was most respectful

    You’ve played that card before

    JD, whe you start posting facts and links people will take you more seriously than your patent verbage that you seem to fall back on when you cannot formulate a counter argument

    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  118. I remember the thread very well, you were trying misdirection, focusing on severance tax which to me indicated (I could be wrong) that your blatant hero worship of Palin was totally clouding your fair even handed usually sound judgement.

    From someone who decried the hero worship of Obama (rightfully so) – you refuse categorically to see that this woman was a business wrecking crew – a woman focused only upon power consolidation of wealth for herself and does not care one whit about the public interest.

    You apparently see her as a first – understandably I wish to see a Palin as well step up and take charge. Why just yesterday I was listening to yet another situation where a female highly qualified was being shunted aside, now caught up in the inevitable power plays that those at the top engage in constantly.

    There is nothing respectful about lying about somebody else and their actions.

    There is no reason to be civil to a verbose liar.


    JD (d4bbf1)

  119. EricPW – I am merely saying what needs to be said. Deal with it.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  120. JD

    And your counter argument is?

    But seriously, did you read the thread where we discussed her taxation opinions? Where not just DRJ pointing out Palin’s buzz words like transparency that was trying to mask the 80% tax increase?

    Okay you go find a report of an industry exec praising Palins Gubernatorial record for raising taxes on them – the you would be right – and so would DRJ

    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  121. Daleyrocks – what are the odds that we are about to witness the standard epwj repitition or the same drivel over and over and over and over and over?

    The idea that if someone does not deny something proves that it is true is remarkably childish.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  122. Your words proved my point, epwj. I read that thread when it was happening. You were a cock then and a cock now. DRJ and Daley have walked you through that more times than you can apparently count, yet you march on, undeterred.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  123. If you had been called the names Palin has, would you have waited 4 days and then responded with the reasoned calm Palin has?

    Comment by DRJ — 1/15/2011 @ 11:33 am

    It’s kinda sad that DRJ, a loyal Palin defender (In my opinion) is the one bringing that point up. I think everyone should have noticed this blatant bit of grace of Palin’s part. I could never summon the grace to respond to that nastiness in the stoic way Palin did. It shouldn’t take a Palin fan to admit this much.

    I question her qualifications for the WH, and I don’t love her style, but she hasn’t earned any of the reaction to her speech. There is nothing she can do right, in some people’s eyes. Those folks take themselves out of relevance.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  124. Daley

    When you find a retraction from the Guardian for Tancerdo then you would be correct and wasn’t it you that said I didnt call Palin racist but as someone who wants to lead the greatist country i the world you’d thik she could do basic leadership tasks like take down a notch someone who is either a racists or someone who has troubles with his emotions – and after our discussion on Perot with many sources – you don’t seem to be someone swayed by the facts –

    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  125. “Okay you go find a report of an industry exec praising Palins Gubernatorial record for raising taxes on them”

    EricPW – Typical BS. Was Palin working for the oil companies or the citizens of Alaska, I’m confused. Please remind me. I think we’ve already had this conversation, in fact several times.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  126. Dustin

    Everyone in Politics gets called names – geez remember Nancy Reagan – Palin’s been treated with kid gloves compared to her

    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  127. Daley

    When you guys can find a report praising the Governors actions then DRJ’s statement about them praising her would be remotely correct

    But it wasn’t they won’t and the damage to the oil industry in Alaska has been done

    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  128. “seriously, did you read the thread where we discussed her taxation opinions?”

    Rather like the Juden discussing Mengele’s procedures prior to their particular operation. Like it might change anything at all.

    What bigger waste of time is there than debating this mendacious cretin?

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  129. “When you find a retraction from the Guardian for Tancerdo then you would be correct”

    EricPW – When you can show me a pattern of left wing rags and media outlets like the Guardian, the NYT, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and MSNBC promptly responding to requests for correction from conservatives I might take your self-established standard of truth for something other than the joke it is. Thanks for playing.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  130. Treated with kid gloves? You must be off your proverbial rocker.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  131. Lack of a retraction is proof of veracity?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    JD (d4bbf1)

  132. It’s just a game. Or Palin Derangement Syndrome. You don’t like her, fine. But all this is nuttier than squirrel poop. Move on, to coin a phrase.

    Simon Jester (6938b8)

  133. Dustin

    Everyone in Politics gets called names – geez remember Nancy Reagan – Palin’s been treated with kid gloves compared to her

    Comment by EricPWJohnson

    They were hard on Nancy, but I think they were hard on Palin too. It’s not a contest for who is the toughest… it’s about each of ours degree of personal honor and honesty. Palin was justified in her defense, and better than you have been when I’ve been rude to you (and the converse).

    Honestly, I’m surprised you think Palin’s getting an easy shake. I’ve seen worse. Hell, Ronald Reagan is getting worse, just this week (in my book, getting stabbed in the back by your kids, when you’re in your grave, is basically the maximum).

    I guess I don’t even care about this comparison.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  134. Eric:

    As the husband of one of the highest ranking woman in the Middle East Oil industry and the father of three daughters at the top of their classes at West Point, Murray, and ASD I have a strong vested interest in moving women forward agaist the ceiling.

    Given that – I assure you I have watched Palin long long before McCain appointed her as his VP nod with great concern and interest. – I guess my point is that we are getting beyond the simplistic indentity politics and looking at her as an equal neither male nor female but political.

    Are you sure about your motivations? Because previously you claimed “Palin was listening to her husband rather than her constiuents when she decided to ‘Stick it’ to the oil companies.” That doesn’t sound like a fair critique to me.

    As for my interest in Palin, I didn’t know anything about her until I read Beldar’s initial post about her, followed by many more. I am happy to admit I’m a Palin supporter. More than any other politician on the national stage, she says things that match my values and beliefs.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  135. JD

    Where is Tancerdo denying he said it? Of course I said proof of “asking” for a retraction – if you are accused of something like that where is this experienced politico’s reply?


    If Tancredo says he didnt say it the I’ll believe it –

    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  136. Eric:

    Where not just DRJ pointing out Palin’s buzz words like transparency that was trying to mask the 80% tax increase?

    What are you talking about?

    DRJ (fdd243)

  137. “When you guys can find a report praising the Governors actions”

    EricPW – No stinking reports are needed, her approval ratings while she served are ample evidence.

    You did not answer my question. Do you think she was working for the oil companies or the citizens of Alaska?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  138. DRJ

    That was from her not me – you need to complain to Governor Palin – like I said – I didnt ask her to do it, say those words for her – at the time she said it I think she hadn’t figured on being in the national limelight

    As far as your support

    If you believe in out of control spending, the violation of long term agreements with corporations by raising taxes 80% with no grandfathering in development costs then you indeed are a supporter of Barack Palin. Like I said before there is no differencebetween the fiscal policies of Gov Palin and Barack Obama as far as the oil companies are concerned. And the increases in spending have been comperable

    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  139. If you do not demand a retraction, or get a retraction, it is proof of the veracity?!?!?!?

    JD (109425)

  140. “If Tancredo says he didnt say it the I’ll believe it -”

    EricPW – Understand, I don’t care about your ever fluctuating standards.

    Explain why what you claim he said is racist.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  141. Daley,

    Uless you can find a report refuting the facts, then you dont have an argument

    Don’t worry – I’m waiting

    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  142. “Lack of a retraction is proof of veracity?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!”

    JD – Leftist proof! Absence of evidence is proof!

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  143. EricPW – Your wife needs to educate you better about business.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  144. Everyone in Politics gets called names – geez remember Nancy Reagan – Palin’s been treated with kid gloves compared to her

    Comment by EricPWJohnson — 1/15/2011 @ 1:22 pm

    You have a very short memory. I can’t remember anyone saying that Nancy Reagan was a terrible mother. Or making jokes about Alex Rodriguez raping her 15 year old. Or questioning whether she was really the mother of one of her children. Or demanding medical records to prove it. Or calling her a MILF. Or fantasizing about her being raped by a bunch of large men if she ever dared showed her face in NYC. Or saying she sent her son off to war for her own political purposes. Or saying seriously that her Downs Syndrome child would have been better off being aborted. Et cetera, ad nauseum.

    Or — more to the point on this thread – that Nancy Reagan should have been shot.

    I would like you to provide an example equal to any of these things about Nancy Reagan.

    You are beyond ridiculous.

    no one you know (a8b794)

  145. DRJ

    Palin used the word transperancy which you repeated as cover for her purpose to openly buy an approval rating by doubling the cash to the citizens of Alaska at the expense of the citizens of the West coast – raising the tax to 25% on the market price of a barrel of oil tend to greatly impact the price the end users (the west coast) pay at the pump, in their fertizers, in their food etc.

    That uber high rating lasted rather fleetingly as the money ran out when the jobs left the state and no new drilling was really being sought and oil projects were cancelled –

    If you want to stand by Palins argument that transparency means catastophic tax increases go ahead but tax icreases generally – allways chase away jobs not bring them in

    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  146. Everyone in Politics gets called names – geez remember Nancy Reagan – Palin’s been treated with kid gloves compared to her
    Comment by EricPWJohnson — 1/15/2011 @ 1:22 pm

    — In all seriousness, epwich; comedy is not pretty. You’re proving that in spades.

    Icy Texan (a31b5a)

  147. With all due respect, noyk, Kitty Kelly wrote a nasty book about Nancy Reagan that continued all kinds of scurrilous material.

    But the business of wanting to see her dead? I don’t remember that.

    Still, all that will happen is more argument. You see, there is a Narrative that must be served.

    Simon Jester (6938b8)

  148. noyk

    Her own son Ron made fun of her and made horrible accusations

    You forget the whole aids thing as well – the china – the refurbishment of the Whitehouse and Camp David paid for by private donors – her clothes (they tried to put her IN JAIL over the clothes)

    Palin had thousands of defenders on the left and right as fast as the accusation roared in

    But she is in it for da money

    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  149. Daley

    So you still dont have anything – okay then –

    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  150. Comment by Simon Jester — 1/15/2011 @ 1:55 pm

    It’s true I haven’t read that book by Kelley (had heard of it but didn’t know how bad it was), but it’s difficult to imagine anyone getting away with saying your own child should be dead, etc.

    Serious question: did Kelley attack her re: her children? Any woman (and man too) knows that to a woman, the worst kind of attack is anything involving her children.

    no one you know (a8b794)

  151. Oh, today of all days, I wouldn’t quote Ron Reagan as a fair minded source of information. Just sayin’

    Michael Reagan put it best, I think.

    But as I say, this has been a long, long standing Narrative. Let the fellow continue to think what he does. What’s the saying about teaching calculus to pigs?

    Or was that putting lipstick on pigs? I don’t remember.

    Simon Jester (6938b8)

  152. Speaking of being in something for the money, I mean.

    Simon Jester (6938b8)

  153. sometimes I get the feeling that huge numbers of Americans think Sarah Palin is a repugnant cheap opportunist

    if confirmed this would be yet another way in which she is a political figure eerily similar to president bumblef

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  154. Simon

    I’m sorry I wasn’t clear – I was talking about UNFAIR criticism – I think Ron Reagan is a cretin Nancy Reagan was a Great Woman – for the record

    But she was hounded as hard as anyone and remember this is when CNN was still behaving itself ad there were no 24 hr newschanels or blogs

    but even so the howling was worse

    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  155. Dear noyk:

    Trust me, you don’t want to read Kitty Kelly’s “biography” of Nancy Reagan. Like many people these days, I simply don’t know how she looks in the mirror.

    Frankly, given Kitty Kelly’s background, why would I believe her?

    But then, we live in coarse, coarse times, do we not?

    Simon Jester (6938b8)

  156. Happy

    and she turned on the man who sacrificed his political chances, when he stood by Bristol, a man who worked his who life for that moment and the 7 month Governor was trying to tell him how to run his campaign instead of trying to help and turned on him in a book


    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  157. Good afternoon, folks. Maybe epwj will pass out by the time I get back.

    JD (822109)

  158. Her own son Ron made fun of her and made horrible accusations

    I am talking about attacks in the political arena. But let’s play it your way. Ron is a liberal. So, thanks for playing anyway.

    You forget the whole aids thing as well – the china – the refurbishment of the Whitehouse and Camp David paid for by private donors – her clothes (they tried to put her IN JAIL over the clothes)

    Do you honestly think that vociferous complaints about the china and the furnishings at the White House are in the same league as attacking yourself about your children, and direct attacks ON your own children, up to and including rape jokes by David Letterman on national television?

    The absurdity of the juxtaposition speaks for itself. Enough said about that.

    Palin had thousands of defenders on the left and right as fast as the accusation roared in

    And had you stopped for even a moment, my dear EPWJ, to consider why that was?

    Let me help you out:

    It’s because the attacks were recognized as unprecedently both vicious and undeserved.

    But she is in it for da money

    Comment by EricPWJohnson — 1/15/2011 @ 1:58 pm

    If you mean she doesn’t want to get paid for her work, I sure hope your life is spent volunteering and that you don’t get a paycheck.

    No? All right then. What you’re really saying is that she doesn’t believe anything she says about her positions. Only someone who doesn’t listen to her directly (as you never listened to her whole most recent speech yourself and thus falsely concluded it was “cold” and “all about her”) could make an accusation like that. Nuff said on that too.

    no one you know (a8b794)

  159. “sometimes I get the feeling that huge numbers of Americans think Sarah Palin is a repugnant cheap opportunist”

    Enough said.

    Simon Jester (6938b8)

  160. Happyfeet – you should be concerned when your beliefs align so closely with epwj and Yelverton and Kos and the MFM.

    JD (109425)

  161. “So you still dont have anything – okay then -”

    EricPW – No, you don’t as usual. You defame people and insist other people provide evidence to disprove your baseless smears. Old, cheap tactic. Prove your own charges.

    Like last night, calling Tancredo a racist and calling Palin a racist for failing to denounce him. Reread that Guardian piece you linked. When it talks about Tancredo’s actual words, they are CONSISTENT with the video clips I supplied. The reporters spin is color, but the words are consistent.

    Defend your charges and explain how what he said is actually racist. Have the courage to actually explain yourself for a change.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  162. noyk

    Did I say any of these attacks were fair? No they wern’t

    However this was the death of a child and several irreplaceable americans and the day of the ceremonyshe just had to interject her brand name into the arena as brittle, fake and self centered as the disgusting Barack – look at me look at me Obamination.

    Real classy

    I wouldnt at all be surprized to see a Franklin wint coin with Christy and Sarah on it down the road (that was sarcasm – I hope)

    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  163. “When you guys can find a report praising the Governors actions”

    EricPW – I used to write a lot of press releases praising tax increases on my company!

    You have no credibility when you say things like this that are beyond the realm of sanity.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  164. Daley

    Nothing – I’m sure its out there

    EricPWJohnson (c5f1fc)

  165. Trust me, you don’t want to read Kitty Kelly’s “biography” of Nancy Reagan. Like many people these days, I simply don’t know how she looks in the mirror.

    Frankly, given Kitty Kelly’s background, why would I believe her?

    But then, we live in coarse, coarse times, do we not?

    Comment by Simon Jester — 1/15/2011 @ 2:07 pm

    We certainly do. That is truly awful, and thanks for bringing me up to speed on that. True or not (and Kelley’s background is suspect) what the point was is that Nancy Reagan was very unfairly attacked in a very hurtful way.

    Sorry I’d missed that. I still do maintain that being the butt of joking (or not) about the rapes and deaths of your children still surpasses anything mentioned in your link. EPWJ said that Palin’s been treated with kid gloves compared to her. Simply not true IMO.

    no one you know (a8b794)

  166. I don’t think that Mr. Kos and the MFM see the similarities between president bumblef and Sarah Palin and the creepy personality cults what have propelled both of them to political prominence in our sad declining once-great little country… if they do they’re not saying

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  167. Eric,

    I still don’t know where your claim of an 80% increase in taxes on Big Oil comes from. In addition, if Sarah Palin hates the oil industry, why did she urge Americans to “trust the oil industry and to continue to pursue offshore drilling initiatives” after the Gulf oil spill? Her defense came at the same time most other politicians were criticizing oil companies.

    I like Big Oil but that doesn’t mean I’m willing to turn over all decision-making to their executives. Instead, I subscribe to Palin’s use of the Reagan “Trust but Verify” doctrine. IMO that’s much better treatment than when Big Oil was expected to buy off politicians across the globe. However, I completely understand why oil company executives might be upset with Palin’s changes. Change is not easy for businesses and oil companies spent years perfecting political relationships in Alaska, not to mention other factors that have opened the door to competition from independent oil companies.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  168. EricPW – I’m waiting, please explain Tancredo and Palin’s racism.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  169. Nothing – I’m sure its out there


    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  170. Did I say any of these attacks were fair? No they wern’t

    Comment by EricPWJohnson — 1/15/2011 @ 2:13 pm

    Nice attempt at moving the goalposts.

    You said that Palin has been treated with kid gloves compared to her.

    Just going to let that hang in the air for a while.

    no one you know (a8b794)

  171. You aren’t wrong, noyk. I hope I didn’t give that impression.

    But this is going to be a fruitless exercise, dealing with the poster in question…

    Simon Jester (6938b8)

  172. You guys still wasting your time arguing with Johnson and his inanities?

    Well, I guess it’s a harmless enough hobby.

    Go for it.

    Dave Surls (7ee0b1)

  173. BTW, didn’t know that Nancy Reagan is/was a politician. Gosh, I guess I should feel worse for Paula Abdul than I do for Palin.

    Icy Texan (a31b5a)

  174. “You guys still wasting your time arguing with Johnson and his inanities?”

    Dave Surls – I’m not a big fan of lies. A gutless smear artist like Johnson needs to be challenged.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  175. “The state’s coffers are brimming, and Palin and the Legislature this month are sending $1,200 checks to every Alaskan, on top of $2,069 each will receive as part of the annual slice of state oil and gas revenue. Palin also suspended the state’s gasoline tax for a year. Oil and gas royalties make up 85% of state revenue in Alaska, which has no income or sales tax.”

    Instead of the state stealing from taxpayers to subsidize big corporations (see Obambi and friends), in Alaska they soak the hell out of corporations from outside Alaska, and divy up any money the state doesn’t spend amongst the citizens of Alaska.

    It’s the best damned state in the Union, as far as government goes, and I’d move there in a heartbeat, if it wasn’t for the weather.

    Sarah Palin was a great governor, and Eric Johnson is (in case nobody’s noticed) a couple cans short of a six pack.

    Dave Surls (7ee0b1)

  176. “Sarah Palin was a great governor, and Eric Johnson is (in case nobody’s noticed) a couple cans short of a six pack.”

    Dave Surls – Her approval rating were great while she was governor. EricPW is under the misapprehension that Palin worked for the oil companies and the citizens of California, Oregon and Washington, as opposed to the citizens of Alaska. Notice how he never answered that question.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  177. EricPW – Still waiting on an explanation of your racism charges against Tancredo and Palin.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  178. Daley

    Still nothing?

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  179. This is the leader Big Oil should be worried about, not Palin.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  180. DRJ

    You made the statement that big oil will defend Sarah Palin – however ExxonMobil is on record as saying that they and others are eventually going to pull out of Alaska and have cancelled over 1 billion in new development immediately and over 10,000 projected jobs – directly due to her

    Conoco left Alaska Gas development and joined ExxonMobils QatarGas Phase II project – another 8,000 jobs lost

    Everyone can call me all the names in the book but Perry has lowered taxes and Texas has surpassed Alaska in Oil Production

    Palin can say all the right things – but like so may of her male political counterparts – her actions say different

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  181. EricPW – You’ve been dodging this for many days now.

    I understand where you have been living in recent years and I think it has affected your thinking about the various freedoms we enjoy in this country relative to those you see in the Middle East.

    Are you saying that muslims are too backward and stupid to understand what is being said about their religion and the elements within it in this country? I think that is essentially the point you are making. You could be a little more upfront about it, though.

    Why do you feel that we need to treat adherents of Islam with kid gloves when we do not necessarily feel the same way about adherents of other religions? Is it due to the tendency of some members of Islam to react violently when offended or threaten violence when offended? In this country we have an expression that the cure for bad speech is more speech. Surely you are familiar with that expression. When you break out of your pattern of circular logic, please give everyone a heads up.

    Still nothing?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  182. It would help if you just dumped every one of your memes, fantasies, and talkingpoints in your first comment. Would save a lot of time.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  183. Still nothing?


    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  184. EricPW – Here is a nice opinion piece from the Alaska Daily News from the end of 2009 which debunks a bunch of your crapola.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  185. Here is an article from the Online Wall Street Journal describing the mechanics of Palin’s plan and contrasting it to Murkowski’s.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  186. Pardon my confusion, but since when does the Governor of Alaska have any responsibility towards the residents of the West Coast CONUS?
    ISTM that her fiduciary responsibility is to the residents of AK. Petroleum consumerers in CONUS can always purchase petroleum products from producers who do not use North-Slope crude.

    AD-RtR/OS! (322946)

  187. Actual reality has no bearing on this discussion, daleyrocks.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  188. EricPW – You have used dishonest information to smear Palin as a fiscal liberal in the past, tactics used by people like Huffpo and others. I debunked your information then only to see you resurrect the same narratives again now.

    Why are you so dishonest?

    Sure, nobody likes paying higher taxes, whether they are businesses or individuals. I think it is telling, however, that you will not acknowledge who Palin was working for as Governor of Alaska. It destroys your narrative.

    Meanwhile, you will not back up your charges of racism against Tom Tancredo or Sarah Palin from last night. They remain hanging there.

    Also, my questions about Islam remain unanswered from last weekend.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  189. Eric:

    You made the statement that big oil will defend Sarah Palin – however ExxonMobil is on record as saying that they and others are eventually going to pull out of Alaska and have cancelled over 1 billion in new development immediately and over 10,000 projected jobs – directly due to her.

    I agree several major oil companies expressed doubts about continued Alaskan projects during Palin’s tenure, including ExxonMobil. However, since then, ExxonMobil reversed its decision not to join in the State’s proposed natural gas pipeline and spudded its first Point Thomson well in 25 years. Nevertheless, I agree the major oil companies may have reduced their projects in Alaska because of the additional costs, although we don’t know by how much nor do we know the impact of the increased independent oil company presence.

    Finally, I never said “big oil will defend Sarah Palin.” Here’s what I said (in comment 108):

    Independent oilmen will support Palin in droves. If oil company executives are smart, they will also support Palin because, unlike most politicians, she actually wants to maximize America’s energy resources.

    But here’s one thing we might agree on: I suspect Big Oil is much happier with Senator Murkowski than Governor Palin.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  190. Oh yeah, BOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  191. DRJ – Big companies never ever posture in their public pronouncements. They should all be taken 100% literally. Heh!

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  192. For Pete’s sake, Eric. With rare exception, Texas regularly leads Alaska in crude oil production, but federal offshore production dwarfs both — at least until Obama took over.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  193. EPWJ and facts are not fast friends.

    AD-RtR/OS! (322946)

  194. Alaskan North Slope oil production has been declining steadily for more than 20 years – BLAME PALIN AND HER TAXES!!!!!

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  195. Oh, is this another one of those threads where Patterico hoped we could all learn new things and have meaningful dialog with those on the left?

    elissa (6ea906)

  196. elissa – Absolutely. Civility is the watchword of the day and somebody introduced lefty memes about Palin. You can see them if you look close. No sammins sighted yet, though.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  197. “Texas has surpassed Alaska in Oil Production”–Eric

    Texas has ALWAYS produced more crude than Alaska has.

    Probably has something to do with the fact that there is more oil in Texas than there is in Alaska, or at least that’s wwhat the DOE says.

    Current proved reserves:

    Alaska- 3,566 million barrels

    Texas- 5,006 million barrels

    Dave Surls (7ee0b1)

  198. Dave

    Reserves and production are two different things


    ExxonMobil has stopped all production exploratory wells in Alaska until as they state the financial climate changed – Conoco and BP are doing the same

    spin it ayway you want they are going after the Deepwater Lousiana and the Tupi fields more expensive to explore cheaper to extract

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  199. So now you are just ignoring everything else that showed you are full of shlte?

    JD (d4bbf1)

  200. I’ll have to take your word for it, Eric, because I don’t have any inside knowledge about ExxonMobil’s drilling projects. Best of luck on those Deepwater Louisiana prospects.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  201. By the way, what is a “production exploratory well”?

    DRJ (fdd243)

  202. One of my New Years resolutions waste be nicer to people that I disagree with. this last week disabused me of that silliness.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  203. Here’s some good news for everyone: ExxonMobil’s Point Thomson well was completed early and is a producer. Apparently it’s a gas well.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  204. “Reserves and production are two different things”

    Is there something about Texas has always produced more oil than Alaska has that you don’t understand?

    Texas produces more oil than Alaska because Texas has more oil. It’s ALWAYS been that way. Get it?

    I’m telling you guys, it’s a waste of time arguing with Eric.

    The guy is basically clueless.

    He gets some dumb idea in his head, and there isn’t much you can do to drive it out, short of taking a 2 x 4 to his skull…and that wouldn’t be very nice.

    Dave Surls (7ee0b1)

  205. President Palin will drill the oils with the commonsense conservatism and also the going rogue but not with the mavericky cause of that doesn’t poll well anymore.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  206. #206


    That happyfeet guy cracks me up.

    Dave Surls (7ee0b1)

  207. Daley

    At this point you and DRJ’s ignoring of solid unrefutable facts that she raised taxes and greatly increased spending at a greater rate than the Democrats could ever have dreamed of – is puzzling

    I’m just the guy pointing it out – if you feel she has been smeared unfairly you need to contact the following sources to correct the record

    The Department of Energy

    The Department of Revenue – State of Alaska

    The Baker Hughes Corporation
    The USA Today
    The Houston Chronicle
    The Financial Times
    The Wharton School of Business
    The Sloan School Of Business
    The Wall Street Journal
    The Board of Directors of the Following Corporations: JP Morgan Chase, Exxon Mobil, Total, Conoco, British Petroleum, Shell, Haliburton
    The Audit firms of Price Waterhouse, KPMG
    The Office of the Governor of the great State of Alaska
    Governor Rick Perry’s Office – the State of Texas
    Boby Jindal – Governor Baton Rouge – State of Louisiana
    The United States Department of the Interior
    The University of Oklahoma Business Development and Research Foundation
    The University of Tulsa School of Petroleum Engineering

    I mean, I left some 50 or 60 organizations out but all of these are on record as saying she raised taxes and spending in Alaska and the oil companies are withdrawing their participation gradually and systematically

    But its unfair to point out that they are even drilling in NEW York and not in Alaska because you’d have to be some kinda stupid to try and do business with all those grandfathered taxes in place

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  208. Praline: (whistles a bit, then) Hello. I would like to buy a fish license, please.
    Postal clerk: A what?

    Praline: A license for my pet fish, Eric.

    Clerk: How did you know my name was Eric?

    Praline: No, no, no! My fish’s name is Eric. Eric fish. He’s an halibut.

    Clerk: What?

    Praline: He is an halibut.

    Clerk: You’ve got a pet halibut?

    Praline: Yes, I chose him out of thousands. I didn’t like the others, they were all too flat.

    Clerk: You must be a loony.

    Praline: I am not a loony. Why should I be tarred with the epithet ‘loony’ merely because I have a pet halibut? I’ve heard tell that Sir Gerald Nabarro has a pet prawn called Simon – you wouldn’t call him a loony! Furthermore Dawn Pathorpe, the lady show jumper, had a clam called Stafford, after the late chancellor. Alan Bullock has two pikes, both called Chris, and Marcel Proust had an ‘addock! So if you’re calling the author of ‘A la recherche de temps perdu’ a loony, I shall have to ask you to step outside!

    Clerk: All right, all right, all right. A license?

    Praline: Yes!

    Clerk: For a fish.

    Praline: Yes!

    Clerk: You *are* a loony.

    Praline: Look, it’s a bleeding pet, isn’t it? I’ve got a license for me pet dog Eric, I’ve got a license for me pet cat Eric.

    Clerk: You don’t need a license for your cat.

    Praline: I bleedin’ well do and I’ve got one! Can’t be caught out there!

    Clerk: There is no such thing as a bloody Cat license.

    Praline: Yes there is.

    Clerk: No there isn’t.

    Praline: Is!

    Clerk: Isn’t!

    Praline: Is!

    Clerk: Isn’t!

    Praline: Is!

    Clerk: Isn’t!

    Praline: Is!

    Clerk: Isn’t!

    Praline: Is!

    Clerk: Isn’t!

    Praline: Is!

    Clerk: Isn’t!

    Praline: What’s that then?

    Clerk: This is a dog license with the word ‘dog’ crossed out and ‘cat’ written in, in crayon.

    Praline: Man didn’t have the right form.

    Clerk: What man?

    Praline: The man from the cat detector van.

    Clerk: The loony detector van, you mean.

    Praline: Look, it’s people like you what cause unrest.

    Clerk: What cat detector van?

    Praline: The cat detector van from the Ministry of Housinge.

    Clerk: Housinge?

    Praline: It was spelt like that on the van. I’m very observant. I never seen so many bleedin’ aerials. The man said their equipment could pinpoint a purr at four hundred yards, and Eric being such a happy cat was a piece of cake.

    Clerk: How much did you pay for this?

    Praline: Sixty quid and eight for the fruit-bat.

    Clerk: What fruit-bat?

    Praline: Eric the fruit-bat.

    Clerk: Are all your pets called Eric?

    Praline: There’s nothing so odd about that. Kemel Attaturk had an entire menagerie called Abdul.

    Clerk: No he didn’t.

    Praline: Did!

    Clerk: Didn’t!

    Praline: Did, did, did, did, did and did!

    Clerk: Oh all right.

    Praline: Spoken like a gentleman, sir. Now, are you going to give me a fish license?

    Clerk: I promise you that there is no such thing. You don’t need one.

    Praline: In that case give me a bee license.

    Clerk: A license for your pet bee.

    Praline: Correct.

    Clerk: Called Eric? Eric the bee?

    Praline: No.

    Clerk: No?

    Praline: No, Eric the half bee. He had an accident.

    Clerk: You’re off your chump.

    Praline: Look, if you intend by that utilization of an obscure colloquialism to imply that my sanity is not up to scratch, or even to deny the semi-existence of my little chum Eric the half bee, I shall have to ask you to listen to this. Take it away, Eric the orchestra-leader.

    Singer: A one, two, a one two three four!

    Praline (sings):

    Half a bee, philosophically,
    Must, ipso facto, half not be.
    But half the bee has got to be
    Vis a vis, its entity. D’you see?

    But can a bee be said to be
    Or not to be an entire bee
    When half the bee is not a bee
    Due to some ancient injury?

    Chorus: La dee dee, one two three,
    Eric the half a bee.
    A B C D E F G,
    Eric the half a bee.

    Praline: Is this wretched demi-bee,
    Half-asleep upon my knee,
    Some freak from a menagerie?
    No! It’s Eric the half a bee!

    Chorus: Fiddle de dum, Fiddle de dee,
    Eric the half a bee.
    Ho ho ho, tee hee hee,
    Eric the half a bee.

    Praline: I love this hive, implore ye-ee,
    Bisected accidentally,
    One summer afternoon by me,
    I love him carnally.

    Chorus: He loves him carnally,
    Praline: The end.

    Icy Texan (a31b5a)

  209. “Reserves and production are two different things”

    Did someone say they were not?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  210. Daley – does it intentionally ignore everything, or just not read it in the first place?

    JD (d4bbf1)

  211. Dave

    First clarify your remarks – most of Texas’ oil reserves are in producing fields much of Alaska’s oil is in currently undeveloped fields – also seismic has not been shot in most of Alaska, Texas has been criss crossed for decades

    In other words Alaska may have huge reserves deeper at depths not traditionally explored in the 70’s and early 80’s that have been utilized in Texas – because Texas likes oil companies – Alaksa does not

    When your rig count is less than 10 not much is going to happen, vs Texas which hads 100’s of rigs going

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  212. JD

    Lets bring it down to 4 simple things

    1. Did her budgets increase over double digits every year (her two years)

    2. did she raise taxes?

    3. Did the oil companies pass those Taxes onto the consumer?

    4. Does anyone think huge spending increases and large corporate taxes are a positive climate for reveue and job growth?

    Disprove any of thesed?

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  213. Icy Texan, that made me laugh.Monty Python is as random as can be.

    Simon Jester (bbaff3)

  214. Di you happen to read the WSJ article about the circumstances? I know you didn’t, or you would not continue to make an ass of yourself. Let’s narrow it down to this. Has Andrew BREITBART been indicted, and if not when will he be? Is Scozzafava a conservative? With all of the legit reasons to oppose Palin, why do you insist on making stuff up?

    Hint, I refuse to play your stupid game, for the 9381398408246375th time.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  215. Monty Python has an answer for everything.

    Icy Texan (a31b5a)

  216. JD

    That WSJ article was an opinion piece by a Palin supporter – it was not written by the staff of the WSJ

    Its simple:

    !. Did she increase spending? If so why?

    2. Did she increase taxes – if so why?

    3. Did the oil companies pass those increases on to the consumer

    4. Does increased spending and tax increases creat jobs?

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  217. “Dave First clarify your remarks [followed by a bunch of inane babble] ”

    Eric, I love you like a mildly retarded brother, but you’re just so clueless, that listening to you hold forth is like being repeatedly hit in the head by a ballpeen hammer.

    You’ll never get anything of value from the experience, and when you get right down to it, it’s really not that much fun.

    Dave Surls (7ee0b1)

  218. Hint, I refuse to play your stupid game, for the 9381398408246375th time.

    So his facts were wrong?

    JD (d4bbf1)

  219. Eric:

    At this point you and DRJ’s ignoring of solid unrefutable facts that she raised taxes and greatly increased spending at a greater rate than the Democrats could ever have dreamed of – is puzzling

    Please stop misstating what I’ve said. I never disputed that the ACES program increased Alaska’s share of revenue along with oil companies’ costs. I also acknowledged that because she has actually governed, Palin would have to answer for the things she’s done … and that includes increased spending. Here’s one analysis.

    The ACES’ program reformulated the way Alaska approaches oil and gas matters, and IMO it replaced a bribery-tainted system with one that made it harder for Big Oil to buy politicians in lieu of developing the oil and gas properties. Yes, it changed things for Big Oil and I understand they aren’t happy about that. But I think it was a change that will ultimately benefit Alaska, Alaskans, and even the oil companies. Finally, it doesn’t bother me to see there are proposals to make changes to the legislation. Any big legislative change is going to need adjustments as time goes on and the anticipated results can be compared to the actual results.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  220. I’m missing the point of your rig count link, Eric. The 2005-2010 Alaska rig count seems pretty consistent to me. See also the U.S. Annual Average by State at Baker Hughes (Excel file, 1987-2010) in the North American Rotary Rig Archive.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  221. EricPW – Here are some simple questions:

    Did Palin do a good job as governor for the citizens of her state? Yes, as evidenced by her high favorability ratings.

    As a citizen of Alaska would you favor increasing and stabilizing government revenues by raising taxes on oil companies or instituting income taxes on individuals? Clearly citizens of Alaska favored increasing taxes on oil companies.

    If you have evidence that Palin did a poor job of governor for the citizens of Alaska, please present it. If you are using some other yardstick to measure her performance as governor, please explain the justification for that yardstick.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  222. “1. Did her budgets increase over double digits every year (her two years)”

    EricPW – Do you want another beclowning over this point?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  223. Comment by Dave Surls — 1/15/2011 @ 8:27 pm

    Finding even mild amusement at anything happyfeet says or does is a character defect.

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  224. “Finding even mild amusement at anything happyfeet says or does is a character defect.”

    Well, nobody’s pefect, least of all me.

    Dave Surls (9a57f2)

  225. DRJ

    6 rigs are exploring in Alaska out of a Total of 1699 For the USA. For comparison, California has 5 times as many, Texas has 125 times as many, Louisiana has 28 times as many

    Alabama – on shore has 7 rigs exploring, Alaska has 6

    Then linking an news article of a gubernatorial press release instead of the actual accounting report – you can find the actual speding report showing the 38% increase in spending over Murkowski’s bloated budgets which Palin criticied in the 2006 primary debates in the thread where we once started this discussion


    The Rig count vs proven reserve ratio is 731 Rigs in Texas exploiting 5 billion in reserves to 6 rigs in Alaska exploiting 3 billion in reserves

    6 vs 731, 6 in Alaska vs 731 in Texas (you seem to have accidently left out that information put it back in for you)

    I wonder which state has a friendlier business environment for the oil industry?
    So, what DRJ has confirmed so far is

    1. Sarah Palin increased spending wildly

    2. Sarah Palin increased taxes even more on a struggling industry that provides her state most of its employment and revenue

    Thanks for helping me out DRJ

    EricPWJohnson (2925ff)

  226. DRJ

    To have left out the ACES program in your earlier rebuttals over the weeks we have been discussing Palin’s taxation was not presenting your arguments in good faith and was born out of a strong desire for right and wrong which you are nown for but have been manipulated by the lefts disgusting behavior ito supporting and defending someone who very well deserves our scorn.

    You have always defended those you felt were good people having bad things said about them.

    My WHOLE POINT is that the ACES program is a HUGE tax increase on a struggling industry.

    She is not ever going to be elected even in her own state to anything because of it.

    She has not been confronted with it – yet

    A rig count of 6 is not something that she can fall back on.

    Wrecking an industry vital to America’s scurity, its fiscal health, to make us even more dependent upon nations that fund terrorism to get the essential fuels to ignite our economy and then state your values are much aligned with Palin – thats troubling DRJ and thats why I’m taking the pains to show you – you are not Sarah Palin and I would never ever dream that you would be and thats a good thing.

    Honestly I dont think Palin knows what she did, I could say that she didnt have the background or the education to fully make wise choices for Alaska – but thats alittle late now – damage has been done.

    EricPWJohnson (4380b4)

  227. You really are a dick, epwj.

    JD (109425)

  228. 1. Sarah Palin increased spending wildly
    — That is an outright LIE. Either back up that assertion with facts, or retract it.

    2. Sarah Palin increased taxes even more on a struggling industry that provides her state most of its employment and revenue
    — 1) that industry is/was NOT struggling; 2) in what form does the state receive that revenue?

    Icy Texan (a31b5a)

  229. “1. Sarah Palin increased spending wildly”

    EricPW – Let’s rehash. What were the primarily line items where spending increased? You remember. Go!

    “2. Sarah Palin increased taxes even more on a struggling industry that provides her state most of its employment and revenue”

    “Drill baby Drill Palin who wants to open more of her state to oil and gas exploration and development increased tax revenues as oil prices skyrocketed, pegging rates at least partially to market prices and tying the states fortunes to the fortunes of the industry. Oil industry employment increased during her tenure as governor.

    Repeating mindless talking points serves no purpose.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  230. Daniels, wife leaves, marries doctor in CA and four years later they remarry,

    Huh? What on earth is wrong with that? Who objects to it? Why would it even be a tiny blip on his campaign?

    public supporter of illegal amnesty,

    Before or after securing the border? Once that’s been done some kind of solution will be needed for those already here, and it would be morally wrong to expel them all.

    blames imminent IN pension disaster on Obama’s DOJ.

    And is he wrong?

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  231. Eric,

    You continue to misstate my comments and position.

    It’s true I rarely used the term “ACES” before but that’s the name of the program the Alaska Legislature installed, at Palin’s urging, and it’s all we’ve ever talked about. To say I “left out the ACES program in [my] earlier rebuttals” is wrong.

    I understand you believe these changes are hard on Big Oil and I agreed change is difficult for large corporations, but I don’t share your despair for the oil industry as a whole. That’s why I pointed out ExxonMobil has continued its Alaska operations and I repeatedly linked a report that independent oil companies are increasing in Alaska.

    You compared the Alaska rig count to the Texas rig count but as my links illustrated, the Alaska rig count hasn’t changed much over the years. In addition, the links also showed that Texas rig counts change quite a bit over time — ranging from 227 rigs to 898 rigs in the last decade — with current levels up because the price of oil is high enough to make marginal fields and stripper wells profitable. My guess is oil operators have more flexibility in Texas than in Alaska, perhaps due to the weather and drilling conditions/costs (plus the federal government isn’t involved in Texas oil and gas exploration the way it is in Alaska), so it doesn’t surprise me that the Texas rig count is more volatile.

    Finally, I briefly addressed your claims re: Palin’s spending by linking an analysis of FY 2008 and 2009 spending, as well as a link that showed a significant decrease in spending for FY 2010. Thus, it’s incorrect to list me as support for your claim Palin “wildly” increased spending.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  232. “What on earth is wrong with that?”

    Get a grip. Unlike Romney I might even pull the lever for Daniels.

    However, we have the current devotion of the thread on the diversion of attention from the sh*tsack in the WH to Palin on oil without mention of crude grade pricing, infrastructure, labor costs, yada yada.

    Do you really suppose Daniels’ marriage will remain off limits?

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  233. I mean it. How does this history discredit him at all? How could it become an issue?

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  234. As for the silly suggestion that Nancy Reagan suffered anything even remotely approaching the attacks on Palin, to make that statement is to refute it. It doesn’t bear serious consideration.

    To start with, Nancy R did consult an astrologer, didn’t she? That wasn’t a smear, was it?

    As of the 2008 election, Palin had suffered 80 distinct smears; I don’t know anyone who’s counted the ones since then. And this week’s smear is one of the worst. And they weren’t limited to one book by a silly and ill-thought of gossip writer.

    Minor points: Ron is not Nancy’s son. The Gruaniad is not a respected newspaper. And whether Tancredo called for them or not, literacy and civics tests should be introduced as a prerequisite for voting.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  235. “How does this history discredit him at all? How could it become an issue?”

    Again, this thread is about linkage of Palin to an apolitical schizoid where “Allahu Akbar” got no copy following Fort Hood.

    Dupnik orders Fuller a psychiatric eval but Loughner passes FBI gun check.

    You’re needing convincing is no surprise to me, and no inducement to labor on your behalf.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  236. Huh? That’s completely nonresponsive. You claimed that Daniels had this among his negatives. I’m asking you to explain how it’s a negative. How can anyone possibly spin it into a negative?

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  237. “And whether Tancredo called for them or not, literacy and civics tests should be introduced as a prerequisite for voting.”

    Milhouse – I never heard an explanation of why they would be racist, nor did I see proof that Palin, speaking two days after Tancredo, actually heard his speech, but again she has no obligation to police the remarks of others.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  238. The association between literacy tests and racism comes from the fact that in the South they used to be administered in a blatantly racist fashion. It was up to the person in charge whom to test, and what test to give; so either only black people were tested, or else black people were given impossibly hard tests while the few white people who were tested were given easy tests. That is indeed horribly wrong and blatantly unconstitutional. But it’s no reason to forbid a fair test. We trust the government to administer tests for drivers’ licences, CCW licenses, all sorts of occupational licenses, school admission (and within schooling), etc. Any of those tests could be administered in a blatantly racist fashion, but we manage to make sure they’re not. I see no reason why a test to vote could not be treated the same way.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  239. More to the point, why shouldn’t citizens have to pass the same test that PROSPECTIVE citizens do? Unless racism doesn’t apply to immigrants?

    Simon Jester (d50d30)

  240. Really minor point: I thought Ron and Patty are Nancy’s children with Ronald Reagan, while Jane Wyman had Maureen and adopted Michael with Reagan.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  241. DRJ, you’re right. I had them reversed.

    Milhouse (54f1a0)

  242. “More to the point, why shouldn’t citizens have to pass the same test that PROSPECTIVE citizens do?”

    Good idea. No citizenship and no voting (or handouts from the government) until you pass the same test that foreign born folks have to pass.

    I like it.

    Dave Surls (95e286)

  243. What we really need is civics tests for politicians running for elected office.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  244. Am I to understand Mitch Daniels remarried his wife?

    Well never mind that he’s a conservative governor with WH experience and excellent campaign skills. That he loves his wife enough to work through painful issues to save his marriage just ruins that for me.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  245. Here is the Weekly Standard article on MD:

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  246. Simon Jester, that’s a great profile of MD. I particularly love his blunt um, common sense:

    “By the time a child has finished third grade, the state has spent $40,000 and the school district has had 720 days to teach that child to read,” he said, tight-lipped. “If that child can’t read by then, there is a fundamental failure in that district. And they’ll need to remedy it. The most unacceptable thing to do is to shove that child along to fourth grade into almost certain academic failure. That’s a cruel thing to do, it’s a wrong thing to do, and we’re going to put an end to it.”

    The reporter pressed: But won’t the schools need more money?

    Daniels’s eyes got wide.

    “More than $40,000 to teach someone how to read? No. It won’t and it shouldn’t and any school district that can’t do it ought to face consequences.”

    Dustin, almost missed the sarc there and was scratching my head, wondering what the heck…

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  247. Yes, Dustin, that is what happened. For the life of me I can’t conceive of how anyone can object to it, or turn it into some sort of campaign issue. Is there any religion, other than Judaism (Deut 24:1-4), that objects to this? And Daniels is a Christian Arab, not a Jew.

    Milhouse (54f1a0)

  248. And yes, I’m a huge Palin fan but I like Daniels, at least on domestic policy. I have no idea what his views are on foreign policy, but I’d have a hard time voting for an Arab for president unless he showed a strong personal commitment to Israel, such as Alan West or Palin have done.

    Milhouse (54f1a0)

  249. Mitch Daniels could beat Obama, which would be a right proper fantastic victory for the Republican Party I think we can all agree, whereas Sarah Palin cannot beat Obama, principally because she is odious to independent voters inasmuch as vast numbers of them think she’s to varying degrees both stupid and annoying.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  250. Sigh. If Daniels gets the nomination, then by the time the election rolls around the Ds will have smeared him just as thoroughly as they did Palin. Having discovered how effective it is, they’ll do it to whomever wins the nomination. At least Palin is used to it, and can point to the last hundred or so smears and say “if you agree (as you must) that those are all lies, why do you think these new ones are any more plausible?”.

    Milhouse (54f1a0)

  251. That still doesn’t move the dial for the independents, who are quite resolved in their opinion of the woman.

    Smear Mr. Daniels as you like you’ll not make “stupid” and “annoying” stick, however hard you try.

    So there’s that.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  252. Here is an interesting study from December 2008 on the overall tax burden on Oil Companies in the ten largest oil producing states. Interestingly, Alaska is number 4, meaning fourth lowest, while Texas is number 6, higher than Alaska, even after factoring Palin’s “devastating” tax increases.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  253. And remember, Milhouse, the Left can count on some folks on the Right parroting back personal attacks little different from those Janeanne Garofalo’s tattoos would mutter.

    Simon Jester (86ea30)

  254. Perry, Fred and Michelle Bachmann look good to me, I’m gladden that Bachmann is considering higher office

    EricPWJohnson (e83e82)

  255. that should be pleased, thrilled that Bachmann is considering higher office

    EricPWJohnson (e83e82)

  256. I love it when people who get pilloried at PW for being over the top can apparently speak for all Independents.

    No big deal, I guess. But it sure makes Soros smile.

    Simon Jester (86ea30)

  257. the Left can count on some folks on the Right parroting back personal attacks

    that’s certainly another good reason not to entertain the idea of nominating Sarah Palin… she’s hobbled right out of the gate by the fearsome dislike people have for her, you see

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  258. tip: nominate someone people like

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  259. This is why people are wanting Perry to run

    “There’s no shortage of commentators saying that we’re on the verge of budgetary Armageddon,” Republican Gov. Rick Perry recently told reporters. “The fact of the matter is that’s just not true.”

    EricPWJohnson (e83e82)

  260. Well some people with issues even Jeff Goldstein and Darleen Click think are unusual and odd, anyway.

    Simon Jester (86ea30)

  261. But she was hounded as hard as anyone and remember this is when CNN was still behaving itself ad there were no 24 hr newschanels or blogs

    but even so the howling was worse


    Such absurdities. No one ever, ever invaded the reproductive life of Nancy Reagan in a desperate quest to see whether Ron Reagan was really her baby. Or was Maureen really Wyman’s – maybe Nancy and Ronald Reagan were involved *before*? Oh the possibilities! By that fact alone, Nancy Reagan was absolutely not hounded as hard as Palin.

    And if you believe a public tiff about china patterns or seeing an astrologist is on the same level as having one’s uterus become the subject of public discourse – and by *professional* journalists – then you need to have a serious shot of STFU followed by a stiff chaser of reality.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  262. The same people who believe Palin is “stupid” and “annoying” will believe it of anyone the LSM tells them to. Remember the same people believed Reagan was stupid.

    Milhouse (54f1a0)

  263. I mean, no disrespect, but I think I can make a guess about the appearance of the woman who first broke a certain pikachu’s heart.

    That said, I would rather see Daniels as the nominee.

    Simon Jester (86ea30)

  264. Honestly, you haven’t figured out yet that factts are no obstacle to the left’s attacks, they will take the fact that he was W’s budget chief at the
    time of the Iraq War and will ’embellish’ to something you can’t even imagine. read “Guilty”,
    to see what they did to Romney and Allen ( n 1994 and 2006) and thosewere just state races.

    narciso (6075d0)

  265. Pawlety and Daniels are good choices however they will not be considered nor would they win an election against the Obamination

    They cannot raise the billion necessary to win.

    EricPWJohnson (e83e82)

  266. “Such absurdities.”

    Dana – Don’t forget EricPW’s unexplained racism charges against Palin.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  267. narcisco
    Concerning Daniels and Palwenty

    no one is attack proof but like Perry, the more you attack them the stronger they get (out of curiosity people will start to read about them)

    Perry on the other hand as a politco mused (and take it for its worth) Perry has 200 electorial votes without campaigning he only has to fight in the far west and the east. Everyone else has to fight all over

    EricPWJohnson (e83e82)

  268. Sort’ve like Palin, eh? At least according to Charles Blow:

    “She’s like the ominous blob in the horror films: the more you shoot at it, the bigger and stronger it becomes.”

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  269. Pawlenty, seems very ‘blancmange’, the way Guthrie stole the Coleman seat, right from under him, his previous cap and trade positions, hisother mild stands, when push ogoes to shove, he’ll play tennis

    narciso (6075d0)

  270. Dana

    When you attack someone for something they didn’t do sure, however Palin’s dismal record and governance doesn’t match her rhetoric – like Huckabee – and that will shortly be her undoing if she runs – which she isn’t.

    However if Frank Rich writes another b#$%$hit article about her I may change my mind

    EricPWJohnson (e83e82)

  271. Dana, there are a couple of commenters here who have “issues” regarding the ex-Governor. They will never look at the topic fairly, and seem to believe that their viewpoint represents a huge crowd of people.

    Maybe. Could be. But they don’t do their “cause” any good with their approach, you must admit.

    Simon Jester (d50d30)

  272. Simon Jester, oh I’ve been around this joint long enough to know who they are. If a commenter actually believes Nancy Reagan was hounded harder than Sarah Palin, either that commenter is delusional (which I can tolerate), or they are are a liar and seek only to provoke (which I cannot tolerate). Either way, they go in the same category as Andrew Sullivan.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  273. Oh, I know that, Dana. I have always enjoyed reading your posts, and I would hate to see you get sufficiently irritated to *not* post because of this kind of thing.

    Simon Jester (d50d30)

  274. Oh, and I seriously think that Sullivan is a few fries short of a Happy Meal. Truly. It’s not just game playing with him.

    Simon Jester (d50d30)

  275. It is accurate to say that the nadir of reporting. prbably began with Mo Dowd, reporting
    Kitty Kelley’s scurrilous slanders in the Times, for which she was rewarded with a column and ultimately a Pulitzer

    narciso (6075d0)

  276. Not the first time EPWJ’s characterization of what is on tape and what one actually finds there does not match.

    Of course, the last time he was caught, he failed to explain then why he misrepresented it too.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  277. EricPW – Your hero apparently does not share your low opinion of Sarah Palin. After accepting her endorsement for his reelection;

    “Texas Governor Rick Perry announced on his website, “I look forward to standing with Sarah to promote our shared conservative values of limited government, low taxes and individual freedom. Gov. Palin is a true conservative leader whose priorities and message resonate with Texans, and I am honored to have her in Texas supporting my campaign.””

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  278. Simon, Sullivan seems to be suffering from AIDS-related dementia that set in in earnest some time around 2005/6.

    Milhouse (54f1a0)

  279. I’m a Texan and I think Palin’s priorities and message resonate like so much opportunistic twaddle, I do

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  280. pikachu, you are halfway to Sullytown, I have to say, and you don’t want to be in that neighborhood. I can admit that some don’t want for the highest office in the land, but the unwillingness to acknowledge any positives, and trading in mistruths is something else again

    narciso (6075d0)

  281. Oh darn, here’s Rick Perry praising Sarah Palin again, this time in an interview with the Wall Street Journal.

    “On that last point, he states emphatically, “I love Sarah Palin, I love her positions, I think she was a good governor. . . . I want her to be engaged in this rebuilding of the Republican Party. . . . She is substantially more the face of this country than some other people who might want to be the face of the Republican Party. To me she’s the face of America. I mean she’s a hard worker, she didn’t come from money, she didn’t come from privilege, she just worked hard. . . . I have not seen another person who invigorated the Republican base [like she did] with the possible exception of Ronald Reagan in 1976—the speech he made at the Republican Convention. People were looking around and saying, ‘we nominated the wrong dude.'””

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  282. Rick Perry is 100% right.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  283. As soon as somebody challenges EPWJ on the facts, he ignores the challenge and just . . . moves on.

    Icy Texan (8ea924)

  284. a good governor? She was a cowardly governor who bailed on her office, which involved being responsible for a population of people far less than the mayor of Austin is responsible for.

    And we want to put this tragically lightweight loser in our little white house?

    God bless America.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  285. spoken like a true misogynist. I don’t care that she is a woman. She has bigger balls than Obama. She took on the good old boy GOP network in Alaska and had the national media looking under her bed, while ignoring any skeletons Obama has in his closet. My understanding was she bailed on being governor because lawsuits were crippling the job performance time. It was not beyond the realm of possibility that Nancy Pelosi could have been POTUS, being not that far down in line of succession. Imagine what a total asshole she would have been. Does any non-RINO Republican non-sexist truly believe that Palin was less experienced than Obama or would have thrown all that stimulus money around to give unions past ownership of GM, had civil rights enforced depending whether you were black or white, insulted our allies and kissed our enemies’ asses?

    Calypso Louie Farrakhan (798aba)

  286. I don’t think Obama should be the new measure of where we should lower the bar for the presidency. Even if Palin could win, which she can’t, following up one lightweight charismatic jagoff with another is not a recipe for Win.

    And our little country is in big big trouble.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  287. From Simon Jester’s Ref at 246:
    A couple of his friends say the one thing that will keep Daniels from a presidential campaign is deference to his family.
    “Who would want to have your life opened up like that,” he said at dinner. “Who would want to subject his family to it? It’s vicious. My daughters are terrified of the idea.”…
    His wife Cheri isn’t crazy about it, either…. And she proudly won the watermelon-seed-spitting contest at the 2007 Indiana State Fair. But she never campaigns with her husband and rarely attends official functions.
    …“Right from the start she told me, ‘I don’t do the whole politician’s spouse thing,’  ” Daniels said. “She’s not apolitical. She’s not unpolitical. She’s antipolitical. I told her I would never ask her to do anything she didn’t want to do. And I haven’t. And she hasn’t.”
    More painfully, he and his wife Cheri divorced in 1994. She moved to California, leaving Daniels with the four daughters, aged 8 to 14, and married a doctor. She divorced again and moved back to Indiana. She and Mitch remarried in 1997.
    Cheri has never spoken about this publicly, and from what I can tell it’s been mentioned in print only twice. Daniels’s only comment was to the Indianapolis Star in 2004: “If you like happy endings, you’ll love our story.”

    As Milhouse says, Obama and Co. will have the divorce papers out, and if not, they’ll make up something. And you know there will be a prominent place for a picture of her spitting watermelon seeds. Their children are all adults but there are probably grandchildren who would have to suffer, too. Perhaps the public would get wise to the media and the Dems and rebel at the attempted “Palinization” of Daniels and give him an overwhelming victory and send a message. God bless him and his family if he decides to go for it.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  288. The thing I detest about feet’s treatment of Palin is NOT that he thinks she is a flawed candidate, but that he is (apparently) willfully oblivious to some things that can be said in her defense.

    a good governor?
    – the overwhelming majority of Alaska thought so

    She was a cowardly governor who bailed on her office – you can think she made a mistake when she resigned, but I have yet to see anyone, feets, who has made the case that the hounding through bogus complaints of ethics violations was not really an issue. Show me with facts how that was not an issue, then I’ll bother to listen.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  289. I’ve yet to see anyone convincingly explain why Palin couldn’t handle the job she took an oath to perform and why bailing on her office is some sort of stellar qualification for the presidency.

    Palin is a half term failed governor of a state with about 650,000 people, and she wasn’t up to the job. The American people know that, and she will never ever ever persuade them to put her woefully unqualified ass in our White House.

    He fan cult thinks because a trollop like Obama got elected there’s no reason Palin can’t.

    But they’re so very very wrong about that.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  290. *Her* fan cult sorry

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  291. It cost the State of Alaska $2 million dollars $2 million just to pay for the staff to deal with the records requests from the ethics complaints.

    Also, in her two and a half years in office, the 15 ethics complaints cost her family more than $500,000 in legal fees. In spite of all complaints being dismissed, she still had to pay lawyers to represent her.

    happyfeet, what should she have done? Stayed in offiec for two more years and have the state of Alaska continue paying outrageous amounts of money for frivolous complaints? How would the taxpayers feel about their money being spent that way? Personally go broke? What would you have done?

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  292. Dana, it seems like the only benefit for Palin staying in office would be that Palin’s reputation would be much better off today. I know what choice Obama or Clinton would take if their continued power cost their state and the citizens.

    Anyway, happyfeet’s calling Palin’s term a failure, in addition to cut short, so apparently he thinks her term was a failure for some other reason. I’m pretty happy with her performance, aside from the resignation, so I guess we just have different metrics.

    I do think her resignation is impossible to overcome, politically. It’s just too much to explain, and too easy to use critically.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  293. that’s silly – state attorneys would have been paid anyway – and who cares? If it costs a lot then that’s a great impetus to reform the ethics process.

    As far as her own attorney – she raised a half million dollars within a day of bailing on her job… it’s not like her lawyers were gonna say later loser. The number of people who’ve handled expensive legal problems while in office are too too numerous to count.

    But poor pitiful Palin is above all that sort of thing. She thinks she’s so super special. We shouldn’t expect the pretty pretty princess to actually do her job when people are being mean. Right this way you poor poor thing here step right into the oval office.

    Not gonna happen.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  294. I know what choice Obama or Clinton would take if their continued power cost their state and the citizens.

    It’s interesting that Palin is demonized for putting the taxpayers before herself. She was willing to leave office and give up power without any guarantees about her future role in politics. While she was seemingly in a no-win, I think because of her basic values, she saw it as the only possible choice. That says alot about her ethics.

    I get tired of the endless sniping at her all the while ignoring the fact that she considered her state and family’s financial well being more important than her being the sitting governor. And I say this as one who hope she doesn’t run in 2012.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  295. she bailed on the only job that was capable of providing the sort of experience to be adjudged to have the experience and capability for the presidency

    if she weren’t so deluded as to look in the mirror and think that she’s looking at the winner of the Miss Pezzydent USA 2012 pageant – her actions might indeed be admirable… but until she says otherwise I think we have to conclude that she truly is deluded enough to think she’s ready for the White House.

    And that’s kinda creepy.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  296. Thank you, Dana and Dustin for supplying some of the details.

    If it costs a lot then that’s a great impetus to reform the ethics process
    Actually it had been reformed under Palin to make it easier to weed out corruption- but as with all things, giving more power requires more responsibility. In this case, instead of the good people of Alaska making use of their power for good, some money-grubbers decided to take advantage of the power for bad.

    Yes, putting the interests of your constituents above those of yourself likely loses elections in the current climate. Sad, isn’t it.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  297. I think she’d be better served if she wasn’t so insistent that the narrative about why she bailed be all about her selfless goodness. She basically said screw it I don’t need this I’m a big deal now I’m gonna go make money.

    Which is fine.

    But it’s actually a tad less presidential than the silly narrative that the equally lightweight Obama used. It’s not really her fault she’s white though.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  298. She basically said screw it I don’t need this I’m a big deal now I’m gonna go make money

    Since you are so good at judging true intentions, why did Loughner do the shooting, why did he choose the kind of gun he used, why did he choose that day, and why did the chicken cross the road, after all?

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  299. Dana

    She also was apart of the Murkowski machine until she was not given a Senator’s seat which she ha asked for

    As one of the serial enablers of the Alaskan Good ole Boy network herself, when she was given an 118,000 12 hours a month job – apparently that wasn’t enough

    But hey she’s a woman right – so lets put her in charge of the country – people said bad things about her

    Does that mean me or Happy or Pat should be VP – people have been mean to us 🙂

    Its amazig than no one can point out to one concrete reason to vote for her other than she’s Sarah Palin


    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  300. as deluded as Jared is I don’t think he’s so deluded as to think he should be president

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  301. MD

    you debase yourself

    point to one concrete reason – one conservative act that she has done to warrant your continuous devotion devoid of reason

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  302. I’m a Texan and I think Palin’s priorities and message resonate like so much opportunistic twaddle, I do

    Comment by happyfeet

    You may have been born there, or you may have lived there, but you are as Texan as a watercress sandwich; the only twaddle is your pearl clutching Palin hysteria with which you spam this site, and PW.

    A fine Bunch of Rubens (720b7a)

  303. She ran for Lt Gov, with practically no funds but she came awfully close, She was selected to be the thivcs officer for the oil comission, she found the boss who was also the head of the state party, was a rat, she called him out, forced
    him givenout of office, He has never foror chosegotten that. The then governor, chose his daughter for Senator, that wasn’t going to work out well

    narciso (6075d0)

  304. Beldar has the link from June of 2008 which puts in perspective

    narciso (6075d0)

  305. Narcisco

    Oh well she lost a race, quit a no show six figure job – lets send her another 20 million and the presidency

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  306. texas our texas all hail the mighty state (clapclapclap) TEXAS our TEXAS so wonderful so great (clapclapclap again) boldest and grandest withstanding every test (clapclapclap) oh empire wide and glorious you stand supremely blessed


    I grew up close to LBJ country he was a doo doo head but he was actually qualified for the presidency unlike the half-term half-wit from Alaska

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  307. Comment by happyfeet — 1/16/2011 @ 9:01 pm

    QED – as Texan as Marshal Petain.

    A fine Bunch of Rubens (720b7a)

  308. Well maybe Clayton Williams,with whom he shares some similar attitudes, he was like the Texan version of Paladino, for those with a copy of the home game.

    narciso (6075d0)

  309. well the point is really that it’s silly for Team R to nominate someone as unqualified as Sarah Palin when there are so many qualified people at hand

    and if they do they will lose and Obama will win and America will be really quite effed, effed on an altar of a sad silly idiot’s vanity

    I hope that doesn’t happen.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  310. I believe the attitudes are more San Francisco than San Antonio, narcisco.

    A Fine Bunch of Rubens (720b7a)

  311. Jeez. I come back after a few hours, and happyfeet is spewing such venom toward Palin…why, it’s like the anti-Palin spamming he does at PW.

    And when someone calls him on it, why, they are part of a cult or fan club. Yow.

    Happyfeet has been called a misogynist before, and this doesn’t help. He sure has issues with women who don’t do what he wants…and his disagreements get so very personal. “Stupid”? Really?

    Oh, sure, he spews venom at some guys (like McCain and Christie), but historically, it’s all about the Republican women who don’t meet his standards.

    Seriously. I think he dated someone like SP and got dumped. The sneering anger is bizarre, and seems like resentment.

    And it’s not just my opinion. Go read the comments at PW, when he really cuts loose.

    On the other hand, he might just posting this stuff to get people angry at him. Sounds weird, though.

    Simon Jester (d50d30)

  312. yeah go read my comments at PW

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  313. I like Darleen Click’s advice to you. You might consider it.

    Simon Jester (d50d30)

  314. thank you Simon I definitely will

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  315. effed on an altar of a sad silly idiot’s vanity

    The only vain, sad, silly, idiot is you, HF.

    The entire blogosphere, as well as what ever aliens are picking up the wifi signals, knows you have some obsessive phobia about Palin. We got it. Noted. You have gone beyond tedious into weapons grade boring.

    Make your, and everyone else’s, life easy, and every time you feel compelled to spam somewhere, just type “Standard Rant #1” and put your name.

    A Fine Bunch of Rubens (720b7a)

  316. you seem pretty engaged actually Mr. Rubens

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  317. Well, when you get Dana and DRJ irritated…that ought to make you think a bit. Not a thing wrong with not liking a candidate. Lots of people have suggested that you take that energy and put it into supporting—with the same obsessive focus you put into Palin-bashing—something or someone positive.

    But I think you may just like to stir people up. Yup, it isn’t important what I think.

    Simon Jester (d50d30)

  318. Actually it had been reformed under Palin to make it easier to weed out corruption- but as with all things, giving more power requires more responsibility. In this case, instead of the good people of Alaska making use of their power for good, some money-grubbers decided to take advantage of the power for bad.

    so Palin “fixed” things to where people were able to run her out of office?

    Would she bring this same level of policy brilliance to the White House?

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  319. You notice how the law hasn’t really been applied to anyone else who really does have a conflict of interest, like a local figure, who voted against the AGIA line, and badmouthed to the presswhile holding tens of thousands of stock in
    the competing company, which happened to be BP. He ran for Lt. Gov, and was trounced like a dead armadillo if your wondering

    narciso (6075d0)

  320. I see feets is at it again. The explanation Palin gave is simple: she and her staff were all being driven to the poorhouse. They all had to pay for their own lawyers, and were not allowed to accept donations. They were also spending all their time on these complaints, and unable to do their jobs. Given that, what else was she supposed to do? What would you have done?

    I see feets wrote something about state attorneys getting paid anyway; not sure what he means by that. And others have dealt with legal problems by establishing legal funds and calling for donations; ironically the one ethics charge that was sort-of upheld was that she had dared to do so. The fund was set up by the same lawyer who’d done Algore’s fund, and was set up the same way, but that wasn’t good enough for Alaska law, apparently, and neither she nor her staff were allowed to use a penny of it.

    But there’s another reason that she never mentioned, but which seems logical to me: having decided that she was not going to run again in 2010, had she stayed in office Parnell would have faced a tough primary. By resigning and making him an incumbent she guaranteed his reelection, and left him to govern in peace. So because of her resignation Alaska has a Palinist governor till 2014.

    One more: had she remained in office she could not have campaigned for anyone in 2010; every time she set foot outside the state there would have been another ethics charge. And without her the GOP victories of 2010 would not have happened; surely even feets can see that.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  321. even if all that is true – how is a half-term governor of a state of 650,000 people remotely qualified for the presidency of the United States?

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  322. No, he can’t, or doesn’t want to, but you’ve summed up things fairly well, Milhouse.

    narciso (6075d0)

  323. “when she was given an 118,000 12 hours a month job”

    EricPW – Was the job 12 hours a month or no show? I’m confused? How about a source for either claim?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  324. “I think she’d be better served if she wasn’t so insistent that the narrative about why she bailed be all about her selfless goodness.”

    Mr. Feets – You want I could post her statement when she resigned her governorship a dozen or so times each time you post some baseless conjecture about her resignation. Her reasons were spelled out clearly in that statement. Posting it might help your recollection when you and EricPW go all Sullivanesque about her. Vegan pancakes might help. Losing your grips on reality does not.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  325. Comment by Milhouse — 1/16/2011 @ 10:23 pm

    You make sound points. Clearly Palin is not the half-wit some believe her to be.

    She was backed into a corner and with good political instincts and smarts found a way to spare her state and family while simultaneously furthering the goals of the party. No small feat.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  326. Dana – That is why liberals fear her and people like Mr.Feets and EricPW can’t actually put together coherent arguments against her, all they can do is shriek without explaining their shriekings.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  327. as long as she’s not running for president, who cares why she quit? But let’s not pretend that a half-term governor who was hounded out of office is now ready to lead the country. That’s just silly.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  328. It matters happyfeet, because people like you and fellow Palin-haters continually perpetuate an inaccurate take on why she quit. And what that does is further the myth that she is a quitter – without any substantive and justifiable reason for having made the decision to leave office. It’s not complete and it’s inaccurate.

    I would hope that our side would be more compelled toward truth and accuracy, otherwise we’re not better than the NYT.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  329. not no better than the NYT

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  330. Mr. daley my coherentest argument against Palin is that she’s unelectable because huge numbers of independents think she’s a stupid opportunistic joke.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  331. And he is still at it, claiming that his monomania represents “huge numbers” of people thinking that SP is “stupid” and “a joke.”

    Get therapy for your issues.

    Simon Jester (d50d30)

  332. The real question, Dana, is why the focus on Sarah Palin? Kind of like the focus on other Republican candidates that are “finalists” for office.

    And it’s both sad and ironic: it’s not just the Left that struggles by repetition to create a Narrative…

    Simon Jester (d50d30)

  333. Why the focus on Palin? Mostly I think cause this is a Palin thread. I used to think that Palin was a shoo-in for the Team R nomination because of the identity politics she panders to, but after her implosion this week I’m not as sure about that. I think this was the week even a lot of the people who like her decided she was probably unelectable.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  334. Well, not really, happy. If you look the thread over, you will see that only two people really carry on about Palin. Especially with comments about incompetency, veiled charges of racism, stupidity, and so on.

    Most people who don’t like her say so, say who they like better, and then move on.

    You might think about that. But then, you have serious issues about the woman. I don’t think it has a thing to do with politics. I could be wrong, of course.

    Simon Jester (d50d30)

  335. Mr. Jester our little country can’t endure four more years of Obama, but that’s what will happen if Team R nominates Sarah Palin. Saying so loudly and often does not mean someone has issues.

    Why is it so important to you that everyone respect this stupid white trash bimbo?

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  336. Mr. Jester I think you have issues.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  337. Oh, happyfeet. Why is it so important to you to e so confoundedly rude on this topic? Does it make you cooler? More hip? More correct? No, it takes away from what you say is your goal.

    Again, look at the people you are irritating. Not me; who cares about me. But look at your history on this topic, and the responses you get on more than one website.

    I don’t have the problem.

    I don’t call people names because I disagree with them. And I have spent enough energy on what I sincerely hope is a game of yours.

    If you are serious, and don’t see how you are acting sick—and as always profoundly counterproductively to your supposed goal—I recommend you start repeating your comments to female friends.

    I don’t think you are concerned about Obama at all. Your concerns are with a woman you don’t like, and it seems much more personal than political. Otherwise, you would be strongly pushing alternatives.

    Instead, you like to see how close you can get to be offensive to women.

    Again, I think it is a weird game, and probably a reflection of something in your earlier life. Jeez.

    Simon Jester (d50d30)

  338. Simon you’re clearly obsessed with my criticism of Palin. This can’t be healthy for you.

    Get help, brother.

    I will pray for you.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  339. I was just thinking about how this all worked out for you PW. That must be why you are doing this here; the folks there got quite rude.

    They kept using the word “obsession,” as I recall. Funny.

    Simon Jester (d50d30)

  340. look dude you’ve been obsessed with me for many many moons

    it’s weird

    everyone knows that anytime I make a comment about a certain deluded tundra bunny, here you’ll to whine about how I’m a misogynist and how I must have issues and then you always end with weirdly passionate appeals for civil rhetoric that almost exactly mirror the creepy appeals to civil rhetoric that we’ve heard endlessly this past week from our friends on the left

    It’s way past old, freakshow.

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  341. here you’ll *be* to whine I mean

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  342. you are the Tracy Flick of patterico’s pontifications I think

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  343. Oh, I am not the only one to “whine” about your behavior, and you know it very well. I think you confuse rudeness with passion, and with righteousness. I just believe that you could make your point without the silly insults.

    I also think that your actions are quite counterproductive. But I think you like that sort of counterproductive approach, for whatever reason. Who knows?

    But hey, what do I know? Maybe your approach is just the ticket for winning big in 2012.

    It’s not my blog, and it’s not yours. So I have expressed myself pretty much exactly as much as you have in this thread, in a way you find as objectionable as I find your comments.

    Ain’t America grand?

    Simon Jester (d50d30)

  344. shine on little diamond

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  345. Identifying this ‘Hef’ as a misogynist is not exactly “whining”. More like an exercise in truth-telling, actually.

    Icy Texan (8ea924)

  346. Seriously. I think he dated someone like SP and got dumped. The sneering anger is bizarre, and seems like resentment

    Close, I think.

    Feets likes his sammins, he does, and is jealous that tb (tundra bunny) can eat as much as she wants after cachin em erself.
    – That and she looks better in running shorts, not to mention she is much faster.
    – And feets can’t stand the sight of blood, he cants my precious, no, so his manness is intimidated that the tb can not only hunt but actually gut and clean wild game.
    – In addition, he can’t find any rock song, let alone by the Wilson sisters, that sounds good when you stick any part of “happyfeet” in it.*
    – And finally, feets can dribble, but can’t shoot, and couldn’t make the cheerleading team.

    NOW that we have that all settled, as Simon Jester said, how about spending your energy on candidates you do like, and why, and how to keep their divorce papers and such from being used as blackmail against them.

    * Here you go- Change the theme song from “Happy Days” to “Happyfeets”, and replace “The Fonze” with “The ‘Feets”, the coolest poster to ever visit a blog… That should put you in a better mood….maybe…

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  347. “263.The same people who believe Palin is “stupid” and “annoying” will believe it of anyone the LSM tells them to. Remember…Reagan”

    Exactly. From a pool of 57% you will need 45% after the dead are counted and and the hanging chad certified.

    Limiting the tent to polite company will not get 25%. Fame and money have it Palin, Huckabee and the Romney/Daniels/TPaw/Barbour-insider-parlay winner, with no one having 50%.

    QED, Palin/Huckabee parlay determines winner.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  348. No, it’not about identity politics,it’s about values and integrity, She’s a bit of a parodox, a committed Christian, who was a libertarian in her municipal experience, so much a Van Halen fan (not from the Sammy Hagar period) that she named her own son, after them. She tackled the local party brass, kind of like a young TR or even Guiliani, she doesn’t avoid speaking out when the adversary is willing to shut downthe debate

    narciso (6075d0)

  349. “But let’s not pretend that a half-term governor who was hounded out of office is now ready to lead the country.”

    Mr. Feets – That is a sane, calm position for you defend without the extra unnecessary baseless conjecture and misogyny. Congratulations.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  350. “everyone knows that anytime I make a MISOGYNIST comment about a certain deluded tundra bunny, here you’ll to whine about how I’m a misogynist and how I must have issues”

    Mr.Feet – I inserted a word above for clarity. Hopefully you do not mind clarity. You see how this works, you little victim you.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  351. Daley

    Can you point to a concrete policy of Governor Palin that in your mind qualifies her for holding the highest office in the land?


    EricPWJohnson (2925ff)

  352. Daley

    Can you point to a concrete policy of Governor Palin that in your mind qualifies her for holding the highest office in the land?


    Comment by EricPWJohnson — 1/17/2011 @ 7:24 am

    I know you didn’t address your question to me but “policies” don’t qualify you to govern; experience does.

    My own opinion is that her policies are exactly what I want in a president of the US. Whether she has enough experience to promote and implement those policies is another matter, on which I’m still deciding.

    She has successful executive experience, successful experience in running a state, successful experience at taking on her own party when necessary, successful experience in refusing benefits to herself when they cost her constituents money (dismissal of cook and IIRC other staff, and sale of governor’s jet) success at putting her constituents before herself (recall that she didn’t know when she resigned after being “hounded out of office,” as happyfeet so well put it, whether or not she would have a successful stint as a pundit etc.)

    It’s true she only has a half-term governing a state. This, along with the fact that she’s been sufficiently smeared in the media with the false “stupid” label to turn too many independents off, is why my jury’s still out on whether I want her to fun.

    Is a half-term as governor enough? I don’t know. I want to see how she does over the next year in things like improving her grasp of foreign policy, and a couple other things that being governor of a state doesn’t give you.

    However, many people with virtually NO executive experience (including a part-senate-term Obama) seem to think they are qualified.

    You know what I think? I think your use of the term “policy” was significant and not just a random mistake. I think far-left liberals in general do see “the right policies” as themselves proof that someone should be put in a leadership position. Regardless of whether someone has any actual background or experience running things. Witness our current President.

    no one you know (a8b794)

  353. By show of hands, who thinks epwj has an irrational hatred of Palin. We get it dude. You don’t like her.

    JD (3dddfd)

  354. To each their own, JD. I can’t change people like that, but maybe it is a reminder to myself not to react viscerally? Heck, I don’t know.

    I just don’t like smearing to succeed in destroying a candidate (and does the Left ever know that). The ballot box should be the decider.

    Simon Jester (d50d30)

  355. Two years as governor is certainly not as good as four or six or eight, and that’s a point against her. But two years is still executive experience, to which we should add her years as mayor, and her business experience. That’s enough to know what running something is like, so that the candidate doesn’t spend the first year or so figuring it out. And it beats years spent as a legislator, hammering out compromises and never being responsible for anything.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  356. I do agree with happyfeet about one thing, we should not use Teh One’s complete and utter lack of experience as our measuring stick.

    JD (3dddfd)

  357. EPWJ’s hatred of Palin is not irrational; it comes from his position in the Big Oil industry. He’s speaking out of self-interest. Palin recognises that capitalism is the system of the bourgoisie and small business, and that big business tends to prefer making money through politics, and freezing out competitors through regulation. She showed herself hostile to Big Oil, and Big Oil returns the feeling.

    Feet’s hatred of Palin is irrational.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  358. Well said. Ditto.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  359. It should be noted that most of the Major oil companies with the exception of Exxon were in favor of cap n trade (BP, Shell, Conoco) why do you think they gave Obam their largest campaign contribution, the smaller independents were less disposed.

    narciso (6075d0)

  360. I do agree with happyfeet about one thing, we should not use Teh One’s complete and utter lack of experience as our measuring stick.

    Comment by JD — 1/17/2011 @ 8:37 am


    no one you know (325a59)

  361. “Can you point to a concrete policy of Governor Palin that in your mind qualifies her for holding the highest office in the land?”

    EricPW – I understand your tactic is to raise strawmen to avoid answering legitimate questions I have asked you. Everybody on this blog understands that.

    Can you point to any reputable conservatives who share your views that Palin is a fiscal liberal and produce links for everyone to review? The only places I have seen repeating your narrative are the fever swamps of the left?

    Also, you raised a one last night, that her job on the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission was a 12 hour a month or a no show job. Where is your support for that?

    You still have not supported your allegations against her of racism given your mischaracterization of Tancredo’s speech. I await your apology for that.

    You should also prove your statement that raising taxes on Alaskan oil and gas raised prices for West Coast consumers. That should be interesting.

    Please also enumerate the significant items of increase in Palin’s wild spending spree as a governor. I don’t understand why you keep avoiding this topic.

    In addition, please address what Palin did with spending in her final year as governor with oil revenue dropping, actions any fiscal conservative would take.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  362. JD,

    I know what you’re saying — Republicans shouldn’t pick a novice just because the Democrats did — but Obama is the President and that makes him the measuring stick. However, the GOP doesn’t even have any candidates on its radar like JFK and Obama, both of whom relied on money, charisma, and an adoring press to win.

    If the Republicans want any chance at all, the GOP Presidential and/or Vice-Presidential nominees must be able to energize the base to give money and vote. Why do I say this? Because one lesson we should have learned from Clinton vs Dole is that it doesn’t work to rely on an experienced Republican nominee and antipathy to the Democratic candidate.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  363. Good summation, daleyrocks. Are you sure you aren’t a litigator?

    DRJ (fdd243)

  364. Completely understand, DRJ. However, I am a pessimist, and think we will lose regardless. My personal preference is for the opposite of Barcky, but that is my personal preference. I fear if it is F@ckabee or Palin we are well and truly f@cked. Though I heart Mitch, look at his agenda for this year from his speech last week, I do not want to see him destroyed by Barcky and the MFM hate machine.

    JD (3dddfd)

  365. I guess I understand pessimism: when a pessimist is wrong, it is a *good* thing.

    But political pessimism can lead to folks “opting out” and letting “the other side” win. Why, I remember hearing people actually say that McCain would have nominated folks just as much to the Left as Obama. That’s just silly…and I think an excuse for opting out.

    We are going to need every single voter who is a nonprogressive authoritarian to vote and stay involved.

    We’ll see.

    This is why I think that bashing a candidate is counterproductive. It makes Soros smile. Instead, I hope for a “I prefer Candidate X”—Mitch Daniels?—with the same level of enthusiasm.

    Isn’t that a more positive approach? Even if you think we are going to lose, at least we lose while fighting for things in which we believe, against things we do not believe?

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  366. Anti-Palin Alaska Daily News on her resignation from the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission:

    “Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Chairwoman Sarah Palin said Friday she is resigning amid frustration that she is being forced to keep silent about ethics allegations against Republican Party of Alaska chairman Randy Ruedrich.

    “I’m forced to withhold information from Alaskans, and that goes against what I believe in as a public servant,” Palin said in a Friday interview.

    Ruedrich, reached on his cell phone, wouldn’t discuss Palin’s resignation.

    Republican Gov. Frank Murkowski appointed both Ruedrich and Palin to the state commission last spring. In November, Ruedrich resigned the $118,000 commission job in the face of mounting criticism that his job and his party position presented a conflict of interest.

    As a top party official he was raising political funds from the same industries he regulated as a commissioner. In addition, allegations surfaced that Ruedrich was doing party business while he was on the state job as an oil and gas commissioner.

    Palin has deflected numerous questions from the press about the Ruedrich affair in recent weeks. The Alaska Department of Law has told her that she cannot talk about the ethics allegations against Ruedrich, even after she resigns.

    Palin said frustration over the gag order made her conclude it was time to quit, but she said it wasn’t the only reason. She wouldn’t detail what else contributed to her decision.

    She said her last day on the $122,400 job will be sometime next week.

    Last month, the Daily News made a formal public records request to obtain e-mails that could show whether Rued-rich directed the Republican Party of Alaska out of his office. Palin responded with a letter denying the request. It said the records must be kept confidential under state law…….”

    Read more:

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  367. DRJ – Thanks. No requirement to be a lawyer to spot bad faith arguments that I am aware of.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  368. Is that her no-show job as part of the Murcowskee machine, daleyrocks?

    JD (3dddfd)

  369. JD – That is what I believe he was referring to, but he refuses to elaborate.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  370. No requirement to be a lawyer to spot bad faith arguments that I am aware of.

    That’s true, daley, as you’ve nicely evidenced. Another big part of the draw to this site: the many sharp, observant people from varying walks of life that can logically dismantle or build an argument with neat precision and deftness. And in between those, the few that steadfastly refuse to look at facts, proofs, and would rather die before acknowledging their inconsistencies or irrationalities. It all makes for a challenging read.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  371. Has anybody ever seen EricPW and Chris Hooten in the same place together?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  372. ION, the LAT is still insisting that politics pulled the trigger:

    It opens with:
    Once you get a look at the evil smirk captured by the mug shot of Jared Lee Loughner, it’s hard to believe that mere heated political rhetoric was the decisive factor in his allegedly pulling the trigger over and over and over again.

    But that doesn’t mean there’s no link between politics and violence, or even, to some degree, mental illness.

    It closes with:
    Just because politics wasn’t the direct cause of the killings in Tucson doesn’t let it off the hook. For good or ill, political discourse manipulates and magnifies whatever is bothering us, divides us as winners and losers, and feeds off and creates constant anxiety. None of that may have been enough to make the shooter do it, but is it any wonder he chose politics as the arena for his attack?

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  373. daleyrocks,

    I don’t put more faith in lawyers than laymen, either, but I said litigator. Good litigators are a special breed.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  374. ION, the LAT is still insisting that politics pulled the trigger:

    It opens with:
    Once you get a look at the evil smirk captured by the mug shot of Jared Lee Loughner, it’s hard to believe that mere heated political rhetoric was the decisive factor in his allegedly pulling the trigger over and over and over again.

    But that doesn’t mean there’s no link between politics and violence, or even, to some degree, mental illness.

    It closes with:
    Just because politics wasn’t the direct cause of the killings in Tucson doesn’t let it off the hook. For good or ill, political discourse manipulates and magnifies whatever is bothering us, divides us as winners and losers, and feeds off and creates constant anxiety. None of that may have been enough to make the shooter do it, but is it any wonder he chose politics as the arena for his attack?

    Comment by Dana — 1/17/2011 @ 10:10 am

    *shakes head* Pretty disgusting. The “mental illness” part was a nice side-of-shamelessness touch, though. Wonder which side of the political aisle they meant? /

    no one you know (325a59)

  375. “Good litigators are a special breed.”

    DRJ – I understand. Personnally, I don’t know how the really good ones I have seen in action actually breed. Heh!

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  376. EPWJ wants someone to say concrete about Palin – that didn’t originate from her publicist

    When people use liberal buzz words like “big Oil” to try and excuse her policies of more taxes and more spending, EPWJ will annoyingly keep asking for something concrete, like from an accounting report, a finance website,or a conservative libertarian site at Cato

    An example would be this from Cato:

    Posted by Chris Edwards
    On tax policy, Alaska governor Sarah Palin has a rather uninspiring, albeit brief, record. The following is some information gleaned from State Tax Notes.

    Palin supported and signed into law a $1.5 billion tax increase on oil companies in the form of higher severance taxes. One rule of thumb is that higher taxes cause less investment. Sure enough, State Tax Notes reported (January 7): “After ACES was passed, ConocoPhillips, Alaska’s most active oil exploration company and one of the top three producers, announced it was canceling plans to build a diesel fuel refinery at the Kuparuk oil field. ConocoPhillips blamed the cancellation on passage of ACES [the new tax]

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  377. DRJ

    I dont believe anything from any politician, Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Palin. All politicians do CYA and issue officious self promoting press releases constantly – I dont think that is wrong but its the nature of the beast.

    I’m still waiting for someone to say something concrete that Palin did, that matches the current environment of less taxes and less spending – an environment she has embraced, adopted and is currently preaching at 50 to 100K a pop to fans with cash (but now she has a new marketable topic – the lack of civility – a sure moneymaker)

    Press releases and quotes from press releases by a newspaper story is not the level of say – an official audited accounting report, a fiscal annual report, or a legitimate study by a respected fiscal think tank like Cato or the Tax Foundation.

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  378. Talking about yourself in the 3rd person is creepy. And repeating the same drivel over and over and over and over and over is par for the course with this clown.

    JD (0d2ffc)

  379. JD

    Yeah its creepy – you’re right – ot going to do that anymore

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  380. “ConocoPhillips blamed the cancellation on passage of ACES [the new tax]”

    Fact Check: FALSE

    “Article Excerpt
    ConocoPhillips has canceled a planned $300 million project on Alaska’s North Slope after the state ruled that the work was not deductible under the new tax law.

    The company and its partners had planned to upgrade a refinery at the Kuparuk oil field to produce ultra low-sulfur diesel to comply with new federal environmental regulations that take effect in 2010.

    On Nov. 16, the state legislature passed a bill that raised taxes on oil and gas production and limited deductions for operating costs at the legacy fields of Kuparuk and Prudhoe Bay. The new rules specifically forbade tax breaks for projects like the refinery upgrade (OD Nov. 20,p5).

    “The project no longer makes economic sense under the new rules,” said Natalie Knox Lowman, a spokeswoman for ConocoPhillips.

    However, Alaska Revenue Commissioner Patrick Galvin said the state had already determined the project did not qualify as an appropriate capital expenditure under the previous tax law because it did not directly relate to oil or natural gas production.

    Galvin said ConocoPhillips had wanted the state to…”


    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  381. “Palin supported and signed into law a $1.5 billion tax increase on oil companies in the form of higher severance taxes”

    EricPW – How much did “she” reduce taxes on oil companies from 2008 to 2009?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  382. Daley

    It’s about 15 percent of the nation’s crude oil supply, but taxes and royalties on North Slope production accounts for nearly 90 percent of the state’s revenue

    Oil industry experts have said its not that the state is running out of oil — there’s billions of barrels still buried deep on the North Slope and potentially much more offshore in the Arctic — its that the state is running out of companies willing to invest in Alaska

    Alaska oil industry officials say that the progressivity element takes away a company’s ability to make more money when oil prices are high, something they count on to offset development costs of a project. They invest money at the front end but expect at some point to get it back over the longer term. They say Alaska’s tax system under ACES is much higher than other places and have warned that the state will lose out because companies will simply spend their investment dollars on other prospects elsewhere

    Hawker says it’s already apparent that ACES is having a negative impact on investment in Alaska. The state revenue department has reduced its forecast for oil production by 100,000 barrels a day because no new projects are coming on line to replace dwindling production at existing North Slope fields.

    “Do we continue the philosophy that we can tax the industry into productivity?” he said. “It’s obviously not succeeding.”

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  383. Thoughts from Heritage and Cato, Eric:

    Citing with approval a Washington Post article, the Heritage Organization notes how Sarah Palin “outflanked the oil companies and injected competition and urgency” into Alaska’s new natural gas pipeline project.

    Heritage on Palin’s energy experience:

    Palin proved to the nation that when it comes to the most important issue in this election, energy, she has experience and results in spades.

    For years former-Alaska Gov. Frank Murkowski tried to strike a deal with the major oil companies to construct a new natural gas pipeline. After Palin defeated Murkowski, she bypassed the oil companies entirely and struck a much better deal for the taxpayers with North America’s largest pipeline operator, TransCanada, a Calgary-based company. The pipeline is set to be completed by 2018 and will give Americans access to 35 trillion cubic feet of gas that need to be drilled from Alaska’s North Slope. The pipeline will ship 4.5 billion cubic feet of gas a day, through Canada, to U.S. markets. That represents about 7% of current U.S. demand. This pipeline will lower American consumer energy bills. As Palin said last night: “Families cannot throw away more and more of their paychecks on gas and heating oil.”

    Energy is not just an economic issue. It is also a key foreign policy issue, and Palin demonstrated she has a firm grasp on the relation between the two …

    I’ll let you read the rest at the link.

    And here’s an excerpt from a podcast by Cato’s Michael Tanner that lists Palin’s pros and cons:

    [Palin] has very little experience. She has executive experience, I guess, more than either Senator McCain or Senator Obama or Senator Biden. She’s the only one who has actually run a State, but it’s only for less than 2 years. She doesn’t have any foreign policy experience and, in a crisis, we don’t know how she would perform. Given that John McCain would be the oldest President elected, that’s a cause for some concern.

    Given the other alternatives, this does provide an indication favorable to people who believe in small government. The other people who were largely rumored to be John McCain’s running mates — Tim Pawlenty, Mitt Romney — were basically big government conservatives. If they had been in place and the next leaders of the conservative movement of the Republican Party, that would have been a very bad sign.

    Even though I like Palin, I think I’ve been fair about linking and addressing her pros and cons. Would you care to do the same? For instance, will you acknowledge that Palin issued rebates to Alaskans and proposed big spending cuts for FY 2010?

    DRJ (fdd243)

  384. BP claims Palin’s bill will degrade 70% of the investment options in Alaska

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  385. Eric,

    If as you claim the Big Oil companies are pulling back, maybe that leaves more room for independents:

    What was the biggest trend in the Alaska oil industry in the last decade? Despite the hype, it wasn’t declining production, aging infrastructure or changes to the tax code, because all of those were merely accelerations of earlier trends. The biggest trend unique to the ’00s was the rise of independent oil companies on the North Slope.

    While BP, ConocoPhillips and ExxonMobil made headlines over the past decade, smaller oil companies leased hundreds of thousands of acres across the North Slope and drilled dozens of exploratory wells, leading to the first independently operated oil production in the history of the North Slope. If that trend continues, Alaska will become home to many smaller oil companies this decade, fundamentally changing how the North Slope works.

    This is a decade-long trend. Articles have been talking about the decline of Big Oil in Alaska since before 2003.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  386. DRJ

    12.5 billion in revenue vs.043 billion in tax breaks

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  387. DRJ I posted Chevron’s and BP’s reasons for leaving Alaska

    Too high taxes

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  388. I take that as a No, you aren’t willing to acknowledge any of Palin’s pros. I’ve made my case and I’ll let readers decide for themselves.

    DRJ (fdd243)

  389. DRJ

    The Palin Tax increase was the equivalent of someone making 100,000 getting an increase in their tax bill of 15,000 but receiving a discount coupon book worth 75 dollars at various vendors

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  390. Conoco in their own words

    • State and industry need to be aligned to foster investment
    • Too early to significantly change PPT
    – Forecast uncertainties
    – Revenue Projections are being met based upon the 2007 actuals
    • Uncertainty created by frequency of tax changes alters
    investor’s risk tolerance
    • Selective deductability adds confusion, administrative
    complexity and will modify cost behavior
    • Increase tax erodes investment value by reducing cash
    available for reinvestment
    • 10% Legacy Floor is a disincentive to investment
    – Limits amount of capital which can qualify for deductability rendering the marginal
    project uneconomic
    – Low price can invoke the minimum at the wrong time

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  391. DrJ

    Concrete means significant

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  392. Talk down to DRJ again, jack@ss.

    Go ahead. Just one more time…

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  393. DRJ – I think that was a clear and resounding no no nyet followed by a foot stomp.

    JD (109425)

  394. Scott

    I’m not actually talking down to her – but pointing out I left something out on purpose those figures were so small they dont register.

    Concrete means significant

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  395. And I’m the obsessive one. Wow.

    DRJ deserves a medal for polite discourse.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  396. also Scott DRJ linked an editorial that was just that an opinion that had little to do with facts

    I think we had established that reports, testimoney under oath, fiscal audits, industry experts weighed more than press releases and opinions from publicists

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  397. Have revenues from the ACES, gone up or down, in the intervening period

    narciso (6075d0)

  398. Narcisco

    everything is going down, less production means less revenue, 6 to 8% a year

    The 2007 OCS Sale showed 3 billion in new leases purchases in the USA, only 42 million in Alaska

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  399. “They say Alaska’s tax system under ACES is much higher than other places”

    EricPW – I already presented independent evidence to the contrary elsewhere which you ignored. Self-serving industry testimony and press releases are not very convincing in the face of increasing employment and investment in the Alaska oil and gas industry.

    Am I going too fast for you?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  400. I see EPWJ arguing from the usual lack of good faith.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  401. She pointed out in her testimony to salazar, during the open hearing period, how the pipeline
    volume is dropping, and it will be below replacement level by 2019, of course, Salazar put new obstacles in the way of any new OCS, as a result

    narciso (6075d0)

  402. if negotiating a pipeline deal is presidential then maybe we should take a hard look at the business executives she was negotiating with

    they’re probably smarter and more accomplished than she is without all the endless baggage and super-high negatives

    happyfeet (aa4bab)

  403. Daley

    When you have something factual, I will more than consider it

    Oil companies testified under oath

    Lets recap:

    1. 6 rigs exploring in Alaska out of 1699 elsewhere

    2. The DOE has shown that oil companies are reducing production

    3. Palin raised the already astronomical taxes even significantly higher

    4. Her fiscal policy as governor was described as “welfare”

    5. According to the state, unemployment is at record highs in Alaska

    6. you are incorrect on investment:

    Alaska was in the mid range of oil tax regimes for competitiveness under the Murkowski Administration, but enacted the highest marginal tax rate in the world under Palin. This is demonstrated by the numbers.

    At a $100 market price for a barrel of oil the current marginal tax rate for the Gulf of Mexico is 43%, for Alberta it is 55%, and for Alaska under ACES it is 85%. Alaskans simply cannot compete with the Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas exploration and development capital by imposing a tax that is twice the amount charged there.

    The rate of decline in oil flow through the Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) is increasing. Producer investment in Alaska is decreasing – and no wonder.

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  404. Narcisco

    There is more oil outside of Anwar than in it, the point is that the taxes make anywhere Alaska unattractive

    Frank Mrkowski writes facks and smacks Palin, but he himself raised taxes too high – unfortunately Palin was a willing handmaiden in that as well

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  405. facks = facts

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  406. Dismiss all contrary views out of hand. Wash rinse repeat. He comes across as the spokesliar for some Big Oil conglomerate.

    JD (6e25b4)

  407. Murkowski, now being a board memmber with Exxon mobil,

    narciso (6075d0)

  408. “I think we had established that reports, testimoney under oath, fiscal audits, industry experts weighed more than press releases and opinions from publicists”

    EricPW – Don’t you mean when it comes to oil industry propaganda, you unilaterally declared your biased sources superior to everybody elses’ information?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  409. “When you have something factual, I will more than consider it”

    Expert witness testimony linked above.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  410. “current marginal tax rate for the Gulf of Mexico is 43%, for Alberta it is 55%, and for Alaska under ACES it is 85%.”

    EricPW – How does 85% correspond to .4 or .2, depending on your source above oil price floor rate? Your sources are screwed. Try again.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  411. EPWJ says “I dont believe anything from any politician, Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Palin. All politicians do CYA and issue officious self promoting press releases constantly”. But for some reason he wants us to believe whatever Big Oil says, as if they always tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

    Yes, they’ve reduced their activity, and claim it’s because the new system makes drilling unprofitable. Palin says it’s really a hardball negotiating tactic. Why should we believe them and not her? Going back to first principles, we know that big business always pulls this sort of crap. Big business is rarely a friend of capitalism. Capitalism favours small business and the middle class, e.g. the independent oilmen. So when Conoco, BP, etc. gnash their teeth at Palin we should take that as a positive sign. If they were heaping praise on her we’d have cause to worry.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  412. Oh, and a severance tax isn’t really a tax, it’s a royalty. I’m not aware that small-government libertarian/conservative ideology is against that.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  413. Mil house – it knows that, and has that pointed out to him. He just ignores it. It is …. inconvenient.

    JD (d4bbf1)

  414. Milhouse – I’m still waiting for him to produce commentary from a reputable conservative who agrees with his assessment of Palin’s economic performance as a governor – The KosView!

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  415. I’d like to see Krugman try and agree with his assessment of her economic policies…

    Because he’d have to pick with either dissing Palin, or saying that taxes don’t decrease business investment…

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  416. Scott – The progs are calling her an economic liberal using the false narratives EricPW has thrown out there to discourage conservatives from supporting her. Krugman would have to say she had liberal policies, which he would have agreed with (blow job, blow job), so why oppose her?

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  417. Because then he’d have to say that increasing taxes was bad, and I don’t know if Krugman is capable of doing that.

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  418. One might find the licensing fabulism of peewee Johnson the least bit interesting if Alaskan crude were of higher quality(WTI blends it), the cost of labor that of Texas rather than the most expensive in Amerikkka, the infrastructure well established rather than non-existent and the Bureau of the Interior weren’t blocking refurbishing the pipeline(just reopened after ten days down for a leak).

    As it is its just the conscious dreaming of an Obot. Hallucinating without ergot.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  419. Well, I maybe totally wrong – but the Republicans are discussing repealing the Saracudatax in Alaska, led by her former running mate

    EricPWJohnson (d84fb0)

  420. Man, are you guys still arguing with the Palin-hating Bobbsey twins?

    Over 400 posts of this stuff???

    Jeez, just think of all that wasted bandwidth.

    What a shame.

    Dave Surls (302550)

  421. Dave,

    Parnell is starting the process of rolling back taxes on the oil industry to try and bring them back

    not that they are in any hurry to be taxed again

    I know its hate speech to criticize her actions

    EricPWJohnson (2925ff)

  422. It’s hater-speech to LIE about her actions.

    Icy Texan (441ab5)

  423. “Parnell is starting the process of rolling back taxes on the oil industry to try and bring them back”

    Old news. Which makes all your distortions and lies okay, or something.

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  424. The following hate speech is brought to you by – Alaskans who aren’t Sarah “Raise Taxes” Palin:

    The governor’s ACES revision aims at promoting job growth by lowering taxes on industry. And although the state stands to lose billions of dollars of direct revenue in the short term by tweaking the current tax system developed under former Gov. Sarah Palin, Parnell believes revisions will be worth it in the long run.

    The goal, Parnell said, isn’t to grow the state’s savings account — which currently sits at a little more than $9 billion — as much as it is to create a more comfortable climate for the oil industry in which to pursue new development, and by extension, grow the state’s economy.

    “It’s common sense that lower taxes will create more private sector jobs,” Parnell said, adding that the “cornerstones” of his bill included “investments credits” and a reduction in the state’s progressive tax rate on the per-barrel price of oil.

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  425. There were no WMD’s!!!!!!!!

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  426. He’s revamped or replaced the original AGIA team, that negotiatedd the deal, and Persilly, the rat who slandered her in the early going of the campaign, was rewarded with the agency controlling the pipeline, you see how that works.

    narciso (6075d0)

  427. The real story is China’s income is down 25%-since 2009, European PIIGS debt sale on bond market is suspended, Fed is buying the US Treasuries sold a just few weeks back and paying stiff commissions to Primary Dealers, US municipal bond market is tanking.

    Foreclosures up, bank failures up, structural unemployment up, healthcare premiums up, food and gas prices up(40% of corn goes to ethanol taking soy, rice and wheat out of fields), taxes, surprise, up.

    And the government is lying about all of this incompetence every.step.of.the.way.

    Dear Leader gets in our face when we whine about taking it in the keister. No we will not have another you comprehensive pile of sh*t.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  428. Epwj is the undisputed champion of erecting strawpeople and setting them ablaze, as well as arguing points not in dispute, all while simply ignoring all the evidence that contradicts his daily asshattery.

    JD (109425)

  429. Are we sure EPWJ and Blu aren’t somehow related?

    Scott Jacobs (46e187)

  430. JD

    Yeah I know but someone needs to tell those Alaskans that Palin knew what she was doing and leave her increased taxes alone

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  431. They were told by Dan Fagan, oil company mouthpiece, and the biggest radio voice in the state, for three years, the same story you repeat.

    narciso (6075d0)

  432. Statements by politicians are unreliable!!!!!!

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  433. Regroup to Okinawa!!!!!!!

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  434. Apalinogist

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  435. This is insightful as to why he hearted Mercowskee so much.

    JD (6e25b4)

  436. JD

    So explain why Republicans and independents are looking to repeal those taxes as soon as she was gone?

    They must be haters as well

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  437. There is a larger point here, Obama during the campaign said he wasn’t upset with $4 even $5 dollar a gallon oil, and thanks to the faux oil drilling moratorium and QE 2, he is well on his way to making it happen, it fits the Club of Rome mindset that he and Holdren, hold in common. She is the antithesis of this, she believes in American exceptionalism, and the power of the private sector, and I see very few figures with the inclination to push back against this. This is not about not about how to be sa better accountant, it is a vision of American renewal

    narciso (6075d0)

  438. Narcisco
    Palin and Obama have several things in common
    1. They both hate the oil companies
    2. They both believe in higher taxes
    3. They both overspent wildly
    4. They both are seeing their keystone legislations repealed

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  439. 1. Lie
    2. Lie
    3. Lie
    4. Lie

    Good Allah. There are plenty of reasons to oppose Palin without making stuff up.

    JD (71d5a4)

  440. JD
    Simple Questions:

    Did she make comments that she stood up to the oil companies?
    Did she raise taxes on the oil companies?
    Did the amount Alaska spent during her administration go way up?
    Is her own running mate right now seeking to repeal her tax rates?
    If you feel a need to use a but, or explain, why then it kinda shows that I am right.

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  441. Do you take issue withthe Texas Railway commission, which Perez Alfonso used as his model for OPEC, a cartel among state run oil companies from

    narciso (6075d0)

  442. Now you are changing what you originally said. You said she hated oil companies. Lie. Having increased taxes compared to a flawed tax structure is not the same as believing in higher taxes. E spending issue has been debunked more times than I care to continue counting. That you continue to ignore those refutations shows … Wait for it. Lie. Amending the tax rates is not the same as repealing. And BarckyCare ain’t gonna get repealed either. Lie. All in all, you are 4 for 4 in douchebaggery. Congrats.

    JD (71d5a4)

  443. Narcisco
    The 4 questions remain on the table here for all of you guys total credibility, here, is on the line.

    The amount of effort that a handful of you have twisted and turned to avoid having to answer these questions, these will affect our country and the effect of Palin’s keystone legislation has started a huge debate in Alaska – can the citizens of a state be given all of the profits of a company rebated to them in cash? Make no mistake – this is Sarah Palin, tax raiser, welfare giver.

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  444. JD

    You need to answer the questions

    If you find yourself explaining, then why? When people love and appreciate oil companies they dont award 600 million of the taxes they paid to a foreign competitor? WTF was that – we haven’t even gone into what she’s done yet JD, ther is much much more – show me where we or any state just give 600 million in cash to a CANADIAN comapny to compete with American companies?

    You need to quit being clouded by cretins who call her stupid or a tramp or whatnot and start actually looking at what she did because – not looking at the details JD you cannot keep arguing that this is a lie and so forth

    answer the questions and quit trying to change them, avoid them, ask why they are being asked

    Now a tax increase is a flawed system?

    geez come on dude – this isnt you

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  445. Yes, the Phantom Canadian menace,

    narciso (6075d0)

  446. Your credibility was shot a long time ago. Now you just seem intent on insuring it remains shot. You changed your own questions, then accuse me of doing so? Typical for your asshattery.

    JD (822109)

  447. I know why they are being asked, because you used bold so they are important to you. And only you. But the bold was a nice touch. Try all caps and then we will know you really mean it. Do you swallow, spit, or dodge for Big Oil?

    JD (0d2ffc)

  448. JD
    It’s a sign that when you attack someone personally – its because you cannot answer the questions and are trying to discredit their origin.
    Are you pro business or anti business? – Do you think its fair that any company be taxed out of a state? Do you think its fair that taxes are paid by out of state taxpayers and given as cash to another states residents?
    A democrat would ask me that JD – and no I’m not calling you a democrat – lets not go down that road again, but my point is in Louisiana and Texas yes the debate is always to raise taxes on big oil and their evil republican employees, from democrats.
    Cheap oil helps everyone’s quality of life, our economy more directly than 12 figure 13 figure stimulus programs.

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  449. Remember, JD, even DRJ gave up on the guy, who actually started talking down to her. Amazing.

    This has become about ego, not facts. I don’t think he is convincing readers of this blog of the supremacy of his reasoning. He is convincing them of other things, however.

    Simon Jester (6165ed)

  450. Simon

    DRJ apparently couldn’t find anything to offset Palins multi billion dollar tax increase

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  451. You just like to argue. The vast majority of people here trust DRJ’s fairness and clarity more than yours—based on her history of posting. You really have made yourself look bad on this one.

    You should take a break. Seriously.

    Simon Jester (6165ed)

  452. SIMON

    DRJ is kind and fair and a Palin supporter, this exercise was to show good people like DRJ that Palin is not worthy of their time or support due to Palin actual actions not what some creep pundit says about her. I see we are avoiding the reality of Palin’s record and attacking personally the one with the message – kind of like what has happened to Palin

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  453. #457: People unclear on the concept, Exhibit A.

    I’m not sure you know how you are appearing. Hey, it’s your dealio. Have you had a lot of folks on this blog supporting your point of view? Well, other than the one fellow.

    “That doesn’t mean I’m wrong,” you might think. Certainly. But the fact that you keep popping back, arguing and arguing, setting up strawmen, not even keeping track of your own prior arguments (by changing your criteria and such)…well, it speaks volumes.

    Take a break. You aren’t, as Patterico has said in other contexts, “covering yourself with glory.”

    Unless you just like to fight. Which I suspect you do.

    Simon Jester (6165ed)

  454. DRJ is kind and fair and a Palin supporter, this exercise was to show good people like DRJ that Palin is not worthy of their time or support due to Palin actual actions not what some creep pundit says about her.

    I am not the biggest of Palin fans, and was not in favor of her increasing “influence”.

    But seeing your behavior her – and since you are so very much against her – I find that I must reconsider my opinion of her.

    You remind me of something my father said when there was talk of normalizing relations with Vietnam: “I will only support the idea of McNamara is against it, because he never had a right idea about anything in his life.”

    Scott Jacobs (9b5ed3)

  455. Scott

    Palin has many good points – she’s a woman of faith, she’s hard working, she is against corruption, she’s a decisive leader and does not mince her words

    But her record against pretty much the only source of revenue for her state – let’s just look at what her conservative counterparts right now in Alaska are doing with her legacy – they are discussing removing it

    Enough said – don’t you think?

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  456. Like Halcro and Murkowski who actually supported an income tax, on top of the severance tax, yes those kind of conservatives, like Ramras who opposed the AGIA lie to the likes of McGuiness,while holding tens of thousands of dollars in stock from competing companies,

    narciso (6075d0)

  457. narcisco

    I guess it comes down to

    Why does she hate the oil companies

    Why did she raise taxes on them

    Why did she increase spending wildly

    Why are they proposing to reverse her tax policies?

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  458. To the tune of “Tradition”:


    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  459. It is in its repetition of lies mode again. I answered your dishonest questions above, even after you tried to weasel away from them. Get help.

    JD (109425)

  460. Dear Leader has rejected 88% of drilling permits since the BP disaster. Lax oversight was a quid pro quo permitting a rogue ‘Green’ multinational to continue a record including 700 safety violations.

    Royal Dutch Shell had none, Chevron two.

    Alien in Chief: “It’s easier to clean up the oil once it hits the beaches.”

    Our resident toy poodle meanwhile piddles on Cuda’s pumps: $1.5 Billion in excessive taxes is just killing exploration.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  461. JD

    Did Palin raise OIL taxes in Alaska – yes or no?

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  462. JD

    This is more hate spech against Palin

    Some quotes:

    One of Sarah Palin’s signature accomplishments in her two-and-a-half year stint as Alaska governor is coming under renewed scrutiny and could have implications for the 2012 Republican presidential race – should she decide to run

    the oil tax hike was extremely popular among state Democrats and received enough Republican support to become law

    ohh thats going to hurt

    This next quote is going to leave a mark:

    A substantial contingent of fiscal conservatives in Alaska panned the tax hike from the beginning, and future Republican primary opponents could use it to question the extent to which Palin’s small-government rhetoric matches her record


    Its Funy that DRJ and Daley and JD missed this article from a conservative top political website, instead of spending days making silly personal attacks, questioning my motivation and information

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  463. EPWJ, don’t you belong in the studio working on your next album?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  464. Conroy, has a track record of lying about her record, from his time on the campaign, to his
    supposed campaign sum up, RCP, publishes any number of fiuges, including that idiot Richard Cohen.

    narciso (6075d0)

  465. SPQR

    I actually checked him into a hotel once when I was a kid working the desk at the Hyatt

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  466. narcisco

    Yeah everyone’s a liar we know

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  467. The differences between EPWJ and the International Man of Parody are narrowing daily.

    We really now have International Men of Parody.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  468. Well you have Wagoner who was for it, and Murkowki
    fils who was against it, and Halcro who wanted a state income tax, thanks for playing

    narciso (6075d0)

  469. SPQR

    Go GMT Games, prefer HMDGRD

    EricPWJohnson (719277)

  470. SPQR – did you know that if you are critical of something, you hate it? That is the new standard created by IMP Ithnane. Has anyone disputed that taxes increased, or is IMP Deux arguing with the voices in his head.

    How about this, imbecile. Outline for me my position on Palin. Then outline why I am a Democrat. This should be simple for a brilliant mind such as yours. If, and only if you are able to accurately characterize said positions, I will cease mocking your idiotic juvenile behavior.

    JD (0d2ffc)

  471. “Funy [] missed this article from a conservative top political website, instead of spending days making silly personal attacks, questioning my motivation and information”


    Hysterical, like another conservative, Andy Sullivan, uterus whisperer.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  472. EPWJ, HMDGRD has been run by loons since Winston died. Haven’t bought anything since Second Front. I’ll spare you from listing which games I have credit in.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  473. Anybody that wastes their time arguing with war gamers is really being silly.

    War Gamers can’t be reasoned with, they’re totally nuts.

    And I ought to know, ’cause I have hundreds of war games.

    Dave Surls (07a487)

  474. War Gamers can’t be reasoned with, they’re totally nuts.

    It’s the WH40K folks that are especially bonkers…

    Scott Jacobs (218307)

  475. “469.Conroy, has a track record of lying about her record”

    I’ll bet Parnell is giddy at getting recognition for this give back.

    gary gulrud (790d43)

  476. The Science Is Settled!!!!!!!!!

    I Work Here Is Done!!!!!!!!!

    daleyrocks (e7bc4f)

  477. “Then outline why I am a Democrat.”

    Holy cow.

    Someone called you a Democrat???

    That’s a low blow.

    Dave Surls (07a487)

  478. SPQR

    I know I tried to give GAR some financial assistance but he but he turned me down – he has wrecked that series

    EricPWJohnson (2925ff)

  479. SPQR

    I know I tried to give GAR some financial assistance but he but he turned me down – he has wrecked that series

    EricPWJohnson (2925ff)

  480. Comment by EricPWJohnson — 1/18/2011 @ 7:09 am
    Simple Questions:
    — Not to worry. We expect nothing less.
    Did she make comments that she stood up to the oil companies?
    — Yes, she did make the point (to her liberal detractors) that she is not a stooge of the oil companies.
    Did she raise taxes on the oil companies?
    — Yes, she closed the tax loophole that was denying her state, and its residents, their fair income.
    Did the amount Alaska spent during her administration go way up?
    — NO, it did not. Feel free to drop this lie at any time.
    Is her own running mate right now seeking to repeal her tax rates?
    — Got documentation?
    If you feel a need to use a but, or explain, why then it kinda shows that I am right.
    — If you feel the need to be an ass, why then it kinda shows that you are being you.

    Icy Texan (441ab5)

  481. Your an arrogant POS Eric.

    DohBiden (15aa57)

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