Patterico's Pontifications


Chris Matthews to Run for the Senate?

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 11:48 am

Anyone getting a thrill up their leg?

Shocka: Obama’s Small-Donor Base a Myth?!?! Who’da Thunk It?

Filed under: 2008 Election,Dog Trainer,Obama — Patterico @ 10:42 am

The L.A. Times Top of the Ticket blog reports: Obama’s small donor base image is a myth, new study reveals.

Everybody knows how President-elect Barack Obama’s amazing campaign money machine was dominated by several million regular folks sending in hard-earned amounts under $200, a real sign of his broadbased grassroots support.

Except, it turns out, that’s not really true. . .. . [T]he nonpartisan Campaign Finance Institute just issued a detailed study of Obama’s donor base and its giving. And that’s what the Institute found, to its own surprise.

“The myth is that money from small donors dominated Barack Obama’s finances,” said CFI’s executive director Michael Malbin, admitting that his organization also was fooled. “The reality of Obama’s fundraising was impressive, but the reality does not match the myth.”

Who woulda thunk it?

Well, OK. Even without the benefit of a New Study, the Washington Post and this here blog were reporting this in October. Before the election . . . when it mattered.

At the L.A. Times blog, Andrew Malcolm says: “[W]e’ll see how broad-based news coverage of this real reality is.”

Well, we already saw how broad-based the coverage was before the election.

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