Patterico's Pontifications


Corruption Alleged at a Mexican Prison

Filed under: International — DRJ @ 7:33 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Mexican prosecutors believe officials at a northern state prison provided arms and vehicles to prisoners so they could carry out drug cartel attacks:

“Guards and officials at a prison in northern Mexico allegedly let inmates out, lent them guns and allowed them to use official vehicles to carry out drug-related killings, including the massacre of 17 people last week, prosecutors said Sunday.

After carrying out the killings the inmates would return to their cells, the Attorney General’s Office said in a revelation that was shocking even for a country wearied by years of drug violence and corruption.”

The article also reports on the government’s inability to stop cartel theft of large quantities of fuel oil and the discovery of the “bullet-ridden bodies” of six men, including three recent kidnap victims. Each of these stories would be major news items in most countries. In Mexico’s violence-ridden society, they’re footnotes.


21 Responses to “Corruption Alleged at a Mexican Prison”

  1. Michael Yon is of the opinion that Mexico is a far more serious threat to the US than Afghanistan.

    Mike K (0ef8c3)

  2. Corruption seems to be so endemic in Mexico that nothing short of martial law will set things straight. Where’s Augusto Pinochet when you need him?

    JVW (a52530)

  3. How recently did mexico pose with hillary to chastise the US for having weapons shipped south of the border. Now, we find that the weapons used for murder in mexico are mexican government weapons.

    Stupid hillary was used!

    Jim (844377)

  4. Incidents like this are a major reason I believe it’s naive and idealistic to assume that Mexico wouldn’t be such a mess — or actually such a disaster — if narcotics were legalized. That notion is similar to those who theorized the advent of the “Great Society” starting around the 1960s — when various do-gooder programs and laws kicked into high gear — would ameliorate the problems of urban America (eg, Detroit) and bad public schools.

    I guess one can also naively conclude that legalizing the drug trade will somehow lower the large amount of kidnapping for ransom that currently is plaguing Mexican society.

    Mark (411533)

  5. Wha, wha, WHAT!!!

    Corruption in Mexico?

    This can’t be!!

    I gotta laugh about this morons claiming that it’s the U.S.’s druggies that’s the fault of the gang warfare in Mexico.

    Granted that without a market, the Mexicans might have less gang warfare but if it’s the U.S.’s fault, how come Canada doesn’t have the same problem? Hmmm?

    Could it be that Mexico has a corrupt culture and a corrupt political system that fosters disdain and contempt for the rule of law? Could it be that Mexico has given these cartels implicit permission to run the border until now they are so powerful (from buying the Federales and the Local Law) that they don’t care to play by the rules anymore.

    I agree that the U.S. shares some blame for the ongoing assault along our border because the Fed’s have refused to enforce our laws and Obama has made it clear that he’s not going to do anything substantive. All that has encouraged them to take their paramilitary operations into the areas the Feds WON’T PATROL anymore. This same thing happens in any city that gives up enforcing the law in certain areas because it’s too difficult and dangerous to actual patrol and the ‘community’ is actively hostile.


    jakee308 (e1996a)

  6. I am shocked, shocked I tell you, to find out that there is gambling going on in Rick’s!


    Letters of Marque and Reprisal would be much more effective, and cheaper.

    AD - RtR/OS! (46c251)

  7. The simplest way to stem the tide of poor and unskilled illegal immigrants from Mexico and Central America is to help fix those countries. Mexico is a country rich in resources, with long coastlines on both the Pacific and the Gulf, favorable climate for agriculture and tourism, an industrious and hard-working labor force, and a 1000-mile border with the biggest market in the world. It should be ahead of China if not for the endemic corruption in their institutions. We’ve played patty-cake with incompetents and criminals in charge in Mexico for far too long.

    Adjoran (ec6a4b)

  8. Could it be that Mexico has a corrupt culture and a corrupt political system that fosters disdain and contempt for the rule of law? Could it be that Mexico has given these cartels implicit permission to run the border until now they are so powerful (from buying the Federales and the Local Law) that they don’t care to play by the rules anymore.

    jack (7f2210)

  9. It sounds like the opening scene of the original “El Mariachi”.

    nk (db4a41)

  10. Adjorn:

    We’ve already poured billions into Mexico. Directly and indirectly. We’ve been absorbing their dregs and outcasts for 40 years. It hasn’t worked.

    We can’t solve poverty here, why do you think we can solve it in a country that has a different culture (split) and a different mindset?

    It’s not our responsibility to solve Mexico’s problem. If Mexico can’t (or won’t) stop these criminal acts on our sovereignty then we need to recognize this and act accordingly.


    jakee308 (e1996a)

  11. What’s newsworthy about this is like reporting Chicago political voting corruption – not so much that it occurs, just the extent.

    cedarhill (5470e3)

  12. The long and sorry history of Mexico is mostly unknown to Americans. It’s been run primarily by 20 families who’ve been behind the one – party rule over a hundred years at this point (well, until recently, but that’s a distinction without a difference). I read another NYT inane interview with Vincente “El Jefe” Fox, where he just ran down the usual MO for all of their problems. Evil Boosh, evil US drug use, evil US gun manufacturers, evil AZ immimgration laws. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad – you never, ever hear a Mexican official ever take even a cursory responsibility for their own messes, hence the seemingly intractable problems there. Until they get leaders who are able to stand up to the ruling powers in that country and are willing to be completely honest with their own citizens, expect it to get worse – a lot worse.

    Dmac (d61c0d)

  13. Corruption Alleged at a Mexican Prison

    In other news: Water Alleged to be Wet

    quasimodo (4af144)

  14. I don’t want a fence. I want a wall. If the Chinese could build one with no industrial revolution, we should be able to make one that’d make Pink Floyd and Walter Ulbricht faint dead away.

    Or a force field like in Heinlein’s story “Coventry” would be nice. Unfortunately, the technology’s not there yet.

    Technomad (e2c0f2)

  15. In other news, water is wet. And crissyhooten is a paste-eating assbooger.

    JD (a6e035)

  16. The Great Wall of China was really a road so troops from quarters in a fort in the wall could travel fast to a danger point.

    The same principle makes sense on our border. A highway parallel to the Rio Grande with SWAT-type troop every so many miles that can respond quickly to invaders.

    nk (db4a41)

  17. Greetings:

    I know where you’re going with this, but it’s only the good and honest and pure who are coming into our country illegally and they totally divest themselves of their native culture when they first feel the warmth of our human rights sun.

    11B40 (8bd160)

  18. #17


    They are refugees seeking safe haven.

    We should just build alien ID ticket wending machines at border crossings instead of those walls

    SteveG (6097d0)

  19. Or they could be vending machines…

    SteveG (6097d0)

  20. Build 2 Walls. Install A Death Strip Between Them. Arm the BP and Local LEOs With AKs, RPGs, Tanks, APCs, Claymores, etc.
    ROE = Shoot To Kill

    BUT: don’t mess with President Garcia’s golf course in B’ville.*

    DFWlady (323051)

  21. “3.How recently did mexico pose with hillary to chastise the US for having weapons shipped south of the border. Now, we find that the weapons used for murder in mexico are mexican government weapons.”

    And I will wager if you chase it down far enough, you will find the Mexican Government weapons were provided…by the American Government. Not gun shows.

    Eric (421b23)

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