Patterico's Pontifications


Who Moved Arizona?

Filed under: Humor — DRJ @ 9:13 am

[Guest post by DRJ]

Innocent Bystanders has our YouTube hit of the week:

Title credit: Dave in Texas, sort of.

H/T Eric Blair.


60 Responses to “Who Moved Arizona?”

  1. So, the border about 20 miles south of me is not actually Mexico. Guatemala perhaps?

    All that money spent on education is really working, no?

    PatAZ (9d1bb3)

  2. Doofus.

    Mike Myers (3c9845)

  3. And I’d add that ignorance can be cured–which her fellow supervisor attempted to do by assuring her that yes, Arizona really was on the border with Mexico. But stupid is forever–and this particular doofus can’t be cured of that.

    Mike Myers (3c9845)

  4. Heh, heh, heh!

    Damn, I love my state just because it’s not Michigan.

    nk (db4a41)

  5. What a dumb ass. A least she gave Texas permission to enact the law.

    Bradnsa (980254)

  6. You have to acknowledge the corrupt politicians from this area: Sen. Feingold, Rep. Gwen Moore, Mayor and former rep Tom Barrett, a local councilman by the name of McGee who ran his last failed campaign from jail.

    When Belling substitutes for Rush, he doesn’t tell you half the bad about Milwaukee.

    Oh, there is a corrupt County Social Services employee who blogs under the name Capper on a couple of his own sites and trolls on others. He loves to threaten violence or stripping your family of your kids if you don’t agree with him.

    Lovely area with more corrupt Democrats than ever care to meet.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  7. A good education = democrats worst enemy

    rudytbone (a7c723)

  8. teh st00pid, it burns!

    i couldn’t stand to listen to the whole thing, it was just too painful.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  9. null

    From Michelle Malkin’s site, the letter from Jon Kyle to Peggy West.

    (The link should work, but I refuse to use Tinyurl, too easy to get rickrolled, or sent to an infested site. Hover over it, and you will see that this is a valid link to MM’s site)

    NavyspyII (df615d)

  10. I bet if Arizona was a Twinkie, she would damn well know where it was.

    ML (f060a0)

  11. Heh, heh, heh!

    Damn, I love my state just because it’s not Michigan.

    Comment by nk — 6/25/2010 @ 9:24 am

    Since I am from Michigan, I’ll ask you if you would agree with Peggy that we don’t border Canada because there’s water between us?

    Oh, and she’s from Wisconsin, not Michigan.

    NavyspyII (df615d)

  12. This is so typical of the trolls we get.

    “Because of X, I have opinion Y …”

    X is not true. Has your opinion changed?


    SPQR (26be8b)

  13. And herein lies the first piece of evidence condemning simple Democracies to failure and the need for a Republic.

    HeavenSent (a9126d)

  14. Another victory of our public school system, Leno is looking for this woman on the streets of america.

    dunce (3ef93a)

  15. Surely there is a job for her in the upper reaches of the Obama Administration.

    Stu707 (0981d5)

  16. She’s definately qualified to run ICE. She opposes attempts to control illegal immigration.

    Note/ Obama just appointed a former Texas police chief who had a sanctuary city policy for his own town to a position in the ICE leadership.

    Have Blue (854a6e)

  17. She’s gonna be targeted by the Obama weight rules.

    kansas (7b4374)

  18. She and other liberals think: “But our heart is in the right place. And isn’t that the only thing that matters? xoxoxox.”

    Or: “Compassion and do-gooderness absolve one of errors, dishonesty, flakiness, idiocy, etc. xoxoxox.”

    Mark (411533)

  19. Wow.

    When she put it into Google, she saw a picture of the governor of Arizona an Obama, so obviously, the governor has a way to communicate without resort to passing an icky law.

    Next time, click ‘Google Maps’ genius.

    Pious Agnostic (291f9a)

  20. Put down the cheeseburger and step away from the microphone.

    kansas (7b4374)

  21. Her attempt to walk this back was even more laughable. If you don’t believe me …

    West claims that the point she was trying to make is that because Texas has a much larger border with Mexico, she might feel differently about such a law in that state. “Had Texas come out with the legislation, having the largest border, I think that I would be more receptive to the fact that there was a problem. But having it be Arizona, having it be the second largest boarder and knowing there are troops on the border in Arizona, it didn’t seem to me that this legislation was particularly necessary at this moment in time,” West said.

    JD (0f9c01)

  22. Speaking of Arizona, did Barcky get the additional enforcement tools he promised to the Governor yet?

    JD (0f9c01)

  23. JD, I too saw her lame attempt to walk back her remarks. How does she explain her declaration that Arizona “is a way’s [sic] removed from the border” if in fact she merely meant that Texas has a larger border with Mexico?

    What do you want to bet that at some point in her political career Supervisor West referred to George Bush or Sarah Palin (or, most likely, both) as “stupid”?

    JVW (2e4112)

  24. Pat in AZ,

    Has this lovely clip received its due play time on Arizona TV–over and over again, I hope? And DRJ and Icy Texan, how about it? Have you seen it on Texas stations as well?

    I’m happy to see Jon Kyl responded, but the Gov. of AZ should make hay with this. Invite the ditz and some of *her* local media to pitch a tent with cooking gear (but no firearm), and camp out on the border for the weekend. This just shows how many who have an opinion on the AZ law and feel they must pontificate, really have no clue at all what the issues are.

    elissa (ababd7)

  25. No doubt, JVW. No doubt. Her “walk back” made her look more stupid and more dishonest, if you actually pay attention to what she said.

    For the sake of f*ck, what in the world does a County Supervisor in Wisconsin have to do with a state law in Arizona?

    JD (0f9c01)

  26. Man, she almost makes one want to take a road trip up there to catch the next county supevisors’ meeting–while sporting a cheesehead hat. Talk about entertainment!

    elissa (ababd7)

  27. There’s a picture of Obama and the Gov of Arizona… which totally means there are national guard troops there. Natch.

    And we have a winner!

    Jewels (c7b6c5)

  28. JD, I remember Berkeley declaring itself a “Nuclear Weapons Free Zone” years ago.

    As for the supervisor, well, it makes me sad that there aren’t poll tests. Or at least tests for supervisors.

    I’m waiting for someone to ask her what magazines she reads, and the name of her congresscritters.

    Also, the years that World Wars I and II were fought.

    That kind of thing.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  29. I was gonna put it back jeez it’s not like it was super ecstatically happy where it was or anything.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  30. Yeah, but who voted for her?

    Richard Aubrey (359bc9)

  31. Damn, I love my state just because it’s not Michigan.
    Comment by nk — 6/25/2010 @ 9:24 am

    …she’s from Wisconsin, not Michigan.
    Comment by NavyspyII

    I think nk probably knew that and slipped that very dry piece of humor in there.

    I once worked with a physician who often made statements that were just ridiculous as a funny tangent or sarcasm. He did it so smoothly that you could look around the room and look at all of the puzzled faces of those that weren’t in on the secret, and were second guessing their knowledge base. To be kind, we often had to explain things to some of the med students and interns.

    MD in Philly (5a98ff)

  32. I’m with red, made it about 30 seconds in – oy.

    And this is the first time I’ve heard or seen this, per usual the information I find here though. I’m in Texas, the DFW area, which is in fact far removed from the border, yet still in Texas. Which borders Mexico. But not Arizona.

    Even an Aggie knows that.

    Em (017d3c)

  33. MD….I disagree…I’ll bet nk thought he was being respectful of his state at the expense of “MICHIGAN”…..

    But, I’ll digress here a bit, and ask all to take a moment and click on the right and help this site…..

    reff (176333)

  34. Our son participated in the National Geography Bee competition for several years. The kids who did seemed a lot smarter than their peers in geography but also in history and government. I wish the public schools would teach geography as a separate course again.

    DRJ (d43dcd)

  35. reff,
    usually people who are making fun at the expense of Michigan are from Ohio, and nk is not.

    Besides, evrybody knows that Milwaukee is on Lake Michigan, and Detroit is on Lake Wisconsin. That’s why both the UW Badgers and the Detroit Red Wings have red and white for their team colors. (Nebraska has no excuse for having red and white, even though it is rumored to have at least one lake big enough to be seen on a map).

    MD in Philly (5a98ff)

  36. I wish the public schools would teach geography as a separate course again.
    Comment by DRJ

    I think one section on rocks in science each year is enough. Maybe it could be longer, but I don’t think they need a whole year of it.


    MD in Philly (5a98ff)

  37. If Peggy West is re-elected as County Supervisor, that will certainly tell us all we need to know about the good – if not savvy – people of Milwaukee County.

    Dana (1e5ad4)

  38. DRJ, geography has been filled with politically correct manure, and all the “hard” part – ie., actually learning geography – chased out.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  39. Sorry, guys. I’ll remember next time. Milwaukee is when you go left on I-94, Michigan is when you go right. 😉 Ok, ok, it was not a good joke.

    nk (db4a41)

  40. Seriously, I’ve been to Milwaukee many times. Once for some motorcycle thing. I know it’s the capital of Minnesota not Michigan. Honest, I did not even have to Google it.

    nk (db4a41)

  41. nk,

    We’ve got to get our story strait. I thought Milwaukee was the Beer Capital, not the Capital of Minnesota.

    Of course, if those Asian Carp end up being as bad as some say, it won’t make any difference whether one is in Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, or Sturgeon Bay, when people get load on the weekends you’ll see jumping fish.

    Since I’m digressing, Tiger Muskies are the answer.

    MD in Philly (5a98ff)

  42. I’m not going to gloat when we just had our 29th City Alderman convicted of bribery. Think about that for just a moment – 29 fracking Aldermen. And that’s not all – his own father was an Alderman as well, and was also convicted of bribery.

    This city’s politicos are truly stuck on stupid.

    Dmac (cfe27e)

  43. “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life,”–Sonia Sotomayor, ethnic bigot and clonwshoes Supreme Court Justice

    Well, that pretty much shoots down Sotomayor’s theory about the cultural superiority of Latinas.

    When Peggy West isn’t being a wise Latina, I’m sure everyone will be comforted to know that she’s a mentor at a middle school.

    Presumably she’s imparting her Latina wisdom and vast geographical knowledge to the kiddies thus preparing them for careers as Democrat politicians (or SCOTUS Justices).

    Dave Surls (8c37a2)

  44. Dmac – The politicos or the voters?

    Have Blue (854a6e)

  45. This video should not have been removed from Youtube.

    I’m really getting sick and tired of that crap.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  46. Ok, if I bit at the /sarc, I’ll admit I bit.

    Update to the thread – The video has now been pulled from YouTube for copyright infringement.

    NavyspyII (df615d)

  47. The video has now been pulled from YouTube for copyright infringement to cover for the guilty.

    MD in Philly (5a98ff)

  48. Comment by Dmac — 6/25/2010 @ 1:56 pm

    I think that the first time anybody is elected alderman, we send him to prison for five years just on general principles. Then we give him time-served credit for the five years for whatever crimes he commits while serving as alderman.

    nk (db4a41)

  49. Ace’s comment section on this had a few people actually make contact with this idiot via facebook.

    I’d feel sorry for her, but she is an official. And she was pretty snooty in reply, too, saying something about how the comment can’t be understood out of context. I guess she heard that excuse somewhere and didn’t understand it. It sounds good until she sends the ‘context’ and it turns out to the the link to the same stupid video.

    There’s this notion that public service, voting, and activism are things everyone should do. We should really do away with that idea.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  50. Give Peggy a break. All she knows is Arizona is south of the Cheese Curtain somewhere. Things get confusing south of Racine and the Brat Stop.

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  51. elissa: I rarely watch local news these days as our district has that idiot Raul Grijalva for our Rep. He’s the one that said people should boycott Arizona, as he is getting paid for being our Rep. Makes a lot of sense.

    Peggy West said yes, she did pass geography in school and college. Guess they grade on a long, slow curve. It was very hard to watch her make a fool of herself on the video.

    PatAZ (9d1bb3)

  52. ^I realize that what I just posted is going to look like Kindergarden when we hear all of the Blago tapes. Come to think of it, it already does.

    Dmac – The politicos or the voters?

    Obviously both in this instance. But it’s really depressing to be a rightward voter in this city as of late. No one votes for anyone without the big “D” after their name, and because so much of this city is run by corrupt scumbags from one dominant party, the choices on that side of the ledger are often between corrupt and/or just plain evil. Then you have the erstwhile reformers who rarely get on to the ballots in the first place, due to the county’s laws where well – funded machine candidates can contest the ballots for entry every step of the way.

    Dmac (cfe27e)

  53. I realize times have changed, but don’t grandparents and parents anymore give their pre-schoolers cut-out puzzles where the kids learn the states’ names, their shapes, and locations relative to each other and our neighboring countries?

    elissa (ababd7)

  54. I run that, as a game, in our PTA fun fair, Elissa. And naming the states was the homework for my second grader’s third quarter. Public school. Depends where you live.

    (I was going to say something nasty about that poor girl in the video but I changed my mind.)

    nk (db4a41)

  55. And, by the way, just where in the world is Carmen SanDiego these days? Apparently not on the job, gumshoes…

    MD in Philly (5a98ff)

  56. I realize times have changed, but don’t grandparents and parents anymore give their pre-schoolers cut-out puzzles where the kids learn the states’ names, their shapes, and locations relative to each other and our neighboring countries?

    Silly girl, of course not – they’re too exhausted from saying no to the Happy Meals at McDonalds.

    Dana (1e5ad4)

  57. I realize times have changed, but don’t grandparents and parents anymore give their pre-schoolers cut-out puzzles where the kids learn the states’ names, their shapes, and locations relative to each other and our neighboring countries?

    Comment by elissa — 6/25/2010 @ 2:45 pm

    We had one of those wooden puzzles of the US map and all my siblings and I LOVED putting it together.

    Am geography disabled though so it didn’t help me memorize exactly where all the states are. Just bein’ honest here.

    But at least I’m not too stupid to check teh interwebs when the issue of a state’s location comes up.

    After all, it’s not how much you know, but how well you know where to find the answers!
    //lame excuse for geographical ignorance

    no one you know (196ed7)

  58. wood puzzles are out, since they were destroying old growth habitat and the rain forest.

    also, they were using lead paints to coat them.

    besides, its improper to warp the poor dears with a racist education that teaches any thing about a nplace with as many sins as this one. better they learn how wonderful all the other countries in the world are, compared to here. that way they are more likely to vote properly in the future.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  59. There is a board game called “Great States” which my daughter has that if anyone wants to get something for a child or grandchild, or donate to our favorite school, or send a present to the councilwoman (but that would be very snarky).

    MD in Philly (5a98ff)

  60. redc1c4, several small toy companies including one that made wooden puzzles, went out of business when Democrats attacked the small toy industry with the CPSIA legislation. Here are some articles about that ridiculous bill.

    SPQR (26be8b)

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