Patterico's Pontifications


Octomom Getting Welfare — Er, Sorry: SSI and Food Stamps, But Definitely No Welfare

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 12:17 am

From the L.A. Times:

Nadya Suleman, the woman who gave birth to octuplets last month, is receiving $490 a month in food stamps, and three of her first six children are disabled and receiving federal assistance, her publicist confirmed to The Times.

Publicist Michael Furtney confirmed the information after two sources told The Times that Suleman was receiving food stamps and federal supplemental security income.

Suleman had told NBC News correspondent Ann Curry in an interview that she was not receiving welfare. Furtney said Suleman didn’t consider the food stamps and SSI to be welfare.

Hey, Obama says he doesn’t consider the crap in the stimulus to be pork. At least this woman’s lie is only costing a few thousand dollars, instead of a trillion.

P.S. Publicists have really crappy jobs, huh? You have to tell ridiculous lies like this all day long. It’s like being a White House spokesman, but you get paid less.

UPDATE: The L.A. Times is now reporting that Octomom’s bill to the state and federal governments could reach $2900 per month, in theory.

114 Responses to “Octomom Getting Welfare — Er, Sorry: SSI and Food Stamps, But Definitely No Welfare”

  1. Oddly, the US Government DOES consider SSI and Food Stamps welfare, and excludes them from income calculations in some programs (e.g. veteran’s pensions). Social Security, however, is not considered welfare.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  2. Imagine having a publicist but being unable to afford food or a house for your children. Tax-payer subsided PR! I’ve got to get on that gravy-train!

    Spoodles (76b1a4)

  3. Nadya is not paying for the publicists.

    Right now, the publicists are doing it for free so that can get their names in the news and be on Dr. Phil and other TV shows.

    If Nadya ever gets any money for her story, the publicists will get a percentage, assuming Nadya signed a contract with them.

    slp (b746d1)

  4. When I got married during my first enlistment I asked my boss if the overseas cost of living allowance was raised for every child one had. He laughed and said “If that were the case the E-9’s and O-6’s would have 15 kids!”

    voiceofreason2 (10af7e)

  5. “Octomom” sounds like a villain from a Spiderman comic book.

    Steverino (b12c49)

  6. How about Medicaid? You’d think they’d ask who’s paying the medical bills.

    “They are part of programs designed to help people with need, and she does not see that as welfare.”

    *jaw hits floor*

    Pablo (99243e)

  7. This woman is a hoot.

    I’m busting my ass (and busted my ass for my education) to feed my kids and save for their education. I always wanted a much larger family than I’ve got, but I know I don’t have the time to be a father to more than a few, and I don’t have the money (even though I am professionally employed).

    This lady gets to have far more kids than she can take care of, and doesn’t work… ever. She actually gets fertilized when she has no income… that’s a betrayal of her kids, and it’s a betrayal of the society she expects to feed her and and her kids in perpetuity.

    And when my kids apply to school, they will have to have higher SATs and GPAs to compete against hers… and they will pay higher tuition to fund scholarships for her kids… who will probably wind up in public service because government is their God.

    I don’t even think it’s totally unfair that her kids are given goodies… they are truly unfortunate to wind up in that family. But I am annoyed as hell over this lifestyle’s growth in our culture.

    This lady has said all her kids have the same sperm donor, right? And that he has been notified and it’s hoped he takes a role in their life. Amazing!

    Joco (4cdfb7)

  8. What’s even better is that she used student loans to pay for the treatments that got her these 8 kids…

    I think I hate this woman…

    Scott Jacobs (90ff96)

  9. This lady has said all her kids have the same sperm donor, right? And that he has been notified and it’s hoped he takes a role in their life.

    According to her mother, he was in love with her and wanted to marry her. She wasn’t interested.

    Pablo (99243e)

  10. The more I hear about this woman the more despicable she seems to be.

    A welfare queen…bee?

    Pious Agnostic (291f9a)

  11. Pablo, that’s very disturbing. What kind of psychology exists in a person’s head who wants 14 kids from a man she has had a relationship with, but doesn’t want a marriage with? Adoption wasn’t a possibility for her (it wasn’t, I bet, since she’s not able to care for a child). And really, he should pay child support since he went along with this. I wonder if he had any idea how many kids he signed up to make.

    At least my radio station was wrong a few days ago to claim this was a sperm bank anonymity breach. I was hoping for an interesting lawsuit.

    Joco (4cdfb7)

  12. she used student loans to pay for the treatments that got her these 8 kids…

    Great. Just great.

    JD (c6800b)

  13. I’d say she’s just nucking futz.

    Pablo (99243e)

  14. This is really just a bizarre and disturbing story. The first 6 kids were not enough to get Daddy back into the picture, so … let’s try 8 more! Then you find out that he wanted to marry her, but she wanted to pursue her goal of being an unwed uneducated mother to 14 instead of doing anything as banal and trite as being married, or being able to support the children she already had.

    JD (c6800b)

  15. She is the new face of con artiste. She knows what she is doing and it’s workng for her. She is so irresponsible that she does nothing for herself. Her mother has to take care of her and her first six kids. Now this. Who is she expecting to do it for her? You! She knows what she wants and she knows how to get it. Now she is a being compared to Jollie in looks. She appears on national news. She is a star. She is going to make a lot of money out of this. Maybe a movie deal or a book deal. (I think I need to calm down…my pulse is not good….)

    Emperor7 (1b037c)

  16. And really, he should pay child support since he went along with this. I wonder if he had any idea how many kids he signed up to make.

    On one hand, I disagree. The sperm donor norm is that you release all rights to and responsibilities for your swimmers when you release them into the wild cup and collect your $100. or so. On the other hand, I wish that were the case as it would discourage such donations in the first place. I’m not a fan of intentionally creating fatherless children.

    Pablo (99243e)

  17. Emperor, I think I read on Huffington Post that she was someone having plastic surgery to imitate Angelina Jolie. Ordinarily, I’d say that’s just silly blog hysteria, but this lady is obviously crazy and that’s something a crazy person would do.

    You’re right… this woman will be rich if she isn’t already. At least she will be a millionaire and off the dole, and the people paying for her life will be the dolts who buy her books and watch her Oprah appearances (or wherever she goes), and not me.

    Unfortunately, the real problem is that she is inspiring thousands of people who have Hope that they can stop working and be glorified if they become a single mother. Kids do this crap all the time, and the cost, like everything these days, is staggering and unsustainable.

    Joco (4cdfb7)

  18. Pablo, I pretty much agree. When you go to a sperm bank and leave your donation anonymous to the mother, that’s a service and you should never be billed.

    When you go to a sperm bank to help your girlfriend have kids, and you know she has no way to feed them, you are basically having sex with her using a novel position.

    He knew his kids would feed from the government trough. That’s not cool with me.

    Joco (4cdfb7)

  19. I still haven’t heard anything that disputes her ten year Workers Comp claim. Maybe it settled with an SSI award. She is clearly not normal mentally.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  20. Here is the fertility clinic that committed this violation of medical ethics. Note the following:

    According to statistics collected by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, his clinics performed 20 in vitro procedures in 2006 on women under 35. Of those procedures, four resulted in pregnancies and only two of those resulted in birth. One of those women delivered twins. His pregnancy rate and live birth rate are far below the national average, according to the statistics.

    At the same time, the average number of embryos that he transferred per procedure — 3.5 — was among the highest in the country for women under 35. Fertility specialists say that a high number of embryo transfers usually reflects either a patient population with an especially poor prognosis or problems with the laboratory.

    I hope the guy loses his license. He should.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  21. He knew his kids would feed from the government trough.

    Maybe not. If all 14 of these kids came from the first donation, it probably wasn’t so apparent that she was such an insane loser at the time. It’s hard to miss now.

    Pablo (99243e)

  22. There was an exchange on 24 the other night that went something like this:

    FBI Agent – But the rules are what make us better
    Jack Bauer – Not today

    Play by the rules in Obama’s America, and you lose.

    To be fair, this has been going on for quite some time, but I think it will accelerate

    Horatio (55069c)

  23. I do not like that this lady is so obviously crazy, and has brung 14 children into this world. Yet, at the same time, I do not know that we should ever try to prevent it from happening.

    JD (c6800b)

  24. A few things I found interesting,

    1) She receives disability but has capacity to raise 14 kids?

    2) She spent $100k on in-vitro ….. um CA Social Worker how does she even qualify for help if she has money for this?

    3) Plastic Surgery does not seem to have occurred but the appearance is odd. Apparently in some older photos she stills looks the same.

    4) She was working to get the 100K, should she not return her disability payments???

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  25. I do not like that this lady is so obviously crazy, and has brung 14 children into this world. Yet, at the same time, I do not know that we should ever try to prevent it from happening

    So…what do you propose?

    Horatio (55069c)

  26. And that he has been notified and it’s hoped he takes a role in their life.

    I’m not sure how he’s supposed to do that, given all that’s occured. OTOH, he’s not blameless either regarding this fiasco, so who knows.

    Dmac (49b16c)

  27. Pablo, you make a very fair point. I am making an assumption I have no clue about as to this father’s knowledge. If he gave sperm to a friend that he knew was unemployed and that he was in love with, I still think he’s morally on the hook for a single baby.

    If he didn’t know she’d have 14 kids, he’s a victim to the extreme and I don’t think he owes her a penny more than he would for a single kid, since her situation is not of his making. If he did help her have a kid after the first 6, then he’s the worst sort of beta.

    JD, the government probably should stay out of how many kids we should make. But it’s clear to me that if we just didn’t have idiotic welfare systems, that the government would pretty easily stop most of this crap in an unintrusive manner. Requiring a parenting license is Tom Daschle level evil.

    Joco (4cdfb7)

  28. Horatio – I am making no proposals. I was simply pointing out that as abhorent as this lady is, and I think she is an absolute ghoul, the alternatives are not all that palatable either.

    JD (c6800b)

  29. I suspect and I may be right. I suspect that this is a conspiracy with the sperm donor. I think they must have come up with this plan to have eight babies and make the news. This is all a plan. If not why would she ask her boyfriend to donate his sperm? Why not have it the natural way? Because if they had it the natural way, it would not have resulted in 8! Normally, sperm donors are anonymous people. But in this case, she happens to know the guy. It stinks! They expected the publicity. They worked for it and now they have it. Soon they will appear on Oprah and the rest will be history.

    Emperor7 (1b037c)

  30. Most of the people I know in offline life are unemployed or underemployed, and receiving assistance such as SSI and WIC. My tenants haven’t paid rent in seven months; they decided to have a baby (costs covered by the local charity clinic) without having careers first. I’m too much of a sap to evict them, which is really weird for a black-hearted Republican like myself. The only good news in these bleak times is the low energy prices, but that can’t last.

    gp (72be5d)

  31. Horatio – I am making no proposals. I was simply pointing out that as abhorent as this lady is, and I think she is an absolute ghoul, the alternatives are not all that palatable either.

    How about mandatory chemical sterilization while receiving federal or state benefits? Or a one child maximum benefit for single mothers (not widows)?
    Yeah -they all suck and are harsh, and the Law of Unintended Consequences comes into play, but short of abolishing welfare, how do you manage the system and make what happened in this instance not a taxpayer liability?

    Horatio (55069c)

  32. Horatio – You outlined the equally unpalatable options quite well. I have no answer on this. All I know is that regardless of the avenue chosen, the children will suffer by virtue of being born to this ghoul.

    JD (c6800b)

  33. How about requiring patients receiving these treatments to certify (with checkable documentation) that they have the personal economic capacity to effectively raise any amount of children that might result from the “worst case” scenario should all of the implanted embryos come to term?

    M. Scott Eiland (5ccff0)

  34. Congratulations, lefties! Your “compassion” enabled this lunatic!

    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  35. M Scott Eiland – Though I do not disagree with you, in theory, I think that would be difficult to implement, in practice. How much income would be considered enough for 8 children? Who gets to make that determination? Maybe we should just free up the rules for the doctors to refuse to treat people.

    JD (c6800b)

  36. JD, I sure as hell don’t want to live under a government that concerns itself with whether I have their permission to have kids, but at the very least, free birth control pills (they aren’t expensive), and moderate reduction in welfare for recipients who have an additional child more than 9 months from beginning to receive any kind of government assistance would probably have an effect.

    Joco (4cdfb7)

  37. ““Octomom” sounds like a villain from a Spiderman comic book.”

    – Steverino

    Yeah… she’s probably building an army of minions.

    Leviticus (e87aad)

  38. How about requiring patients receiving these treatments to certify (with checkable documentation) that they have the personal economic capacity to effectively raise any amount of children that might result from the “worst case” scenario should all of the implanted embryos come to term?

    How about not giving people access to other peoples’ money in the form of support for not working, subsidized loans, etc? Make it impossible for her to afford paying the doctors and the problem never happens in the first place.

    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  39. I want to be a minion. How does one become a minion?

    JD (c6800b)

  40. JD: becoming a minion is always only a mousclick away!

    Joco (4cdfb7)

  41. Do minions get Viking hats? Spears? Body armor? Chain mail?

    JD (c6800b)

  42. At this point, her minions’ main weapons are probably their piercing screams.

    SPQR (72771e)

  43. How much does a minion gig pay? Do clouds form and babies cry every time a minion approaches?

    TLove (012115)

  44. I thought minions had to start as henchmen and work their way up.

    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  45. Minions rock. I think Tlove could be a good minion. Especially in a loincloth outfit. With a spear. And a sword. And a shield.

    JD (c6800b)

  46. That’d be so fun!

    TLove (012115)

  47. Except I don’t want to be a henchman first. I wonder how I can skip that stage…

    TLove (012115)

  48. They would make exceptions for the hotness that is … Tlove. Even if you are a librul.

    JD (c6800b)

  49. Has Andrew Sullivan started obsessing about Octomom’s vagina yet or does he only do that for Republicans from Alaska?

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  50. Ewwww…after 14 kids who wants to obsess over HER vagina?

    TLove (012115)

  51. OK, let’s have a bet.

    Everyone submit their guess as to the year this woman will have her next child (or guess never). Winner gets to win one intellectually dishonest argument of their choosing.

    My guess is 2011.

    Joco (4cdfb7)

  52. I’m pretty sure that minions are lower than henchmen on the Villainous Food Chain. A good villain has armies of minions, but only a select few henchmen. Like – the Young Republicans were McCain’s minions; Lindsay Graham and Joe Lieberman were his henchmen. Or for Obama – every kaffiyeh-wearing jackass to grace my university campus is a minion, whereas David Plouffe and David Axelrod are henchmen.

    Leviticus (43095b)

  53. Play by the rules in Obama’s America, and you lose.
    Comment by Horatio — 2/11/2009 @ 6:52 am

    I would submit that your premise is flawed based upon the evidence of octomom.

    She is playing by the rules, and seems to be winning…

    At least she’s gotten a system to pay for the method by which to have this gaggle, and a system to provide for them as well.

    Scott Jacobs (89480a)

  54. Hmm..Minion sounds so much cooler than henchman though.

    Hi Scott.

    TLove (012115)

  55. She receives disability but has capacity to raise 14 kids?

    Her kids are disabled, not her. She is the payee of their benefits since they are under 18.

    SSI is not welfare. Eligibility is determined based upon poverty AND medical disability. Welfare paid you for being poor and having need. SSI is designed to help people who have never been able to work, which obviously includes children who are medically disabled.

    This lady is disgusting, but I imagine, much like the Gosselins and Duggars, she will attempt to enrich herself through reality TV. The Gosselins, for instance, are doing quite well, just having purchased a 1.3 million dollar home. I’m sure octomom feels she can do the same thing.

    I remember a story I read years ago: missionaries to Haiti would accept children when they were in Haiti when the families couldn’t afford them. Eventually, they came back from Haiti with 23 kids. They built the good ol’ compound out in the hinterlands and supported their newly adopted group with church donations.

    Some years later, the marriage collapsed with allegations of child abuse and adultery. The Churches all ended their funding and the mom applied for SSI for all 23 kids!

    timb (68430f)

  56. “SSI is not welfare” – sure, technically.

    But SSI is so often abused, with moms getting themselves and their kids declared “disabled” by hack lawyers or corrupt doctors, just so they can get the payments. Many times they do this by convincing them (and the kids) that they are learning disabled. Tell a kid he’s dumb all his life, then get a lawyer to prove it, then get the state to pay him for it. In some cases, multiple generations of familes have been doing this – kind of like a family business!

    carlitos (599c37)

  57. Carlitos,
    Why is that lawyer a “hack”? In other words, is there a specific allegation or just a general prohibition.

    There is no listing for “learning disability.” SSA provides benefits for the mentally retarded. You cannot fake retardation and it’s more than test scores.

    timb (68430f)

  58. There are scandals about SSI ever since ADHD was declared a disability. There are towns in Kentucky in which every child in school has been diagnoses with ADHD and is collecting SSI.

    Here’s how you do it.

    Even in California, the percent on SSI can be as high as 30% of the kids.

    Mike K (8df289)

  59. Mike, that’s a blog for people seeking help understanding a process. As a follower of SSI, I’d love you to cite a link to your other allegations. I am NOT accusing you of lying, just thinking you’re passing on urban legends.

    timb (68430f)

  60. timb, who’s the follower of SSI,” you or Mike? That’s some bad grammar there.

    carlitos (599c37)

  61. Mom is “disabled” too. She had either a permanent partial or permanent total disability finding as a result of a work comp claim.

    JD (509000)

  62. Though I do not disagree with you, in theory, I think that would be difficult to implement, in practice. How much income would be considered enough for 8 children? Who gets to make that determination? Maybe we should just free up the rules for the doctors to refuse to treat people.

    I’m sure there’s reasonable sources out there from which could be derived the approximate cost of giving birth to and raising X number of kids born at the same time. The doctor would be able–and expected–to ask “do you have the income and/or resources to cover this amount over eighteen years?” If the answer is “no,” then the doctor should say “I’m sorry then–I can’t perform this procedure.” If he performs the procedure in the absence of such proof, he should be held jointly liable for the predictable financial consequences of his actions. If this were the rule, the financial self-interest of doctors and their malpractice carriers would basically eliminate publicly funded freak shows like this one.

    M. Scott Eiland (ba65df)

  63. I believe in California you get 4 weeks of disability leave before a pregnancy, plus 6-8 weeks after delivery depending on the type of birth – plus there is the possibility of continuing receiving $ for some weeks after that as Paid Family Leave.

    TLove (012115)

  64. JD is racist against injured workers.

    carlitos (599c37)

  65. Am I wrong? I thought I had read that she had received a Workers Comp perm total disability settlement.

    JD (c6800b)

  66. “Her workers’ compensation file, obtained by The Times, indicates that a doctor hired by the state to evaluate her believes she is now eligible for permanent disability. The state stopped making temporary disability payments Aug. 28. But the records show that she would receive payment for permanent disability. State officials said no determination has been made yet about the amount or duration of her payments.”

    TLove (012115)

  67. I read somewhere she is soliciting online donations. If she was smart, she would convert to LDS. They’d be all supportive of her 14 kids, and probably all chip in and pay for them.

    TLove (012115)

  68. TLove, that blogger profile triggered my fake blog radar. Like “hot money girl” or whatever that was.

    carlitos (599c37)

  69. If she was smart, she would convert to LDS.

    I’m don’t think her newly botoxed lips would fit into that lifestyle. 🙂

    We’ll be paying her way and the 14 lil ones, too.

    Dana (be9504)

  70. Don’t worry carlitos, I’m me.

    TLove (012115)

  71. I never blog because I’m not all that creative.

    TLove (012115)

  72. I’m don’t think her newly botoxed lips would fit into that lifestyle

    Nor would, frankly, the whole “unwed mother” thing…

    They also tend to be exceedingly self-sufficient. That family that’s had TV shows (the mormon family with like 12 kids)? The father works a very good paying job, and about the only help the Church gave them was helping to build the house (labor and some donated materials). Other than that, they do it on their own.

    This woman? She wouldn’t know hard work if it bit her in the ass…

    Scott Jacobs (90ff96)

  73. Yes, but they’d pitch in some cash for 15 new converts… Don’t you think?

    TLove (012115)

  74. She wouldn’t know hard work if it bit her in the ass…

    …but Scott, she has all that love to give them. Food, clothing, shelter, meh. Just conventional trappings…

    Dana (be9504)

  75. I never blog because I don’t have a blog.

    carlitos (599c37)

  76. Would it make you feel better if I blogged?

    TLove (012115)

  77. Tlove – Does it say what time of workplace injury caused her permanent disability?

    JD (c6800b)

  78. No, I feel fine, thanks.

    And due to a lack of google-fu, I cannot locate ‘hot money girl’ fake blog that I was alluding to. I think it was around 2005-6, and someone with a hawt photo posted financial advice as coming from that photo. Oddly, guys loved “her” advice and it drove traffic for a while.

    carlitos (599c37)

  79. “The LA Times disclosed that Nadya Suleman received $169,353 in temporary disability payments from the State of California in the past 8 years and may now qualify for permanent disability payments based on a back injury resulting from a riot at a mental hospital where she was once employed.”

    TLove (012115)

  80. Well, no one follows my blog – for good reason. I’m a total bore. I keep the blog hoping that one day I become interesting and creative and actually start blogging.

    TLove (012115)

  81. Thanks, Tlove. I knew I was not imagining that.

    JD (c6800b)

  82. “If Mr. McMurphy doesn’t want to take his medication orally, I’m sure we can arrange that he can have it some other way. But I don’t think that he would like it!”

    carlitos (599c37)

  83. McMurphy: Nurse Ratched, Nurse Ratched! The Chief voted! Now will you please turn on the television set?
    Nurse Ratched: [she opens the glass window] Mr. McMurphy, the meeting was adjourned and the vote was closed.
    McMurphy: But the vote was 10 to 8. The Chief, he’s got his hand up! Look!
    Nurse Ratched: No, Mr. McMurphy. When the meeting was adjourned, the vote was 9 to 9.
    McMurphy: [exasperated] Aw come on, you’re not gonna say that now! You’re not gonna say that now! You’re gonna pull that hen house shit? Now when the vote… the Chief just voted – it was 10 to 9. Now I want that television set turned on *right now*!
    [Nurse Ratched closes the glass window]

    carlitos (599c37)

  84. “…resulting from a riot at a mental hospital where she was once employed.”

    She worked at a mental hospital? Stunning!

    Chris (b886a5)

  85. Tim, it is very difficult to obtain figures because there are privacy issues. For example, schools cannot ask. The parents tell them the kid has ADHD but do not have to reveal the SSI. If you look around and try to find data, it is almost all anecdotal. I do know of a few school districts with a majority or near majority of kids collecting SSI because of alleged ADHD. Here is one discussion that focuses on misdiagnosis. Of course, many parents are claiming the diagnosis for benefits, either in school (test time, etc.) or SSI.

    <a href=””> Here is more.

    1997: “The financial incentive to have a child labeled as having ADHD is powerful. Under the SSI program- which provides cash benefits to low-income elderly and disabled – an eligible family stands to get more than $450 a month for each child on the program. All but seven states add an average $110 a month into the pot. And once on SSI, families can get access to Medicaid and food stamps. “The result of the changes is clear. “In ’89, children citing mental impairments that include ADHD, but not retardation, made up only 5% of all the disabled kids on SSI. That figure rose to nearly 25% by ’95. “The new, looser rules also invite fraud, critics charge. “‘We found that parents were actually coaching the children to do poorly in school and just basically act weird’ to get on the SSI rolls, said Rep. Clay Shaw, R-Fla.” p. A2, John Merline, “Public Schools: Pushing Drugs?” pp A1 & A2, Investor’s Business Daily, Oct. 16, 1997 ADHD: Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

    That was 10 years ago.

    MIke K (f89cb3)

  86. SSI is DEFINITELY a federal welfare program and was established as a lifeline for those with no other source of income. It was created under Title 16, and while it is not officially called federal welfare, that is exactly what it is and what it was intended to be. SSI is NOT funded with our FICA withholdings, from which our Social Security Title II entitlements are funded (Retirement, disability, suvivor’s, and widow’s benefits, etc). Instead, SSI is funded from general tax revenues unrelated to the SSA Trust Fund and FICA withholdings. SSI can be collected at the same time someone is also collecting a Title II benefit, because eligibility for SSI is totally income driven. If you fall below the qualifying income levels (welfare schedules) you will be able to collect SSI. Congressional intentions were noble when SSI was created, but it is the most abused program that the SSA offers. So, call a duck a dog if you want to, but SSI IS DEFINITELY welfare . . . from the feds.

    jkw (9b710d)

  87. uhm, yeah, we get it jkw – that’s the point.

    TLove (012115)

  88. This Suleman creature should be given a Brazilian with a chain saw. Then get rough with the bitch.

    Geri (5d0fed)

  89. How is someone healthy enough to carry 8 babies eligible for permanent disability due to back pain? I don’t get it.

    TLove (012115)

  90. Only in Workers Comp, Tlove, and only in California or Kentucky.

    JD (c6800b)

  91. Well, she got the award first then had the kids it looks like. Can’t the State revisit the issue if they get information after the fact?

    TLove (012115)

  92. Not usually, except for cases of fraud. California may be different, but from what I know of their system, not likely.

    JD (c6800b)

  93. It doesn’t make sense. If she was working at a mental hospital and claimed permanent disability, how can she be studying to become a counselor? Doesn’t that mean she doesn’t have a permanent disability, since she is going back to the same type of work?

    I don’t get it. How could this not be investigated as fraud?

    TLove (012115)

  94. Tlove – Should you wish to retain your sanity, please stay away from the administrative laws that call themselves Workers Compensation. Your question proves that you do not have mushy enough grey matter to live in that environment.

    JD (c6800b)

  95. That’s the one area of law I refuse to go into. This Octomom makes me angry.

    TLove (012115)

  96. Is she a Muslim? That name sounds mid-eastern. “Nadya Suleman”. It does not make any difference.

    Emperor7 (1b037c)

  97. I found this somewhere. I felt it was funny.
    Food stamp debate aside, mother of 14 Nadya Suleman is steadfastly sticking to her claim that she’s never taken taxpayers’ money.

    Solicited, on the other hand…

    Hot on the heels of her Today show denials that she’s a drain on society, the 33-year-old jobless octomom has established a website where exploitable generous citizens are invited to “meet the octuplet babies,” leave a comment and, of course, donate to the family.

    The site lays out multiple ways to pitch in (all major credit cards accepted) via a mailing address where samaritans can send baby-friendly items and two ways to provide funds.

    “We thank you from the bottom of our hearts,” reads a message from Suleman “and children.”

    Presumably even more so for those who reach to the bottom of their wallets.
    I think she’s come up with a smart plan for a bailout.

    Emperor7 (1b037c)

  98. I just got the chills reading that line “mother of 14.” If anyone ever called me that I’d go right out and jump off a bridge.

    TLove (012115)

  99. I’m unemployed and in need of $. Maybe I should set up a website and start soliciting donations…

    TLove (012115)

  100. Comment by TLove — 2/11/2009 @ 6:45 pm
    It’s not that bad. Just think of it as 14 nations seeking motherly love and care. 🙂

    Emperor7 (1b037c)

  101. Maybe I should set up a website and start soliciting donations…

    I’ve seen websites like that…

    Scott Jacobs (90ff96)

  102. Comment by TLove — 2/11/2009 @ 6:55 pm
    But first you have to have octuplets. Twice!

    Emperor7 (1b037c)

  103. Scott, I know what kind of websites you’ve seen…that’s not what I’m talking about!

    TLove (012115)

  104. I’m talking about websites where people send me money because they are stupid – not stupid and horny. =)

    TLove (012115)

  105. I’m talking about websites where people send me money because they are stupid – not stupid and horny. =)

    Ah. Then you are wanting to be connected to an Obama fund-raising site…

    Scott Jacobs (90ff96)

  106. Or maybe Pat Robertson’s.

    TLove (012115)

  107. Baracky’s people have lists of millions of people that need to be relieved of their money, Tlover.

    JD (c6800b)

  108. For the amount of food stamps to only be that much for all that litter and herself, she has a substantial amount of disability coming in on those 3 kids. Let’s remember too that California is one of the states that gives a ‘stipend’ to those on SSI and disability also, thus making her receive more money. Just think of all the W.I.C she gets for 6 and now will for 14.

    I also want to know that HOW she managed and also had the money to have the costly plastic surgery between having 6 kids under 7 years old in 5 1/2 years??
    She really looked better PRIOR to the ‘jolie surgery’.
    This woman is crazy and most all of those kids will be getting disablility for something will be wrong with them. She wasted no time in getting the others on.

    Reality is gonna be a ‘mofo’ when it kicks her in the rear, and the state paying all this money should snatch any and all she gets to repay for their care. I have pity for the kids, she don’t need them, but for her..only distaste and outrage.

    Buela (136990)

  109. @ #9″ I want to be a minion. How does one become a minion?

    Comment by JD — 2/11/2009 @ 8:34 am”

    First, you find nine more Jewish men… Oh! Minion, not minyan! Sorry…

    (/SOMEONE had to do it…)

    the friendly grizzly (77fb0e)

  110. The idea that the state can protect children from the folly of their parents is an illusion. All the state can do is waste resources.

    Amphipolis (fdbc48)

  111. So, call a duck a dog if you want to, but SSI IS DEFINITELY welfare . . . from the feds.

    “Welfare” is a stipend given to poor people. SSI is a stipend given to disabled people who are also poor. The government, in the case of Federal disability, defines disabled as a medical condition expected to result in death or last more than twelve months which prevents one from performing substantial gainful activity.”

    California Worker’s Comp law (like all Workers Comp laws) compensate someone for suffering a injury while performing work. Disability does not mean “in a wheelchair or coma,” Tlove. If a physician found that her back condition was untreatable or permanent, then she would receive some sort of award.

    The woman herself is disgusting, but criticizing all benefit recipients is a little over the top.

    Again, the Hobbesian nature of some of the gang of Marie Antoniettes here is amazing. A group of alleged Christians who begrudge disabled people (and her kids are, apparently, disabled) a few thousand dollars a year, while fuming that the president complains about 18 billion in bonuses is proof that class warfare works both way.

    Dems allegedly pit the middle versus the upper class, while Republicans have, since Reagan, pitted the middle class versus the lower class.

    Personally, I’ll side with the dirty poor since the rich can buy themselves enough defenders.

    timb (a83d56)

  112. I have been a Federal employee for most of the past 30 years, the last 10 helping run Social Security’s SSI program, and here is the bottom line: We’re not allowed to say it, but it IS a welfare program. Period. This monster of a mom was receiving probably about $3000/mo. in SSI benefits BEFORE having her octuplets; if and when they all come home from the hospital, she will then get about $9000/mo – which amounts to about $108,000/YEAR – and it’s all TAX FREE!!!!! The thing that most people don’t know is that, first – there is no limit on how many kids you can have and get SSI benefits for, and secondly – how many single moms are out there making babies ALREADY – JUST TO GET THEIR SSI CHECKS BECAUSE THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY CURRENTLY TO HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE FOR HOW THE MONEY IS SPENT. Period. I, and many of my peers, believe that SSI absolutely SHOULD NOT give benefits for children, because the fraud and waste is RAMPANT. The real problem though, the root of it all, is not the moms – it’s THEIR moms – the kids’ grandmoms – and there are tens of thousands – maybe hundreds of thousands of them – in this country, who basically tell their daughters to get knocked up, so they can get an SSI check! They do this to supplement their own (grandmas’) income because they know that their unwed, unemployed, uneducated and UNEMPLOYABLE daughters will HAVE TO live with them, thus adding to the household income through their kids’ SSI benefits! Grandmothers like these should be shot – no questions asked, but since we can’t do that, folks -NOW is the time to write your Congressman/woman and tell them – REFORM SSI NOW!!!! – I swear, if SSA ever goes broke, it will be from the SSI program. By the way, I am the father of two disabled kids myself – but make too much money for them to get SSI. In other words, I studied hard and got my Master’s degree and have busted my ass for my family – and I don’t mind doing it – but I make far less money – even before taxes – than this welfare queen will get – again, TAX FREE – and my kids get ZERO govt support. Where is the justice?????????

    in the know (c7746e)

  113. The Denny’s in Waukegan has The Nadya Suleman Special, “Fourteen eggs, no sausage, and the guy in the next booth pays for it”. Although today it’s being paid by LOOP 79 FM for any of you Far Northers who might want to be on Johnny B’s show.

    nk (0388d3)

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