Patterico's Pontifications


R.I.P. Michael Crichton

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 10:09 pm

He was only 66.

I always enjoyed his books.

Plus, he’s the guy who explained to me why we always seem to stupidly trust newspapers, even when we know that they misrepresent the truth, day after day after day.

He was a good man. He will be missed.

11 Responses to “R.I.P. Michael Crichton”

  1. I hope he didn’t hurt, at the end.

    It’s a shame to lose him.

    Praying for him and his.

    Foxfier (db0f51)

  2. That was a nice remembrance, and the Gell-Mann Effect was particularly relevant during this election season.

    I am sure you will get some posters who will find unpleasant things to write about Michael Crichton. Short though his life was, he lived it fully, and I admired one thing about him above all: he really didn’t care if people disliked him. He told the truth as he saw it, and was not at all disturbed when people disagreed with him.

    Rest in piece.

    Eric Blair (a723e0)

  3. Well, as is customary for posts announcing people’s deaths, I will cheerfully delete any comment in this post that criticizes Crichton.

    Not the time or place, get it?

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  4. Appreciate it, Patterico. And thanks for spreading around that “Gell-Mann Amnesia” meme. Something tells me we are all going to be keeping that one in mind in the coming months.

    Eric Blair (a723e0)

  5. I think I’ve read everything up to “Timeline” by Crichton. One of my favorites though, is a book called “Travels.” It’s a collection of short stories about his travels around the world.

    I really enjoyed his work.


    CW Desiato (614aa7)

  6. Always an interesting read, and his State of Fear should be required reading … maybe the only book allowed on airplanes?

    EW1(SG) (0f914b)

  7. RIP Mr. Crichton
    6. Perhaps you meant Airframe as the one for planes? Seems to me that State of Fear is more a play on the Global Warming farce and corrupt pols and scientists who propagandize it. This book and Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming have plenty of ammo to argue that algore’s carbon credit boondoggle/AGW is full of crap.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  8. Although not my favorite author, he always wrote well and intelligently. I hope his family finds comfort

    Dr T (69c4b2)

  9. He wrote good books and seemed like a great guy. I didn’t know him, but I knew someone who did, and they always held him in high regard, as a man, a husband, and a writer. I admired his courage, his imagination, and his intellect. He died too soon.

    Ropelight (1c7bd1)

  10. Don’t miss his speech “Aliens Cause Global Warming.” It’s a must-read.

    ColoComment (201929)

  11. Every book of his that I read (which was most of them) was engrossing. A fine writer, he’ll be missed.

    Jack (a9896a)

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