Patterico's Pontifications


Althouse Poll

Filed under: Obama — DRJ @ 2:59 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Ann Althouse is polling your reaction to President Obama singing “Hey, Jude” with Paul McCartney:

Love it? Hate it? Don’t care? All the choices are at the link.


17 Responses to “Althouse Poll”

  1. Who cares? It’s hard to argue against a Beatle winning a music award. (also, who would have thought that Paul would outlive Michael Jackson? Thank god. Ebony and Ivory sounded much better with Stevie Wonder.) P.S. I hope most of the software problems are cleared up.

    Chris Hooten (0f3c2a)

  2. I guess the technical snafus are still around. *sigh*. Bummer.

    Chris Hooten (0f3c2a)

  3. Thank you for making the effort to comment and say you don’t care Chris. That means a lot. Seriously.


    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  4. It says “no comments” yet I just left 2. Oh well, I hoped that the “can’t see comments past my first one” problem had been cleared up.

    Chris Hooten (0f3c2a)

  5. Eh, the commenting function is particularly screwy this afternoon…

    Dana (1e5ad4)

  6. Great, the comments decide to show up and I see I’m following Hooten grousing. I’ll send myself to the corner.

    Dana (1e5ad4)

  7. I would like a comparison between administrations (Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama) as to what artists they hired to provide entertainment, and how much each artist charged.

    I doubt that McCartney performed for free and I want to know how much the US tax payer had to pay to be insulted.

    Obama sings (and golfs) while the people of the United States get screwed.

    They should have played “Fool On The Hill”.

    Jack (e383ed)

  8. Jack – McCartney could also have serenaded Obama with “Nowhere Man.”

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  9. Maybe McCartney has some underwater engineering expertise he can offer the President.

    Pons Asinorum (96abf4)

  10. McCartney’s cheap shot was to the effect that Bush didn’t know where the library was.

    Obama is supposedly “brilliant” so he must know where the library is.

    What his English fool doesn’t realize is that Obama’s mentors made it unnecessary for Obama to go to the library; he’d be passed along, shined up and shipped out, without ever going in the library. English jerk!

    Mike Myers (3c9845)

  11. Some of the Hey Jude lyrics are arguably about heroin use.

    gp (3f5b43)

  12. Me thinks that Obama probably demonstrated more respect to “Sir Paul” than to the Queen or Prime Minister of England, funny that, old chap.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Sir Paul did indeed pay his own way. I mean, to be invited to play before the saviour of the world is an honor.

    The Jonas brothers, who I think are more like alpacas than llamas, probably were wondering what the heck they were doing on stage with McCartney and Stevie Wonder.

    I don’t mind too much who Obama sings with or what about, though I would be a bit disconcerted if he sang along with McCartney playing “Helter Skelter”…

    MD in Philly (cb8efe)

  13. The Nowhere Man and the Fool on the Hill should take a gang of Blue Meanies with ’em in the Yellow Submarine and spend some quality chill time in the Octopus’s Garden.


    GeneralMalaise (8de279)

  14. I thought I heard Mrs. Bush was a librarian… shhh

    Steve G (7d4c78)

  15. Lack of class seems to be the main unifying theme of the Obama White House and its guests.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  16. Paul McCartney used to be good, and his music will live forever. That is not in question. But I am genuinely shocked and disappointed by his lack of class. I am surprised and very sorry that he does not realize that with his completely unnecessary political statements now half of America feels like he just shit upon them.

    elissa (718d5d)

  17. His “Michelle” song? Personally, I think Guns ‘n Roses “My Michelle” would have beem more appropriate!

    JB2 (98cc83)

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