Patterico's Pontifications


Obama’s Stimulus Strawman

Filed under: Economics,Obama — DRJ @ 12:15 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

From a report on President Obama’s economic speech in Wisconsin yesterday:

“[Obama] seemed to acknowledge public skepticism about the effectiveness of last year’s $787 billion stimulus bill.

Obama joked he could have sent people a check with his picture on it. Instead, the stimulus bill gave most workers a tax cut in their paycheck.

A check in the mail might have been better politics, Obama said, but the tax cut in the weekly paycheck worked better economically.”

Now I’m curious. Has he thought about putting his picture on government checks?


18 Responses to “Obama’s Stimulus Strawman”

  1. Meanwhile, Obama has left a black cloud of uncertainty hanging over the economy by failing to announce plans with respect to capital gains tax rates, the expiration of Bush tax cuts, attempts to shove the unwanted Cap and Tax Bill down everyones’ throats, the impact of Health Deform on individuals and businesses, as well as numerous other threatened actions. He’s done quite enough damage to a potential recovery for one empty-suit, unqualified, dirty-ass, socialist, wannabe president.

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  2. I would bet if you examined 100 Obama speeches in a row, they would all begin with a put-off strawman reference and then some mumblings that mean nothing and don’t answer anything. Perfect politician as snake-oil salesman (or is it snake-oil salesman as politician?). Sound nice but say nothing.

    Public education has succeeded in giving a public readily manipulated by tyrants.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  3. I guess Obama found out Bill Clinton already was on the $3 bill.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  4. What does the future portend?
    I don’t know, but I’m stocking up on essentials:
    .45acp, 5.56×45, 7.62×51, .30-06, 12-gauge 00, & .22 for dinner fixins.

    AD - RtR/OS! (1ed577)

  5. If Barcky did not have strawmen and false choices, he would not have anything to talk about.

    JD (4e030d)

  6. OTOH, if he did put his face on the government checks, there would still be a lot of people who would refuse to cash them. They’d frame them and hang them on the wall, and save us a bunch of money!

    Gesundheit (6acc51)

  7. Obama joked he could have sent people a check with his picture on it.

    but he must have heard that you can now buy rolls of toilet paper with same… right?

    GeneralMalaise (9cf017)

  8. Any politician that says a temporary tax credit is a tax cut is a big fat liar. Permanent reductions in marginal tax rates are the only effective way to use tax law for stimulus.

    Why can’t people look at the tax cuts in 1981? For supposedly being our smartest president ever he seems only capable of winning strawmen arguments.

    MU789 (80a3a9)

  9. Obama said, but the tax cut in the weekly paycheck worked better economically

    so why is he so opposed to keeping the bush tax cuts in place?

    steve sturm (116925)

  10. Steve, you know do you not that the “tax cut” that Obama refers to was nothing more than a revision of withholding tables to fool people into thinking they got a tax cut?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  11. Comment by steve sturm — 7/1/2010 @ 3:43 pm

    For the same reason that he was disdainful of capital-gains cuts in an interview during the campaign, even when confronted with evidence of their effectiveness:

    “Because they are not FAIR!”

    AD - RtR/OS! (1ed577)

  12. #8 MU789:

    For supposedly being our smartest president ever he seems only capable of winning strawmen arguments.

    I don’t know if I would go so far as to say he’s winning them …

    EW1(SG) (edc268)

  13. Absent TOTUS, he has no winning arguments, only whining arguments.

    AD - RtR/OS! (1ed577)

  14. I know, comment was tongue in cheek

    steve sturm (116925)

  15. Scarier and scarier.

    Patricia (160852)

  16. There is little if any evidence that cutting taxes helps the economy, and raising taxes hurt it. It is something that is commonly repeated, but there is little actual historical evidence supporting it.

    Chris Hooten (444ec8)

  17. And it is about time for multithread troll action!

    Eric Blair (02a138)

  18. And rock solid support!

    Eric Blair (02a138)

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