Patterico’s Voter Guide
Here is my voter guide.
I’ll start with judicial races, since that’s the place where my input is likely most meaningful.
Office 94: C. Edward Mack v. Michael J. O’Gara
Vote for Michael O’Gara.
Office 84: Pat Connolly v. Lori-Ann C. Jones
Vote for Pat Connolly.
Office 72: Hilleri Grossman Merritt vs. Steven A. Simons
Vote for Hilleri Merritt.
Office 82: Cynthia Loo vs. Thomas Rubinson
Vote for Tom Rubinson.
Office 154: Rocky L. Crabb vs. Michael V. Jesic
Vote for Michael Jesic.
President: John McCain
I don’t have time to write a lengthy screed in favor of McCain. Suffice it to say I will be voting against Barack Obama more than I will be voting for John McCain. Obama is a good man who believes in some truly scary things — like partial-birth abortion, for example. If he is elected, he will be my President. And I will likely fight him tooth and nail on virtually everything he tries to do.
It’s not foreordained that McCain will lose. Stranger things have happened. I sure as hell am not going down without a fight — and you shouldn’t either.
Now, for the California propositions. I know a lot of you aren’t California readers, but there are some interesting issues tucked away in these various propositions, so I hope you’ll find it interesting.
In many cases, I have devoted a separate post to the proposition in question; I’ll alert you if that’s the case. If you don’t find my one-or-two line argument persuasive, check out my fuller post in every case where I have written one.
Proposition 1A: No
Proposition 1A is a $19 billion bond for high-speed rail. I basically never vote for bonds. Next!
Proposition 2: Yes
This post of mine makes the case for this proposition. In it, I have embedded a video. Please, please watch it. I feel so strongly about this, I am going to embed it again here.
As I said in that post:
The awful conditions of the hens depicted in the video will not all be solved by Proposition 2. But if you skip ahead to around 4:04, you’ll get some sense of the overcrowded conditions that this proposition is designed to outlaw.
We’re told that there are health risks from Proposition 2. It appears clear to me that there are potential health risks from eating eggs that have been covered in blood due to untreated prolapsed egg vents; or eggs crawling with mites due to the filthy conditions of these cages; or eggs laid in cages filled with the rotting corpses of hens, or filled with sick hens with untreated open infections.
Proposition 3: No
I agree with JRM: “It’s $2 billion for a children’s hospital bond. I like children. I like medical care. We don’t have $2 billion, so let’s not spend it.”
Proposition 4: Yes
Children need their parents’ permission to take aspirin at school. This proposition doesn’t even require parental permission for an abortion; it just requires notification. And it provides plenty of work-arounds when such notification is inappropriate. Only pro-abortion zealots (and those they have fooled) oppose this proposition. My post in favor of it is here.
Proposition 5: No
I had a long screed about how dangerous this proposition is, but from this point forward, about an hour’s worth of work on this post got eaten, and I don’t have time to recreate it. From this point forward I’m linking and being very brief. Please vote no.
Proposition 6: Yes
This post increases public safety in many ways, including making bail more difficult for violent illegal aliens. My post in support of this proposition is here.
Proposition 7: No
Everybody hates this thing, including organizations that are in favor of renewable sources of energy. Vote no.
Proposition 8: No
There is no good reason to discriminate against gays. Allowing them to marry will stabilize their relationships like it stabilizes ours. Vote no.
Proposition 9: No
This proposition has too many potential unintended consequences that can’t easily be reversed if it is passed by initiative.
Proposition 10: No
This is a T. Boone Pickens boondoggle.
Proposition 11: Yes
We could leave Democrats in control of redistricting, or we could do this. I say we do this.
Proposition 12: No
Another bond. I don’t like bonds.