Patterico's Pontifications


Obama Makes Thoughtless and Insensitive Remark About Nancy Reagan, Apologizes

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:41 pm

Obama made a careless and insensitive remark about Nancy Reagan today and has apologized:

Obama was asked at his press conference today if he’d spoken to all the “living” presidents.

“I have spoken to all of them who are living,” he responded. “I didn’t want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about doing any séances.”
He was apparently confusing stories about Reagan’s consulting with an astrologer with those about other First Ladies — from Mary Todd Lincoln to Hillary Clinton — who tried to make contact with figures from the past.

This reminds me of the “lipstick on a pig” comment.

It was obviously not meant the way some people are taking it: as mocking Nancy Reagan for having a relatively recently deceased husband. Anyone who thinks that’s what Obama was doing is clearly in the early stages of a nasty case of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

But for a guy who is supposedly so expert with words, this comment sure does show a tin ear.

163 Responses to “Obama Makes Thoughtless and Insensitive Remark About Nancy Reagan, Apologizes”

  1. And giving Hillary and McCain the finger was simply and accident while scratching his a oh er face. Hussein does nothing that isn’t part of the script written by the white guy behind the curtain.

    Scrapiron (dda662)

  2. The off-teleprompter Obama is going to be very unimpressive.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  3. I’m on your side Pat, but that’s strike one for BO. Tacky and classless, although calling her later was good. Releasing it for the press, not so much.

    Dale (3a01c5)

  4. I think and hope he meant a gentle jab at Hillary. I think he was tired from his trip in from the 57th state.

    Ira (28a423)

  5. It didn’t occur to me that he was mocking Nancy Reagan for having a recently deceased husband.

    It did occur to me, though, that he was making a snarky joke at Nancy Reagan’s expense (“Haw haw, she had astrologers and seances! What a freak!”), and was in that way being a bit of an asshole. I’m glad he apologized, but I don’t think it’s unfair to hang his assholery around his neck, given that he’s held himself out as a post-partisan healer.

    BC (c9ed2c)

  6. This is why he had not had a press conference in a looooooooong time. Last one I remember he stomped out of after 8 questions … 😉

    JD (831256)

  7. There’s your model of decency: Mocking an elderly widow based on decades-old innuendo.

    Such a decent guy.

    Steven (e8d69b)

  8. The first few months of his press conferences should be most interesting, to say the least.

    Dmac (e30284)

  9. Yeah, I take it just be be classless and snarky, not debased.

    He so funny, that Bambi.

    steve miller (41e5fd)

  10. Blades Emanuel is going to have maintain tight control over access to his man. Obama will not like typical White House press conferences.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  11. “…as mocking Nancy Reagan for having a relatively recently deceased husband”

    Uh, I’ve read a few accounts of the remarks and you are the first I’ve seen to mention that. But, hey, great strawman.

    And thank God he just has a tin ear rather than a lack of class or decency. Lot of that tin ear been going around in the Obama family, at least twenty years.

    Mike Jackson (a7da41)

  12. Just a tin ear, Mike?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  13. I posted about Obama’s disgusting remark in post 257 in the “Examples of Obama’s Decency Thread”. This is not a humble man…in fact, I would say he seems to suffer from an excess of self-esteem. Can you imagine George Bush (you know, Chimp, Hitler, etc.) making such a crudely inappropriate statement?

    And Patterico, I have to say at this point, you are bending over backwards so far that you are well-positioned to kiss your own you know what.

    President-Elect Obama is a disaster-in-waiting.

    Herrina (298ede)

  14. Pat, you’re a great guy, and you do a helluva j*b with this blog, but like my Drill Sgt said many years ago: “You can’t polish a turd.”

    but then again, he’s your president, not mine, so maybe you feel obligated to pick up after him.

    redc1c4 (27fd3e)

  15. ________________________

    I think what is more telling — and ironic — about Obama is his becoming so indignant last year over radio personality Don Imus’s comment about a college women’s basketball team. Imus, who is in the business of being outrageous and street-wise, referred to the team made up of young black women as “nappy-headed ho’s.”

    Upon news that Imus had been fired by his employer (CBS radio network) for his “shock jock” ribaldry, Obama said that it was pretty much mandatory such a person should lose his job.

    Meanwhile, Obama had been sitting in his church, week after week, year after year, listening to the ridiculous ravings and rantings of Jeremiah Wright—in fact, even making Wright one of his close advisors.

    Mark (411533)

  16. Almost as bad as the snarky comment were the suck-up guffaws from the audience. Laughter on cue, those in the press who knew it was (supposed to be) a joke as soon as they heard Obama say the name “Reagan”. I wish we could see them, too, but unfortunately you can only hear them. I was glad to see that at least the two on either side of him didn’t even break into a grin (was that Warren Buffet? I didn’t recognize the female to his right.)

    Susan (12c250)

  17. I’m sure that kind of stuff is a big hit on his Kos mailing list. Kind of a rough go in his first press conference, though. Is it really fair that he doesn’t get a teleprompter?

    Jim Treacher (592cb4)

  18. I saw the press conference and that was a WTF moment. Maybe it started as a Mary Todd Lincoln joke (who actually did that sceance stuff to reach her dead husband) and he got it tripped up in his mind with Nancy’s astrology dabbling and then blurted out as an awkward mess.

    I think the dude is just not naturally and spontaneously humorous, at least in the formal setting of a press conference where you have to tread very carefully, and I’m sure this early faux pas will keep him attempting it for awhile at least. A lot of the candidates this cycle could deliver obviously scripted or long-used laugh lines (and I think his genuinely funny “mutt like me” line with regard to rescue dogs was probably already in the can), but almost none of them were funny off the top of their heads. The only one I can think of is Huckabee, who could usually be counted on to deliver some spontaneous and genuine funny in interviews.

    Aplomb (b6fba6)

  19. Damn white bitches are so sensitive. Typical white people, can’t take a joke.

    Robert Rodriguez (54247e)

  20. He is the Powerpoint President.

    I keep repeating it.

    Does not surprise me, the dude is not nearly as smart or as “quick on his feet” as Clinton or Reagan.

    Don’t let Harvard fool you — plenty of morons and massive mediocres go there too.

    Robert Rodriguez (54247e)

  21. More important about Obama’s press conference was his promise of more free money for everyone.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  22. Has he gone to Hawaii to bury the women that raised him?

    Robert Rodriguez (54247e)

  23. This asshattery just um um huh rolled of uh hmmmm his tongue. He seemed quite comfortable being an ass.

    JD (831256)

  24. Free money! Hurrah, my loaf of bread will soon cost $56.29.

    Did Paul Volker puke on Obama’s shoes at any point? I mean, he if anyone, understands how idiotic the new/new stimulus package is since the economic failure is a result of toooooo much paper money chasing toooooo few goods.

    Either way, where be my check?

    Robert Rodriguez (54247e)

  25. “Did Paul Volker puke on Obama’s shoes at any point?”

    Apparently not, since Volker was particularly early to jump on the Obama bandwagon (Jan 2008), has been a key adviser throughout the campaign, and has shown no signs of disagreement with Obama’s economic statements or policies.

    Aplomb (b6fba6)

  26. BC: “Haw haw, she had astrologers and seances! What a freak!”

    Hey, she had astrologers but never had a seance. That was Hillary.

    You and Obama have it wrong!

    Alta Bob (4456c1)

  27. Hmmmm.

    @ Patterico

    “But for a guy who is supposedly so expert with words, this comment sure does show a tin ear.”

    Oh yeah but according to you Obama is a just a fucking great guy.

    Here’s a fucking clue Patterico: A great man doesn’t need people to defend him because he never does anything indefensible.

    I give you this clue gratis because it’s pretty damn clear you really fucking need one.

    memomachine (6ab657)

  28. Memomachine: using the word fucking three times gratuitously makes your argument particularly persuasive.

    Aplomb (b6fba6)

  29. Hdy, it was Funny and non-partisan. Like picking on Dennis Kuchinich for having a hot, taller, much younger wife.

    but then the Conservative’s One! did cause our economy to crash with his appointment of Alan Greenspan to order to “kill the Beast”. Now, we now know the Beast is the non-trickling-down USA economy. It’s just taken awhile to get to this point of inevitable unregulated melt-down.

    Voodoo Economics! The Seance remark was so apt!

    datadave (b40e59)

  30. memomachine, I happen to disagree with Patterico’s premise in these threads.

    But I can’t think of anyone I want less on my side of the argument than you and your mouth.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  31. datadave, your incoherency is especially high right now. You are blaming who for Alan Greenspan?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  32. Volcker “has shown no signs of disagreement with Obama’s economic statements or policies.

    Aplomb – Has he shown signs of agreement?

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  33. I like an “F” bomb now and then but when used too often it loses its significance.

    I agree however with Memo’s point — you wanna boil the lobster you gotta increase the temperature in the pot.

    Guys like Patterico forget this at times in an effort to make nice nice with folks who would not do the same for one.

    Again what goes around ……. and given how the media savaged Bush and how savage Obama’s surrogates where in the election I got no reason to put down the weapons.

    Robert Rodriguez (54247e)

  34. Volcker shrank money supply faster than Clinton put that cigar in porky pig — almost cost Reagan 1984.

    He was right though, too much money chasing too few goods and there was a need to create a shock in order to redirect capital to better uses as opposed to Businesses chasing the profit illusions created by inflation.

    Robert Rodriguez (54247e)

  35. I just want to see how the White House Press Corps stumble and jump over each other to be Lewinsky to Obama’s Clinton. But of course, according to Chrissy Tingles, it’s their job to make sure he succeeds.

    Marty Farty (34813e)

  36. #16, the woman standing behind Obama was the governor of Michigan. You know, the state that has almost 9% unemployment. She was there, probably on her knees, begging him to bail her failed state out after she promised to cut taxes and return jobs to the state to get elected and then turned around and enacted the highest tax increase Michigan has ever seen. Or didn’t you catch his little reference to help for the auto industry and cities and states so “they” don’t have to raise taxes. You see, these clowns just never get it; if you raise taxes on companies, you decrease production. That’s what that lamebrained governor of Michigan did and now she doesn’t seem to understand what is going on.

    Well, here is a clue: Toyota build a 2,000 employee plant in Texas, a right to work state; the city of San Antonio gave Toyota certain tax breaks for building there and the state kicked in some incentives. No problem; property values next to the plant skyrocketed and that increased the tax revenue from those properties. Also, new businesses moved in to service the plant. More tax money for San Antonio and Texas.

    Toyota recently had a shut down in order to retool (all the auto industry does, it is called “model change”) but this time, because Toyota is going to build ALL it’s trucks in San Antonia, the shut down was for 3-4 months. Well, guess what? Toyota is still paying it’s employees, even though they are not working right now. Why? Because they can afford to. Guess that dumb broad that is trying to play governor in Michigan should give Rick Perry, and the mayor of San Antonio a call.

    Grab the popcorn. It’s going to be an interesting four years. And “The One” is not going to have a damn telepromter during press conferences and Q & A sessions. The next thing we will be told is “Pay no attention to that wire leading to President Obama’s ear; it’s just so he can keep in touch with Secret Service”.

    Now the latest is that that dimwit Tom Brokow told Charlie Rose that we really don’t know much about Senator Obama. Well DUH! Where the hell have the press been for two years? Or were they all too damn busy checking on Joe the Plumber or some other person that might be speaking out against “The One”?

    Wasilla – population 400
    Reporters in Wasilla for the last six weeks – 800

    retire05 (4e48bc)

  37. Daleyrocks:

    Well, I think he has, endorsing Obama in January, saying this:

    “After 30 years in government, serving under five Presidents of both parties and chairing two non-partisan commissions on the Public Service, I have been reluctant to engage in political campaigns. The time has come to overcome that reluctance,” Volcker, a Democrat, said in a statement today. “However, it is not the current turmoil in markets or the economic uncertainties that have impelled my decision. Rather, it is the breadth and depth of challenges that face our nation at home and abroad. Those challenges demand a new leadership and a fresh approach.”

    He concluded: “It is only Barack Obama, in his person, in his ideas, in his ability to understand and to articulate both our needs and our hopes that provide the potential for strong and fresh leadership. That leadership must begin here in America but it can also restore needed confidence in our vision, our strength, and our purposes right around the world.”

    And advising Obama since then. And not issuing any significant statements dissenting from Obama’s economic views since then. And by publicly standing behind Obama just today, after privately meeting with Obama with his circle of economic advisors, for Obama’s first post-election economics press conference.

    All those things indicate signs of agreement to me. You might parse these signals a bit more finely though, maybe they really mean Volker rejects Obama and all he stands for. Please explain, but watch out for Occam’s Razor.

    Aplomb (b6fba6)

  38. Say it again, The Powerpoint President ain’t good on his feet and he ain’t that smart. Sometimes good listeners are just air heads. Don’t let Harvard fool you — he ain’t no Clinton in the brains department.

    Robert Rodriguez (54247e)

  39. Aplomb, even the Preacher falls pray to the Harlot.

    Robert Rodriguez (54247e)

  40. But you are immune from that I guess Robert.

    Aplomb (b6fba6)

  41. No Aplomb. Not at all. I am smarter than you — no bother with the games.

    When I used to whore around I knew full well what I was doing. I also understood it to be a phase of excitement as well as reflection. I also knew if everyone was like me the world would be a fucking disaster.


    Being a liberal is a luxury. I only works when everyone else is working hard, eating there ceral and doing the “right wing” thing. Once everyone goes liberal what you get is garbage everywhere and no one to clean it up.

    Kind of like how I love the old gritty City of New York — I hate Bloomberg’s Disney version but the rest of the world could not function that way.

    Robert Rodriguez (54247e)

  42. In fact Machiavelli writes the only reason evil works in this world was that there are more good people than bad. If everyone was evil it would cease to be effective.

    Evil is a parasite on Goodness but once it over runs the victim it must feed on itself and dies.

    Liberalism is a parasite on Freedom and Capitalism but once it over runds the victim …..

    Yet the healthy larger organism needs a little bit of parasite to get along.

    Robert Rodriguez (54247e)

  43. Sorry, Robert, didn’t realize you were drunk. I like to post here when drunk too, so I won’t interfere with your fun any longer. Please carry on.

    Aplomb (b6fba6)

  44. To connect, point being that Volcker is whoring around because it feels good and not so much because it is the proper thing to do economically. Same with Buffett and the other guilty white fools.

    But if all those idiots really ascribed to BHO — dear god the crash.

    Robert Rodriguez (54247e)

  45. Aplomb, too stupid to connect. I understand.

    Volcker does not believe in it. He is just doing it to feel good like other guilty white liberals.

    They are the parasites who can afford going off the ranch cuz the alrger, healthy host allows it so.

    Robert Rodriguez (54247e)

  46. God I can’t spell. Must be my disadvantaged start in life.

    Robert Rodriguez (54247e)

  47. I think Aplomb has a point; Barry seems to have a very wooden sense of humor.

    Look, we’ve all been saying it over and over, but it would seem that we’ve forgotten what it means: Barry really is an untried politician. This is the sort of bonehead gaffe a local councilman makes, not a national figure.

    Alas, Barry lacks that particular seasoning. But I bet he’ll get it soon, and hard.

    Let’s remember that gauche is not the same as stupid.

    Casey (9ee427)

  48. I could use a cocktail but too sleepy right now. Good night guilty white liberal. I could use some of your money if you want to feel better. Lemme know ……

    OT. Someone made a Granholm tax point and funny enough it was being screamed about at the top of their lungs when she took office and pushed through tax increase. And surpise surprise …. HELLO UNEMPLOYMENT CAPITAL OF THE US!!!!!!!!!

    APLOMB — get the parasite example and how liberalism is a luxury that can only be afforded by a healthy host.

    But hey, Granholm will have plenty of victims to go promise crap too. Sure they will reflexively vote for her until the tittie milk run dry in DC.

    Robert Rodriguez (54247e)

  49. BHO will be giving it hard and soon — to your tax paying anus.

    Robert Rodriguez (54247e)

  50. Who was it that said

    Democrats ignore indsutry when they are growing, increasingly tax it until it starts decreasing and subsidize it while it is dying?

    Robert Rodriguez (54247e)

  51. Yep, what a good and decent man he is…

    bains (114bc0)

  52. It looks like Obama forgot for a moment which presidents were still alive. (“Wait, I remember Ford died!”) This quickly rattled him because he knew he was 2 words away from a different enormous gaffe.

    This could get fun if this confusion is a pattern. He once confused the number of states he had visited (57) with the number of spices in John Kerry-Heinz’ ketchup (57).

    Wesson (f6c982)

  53. The Dear Leader-elect needs to learn from his truly funny and clever predecessors (Lincoln, JFK, Reagan) and realize that humor is more endearing when it is self-deprecating. Do you think he could possibly come up with something as clever as Reagan’s “Our [his administration’s] right hand doesn’t know what our far-right hand is doing”? Like Patterico, I am trying to see Obama as a good guy who has heretofore been somewhat misguided, but he really needs to dial down the narcissism if he expects to continue being popular.

    JVW (f93297)

  54. It was another San Francisco moment. Obama looked out, saw the fawning choir and simply forgot where he was. It was one of those wink wink occasions between friends when they’re mocking the uncool kids. The truly pathetic thing- he made the comment only a few days after his own elderly grandmother died.

    jimboster (364ef3)

  55. Aplomb – In January 2008 when Volcker announced he was on board with Obama, did Baracky even have a discernible economic policy? If he did, could you explain it as anything other than pure platitudes?

    If people with Volcker’s public stature strongly supported economic measures, I would have expected the campaign to use him as a spokeperson through TV, articles, or other means. Barry is not an expert on the economy and has stumbled in the past in discussing taxes. Using people like Volcker in a more public role would not have detracted from Barry. I suspect a lack of unanimity over a course of action among his advisors. That does not prevent them from standing on a stage with him. Your mileage will probably vary.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  56. Robert – Michigan has Deerbornistan. Sharia soon to follow. It’s all good for our new multi-culti overlords, right?

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  57. I’m not giving you the finger, Patterico. I’m just scratching my nose.

    Roy Mustang (2f688e)

  58. Patterico is a good man…gullible as hell but a good man. *index finger to middle finger* What? I’m just scratching my mouth. I thought we been through this already. How many times do I have to flip you off for you to understand? Err.. I mean. Nevermind.

    Roy Mustang (2f688e)

  59. Joke’s getting old, Roy.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  60. Dear Robert Rodriguez:

    (#41): “Being a liberal is a luxury. It only works when everyone else is working hard, eating their cereal and doing the “right wing” thing. Once everyone goes liberal what you get is garbage everywhere and no one to clean it up.”

    (#42): “In fact Machiavelli writes the only reason evil works in this world was that there are more good people than bad. If everyone was evil it would cease to be effective.”

    The logic of your thoughts are stunningly accurate – an excellent observation in my humble opinion. The connection to Machiavelli’s statement is exceptional.

    Logical, truthful, plain – well said!

    Pons Asinorum (f0d1b9)

  61. PS: One of my favorite Machiavelli quotes:

    “There are three classes of intellects: one which comprehends by itself; another which appreciates what others comprehend; and a third which neither comprehends by itself nor by the showing of others; the first is the most excellent, the second is good, and the third is useless. “

    Pons Asinorum (f0d1b9)

  62. Joke’s getting old, Roy.

    Comment by SPQR — 11/7/2008 @ 10:33 pm

    Scratch your nose with your middle finger and tell me how natural that feels. While you’re doing that, tell me how the hell did we elect someone who couldn’t even keep himself from literally flipping off BOTH of his opponents.

    Roy Mustang (2f688e)

  63. Come on daleyrocks what do you want?

    Here is an article from Thursday (two days ago) that says:

    “Meanwhile, as the Obama team focused on the task of assembling a new administration, speculation centered initially on an economic team that will be charged with shepherding a moribund economy from the brink of recession. Obama faces that task at a time of unprecedented federal budget deficits that only complicates his ability to move forward on an ambitious and expensive set of campaign promises including tax cuts and expanded health care.

    At the top of the list is Paul Volker, Obama’s top economic adviser during the campaign who served as chairman of the Federal Reserve under Presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan.”

    The guy endorsed Obama back when it looked like Hillary would cream him in the primaries, has been his top economic adviser during the campaign, and stood by Obama just today in his first economic press conference.

    If you wonder why Obama didn’t have Paul Volker introducing all of his speeches and narrating all of his arguments, it might because only 4% of the country know who Volker is and only 2% care.

    But if you are wondering if Volker is on board with Obama’s economic policies, if Volker has been shaping them all during the campaign, and if Volker is behind them to this day, and if Volker might have some official role dealing with economics in Obama’s administration (top of the list, according to one paper at least), I kind of think I have the better evidence that he just might.

    All you have is a failure to Google, and the stunned disbelief that Volker could actually support Obama when he has been for nearly a year and my 6 minutes of Googling prove it.

    Maybe Obama isn’t the economy wrecking Socialist you all think he is. Maybe serious people like Volker think this Administration can bring actual beneficial economic changes.

    Or maybe Volker has been replaced by a robot programmed by Trotsky back in 1917 and which just now has come online, or he is senile, or he hates America.

    This thread has been derailed because some idiot made a joke about Volker puking on the shoes of Obama’s economic policies. I’m just pointing out Volker has been on board from a surprisingly early point (when no one gave Obama a chance) and has been there every step and is still there today and may well play a huge part in Obama’s administration.

    Aplomb (b6fba6)

  64. I don’t see it so much as specifically intending to mock Nancy Reagan, but rather just something that could be said in his Chicago radical or Democratic circles that would get a laugh without a second thought. Obviously not meant to wound, but sort of like an ethnic joke some people might tell amongst themselves about another group — funny, grain of truth. But the latter case would be punished mercilessly by the press.

    Mitchell Young (ad3f6d)

  65. The media should be proud of their boy — after all he is “the One” and “the Messaiah” with chills up their legs. Now you can make excuses for his misstatements. He’s like bambi lost in the woods. Any popcorn? We’ll have 4 years of this….greaaat.

    Polyasian (3f0c68)

  66. VOLKER…
    My thoughts are that Volker is on board to re-hab the reputation he threw down the crapper with his pathetic investigation of the Oil-For-Food mess at the UN. He had the chance to bring real transparancy to the financial shenanigans that have been on-going at the UN since the end of the Cold War, and he blew it.
    This was his chance for redemption!

    As to our President-Elect…
    If he suffers from as much hubris as has been indicated, he will self-destruct in short order.
    I only hope we don’t have to learn to say President Biden
    (of course, his Secret Service code-name will be “Credit Card”).

    Another Drew (fd30bc)

  67. ha..give him a break. he’s a human, not jesus or any other stupid martyr

    Alex (5a511c)

  68. Was that Antonio Villaraigosa standing amongst Obama’s economic advisers?


    Cabinet posting, maybe?

    snuffles (677ec2)

  69. Tony-V in the O-Cabinet…
    We in SoCal will say:
    Our gain is your loss.

    Another Drew (fd30bc)

  70. Aplomb – I read what you said in your earlier comment and didn’t dispute it. Your latest comment really added nothing too it and didn’t address my comment except to claim I didn’t believe Volcker could support Obama. I did not say that.

    When you said there was no evidence that Volcker disagreed with Obama’s policies (as if he would say so publicly), I asked you for evidence that he supported all of Obama’s policies, which you do not have. I expressed doubt that he does. Neither of us has any more proof than the other so you can fuck off with the lack of googling and the snark. You can also write to that paper you cited and suggest that they spell Volcker’s last name correctly as well.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  71. Here is an idea: Judge Obama, his administration and the democrats by the same standards you used to Judge Bush, his administration and the republicans. Doesn’t matter which party you are in, just use the same rules.

    If you weren’t morally outraged when McCain joked about Chelsea being an ugly kid, or when Cheney yelled “fuck you” on the floor, then spare me the bogus hype about Obama’s stupid comment about Nancy Reagan.

    The economy is in the toilet, nukes have proliferated in the middle east, Russia, China and North Korea know we’re militarily weakened and have acted accordingly, we finally have a President the world respects, and you numbnuts are pissing all over yourselves because Obama stuck his foot in his mouth.

    More than 5,000 dead soldiers and you folks are suddenly outraged. Amazing.

    I’ll tell you the same thing I told my liberal friends who said they were moving to Canada if McCain won – get the f**k out! Whether it’s Canada or London, just go. If you’re going to threaten to leave unless your guy wins the election, then you don’t deserve to stay on US soil another ripe second.

    I’ll help you dumb hicks pack your bags and you can get on the same bus as the leftwing pu**ys! The sign on the bus will say “Treason or Bust!”

    Ain’t nothing worse than a sore loser.

    PortlandSean (fd4f04)

  72. Leave it to a Democratic President to insult a former President’s family. Clinton does it, Carter does it. How many times did Clinton come out in public against George W? How many times did George H. W. come out in public against Clinton? I think there is a wide disparity there, and it demonstrates the meanness and craven lust for power on the other side.

    John W (ac41ab)

  73. “More than 5,000 dead soldiers and you folks are suddenly outraged.”

    Only 395,000 more dead soldiers and Bush will have caught up with Roosevelt.

    “Judge Obama, his administration and the democrats by the same standards you used to Judge Bush”

    I just did.

    Dave Surls (27668c)

  74. “spare me the bogus hype about Obama’s stupid comment about Nancy Reagan.”

    Portland Sean – Yup, it’s so bogus Obama already felt compelled to apologize to Nancy, idgit.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  75. to daleyrocks:

    “spare me the bogus hype about Obama’s stupid comment about Nancy Reagan.”

    Portland Sean – Yup, it’s so bogus Obama already felt compelled to apologize to Nancy, idgit.

    I can see how you could be confused. Reading can be tough at times. You see, the HYPE is bogus. Obama’s COMMENT was stupid.

    See? Reading is fun.

    PortlandSean (fd4f04)

  76. “the HYPE is bogus”

    PS – You see hype because that’s how you want to interpret the situation. Describing Obama making dumbass comments on conservative blogs can only be described as “bogus hype,” because the Obamedia would never describe his missteps that way? Is that your position or is it something else? When does rehashing his boneheaded remarks about the widow of a former President, which caused him to apologize for his words, cross the lines from criticism to bogus hype? Your assistance here would be appreciated. I wonder if he told Nancy Reagan that he took himself out of context. He probably told everybody he thought the old bat was too senile to understand anyway. Is no criticism of Dear Leader allowed or is it only during the stock market crash after his election?

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  77. Only 395,000 more dead soldiers and Bush will have caught up with Roosevelt.
    “Judge Obama, his administration and the democrats by the same standards you used to Judge Bush”
    I just did.

    You’re right, Mr. daleyrocks. Roosevelt’s war (world war, actually, but never mind such details) against Hitler should be compared with Bush’s war in Iraq against al Queda (though al Queda is in Afghanistan, but never mind the facts).

    My point was that with the economy in the toilet and the US’s standing so weakened, and over 5,000 dead US soldiers (remember them?),I figured you folks would have something more pressing to be outraged about.

    But after looking over the rest of the thread again, I can see why you folks are so turned on by Obama’s comment about Nancy Reagan.

    I think we just have different priorities.

    Sorry to have interrupted. Please continue.

    PortlandSean (fd4f04)

  78. I can feel the healing beginning! Obama and his ‘tards are bringing the love right off the bat. Just don’t criticize the Messiah, he may use the Constitution that Bush shredded, even though he thinks it’s a defective document, a list of negative rights, to disappear you.

    I had no realistic hopes of the unhinged anger of the left dissipating with an Obama victory. The past three days are showing that view to be realistic.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  79. I caught a fair amount of his talk today, Curiosity.

    He actually said some very humorous things about what’s happening right now, and it seems finding “The One Dog” is right on the top of the list. Has to be a special dog, not a mutt/hinze 57, like himself! Something about kids allergies.

    Not his exact words, but actually and genuinely funny.

    Other news today, seems gun sales, particularly AR and AK models are WAAAAAAYYYY UP! One Denver dealer can’t seem to keep them in stock or find them from suppliers. 1500 applications processed in a single day by a single gun store. Seems he is selling three times his greatest volume EVER daily! The shop owner was a bit miffed at the number of Oboma T shirts and buttons his new customers were sporting as well.


    A short story, of course you can ignore it.

    A father of two good boys became alarmed that some of their activities were a bit far of normal boy stuff. After several interventions he finally sat them down and had a real heart to heart, or some would call it a, coming to Jesus, talk about life, responsibility to others and the family.

    He started, boy’s it appears we are having some challenges and I desire to share with you a method of solving them. Imagine if you will that I am a locomotive with a long train attached, that train represents our family. I lead it and it runs on a fixed track.

    Being it runs on a fixed track, the train will not waver at all from it’s direction or course of travel. Handing each son a 100′ length of rope, they are instructed to tie one end to the train, the other to themselves. Such rope is your life line to the train. They ask why, of course.

    The answer is simple, son the train is traveling down these tracks, you have the opportunity and the ability to wander off of that set course as far as the rope will allow you to go. Either side or direction of the train. But if you decided to desire to go farther, then you must cut the rope and you will be totally free, as the train continues along it’s journey. This train has no stops, and does not back up. Ever.

    These two boys are wonderful young men today, with zero problems and one of them a locomotive engineer himself today.

    I figure this nation is sorta like that locomotive and any politico we allow to hold office is like those two boys. The life line is only so long. Wander too far, and the line is severed, the direction does not matter.

    This particular train is leaving the station.

    TC (0b9ca4)

  80. “the HYPE is bogus”
    PS – You see hype because that’s how you want to interpret the situation. Describing Obama making dumbass comments on conservative blogs can only be described as “bogus hype,” because the Obamedia would never describe his missteps that way? Is that your position or is it something else? When does rehashing his boneheaded remarks about the widow of a former President, which caused him to apologize for his words, cross the lines from criticism to bogus hype? Your assistance here would be appreciated. I wonder if he told Nancy Reagan that he took himself out of context. He probably told everybody he thought the old bat was too senile to understand anyway. Is no criticism of Dear Leader allowed or is it only during the stock market crash after his election?

    Actually, I think criticism of our leaders is good, generally. But there should only be one rule book. Otherwise, our own leaders get dumber and dumber while we spend time pointing fingers at the other guy’s leader.

    It’s kind of like the HYPE surrounding Berlusconi’s comment about Obama being “tanned.” Funny to some, offensive to others, generally stupid, and not worth the risk. I just think the response from the dittoheads is hyped because they need some reason, any reason, to justify hating Obama.

    Just as there were some left-wing nutjobs who didn’t think Bush could do anything right, there are some right-wing dittoheads who will likely waste the next 4 years of their lives filled with anger and hatred regardless of what Obama does.

    PortlandSean (fd4f04)

  81. The examples of Obama’s decency just keep piling up.

    PrestoPundit (ff5e16)

  82. Sheesh, you and Scott McClellan must read from the same choir book. As the saying goes, when you’re deep in the hole, quit digging.

    wavynavy (caf670)

  83. According to christian evangelicals, Astrology and things like that are “from the Devil”.

    Either way, as someone already pointed out: It was a stupid remark, about as stupid as the one from the wanna-be Duce of Italy.

    Mike from Columbus, Ohio (2b6937)

  84. Nancy Reagan and Rap Master Ron and their far right winged friends like Dick Cheney worked effectively at dismantling the middle class of America and set the stage for the crash of Wall Street you see today.
    Nancy Reagan actively participates in astrology and I have no problem with that since I also believe in the planetary influence on our lives here on earth. I also have no problem with people making fun of it especially the President elect because it is Harvard educated brain that will lead America not some star chart. The American people have lost their sense of humor and I hope he apologizes less over the next few years for being funny and intelligent. Having lived in New York during the Reagan era and watching the people who got rich from his efforts were vile, self-cantered soul less and certainly spineless Americans. They sold out all their values for a buck. People who jump in to criticize Obama at every turn should get some counselling. George Bush joked about a woman he would not pardon just before she was executed in Texas weeks before his first election. No one called him on IT. Instead they elected him. So now watch President Obama clean up the Republicans mess. I am not a Clinton fan but look at his financial record during his presidency.

    David Schneider (4f85d0)

  85. Well, it appears we will now begin to see the real BO – the one so many of us were concerned about in the first place. He is such a chump – he will be lucky if he can be even half the President Ronald Reagan was.

    Michael (4189fe)

  86. Being a liberal is a luxury. I only works when everyone else is working hard, eating there ceral and doing the “right wing” thing

    As a liberal who is currently working a more-than-full-time software development job while going to law school part time, I find the notion that one cannot be a liberal while working hard to be incredibly bizarre and somewhat counter to my experience of the world.

    aphrael (9e8ccd)

  87. Was that Antonio Villaraigosa standing amongst Obama’s economic advisers?


    Cabinet posting, maybe?

    Comment by snuffles — 11/7/2008 @ 11:32 pm

    He was there to bolster support for a government handout. Can’t run a sanctuary city on refried ean!

    Mossberg500 (9fd170)

  88. I thought the Nancy Reagan line was funny, but I agree that it’s not the kind of joke the President-Elect should be making on national television.

    I was struck by another line; he said that former President Carter, former President Bush, and the current President had all been very gracious and offered any help he might need in the transition.

    I’m not sure if this was an oversight or if he meant to omit former President Clinton.

    aphrael (9e8ccd)

  89. Just as there were some left-wing nutjobs who didn’t think Bush could do anything right, there are some right-wing dittoheads who will likely waste the next 4 years of their lives filled with anger and hatred regardless of what Obama does.

    Comment by PortlandSean

    And some of us who will quietly watch and see what happens. Unfortunately, there is no cause for optimism. Why aren’t you over celebrating at Kos ?

    Having lived in New York during the Reagan era and watching the people who got rich from his efforts were vile, self-cantered soul less and certainly spineless Americans. They sold out all their values for a buck. People who jump in to criticize Obama at every turn should get some counselling. George Bush joked about a woman he would not pardon just before she was executed in Texas weeks before his first election. No one called him on IT. Instead they elected him. So now watch President Obama clean up the Republicans mess. I am not a Clinton fan but look at his financial record during his presidency.

    Comment by David Schneider

    You are not a Clinton fan my ass. If Obama “cleans up” anything it will be your 401k. The “mandatory” national service statement has already been changed on his web site to something less fascist sounding. That’s what change means.

    There is no reason to behave like the unhinged left when Bush was elected. There will be plenty of time to see these Obamabots repent at leisure. The largest share of his vote came from those under 30. They will have the longest time to live with the consequences.

    Mike K (981533)

  90. Although I am an Obama supporter, I was extremely disappointed by his remarks about Nancy Reagan. I am not convinced by his apology at all. The fact remains that a person in his position as the President elect, background and intelligence does not make careless and insensitive remarks about other people. That is not how he sold himself. Will the real Obama please stand up!

    Mal (256f1c)

  91. The largest share of his vote came from those under 30. They will have the longest time to live with the consequences.

    Comment by Mike K — 11/8/2008 @ 5:04 am

    Oh yeah I think we can live with that. Thank you very much for the mess we’re in now (economic crises, two wars, slowly dying earth), oldies!

    BMQ (970f0f)

  92. BO=body odor? don’t go there like Berlusconi.

    granted the joke was sort of tasteless…but like “lipstick on a pig” it might have nuance…while Mussolini Two of Italia was directly racist or at least equally tasteless.

    reason I laughed as O. was attacking Reagan’s legacy which has led our economy to this disaster…the arrogance of deregulation (that admittedly many Democrats followed incl. many advisors of O’s such as Rubin and Summers.). Many on the left ‘got’ O’s ‘lipstick on a pig’ at a subconscience level: Palin was picked primarily for her gender rather than qualifications…and those on the Right can say same about Obama considering his race…except he did it himself like Lincoln)…. To me as a tough critic of Reaganism and his ‘voodoo economics’ laughed as I see Obama’s “nuance” in underlying the similarly lame ‘seance’ joke at a dead President’s expense….sadly O’ knew immediately it was tasteless that Nancy was accidently targeted. Unlike Berlusconi, Obama got his bad taste and appoligized for it.

    Hey, I lauged that Reagan’s legacy was up for ridicue but thought I also lame because inaccuracy and a widow was involved..but still “got it”. Another reason we need Al Franken in the Senate…to give the President-elect humor lessons.

    Despite the Present President’s arrogance (the Decider) I’ll give GW Bush high marks for his sense of humor and remain convinced that quality gave GW the edge over Gore and Kerry (although Gore got more votes and got shafted in Florida 2000 due to voter suppression, not miscounting italisized to keep it clear and maybe leave that for the history books.)

    datadave (71dd0e)

  93. I guess those are the kind of remarks that a ‘good man’ makes on national tv, then of course he takes the time (as reported by his pr reps, that he ‘apologized’ in private.

    No, what happened was that Obama said, “I spoken to all the living Presidents (because he couldn’t remember what their names were, knew that sounded stupid, and then added the Nancy Regan line.

    Not qualified to lead, not without that man behind the teleprompter, anyway.

    Jack (d9cbc5)

  94. Let’s all get a life. The person talked about the economy for 20 minutes and all you get is the Nancy Reagan reference? 20 minutes of plans to save your asses from the mudhole dubya put us in and “seance” resonates the most to you? Maybe the biggest problem we have is not the economy but education.

    And oops, this incident just got lost in Yahoo! News. I’m glad smart people know there are more important things than a light-hearted jab at someone.

    BMQ (970f0f)

  95. If the topic is still Obama’s remark, well, it ain’t no big thing. He made a crack that would have produced a chuckle among his usual far left and fawning audience. It’s the sort of cheap shot liberals consider cute and clever, however the remark fell flat and Obama apologized. Let it go. A rough GOP equivalent would be to muse over the meaning of “is,” or to mention the Oral Office.

    More interesting for me was the new sign on Obama’s podium announcing his new “Office of the President Elect.” It’s something I hadn’t seen before. Obama likes to make signs with his name prominently displayed attesting to his latest accomplishment. It helps clarify matters, but seems to suggest a deep seated streak of personal insecurity.

    Ropelight (5b609a)

  96. Obama was simply joking but unfortunatly for him there are no black ex-presidents to joke about. It was nice of him to apologise, not necessary at all, many people are upset that a balck man is president elect, they will be intolerant to any joke he makes. There are more important issues at stake(the economy) than a harmless joke.

    Yvonne Ozegbe (404e94)

  97. Yeah, he was specific on getting a hypoallergenic dog! Yay!!!

    Mossberg500 (9fd170)

  98. Oh yeah I think we can live with that. Thank you very much for the mess we’re in now (economic crises, two wars, slowly dying earth), oldies!

    Comment by BMQ

    Spoken like a kid who doesn’t remember Carter. The “dying earth” is the only new twist and, as GK Chesterton said (he’s a dead white guy), “When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing. They’ll believe in anything.”

    Welcome to the new animist religion. Along with Obama worship (make the seas stop rising, etc.).

    As George Orwell said (another dead white guy), “There is no need for wars to be long. There is surrender.” Those of us who were willing to fight to defend freedom, are content with the legacy we leave. You, on the other hand, will leave no legacy in the age of the memory hole.

    Mike K (981533)

  99. Brakabama is a piece of shit. You haven’t begun to see the insults you are in for. Most of them will be directed at the country as a whole and producers in particular. If you aren’t scum, he is your enemy.

    ccoffer (137c0d)

  100. Those of us who were willing to fight to defend freedom, are content with the legacy we leave. You, on the other hand, will leave no legacy in the age of the memory hole.

    Comment by Mike K — 11/8/2008 @ 6:08 am

    Make no mistake, sir, but I am more than willing to fight for my freedom. I just won’t fight for a big lie, such as claims of WMDs in a country who has none.

    I appreciate the legacies you left though. If not for you, we won’t see the error in our ways. You don’t win a war with weapons and violence (think Iraq and Vietnam) but you win hearts and minds (Cold War).

    BMQ (970f0f)

  101. Obama is immature.
    Office of the President elect sounds a little pretentious and insecure.
    His joke was outside the boundaries of what is considered statesmanlike.
    Thoughtless is another word you can use when Obama goes off script…which is a bad habit in a world leader of the staure of US President (elect).

    Flawed but decent man who enabled one of the largest credit card scams in history because it helped him win an election.
    Where that extra money goes now would be an interesting study…. probably to flawed, but decent things that are then used for flawed but decent purposes.

    I guess I’d wonder where the tipping point from “flawed but decent” to “fatally flawed” is.

    SteveG (71dc6f)

  102. ok, so obama’s been the president elect for 3 days. into his 2nd day, he’s already had to apologize for an insignificant remark. this is the man who will be speaking on behalf of america to the world. terrifying.

    for someone supposedly so intelligent, he sure is dumb! if someone else, i.e. allen said something similar, the media would fall over themselves criticizing him. another example of duplicity by the media.

    i’ve not really investigated this blog before, but the moderator is going out of his way to ‘explain’ obama. as loyal opposition, we need to hold obama accountable for every misstep, but give him the benefit of the doubt? what an asinine idea.

    ktr (2adbce)

  103. He apologized because he is a good and decent man, right, Patterico?

    Kevin (5ac156)

  104. A rough GOP equivalent would be to muse over the meaning of “is,” or to mention the Oral Office.

    Wow. So taking shots at a former President for his own weasel words and peccadillos is the equivalent of a cheap and erroneous (Hillary was the seance queen) shot at the non-politician widow of a former President?

    At a press conference no less!

    Obama certainly is a class act.

    ThomasD (1659da)

  105. These are surely the comments of a “good” man eh?

    Mr. Pink (ffcf32)

  106. Um…I watched the news conference. It was clearly an unscripted response and those are always KILLERS for him. Unless he’s reading from a teleprompter, he doesn’t know what to say. IDIOT.

    Karen (ce69ff)

  107. BMQ seems to forget the Cold War was fought with guns, money and ideas….. but being Liberal means history was invented yesterday and never apologizing for lying.

    Uuuuuuuu. So depressing to deal with it. I seriously think most liberals are mentally diseased or have some reflexive pathology that leads them to ignore facts that don’t suit them.

    Robert Rodriguez (54247e)

  108. Oh and jokes are supposed to be funny. Someone should tell Barak that.

    Karen (ce69ff)

  109. BHO Powerpoint went caflooey so he said something stupid.

    Just book this to the list of 57 States, Biden’s hearing those fire side chats on TV that FDR had, or Hillary flying into Bosnia etc with gun fire.

    As I said, Liberal means History was invented yesterday, lying about it and then never saying sorry.

    Robert Rodriguez (54247e)

  110. It was also guns, money and ideas that ended slavery.

    But anyway … Liberals speak big ideas with no subtance or truth and I am to sit by and say YES WE CAN!!!!!!!!

    Robert Rodriguez (54247e)

  111. One more thing, I’m sure he was “advised” to apologize.

    I also think that making his apology a news story afterwards is TACKY. He did the RIGHT THING after doing the WRONG THING. Big deal. This guy gets praised for breathing.

    Karen (ce69ff)

  112. “Let’s all get a life. The person talked about the economy for 20 minutes and all you get is the Nancy Reagan reference? 20 minutes of plans to save your asses from the mudhole dubya put us in and “seance” resonates the most to you? Maybe the biggest problem we have is not the economy but education.”

    Presidents do NOT make public remarks like Obama did. It was snide and cheap, and I think illustrates the unrestrained ego of the man. The President’s words ALWAYS matter…

    Herrina (298ede)

  113. All the critique’s of Obama reek of angry McSame fans and bigotry, whether cloaked or naked.

    Emil (27b358)

  114. Make no mistake, sir, but I am more than willing to fight for my freedom. I just won’t fight for a big lie, such as claims of WMDs in a country who has none.

    Once again, the words of a kid with no knowledge of history. That is to be expected given the state of education these days. I’m sure you’re well informed on victimology, though.

    I appreciate the legacies you left though. If not for you, we won’t see the error in our ways. You don’t win a war with weapons and violence (think Iraq and Vietnam) but you win hearts and minds (Cold War).

    Yes, I suggest you apply for the Department of Peace . That will certainly be an opportunity for you to shine. Ghandi wrote to Britain in 1938 suggesting that they refuse to fight Hitler. He added, “Your cities will be conquered and your women raped and killed but you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you did not succumb to violence.”

    He also had words for Jews that, no doubt, were comforting.

    Ghandi, like you, had the courage of his convictions and allowed his wife to die rather than allow her to take western medicine. Of course, he had his appendix removed when he developed appendicitis but that is different.

    Yes, you will go far.

    Comment by BMQ

    Mike K (981533)

  115. First use of race card in the Obama administration!


    Roy Mustang (2f688e)

  116. “I appreciate the legacies you left though. If not for you, we won’t see the error in our ways. You don’t win a war with weapons and violence (think Iraq and Vietnam) but you win hearts and minds (Cold War).”

    I’m not sure where you get your news, but the Iraq war is over. The war WITH Iraq was over in a matter of days, and the longer, more diffcult war IN Iraq is over now as well. Also, in case you missed it, we helped create a functioning democracy in Iraq.

    And, you probably missed this,too: If the Iraqi people had the opportunity to vote in our election, they wouldn’t have voted for you know who.

    Herrina (298ede)

  117. Make no mistake, sir, but I am more than willing to fight for my freedom. I just won’t fight for a big lie, such as claims of WMDs in a country who has none.

    Oh brother – yet another moonbat who professes his undying support for his country, but only in specific circumstances in which he’s fully vested in. Soldiers don’t have your luxury of choosing which battles you deign to dirty your little hands on, so spare us the I’m a Big Boy Now I Get to Wear the Training Pants talk.

    Dmac (e30284)

  118. “You can’t polish a turd.”


    It was frickin HILARY, Not Nancy you doofus. It will be great fun watching the MSM cover for this nincompoop. The Emperor has no clothes!

    J. Raymond Wright (0440ef)

  119. #92 voter suppression against windbag algore in Fla. in 2000? You selectively see what you want and use the same old tired canards. I suppose you had no problem with networks calling Florida for algore when Panhandle was still voting in central time zone or dems trying to disallow miitary absentee ballots? The BS about cops preventing blacks from voting for algore? Or algore cherry picking which counties runs by dhimmies who might subjectively decide which “pregnant” chads or “hanging” chads were Algore’s? I guess the people of Tenn. realized what an asshole Big Al was by not even going for the favorite son.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  120. I refuse to deploy for the Normandy invasion. It’s suicide! Besides, it was leaked that we have a super secret bomb project that’s nearly complete. We should wait instead of sending soldiers to die needlessly on those beaches.

    Hindsight is 20/20 but summer soldiers and sunshine patriots are still a@@holes.

    Roy Mustang (2f688e)

  121. All the critique’s of Obama reek of angry McSame fans and bigotry, whether cloaked or naked.

    I nominate “Schlemiel” for first usage of Star Trek terminology in order to describe his worldview. Ever kiss a girl, Schlemiel? Get out much? Lots of World of Warcraft going on in your basement these days?

    Dmac (e30284)

  122. As Triumph the Insult Comic Dog would say:

    “…So where do you keep your pet snake and or lizard…? Have you talked to a woman without giving her your credit card number?…”

    Good call, Dmac!

    Eric Blair (a723e0)

  123. Come on guys he probably has several girlfriends on world of warcraft. He is probably cybering them all right now while waving his broadsword around. Well his character is anyway, he is probably still in his boxers in his mothers basement with Hanson posters all over the wall.

    Mr. Pink (ffcf32)

  124. Nancy Reagan was a little unhinged while she was in the White House, often bringing in astrologers to help her husband with his political decisions. Obama’s remark only offended those people who don’t know her history and eccentricities. She was notorious in Washington for being a “New Age” Shirley MacClaine type and wasn’t ashamed of it at all.

    JohnRJ08 (e866bd)

  125. It is easy to make an offhand remark like that when you happen to be Atheist, which I believe Obama is. You can’t expect people who think rationally to consistently respect religionist views as credible.

    Carl Johnson (94be3d)

  126. Obama’s remark only offended those people who don’t know her history and eccentricities.

    Then why do you suppose he apologized directly to her? She must know her own history.

    Pablo (99243e)

  127. It is easy to make an offhand remark like that when you happen to be Atheist, which I believe Obama is.

    Oh, no. He’s a committed Christian. Just ask him.

    Pablo (99243e)

  128. Obama might regret not getting Clinton to come to the house warming. Billy had one thing the standup comic doesn’t have, and might come in handy very soon. The ability to triangulate. All those daggers pointed at Bush for the last 8 will have to find a new target. Guess who? Lots of volatile and vociferous splinter groups out there waiting in line for their piece of the cake who will go away empty handed, and you know what a splinter feels like.

    The first salvo is already on its way. Melissa Etheridge has just declared she’s done handing over her 500k in taxes from now on. Oh, really? Something about Prop 8 she was saying. There may an effigy of a black president hanging off a certain West Hollywood rooftop next year. And a Biden figure rising out of the chimney with his hair plugs ablaze. Word has it the N word has been bandied about quite liberally in that neighborhood as well. Hate never stops on a dime.

    It was all lovey dovey when they had a common enemy in Bush and the Republicans, but a goodly number of lefts, progressives, and assorted alphabet groups are some mean spirited people with vitriolic natures. I remembering seeing a YouTube clip of one of those wrestle-o-ramas with a ring filled to the ropes with bamming and slamming. That scenario keeps popping up. Oh, Republicans, yoo-hoo, might be a good time to surreptitiously get your act back together as the in-fighting swells.

    In accordance with the Truth in Commenting Act, I must openly declare I heartily laugh at both parties. But the democrats are much, much funnier. The ‘real’ standup guys are already rubbing their hands in anticipation according to what I read the other day. Bush was too easy, they said, this will be so much more fun. I suggest they come to this site for some great material.

    allan (d5b9f4)

  129. Nancy Reagan is unhinged now? Jesus you people make me sick. Where is your freakin sense of decency? She is over 80 and about to die have some respect.

    Mr. Pink (ffcf32)

  130. _____________________________________

    But for a guy who is supposedly so expert with words, this comment sure does show a tin ear.

    Come to think of it, a phrase like “tin ear” — in light of the overall track record of Obama — is the ultimate understatement. It may be the flip side of wanting to claim that Obama, based on evidence and information available to us in the non-insider public, is a “good” and “decent” fellow. Therefore, a more accurate characterization of the quality of Obama’s hearing would be along the lines of flat-out deaf (and dumb).

    I sure hope the US, as of 11-4-08, and when it comes to politics and governance, hasn’t jumped the shark.

    Mark (411533)

  131. Obama is just another scumbag from the leftwing. Nothing ever changes with liberals.

    AlwaysRight (25ad76)

  132. Comment by PortlandSean — 11/8/2008 @ 1:34 am

    A bit of confusion…
    I assume that several of the para’s of your post are a quote of someone else here that you are criticizing. But, I can’t be positive since you don’t indicate by either the placement of quotation-marks around the para, or changing it into italics. Also, it would be helpful to cite the poster, and the time they posted the comment that you wish to engage (see example above).
    This is the format we try to use here to cut down the confusion of who is saying what. It would be appreciated if you could apply these rules/suggestions to your future comments … “When in Rome, etc…”

    Another Drew (70642b)

  133. Patterico,

    A serious question! How are you so sure of Obama’s innocent motives? There are too many cases of him saying or doing things in a clever way to insult his opponents yet allows someone like you to say that is not what he meant.

    You have to stop making excuses for him. There are enough people on the left to do that for him.

    truth_teller (1d4285)

  134. Comment by Mr. Pink — 11/8/2008 @ 9:12 am

    He probably figured she was in the same state on non compos mentis that he found his own Grandmother when he threw her under the bus, so it would be a free shot – only Nancy’s deranged, VRWC fan-base would complain, and they’re an insignificant factor in his political world.

    Another Drew (70642b)

  135. Fellow Americans,

    Let’s get a grip of life.
    Any American who lacks a sense of humor is dead!
    I was not born in America but have lived here for 40 years and can say this is the one thing I love about Americans that distinguishes them from others – a sense of humor, even at the top.

    So, friends, stop this nonsense, get real and support Obama! It’s about time the man put down the white shirt and tie also! No need to apologize, but fair to do so if Nancy was offended.

    Kwaku A. Danso (87f5bc)

  136. Greetings:

    Shouldn’t public insults require a public apology?

    11B40 (f5fa53)

  137. For all the righ-wing nuts, calm down and get over it. Obama won the presidential election with majority of votes. Bush has almost done his presidency and Obama has not started yet. So if you want to judge Obama, wait until he is the president.

    John (d39dac)

  138. Hooray! Barack Obama is a human after all.

    Colin (bea27d)

  139. It is amazing to watch. The Miss Havisham Democrats who still have not gotten over 2000 are demanding that conservatives “get over it and support Obama” within days after the election. Irony so thick and chewy you have chug liquid plumr to swallow it. Then again, progressives are all about hypocrisy and do as I say, not as I do.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  140. And, the Far Right Wing Punditocracy begins.

    We have just had Eight Years of Rule by The Republican Monarchy, and now every single byte of information uttered by the Democratic presidency will be held to the ‘highest standard’.

    Obama has to apologize because Nancy Reagan believes in non-rational thought? If I believe in fairies and you don’t, is this just a matter of Free Speech?

    Moe Howard (aebb64)

  141. Comment by Moe Howard — 11/8/2008 @ 11:17 am

    “…If I believe in fairies…”

    To what segment of the population are you trying to be insensitive to there, Moe?

    Another Drew (70642b)

  142. Patrick, maybe the President-Elect should concentrate a little harder on being a decent guy.

    Mrs. Reagan speaking to the dead:,_2004.jpg

    Jackie (132051)

  143. So if you want to judge Obama, wait until he is the president.

    Comment by John — 11/8/2008 @ 10:40 am

    If the man was unwilling to be judged by others, he would never have entered into the public arena by running for elective office.


    Another Drew (70642b)

  144. I believe in fairies!


    I do. . . .

    . . . unmarried ones. [I denounce myself to the Nth degree]

    Icy Truth (84d054)

  145. Comment by John — 11/8/2008 @ 10:40 am

    — What Drew said, jerk!

    Icy Truth (84d054)

  146. What can you expect from a communist? respect? yes, respect to his agenda to destroy the greatest nation in the earth.

    Wilhem (dc1fc7)

  147. YOU BUTTHEADS WERE PISSED OFF BEFORE OBAMA MADE THESE REMARKS. Obama was already a bad word in redneck households………







    IMIL Delorosa (9f6cf6)

  148. You know, it seems odd that Bambi can’t keep himself from kicking women, especially when they can’t kick back.

    Nice, classy job. I’m glad he apologized, but he sure started off his reign on the wrong foot.

    steve miller (41e5fd)

  149. IMIL Delorosa (#147) I’ve read all 147 comments, not one mention of, as you put it so tolerantly, THE “NEGRO”,”COLORED”,”BOY” Obama in quite those terms.

    Nope, only 147 comments of people saying the Obama’s ideas will destroy the country and get people killed, and those who say give him a break and be respectful. If it was John Edwards who had been elected we would be equally horrified, and since the only difference between Obama and John Edwards (aside from the personal characteristic that seems to be most important to Obama supporters, journalists, and YOU, Mr. Delorosa)is that John Edwards at least had a successful law practice, one has to wonder which of Obama’s personal qualities compelled you to vote for him?

    Obama has not accomplished one thing, except get elected, he has no accomplishments in any office what so ever. Oh, and as Patterico says, he hasn’t cheated on his wife, loves his family, and is supposed to be pretty smart with words. So he must be a good man. Just like Carter.

    And now he has a good start at a Clinton cabinet.

    This must be the change you have been waiting for.

    The only silver lining that I see hear is that Obama supporters are going to be very disappointed. Laughing already.

    Jack (d9cbc5)

  150. I’m not sure where you get your news, but the Iraq war is over. The war WITH Iraq was over in a matter of days, and the longer, more diffcult war IN Iraq is over now as well. Also, in case you missed it, we helped create a functioning democracy in Iraq.

    And, you probably missed this,too: If the Iraqi people had the opportunity to vote in our election, they wouldn’t have voted for you know who.

    Comment by Herrina — 11/8/2008 @ 7:43 am

    Oh seriously. It’s over? Then I wonder why we’re still sending our troops and pouring millions of dollars over there. Partying, perhaps? Shout out to my college friends: Iraq is now the place to be! And a functioning democracy? You can’t even go out the street without fear of a suicide bomber suddenly blowing himself up. So much for freedom. Ah yes, the war has ended. No problems there.

    Maybe its because I don’t get my news from Fox.

    BMQ (970f0f)

  151. Yes, I suggest you apply for the Department of Peace . That will certainly be an opportunity for you to shine. Ghandi wrote to Britain in 1938 suggesting that they refuse to fight Hitler. He added, “Your cities will be conquered and your women raped and killed but you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you did not succumb to violence.”

    He also had words for Jews that, no doubt, were comforting.

    Comment by Mike K — 11/8/2008 @ 7:40 am

    I will be more than happy to be with the Department of Peace. I’d rather that than live in constant fear. It’s what most Republicans live for. Fear. So similar to what Jihadists live for.

    Oh and by the way, I think that’s misplaced for Ghandi to encourage non-violence when the Nazis were already rolling in on the British Isles. But to inflict violence on a country so far away and whose problems are more with its own citizens than with us, THAT is way far off.

    BMQ (970f0f)

  152. BMQ, nothing about your comment makes any sense. Republicans do not live in “constant fear”. They just do not have silly naive views of the world.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  153. Well … Juggy just better do just what Mayor Daley tells him to. Or he’s gonna be in big trouble.

    nk (95bfab)

  154. “BMQ, nothing about your comment makes any sense.”


    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  155. Oh brother – yet another moonbat who professes his undying support for his country, but only in specific circumstances in which he’s fully vested in. Soldiers don’t have your luxury of choosing which battles you deign to dirty your little hands on, so spare us the I’m a Big Boy Now I Get to Wear the Training Pants talk.

    Comment by Dmac — 11/8/2008 @ 7:45 am

    I must admit, yes, soldiers don’t have that luxury. But believe me, even soldiers wish they know what they are fighting for. That’s because their thinking humans, not robots.

    But since they are made to be robots at full disposal of their commander-in-chief, I’ll do my part and choose a commander-in-chief who thinks and makes that decision if they are going to die in a needless war or not.

    I’m glad the American people voted for THAT THINKING ONE.

    BMQ (970f0f)

  156. BMQ, I’ve a lot of friends who have been and/or are currently in Iraq. Not one of them can fail to explain to me what they are fighting for. Several of my friends have volunteered for multiple tours.

    Your fatuous writing annoys me when I think of them.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  157. BMQ, I’ve a lot of friends who have been and/or are currently in Iraq. Not one of them can fail to explain to me what they are fighting for. Several of my friends have volunteered for multiple tours.

    Well I have friends there too who are wondering when its going to end, when they are going to see their loved ones, and knows that us going there was wrong in the first place. I’m sure everyone there has an explanation, what I’m not sure is if everyone sees through all the lies behind it.

    BMQ (970f0f)

  158. BMQ, the only lies I’ve seen are from many of those who oppose our involvement in Iraq.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  159. SPQR – BMQ even fucks up “their” with “they’re” or “there” the same way as Oiram. Needless war – check. I think they all go to progtard school together.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  160. When you VOLUNTEER for the Armed Forces is it not reasonable to understand those benefits and checks you get might require you to actually FIGHT at some point?

    Just don’t get all the crying. Don’t sign the contract unless you can do the time.

    Robert Rodriguez (54247e)

  161. All the “not sure why I am here” BS is just nutty.

    Most my employees have not clue what the hell they are doing beyond the menial task of the day.

    Why should Military guys be any different?

    Robert Rodriguez (54247e)

  162. Robert – These progs like BMQ are just imagining themselves in the places of people who do actually volunteer. The only want to fight in the “right” conflicts when the sun is shining and there is no chance of injury. It is pure projection on their part.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  163. Daley, their line of reasoning reminds me of a fight I had with some idiotic College Prof who came out babbling about how bad Vietnam was ….

    I had to explain to him the our Civil War and WWII in Europe where “wars of convenience” provoked by the righteous side in order to create greater good.

    Lend Lease in WWII was an act of war on a country that did not threaten us in any way.

    Lincoln baited the South by sneaking arms into Sumnter after signing an agreement not to then attacking the South.

    Again, when using the tactic of war to achieve certain means it is not wise to critique war itself but the end goal.

    The end goal in Vietnam as well as Iraq and Germany where all noble and right. That war is used is unfortunate but needed to beat back evil. And in War it is the job of the either side to implement as much pain as possible to end the war quickly. Nuke Japan for example ….

    This is why all the hand wringing over irrelevant details by individuals with no capacity to understand the big picture makes me sick.

    Just like, STF, you are too stoopid and using the whoaaaa as me stories from War — of which there are always many — is demented.

    Argue the purpose and the rest is sausage making — as long as it tastes good.

    Robert Rodriguez (54247e)

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