Patterico's Pontifications


American Arrested in Pakistan

Filed under: Terrorism — DRJ @ 1:58 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

The Pakistanis have arrested American Gary Brooks Faulker, a 50-year-old Greeley, Colorado, man who needs dialysis three times a week and may have traveled overseas to kill Osama Bin Laden.

Friends and family members describe Faulkner as a smart, good man and a Christian who had a lengthy criminal record. His brother, a physician, says Faulkner is not crazy. His sister says he wanted to do one last thing before dying. Both suggest he wanted to do something for his country.


11 Responses to “American Arrested in Pakistan”

  1. Maybe he isn’t crazy, but arguably he’s pretty stupid. Afghanistan is a big place, and bin Laden has been doing a good job of hiding — assuming he’s even in Afghanistan, which may not be true.

    Steven Den Beste (99cfa1)

  2. so basically pakistan DOESN’T want him to kill bin Laden?

    Seriously, I am waiting for the part that explains to me why he should be stopped. I doubt he will succeed, but hey if he wants to give it a go, I ain’t gonna stop him.

    And who knows, we might get lucky.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  3. From the locale, I’d assume that what he wanted to do for his country was to get beheaded

    SteveG (9fb25f)

  4. ” a smart, good man and a Christian who had a lengthy criminal record.” He was a quiet man, kept to himself, wouldn’t hurt a fly. Right up until his homemade dirty bomb rendered the area uninhabitable for several millenia. Smart, good and christian don’t meld very well with “long criminal record”, But, the family doesn’t see any problems ?? I guess I just expect too much.

    Edward Lunny (ca0e48)

  5. He sounds pretty smart to me. The whole country probably has two or three dialysis machines, tops. Sooner or later he would run into bin Laden. Why can’t the CIA use this kind of imagination?

    His bona fides are also comedy gold.Friends and family members describe Faulkner as a smart, good man and a Christian who had a lengthy criminal record.

    TimesDisliker (d345d1)

  6. Well there is a certain symmetry, Greeley was where
    Qutb, Bin Laden’s inspiration decided to turn to radicalism, because of the woman dancing at a church social, in the dry town

    ian cormac (3e942b)

  7. Man, smoke a little hash and try to kill Bin Laden with a sword…and right away people start thinking you’re crazy!

    Talk about judgemental.

    Dave Surls (b38714)

  8. Who brings a sword to their own beheading?

    SteveG (9fb25f)

  9. Dave

    I’ll concede he seems a little off, although there is perhaps a little justice in decapitating bin Laden with a rusty scimitar.

    But I still say give him a shot. we just might get lucky.

    Aaron Worthing (e7d72e)

  10. It’s very much out of a roleplaying game.

    “I keep wandering around. He’s got to show up eventually! Roll on the wandering encounter tables!”

    We should ask the reporter if his sword was a +4 defender.

    luagha (5cbe06)

  11. They give passports to people with lengthy criminal records, and there are people (well, it is arguable that they are people) in Congress that want to disqualify anyone on a “no fly” list (no matter how they got listed – Ted Kennedy, anyone?) from purchasing firearms?

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