Patterico's Pontifications


Helen Thomas “Deeply Regrets” Telling the Jews to “Get the Hell Out of Palestine”

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 3:26 pm

Helen Thomas has apologized for telling the Jews in Israel to “get the hell out of Palestine”:

The apology:

I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians. They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon.

This is where you do the thing where you sneeze and say the word “bullshit” as you’re doing it.

33 Responses to “Helen Thomas “Deeply Regrets” Telling the Jews to “Get the Hell Out of Palestine””

  1. I don’t even bother to pretend to sneeze – that apology is utter bullshit. She is a revolting racist crone who needs to get her nasty racist ass fired.

    Vivian Louise (643333)

  2. GAH! My eyes! My eyes!

    And like most liberals, her philosophy is thoroughly grounded in hate.

    EW1(SG) (edc268)

  3. I”m sure Ms. Thomas *is* sorry. Sorry that there was tape rolling.

    Again, imagine if a journalist suggesting something about, say, the Palestinians in Gaza should “go the hell back to” Lebanon or another nation. That person would lose his or her credentials, instantly.

    But, of course, “...that’s different” (insert petulant foot stomp) is the motto of the modern progressive, it seems.

    Eric Blair (e2121c)

  4. Yep, that’s BS. Helen Thomas is a well-established anti-semitic supporter of terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. Wouldn’t surprise me if Hezbollah named some Katyusha rocket launchers after her.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  5. I’m sure Hussein and Gibbels will embrace her at the next propaganda fest.

    kansas (ed7ea9)

  6. Increasingly, hatred of Jewish people also seems to reflect modern liberal philosophy and that of the White House. No calls for her to resign from any public liberal entity.

    The face of Modern Liberal Philosophy.

    Pons Asinorum (0ae484)

  7. Eric Bair @ #3,

    I don’t think Thomas is sorry there was tape rolling. I think she said precisely what she wanted to say *on tape* and was proud of it. She never once hesitated, gasped, or even covered her mouth in shock that such craven hatred flew out of her mouth. She was pleased.

    Her apology is anything but. As Vivian Louise aptly put it above, it’s utter bullshit. Over at HuffPo, Ari Flescher is calling for her resignation, claiming she is advocating for religious cleansing. From the scan of comments most people there disagree with him. Poor misunderstood Helen it goes.

    Dana (1e5ad4)

  8. There is a poll up at PJTV over whether or not Helen should be fired….Absolutely!
    Also, they’re soliciting comments:
    She should co-host with Olberdouce!

    AD - RtR/OS! (9971c4)

  9. Treacher had a great line:

    Helen Thomas has been carrying a grudge against the Jews ever since she got dumped by King Herod.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  10. Yeah, you may be upset… but that lipstick?
    That was just for you…

    SteveG (7d4c78)

  11. This hoochie wouldn’t know mutual respect if it smacked her in the face with Barack Obama’s penis.

    happyfeet (682797)

  12. Helen Thomas is as intelligent as she is attractive.

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  13. oh. hi Mr. patterico I have a song for you my friend geoff found on the internet.


    here… they are very amazing plus also turtles are involved

    happyfeet (682797)

  14. She is the “worst person in the world”, she should be with the Olberdouche.

    Vivian Louise (643333)

  15. Feets! It’s usually hard to go wrong with banjos and fiddles.

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  16. Perhaps I now understand why she would ask, “Why are the Arabs and Muslims angry with us?” Maybe it wasn’t a question that she needed answered, maybe she was giving an opportunity to get the answer she wanted, “The Jews!”

    My recommendation, don’t accept her apology, don’t ask for her to be fired. Replay the tape often as a reminder of the kind of people who are considered part of the MSM W.H press corps.

    And she’s old enough to remember the Holocaust first hand, shame on her.

    How long will American Jews overwhelmingly support the Left?

    Of course, there could be an issue of denial going on. It would be much easier to think that there must be something Israel is doing wrong to make everyone mad at them, then we could make sense of it by telling Israel to be nice and think the problems will just disappear. The idea that some people are just wicked and you are vulnerable to their attack is one we would like to avoid.

    MD in Philly (cb8efe)

  17. MD in Philly – Since Helen has helped to raise funds for Democrats such as Jan Schakowsky, hopefully the clip will find its way into appropriate campaign material.

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  18. re: post number 4, SPQR… more appropriate if the Israelis named some gaping holes left by rockets after her, no?

    GeneralMalaise (8de279)

  19. This apologizing for crappy stuff is getting old, especially when it is insincere. I’m with Vivian Louise and Dana and say bullshit!

    PatAZ (655234)

  20. I deeply regret my comments moment of speaking my mind I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians. They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance the complete and utter annihilation of Israel and all Jews. May that day come soon.

    Now THAT’S what she was really saying in her shriveled up little black heart.

    jakee308 (ace517)

  21. Speaking of bullshit, While the Turks call for a “final solution,”, Obama says nothing.

    GeneralMalaise (8de279)

  22. I ran across the best line about Helen Thomas on Twitter: “Whoever has been operating Helen Thomas since Jim Henson died is doing a horrible job.” Iowahawk retweeted it.

    JVW (36eb17)

  23. The original tweet was from television’s Andy Levy.

    Karl (5f0050)

  24. From a progressive’s standpoint, the whole problem with those pesky Hebrews is they won’t stand down and be victims.

    How can you help those poor folk when they keep kicking asses and taking names?

    Ag80 (1b8eea)

  25. I don’t know what’s worse — the original hateful statement or the insincere “apology”.

    On second thought, I do know. The “apology” is worse. Openly expressed hatred is better than false goodwill.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (fb9e90)

  26. Aauugghh!!! Zombie Michael Jackson!

    Icy Texan (dd7edd)

  27. Eak! Michael Jackson has risen from the grave!!!

    Icy Texan (dd7edd)

  28. Ag80 wrote:

    From a progressive’s standpoint, the whole problem with those pesky Hebrews is they won’t stand down and be victims.

    Unfortunately, from a progressive’s viewpoint, the whole problem is that the Nazis didn’t finish the job.

    The Jews were trying to get out of Europe even before the war, and before our involvement in the war. The British were trying to stop them from getting to Palestine, because they didn’t want Jewish immigration inflaming the Arabs, and the United States, under President Roosevelt and a Congress completely dominated by Democrats, refused to lift immigration quotas to let them come here.

    The very realistic Dana (474dfc)

  29. She puts the “old bag” in “old scumbag,” alright.

    Beldar (75c3bc)

  30. #27 Exactly. Someone wrote that Thomas’s statement was like telling black Americans to go back to Africa, but it’s not like that at all; blacks, after all, are originally from Africa, so while it would be wrong to tell them to get out of America, at least it makes sense. But Jews aren’t from Germany or Poland, we’re from Israel. What she said was like telling American Indians who’d recently returned after spending some time in Europe to go “back” there. Jews are the native people of Israel; it’s Thomas’s people who are the colonists and recent arrivals.

    Milhouse (ea66e3)

  31. Here is a woman whose parents immigrated from Lebanon to the U.S., but honestly believes that U.S. soldiers are the equivalent of terrorists. Why did her dumb parents move to such a terrible country, and why has she remained in such an evil place for the past 180 years? These liberals have a habit of putting their feet in their mouths when they think the coast is clear to uncloset their racist tendencies. Barabara Boxer, for instance, knows all too well that her racist tendencies must constantly be suppressed in public, as Harry Alford so effectively taught her. The elite media herd of group thinkers that helps foster such anti-semitism by morally equating the only real democracy in the middle east with a bunch of wild animals (Hamas) once again misread the pulse of America, which still finds their racist viewpoints throughly revolting. We can only hope that they will fade quietly into the night instead of continuing to have a platform from which to spread their filth. Where are the Nazi comparisons from liberals now that they don’t require any stretch at all?

    stout77 (c2d8fe)

  32. Speaking of bullshit, While the Turks call for a “final solution,”, Obama says nothing.

    Comment by GeneralMalaise — 6/5/2010 @ 8:01 pm

    …which speaks volumes.

    Pons Asinorum (0ae484)

  33. Leave her where she is. She is a perfect reflection of what the establishment media in this country have become. Ahead of every “reporter” and “commentator” in that room is a progression to Helen Thomas. She is their future.

    This goblin is the personification the media.

    Ken Hahn (db07c3)

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