Patterico's Pontifications


A WLS Entry In The Continuing Series “Deport The Criminals First”

Filed under: Deport the Criminals First — WLS @ 3:13 pm

[Posted by WLS Shipwrecked]

Word out today from the SF Chronicle is that one of the suspects in the July 31 murder of a 14 year old boy in San Francisco was shielded by the City of San Francisco’s “sanctuary” law from potential deportation after he was incarcerated in 2007 for an earlier gang-related assault.

The suspect, 17 year old Rony Aguilera, a self-identified member of the Salvadoran gang MS-13, was released on probation in that case by a juvenile court judge who allowed him to reside in Houston with his parents, while being informally monitored from San Franciso by juvenile authorities. Pursuant to the policy then in force by the City of San Francisco, Aguilera was not reported to federal immigration authorities even though was subject to deportation.

In December 2007 his probation was ended, and he returned to San Francisco. Here’s the Chron’s description of the final moments of 14 year old Ivan Miranda’s life:

According to police accounts, Ivan was stabbed on a street in the Excelsior neighborhood a few hours after the relative of an MS-13 member was wounded in a shooting. Gang members blamed the rival Norteño group, and several went looking for Norteños to attack, investigators said.

Ivan had no connection to the Norteños, police said, but the gang members attacked him anyway as he talked with two friends at the corner of Madrid and Persia streets.

The boy was stabbed with what police described as a Japanese-style sword and was robbed of the iPod he was returning to his friend. When he tried to run, two assailants chased him down and stabbed him through the neck, nearly decapitating him, police said.


Hours after Ivan was killed, suspects in the case met up with a federal informant who secretly taped the meeting. Aguilera told the informant, “We stabbed the son of a bitch,” according to a transcript of the conversation. “There is no problem with this homeboy anymore,” he said later.

Another proud moment for the Sanctuary City movement.

12 Responses to “A WLS Entry In The Continuing Series “Deport The Criminals First””

  1. So that it doesn’t effect crime-stats in SF,
    I’m sure they’ll find a way to list this as some form of post-partum abortion.

    Another Drew (4f04a0)

  2. I weep for this country.

    Karen (d671ab)

  3. Karen, I’m with you. Look what happens when liberals are in charge. SF is one clear example, another is Chicago. All elected leaders in Chicago are Democrats: The Mayor, the city council, the congressmen, the senators, the state senators and state congressmen, the attorney general, the Secretary of State the County Board Members, the County Board Chairman and the Governor, all liberals and what is life like in Chicago?

    It’s worse than life in freakin Iraq! The murder rate in in Chicago is worse than the murder rate in Iraq! Chicago has a total gun ban! Yet it is the murder capital of the world. If the Mayor would pull his head out of his ass and let people concealed carry firearms for self defense, there would be a brief increase in gun incidents, followed by a long and steady decline in homicides, aggravated assaults, rapes and armed roberies! Criminals are economic creatures. The higher the risk, the less crime they commit. An armed Society is a Polite Society. Robert Heinlein. Illinois is &%$#ed. SF is *&%#ed. Thank the liberals.

    J. Raymond Wright (0440ef)

  4. I but wonder how many illegals would be flooding our southern boarders, not to actually pick a polar position, if they were greeted with bullets for the mere intrusion as opposed to water bottles.

    I also wonder how many water bottle handlers would be available as well.

    Either enforce the boarder or ignore it and allow the citizens free rein upon it. But then any congress critter must also be thinking, boarders today, control of THEIR country tomorrow eh?

    I find it sad that too many of our elected in this country do NOT have the slightest clue about our constitution, or it’s history.

    The potential for many tears shed for many might be very close.

    TC (0b9ca4)

  5. Sheesh…reading this makes me flat out angry. What *possible* justification could SF officials have for such a screw up?

    BTW, I’m new here, folks….hi.

    Rich Bordner (fab40f)

  6. Welcome Rich. There is no “rational” explanation. It is simply shear stupidity with tragic, tragic results.

    J. Raymond Wright (0440ef)

  7. In the deranged mind of far too many liberals, which San Francisco has in spades, criminals from humble backgrounds are to be pitied over and even sympathized with.

    What’s laughable and disgusting is that such people of the left believe their sentiments–which direct less consideration and teary eyes to the victims of thugs like Rony Aguilera–make them somehow so very humane and caring.

    Mark (411533)

  8. Actually, statisically speaking — Red States (Pro Gun) have less violent crime than Blue States (Anit). Pure Fact.

    Petty crime, however, is similar in Incidents / 1,000,000.

    Da'Shiznit (089453)

  9. I repeat: I have no problems with deporting criminals first if we would just start deporting.

    Ken Hahn (e27b63)

  10. Deporting criminals makes no sense as long as the borders stay open.

    gajim (e39b35)

  11. Isn’t there some enterprising civil rights lawyer out there who would be willing to crawl down San Francisco’s throat with a section 1983 civil rights lawsuit for these kinds of tragedy. Never thought I’d ever say this, but this family ought to call the Cochrane law firm. Its a shame the usual suspects in that field don’t seem to give a damn when its a liberal municipality like SF.

    CStudent (3d995d)

  12. Another one bites the dust! What a shame that another innocent (young) life is taken – slaughtered by another criminal illegal alien gang member. The direct product of insane ‘sanctury city’ policies that coddle & harbour illegal aliens. City, county, state & federal officlas – ALL HAVE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS.

    WAKE UP AMERICANS – YOUR so-called government is a FRAUD that serves another master. It fails to represent, serve & protect American citizens, but does everything it can for illegal aliens & the bandit, pirate employers that hire them.

    YOU mean nothing. YOU are nothing to this government. How many more innocent Americans have to die, before YOU are going to WAKE UP?

    Here is another tragic story ‘HIT-and-RUN: Death in a ‘Sanctury City’” by David Paulin,, [Nov. 9, 2008] about the horrible, untimely and unnecessary death of Eric M. Laufer (25). Here is the link:

    There’s more. To see just how wrong headed and dangerous the establishment is on this issue, check out this article “LET THEM IN – Three New Books Argue That Open Borders Serve The National Interest” by Thomas Brom, from his monthly column “Full Disclosure”, that appeared in the August 2008 issue of the California Lawyer Magazine. Here is the link to that article:

    Here is my August 14, 2009 Reply/Rebuttal letter. California Lawyer contacted me to confirm that I authored the letter and indicated that it was considering publishing my letter. It however, did not publish my letter.

    Letter to the Editor:

    Thomas Brom’s “Let Them In, Over Taken By Events – O-B-E,” August, is spin. Spin out of control. First, America already generously Let’s Them In, granting legal resident status and naturalized citizenship every year, to about 2.5 million immigrants. Significantly more than any other nation. Second, Mr. Brom’s “Let Them In” theme reminded me of the callous quip about a woman getting raped: “Hey, why fight it, just sit back, relax and enjoy it.” That theory’s a non-starter, readily proven again by the 1993 rape, then murder, of Jennifer Ertman (14) and Elizabeth Pena (16), by illegal alien gang member Jose Ernesto Medellin (now 33). Texas just executed him. More recent, there’s SF’s triple murder of the Bologna family in June 2008, LA’s murder of Jamiel Shaw, Jr., in March 2008, and Newark’s execution-style murders of three college students in August 2007. (Illustrative, not exhaustive.) All the product of insane sanctuary city policies coddling and harboring convicted criminal illegal aliens. City, state and fed officials all have blood on their hands. Third, Mr. Brom’s piece referred to three books advocating open borders, published in 2007-8. I call Mr. Brom and raise him: Michelle Malkin’s Invasion (2002), Victor Davis Hanson’s Mexifornia: A State of Becoming (2003) and Pat Buchanan’s State of Emergency (2006). Fourth, what happened to – the Rule of Law? That America is a nation of laws, not men. That no man is above the law, and that’s what separates America from the rest of the world. Let them in? Open borders? Strange arguments coming from a lawyers’ magazine, but guess we’re just living in the world of Superman Bizarro. Fifth, we have not been O-B-E, but in fact have had decades of deceit, denial, dysfunction and dereliction of duty (maybe by design NAFTA, NAU, SPP), from all three branches of our federal government. Example: Plyler v. Doe, 457 US 202 (1982), a 5/4 Brennan opinion that admitted the fed’s total failure on illegal immigration, flew in the face of Fong Yu Ting (cited in Brom’s piece, but curiously absent from Plyler), opened the floodgates (see fnt. 2 in Plyler dissent, estimating 3-12 million illegal aliens as of 1981), and denied Texas the natural law remedy of self help. Then California’s Prop 187, torpedoed by a single federal judge. Example: the 1986 bi-partisan Simpson-Mizzoli bill that graciously gave amnesty to 3 million+ illegal aliens, and promised American citizens that it would be – a one-time fix. Can you say Shamnesty? Because that was a fraud, fixed nothing and spawned another 12-20 million+ illegals. Example: the recent 5/4 USSC opinions of Boumediene v. Bush and Dada v. Mukasey, foolishly giving more rights and opening further our courts, to terrorist combatants and illegals, thus making even longer ques for Americans to use their own courts. (See “[Fed] Circuit Judges Decry Immigration Case ‘Tsunami’” by Tony Mauro, 8/12/08 Legal Times and “New Nightmare Census Projections Reveal CHAIN MIGRATION Still Choking Our Future” by Roy Beck, 8/14/08 NumbersUSA.) Example: The dereliction of Presidents Carter to G.W. Bush on this issue, most notably their failure to prosecute cheating employers who hire illegals and refuse to use E-Verify.

    Separation of powers, the so-called checks & balances? Phooey! The Rule of Law? Phooey! We are trillions in debt, yet the politicos and judges never ask, who or how we will pay for their frolics. We get the shaft from all three branches, plus we get to pay the “check” for the actually not so cheaper labor. The same is true for too many state, county and city governments/officials (sanctuary cities); the media (Mr. Brom’s own “It’s why an editor… may choose to bury a story rather than put it on the front page.”); and, the big corp bandits & pirates (that out-source American jobs, hire the illegals and push for more H-1B visas to in-source more foreign workers). The Dems want more voters; the Repubs (and US Chamber of Commerce) want cheap labor. It can be argued, we are well down the road to anarchy. (See HBO’s “The Second Civil War” (1997).) But the Will of the People has always been clear: STOP IT! Most recently rising up to stop the bogus bi-partisan “comprehensive” shamnesty bill. Yet all ever required was leadership and integrity. To simply apply reason, enforce our existing laws, and follow the advice of Deputy Barney Fife (of Andy of Mayberry): “Nip it. Nip it. Nip it in the bud.” The situation then would have been – the problem that never was.

    But that takes courage. Instead, our politicos have chosen to pick the low hanging fruit, and to come up with one scam, scheme and bogus compromise, after another. We must look in the mirror. We must ask: Are we still capable of governing ourselves? Because at present, America has no real Rule of Law – with 12-20 million illegal aliens, it would be foolish to argue otherwise. Fact is, everything has been reduced to politics. Because if baseball used to be America’s pastime, it can be readily argued that today, our pastime now is – lying, cheating, stealing & spin. And it’s everywhere. And it’s destroying our American constitution, country, communities, culture and courts. And it’s killing us.

    Open borders – NO! Enforce our laws – YES! Si se puede!


    Gary L. Zerman (55474e)

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