Patterico's Pontifications


Feds Shut Down Louisiana Dredging

Filed under: Government,Obama — DRJ @ 1:19 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

The Obama Administration has reportedly shut down Louisiana efforts to create sand berms that protect the coast from oil.

There should be a government hierarchy in areas declared national disasters (has the Louisiana coastline been declared a disaster area?) so FEMA can overrule decisions by agencies like the Fish and Wildlife Department. Of course, that assumes FEMA wants to overrule this decision.


33 Responses to “Feds Shut Down Louisiana Dredging”

  1. Ignore the order and keep going.

    arch (24f4f2)

  2. i agree with arch. i think this would be a great case to challenge the power of the federal government on these matters. They are trying to stop a state from saving itself.

    I am continually stunned at the incompetancy of this administration.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  3. People criticized Bush for not doing enough to help after Katrina while the Democrat Governor refused to permit the Feds to do so. Imagine the cries if the Bush administration had actively blocked and interfered with local and state efforts to deal with the crises?

    This President blocks damage control efforts he can’t take credit for, attacks the local economy which has already taken a huge hit, and sides with foreign invaders against Americans who try to defend their homes and families, while snubbing foreign experts who offer help to suck up to the unions. What enemy could do more to hurt us?

    Machinist (497786)

  4. Machinist – Not only are they not doing enough, they are hampering the ability of those that are trying to help. It boggles the mind. Someone once asked about the war on poverty and social welfare programs “what would our enemies do that would have a worse result?”. In the instant case, I cannot see how the course chosen advances our interests, in any way that matters.

    JD (23a165)

  5. Bring back General Honore. He could tell all the Obamanauts they’re STUCK ON STUPID!!!!

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  6. This should be the lead on every one of the network nightly news reports. It will not be.

    JD (23a165)

  7. Good thing oil does not hurt Fish and Wildlife. Is there any doubt that we have to much Government.

    Sanmon (319c0c)

  8. Won’t show on a single one of them, unless it’s about how the State was trying to damage the environment.

    htom (412a17)

  9. DRJ–in reference to your last paragraph–I’ve read that federal disaster declarations only happen when it’s a natural disaster, and not a human caused disaster like this. The explanation was that to do otherwise would mean the party responsible for the damages (in this case BP and cohort) would be let off the hook.

    (Just passing on the explanation I heard!)

    kishnevi (9ee373)

  10. I’m sure that this is all unexpected.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  11. This doesn’t make sense…if I’m reading this correctly, they’ve already pumped more than 50,000 cubic yards of material daily to create a sand berm and yet the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Dept are just now concerned about the location of their pumping??? Where were they for the first 50,000 cubic yards of pumping???

    Also, at this point in time, a “sensitive area” pales in comparison to the entire Gulf mess it would seem. Hard choices must be made and the government continually lacks the steel to make those choices. I’m with arch – ignore the order and keep going.

    Dana (1e5ad4)

  12. Jindal should literally tell the FWS to “pound sand”!
    Put State Police on the dredges, and when the FWS comes out with their little order, arrest them, & have them transported to Shreveport for arraignment.

    AD - RtR/OS! (6f143b)

  13. AD, that’s the best response. Just arrest those interfering with this emergency response. They should have boarded those Coast Guard ships and done the same thing if they refused to let the work continue.

    Oversight is one thing, advice is one thing, shutting down any of these efforts is downright criminal.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  14. There should be a government hierarchy in areas declared national disasters (has the Louisiana coastline been declared a disaster area?) so FEMA can overrule decisions by agencies like the Fish and Wildlife Department. Of course, that assumes FEMA wants to overrule this decision.

    I don’t think that setting up some kind of rigid hierarchy is what’s called for. What’s needed is a president who is competent enough to make the right call when two of his departments are in conflict.

    Anon Y. Mous (5ac901)

  15. Stating the obvious: Every day this President and his cabal place our Nation in a deeper circle of hell.

    Arch is correct,let the “fourth estate” try to spin the next act of insubordination.

    mike191 (b1a6f0)

  16. We can’t disturb or harm some animals just b/c we want to save other animals. Stop dredging. …… No wonder I hate most environmental wahoos. They simply are stupid and irrational.

    HeavenSent (a9126d)

  17. Just IMPEACH this incompetent, lying fool and get it over with.

    Biden can’t be worse than this.

    tailgunner (02f4aa)

  18. Sadly, tailgunner, Biden can be and probably is.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  19. So isn’t this just common sense, protect some or cover all with oil. Not much of a choice.

    But then again, bureaucracies are not known for thought.

    bill-tb (541ea9)

  20. What a bunch of mo-rons!

    PatriotRider (8d9a6f)

  21. In this administration, that is a plus, not a defect.

    AD - RtR/OS! (6f143b)

  22. So what if the rest of the coast is ruined and thousands lose their livelihood? Those “sensitive areas” will be protected…with a generous coating of oil.

    navyvet (206534)

  23. Nullification?

    For want of a nail…for want of a berm…

    Patricia (160852)

  24. Those Gulf states didn’t vote for Obama ! What do you expect ? In Chicago, you can tell the precincts that didn’t vote for Daley. They have lots of potholes in the streets.

    My sister has a huge tree in the parkway, property of the city. Tree trimmers told her the tree is hollow and should be taken down. She had been trying to get the city to take down its own tree for five years.

    The Chicago way, Right, Dmac ?

    Mike K (82f374)

  25. With all these bureaucrats down in Louisiana with the veto authority to cause billions in damage, perhaps some of them are holding out for a bribe. Perhaps that’s just paranoia, and these people are truly this deranged.

    I can’t understand anyone with fish and wildlife condemning so much of the environment because some sand came from the wrong area. Of course dealing with this disaster will require some calls like that.

    It’s like that fleet of skimmers turned away, because they leave some oil behind after removing almost all of it.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  26. Comment by SPQR – I once thought Biden would be worse, but I’m not so sure anymore. The one can be counted on, apparently, to do the worst possible thing for the nation almost every time.*
    As long as all they can say is “What if?” I agree with AD – RtR/OS! Although it is certainly easier (and maybe wiser) for Jindahl to follow the feds direction and let the responsibility rest where it needs to, with the federal govt.

    *(US Naval forces are going into place to be a presence when the iranians try to run the blockade, though we don’t know yet what they will do).

    MD in Philly (5a98ff)

  27. A friend of mine had a shore-side home in Sarasota on a small, protected cove off of a major inlet to the bay. It requires periodic dredging to keep it open to the inlet due to sand build-up across the mouth of the cove, but the area that can be dredged gets smaller and smaller as the sea-grass encroaches on the opening, and the sea-grass is protected. The last time they requested permits for the dredging, there was so much red tape, that he (for one) just threw up his hands, sold the boats while they could still get out, and sold the house.

    AD - RtR/OS! (6f143b)

  28. It LOOKS like the Obama Administration is intentionally choosing to do the most harm to the Gulf States.

    Two choices, neither of which is good, either the above intent to harm those who didn’t vote for him OR, even worse, the outrageous stupid incompetence of the US Bureaucratic class.

    I think it’s an ungodly combination of both.

    Vivian Louise (643333)

  29. haiku think maybe
    time obama fire himself
    for incompetence

    ColonelHaiku (c2b11b)

  30. American leadership!

    happyfeet (19c1da)

  31. Obama is doing a great job of proving the case against big government.

    He is doing so by showing that big government cannot work, because it literally regulates so much that nothing can get done.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  32. #28, VL, yes, that’s exactly what it looks like. Same for lots or other issues, Stimulus, the BP blow-out, and ObamaCare for example.

    This Administration hasn’t created a disaster they couldn’t make worse.

    ropelight (b3dda9)

  33. There are elements of subsidence in marshes to worry about should the water flow be diminished. Also if jindel in undermining the islands dredging where he is it will be another mess. There is also a chance blocking the ocean will be worse for the marshes and push oil elsewhere.


    John Tucker (168f4b)

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