Patterico's Pontifications


Something You Don’t See Every Day

Filed under: General — DRJ @ 5:19 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

According to The Hill, the head of the Capitol Hill Visitor Center has been fired. More on Ms. Rouse here.


12 Responses to “Something You Don’t See Every Day”

  1. Bad Link to The Hill, DRJ.

    Dusty (109a16)

  2. Thanks, Dustin. One extra quotation mark sure can make a difference.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  3. It’s interesting to contrast the terminations. Very similar staff reactions to Rouse’s leadership, or lack thereof. This regarding her termination from the Afro-American Museum:

    Rouse, whose dismissal was effective immediately, said after the meeting that she and the board had “policy and personality conflicts.”

    But museum staff members who asked not to be identified said morale had plummeted under Rouse’s leadership and that the majority of the staff had supported her removal.

    It’s even more interesting that the WH would hire her in such a prominent position considering the previous termination.

    Dana (8ba2fb)

  4. Sounds like she has some “authority issues”, like she wants to be “Boss” 24/7.

    AD - RtR/OS! (33ac02)

  5. one thing for certain
    Big Zero fully embrace
    employment of friends

    ColonelHaiku (ac3c3c)

  6. Col. H.
    she was hired in 2007. We can only blame the PelosiReid for this one.

    kishnevi (2c3adb)

  7. What made this story postworthy? I don’t get it.

    gp (65970c)

  8. Oh, and Andrew Sullivan has completely lost his mind on that whole Trig/ birther thing again. Today’s angle is that, apparently someone got to the “supposedly liberal” members of JournoList to convince them to drop the story, or something, all because they were afraid focusing on the “issue” might ultimately backfire and hurt the Obama campaign.

    Oh, I’m sorry — I thought the headline was Something you DO see everyday. Sorry about the threadjack.

    Sean P (4fde41)

  9. It’s time Sullivan was sent back home to England.

    nk (db4a41)

  10. “It’s time Sullivan was sent back home to England.”

    nk – There was an opportunity for that when he got busted for marijuana in a national park a little bit ago outside Provincetown, but the beef got fixed.

    daleyrocks (940075)

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