Patterico's Pontifications


Weigel Joins MSNBC

Filed under: Media Bias — DRJ @ 7:35 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Dave Weigel has landed at MSNBC and his first gig was with Keith Olbermann:

“Olbermann teased an announcement regarding Weigel throughout the program, and when he finally introduced his guest around 8:55pmET, he said, “We are very proud to announce is, as of like, I don’t know, 20 minutes ago, an MSNBC contributor. Welcome Dave…and you thought last week was fun, wait until you see what this week holds for you.”

Weigel’s segment was about an interview he did with Rick Barber (the guy behind this ad). Olbermann closed the interview by reiterating, “MSNBC contributor Dave Weigel, great thanks, as always, and good luck with this.”

Clearly he is there to be the conservative conscience of the network.

H/T Hot Air and JD.


21 Responses to “Weigel Joins MSNBC”

  1. “Clearly he is there to be the conservative conscience of the network.”




    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  2. Who says there are no right-leaning libertarians at MSNBC? This is just proof of their devotion to diversity of opinion.

    JD (308d62)

  3. Paid gigs at HuffBlow, MediaMatterz, and Kos to follow …

    JD (308d62)

  4. Too bad that the network has no liberal “conscience”.

    Icy Texan (cc6f45)

  5. That is an oxymoron, Icy.

    JD (308d62)

  6. I’m thinking shovel ready job.

    Dana (1e5ad4)

  7. daleyrocks has said all there is to say on this subject.

    what a maroon.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  8. “Dave Weigel has landed at MSNBC and his first gig was with Keith Olbermann”

    Trying to put all the lying left wing trash in one studio makes pretty good sense to me.

    Dave Surls (9a6ba2)

  9. weigull land both feet
    MSLSD good fit
    join tingle brigade

    ColonelHaiku (9cf017)

  10. No place to go but down for Weasel Weigel now… MSNBC is a sinking ship if they’re ever been one.

    The ratings suggest big changes are needed, so it’s hard to imagine new owners Comcast not cleaning house after November… they don’t have the same need to run a pro-Obama propaganda outlet as GE found so useful.

    See ya at Wendy’s, Dave!

    Reaganite Republican (6836b1)

  11. Reaganite, do you think any business would want Weigel to interact with their customers? He’s only (barely) qualified to work in media.

    MU789 (2a2527)

  12. I hope this shows any naive conservatives out there how the MSM HAS NO CONSERVATIVE GUESTS OR COMMENTATORS regardless of the label they might claim for themselves. (not counting SOME of the guests on actual conservative stations and shows)

    Is David Gergen or David Brooks far behind. They’re just as liberal as Weigel. More, they won’t admit to their true political leaning. (of course they’ve been smart enough to keep it under cover)

    Come on Liberals! What’s the matter? Are you AFRAID to admit you’re a liberal? What’s that say about your beliefs? What’s that say about your integrity? If you can’t stand up and be proud of what you believe in then why should we believe anything you say?

    Of course it could be a form of taqiyya (the belief in Islam that it’s ok to lie to the infidel to protect oneself all the whilst undermining said infidel) for liberals. They get applauded for fooling the people. And that’s who they’re aiming at, not conservatives (although that happens) their duplicity is aimed at influencing those moderates or independents that don’t have a set belief and don’t know what actual conservatism is. Those are the ones they try to influence and sway with false claims of representing conservatism.

    MSM: WE KNOW WHO ARE CONSERVATIVES AND WHO ARE NOT. You can only fool us for a little while as it is very, very difficult to write and speak out of one side of one’s mouth while one’s heart is at odds with those words.

    jakee308 (9471e1)

  13. Is this sort of a “Tron” thing? For a long time he just corresponded with the Journolist, a virtual community of liberal reporters, but now he’s actually been sucked into a living version of it?

    Gesundheit (cfa313)

  14. Never mind. I guess he was just ported from one to another.

    Gesundheit (cfa313)

  15. Awesome – most of the worst of the left – wing hacks on one network, so you don’t have to change channels anymore. Now, if we can just get that doofus Campbell Brown to go over there next…(she just left CNN).

    Dmac (ab1849)

  16. Maybe now Weigel will cease and desist all of the whining about how persecuted he’s been; that he really meant ratf–k in the nicest possible way; and that he was only playing to his audience. Olbermann and Weigel–I can’t think of two people who deserve each other more.

    rochf (ae9c58)

  17. Hinderaker at Powerline: Drowning Man Boards Sinking Ship.


    SPQR (26be8b)

  18. Will the Coast Guard check it for life-vests?

    AD - RtR/OS! (f22b48)

  19. Iowahawk comes through with the goods, Breitbart owes him a check. He owes me a keyboard.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  20. I was just going to post that! It’s hysterical!

    Eric Blair (02a138)

  21. That officially enshrines Iowahawk as the King of Comedy.

    JD (959071)

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