Patterico's Pontifications


Obama’s Emerging Pattern?

Filed under: 2008 Election — DRJ @ 12:10 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

During an April 2008 speech, Barack Obama made a controversial one-fingered gesture as he talked about his then primary opponent, Hillary Clinton:

Now compare it with today’s gesture in Jacksonville FL as Obama comments on his current opponent, John McCain:

If it’s true that “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, and three times is a pattern,” then Barack Obama is one step away from a pattern. Some might even say he’s already there.


114 Responses to “Obama’s Emerging Pattern?”

  1. McCain is #1 in Obama’s book!

    CW Desiato (614aa7)

  2. Utterly pathetic.

    chicken marsala (326f88)

  3. He’ll probably save the third time for his Inagural address. What classless jerk.

    Catbert077 (ffcc28)

  4. This could be some sort of racist code by The Messiah. And yes, I condemn myself for suggesting that.

    Old Coot (1ee5b7)

  5. Only a thug from the street would have such a disgusting pattern of behavior!

    Another Drew (7e15a8)

  6. I must say, that’s going to work marvellously with Vladimir Putin, or Medevev, or Hu Jintao.

    luagha (5cbe06)

  7. Oh no! What did he do? Did he yell out c*nt at a rally?

    truthnjustice (3d65f9)

  8. No, that was the t-shirt that you were wearing.

    Another Drew (7e15a8)

  9. Are you guys really that petty to analyze what finger a man uses to scratch his face? With all of the lies and false associations McCain has made against this great man, maybe they do deserve the middle finger. Calling Obama a jerk is really usless at this point. Bush/McCain and Palin have given the middle finger to the American People since this election started.

    Obama/Biden 2008

    David (c9d943)

  10. Another voice from the “Good Manners Are So Passe” school of politics.

    Another Drew (7e15a8)

  11. The Clinton clip seems more obvious in one sense, and the crowd caught it; the second instance is a complicated enough gesture that I think he has “plausible deniability”, especially since the crowd didn’t get it. I hope his disappointment at the poor response urges him to make a more obvious gesture later today.

    Anyone with any character would see this and realize the jerk that Obama seems to be.

    Peter Singer at Princeton argues that a human being with no conscious thought is a lower life form than a healthy snail. I would tend to be more sympathetic to the argument that a human being with no conscience is getting low on the scale.

    I bet in some Muslim countries such an act would be punishable by taking the hand. What do you think Kruschev would have done after pounding his shoe? Grab the finger and twist it back until it breaks?

    And the say McCain is the one who can lose his composure?

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  12. The April 08 speech sure appears to be on purpose, he had a damn hard time trying not to smile and snicker. The second time he is more subdued about it, but I still think its on purpose, whether subconsciously or not.

    ML (14488c)

  13. “this great man”, David??

    He’s a two bit race hustler who’s accomplished next to nothing. Give our regards to David Axelrod.

    Catbert077 (ffcc28)

  14. Since Ronald Reagan Republican Presidents have promised you people that Abortion would end. From 2000 – 2006 there was a Republican Congress and Republican President. That was your opprotunity to have Abortion outlawed. But you people fail to realize that Republicans don’t want abortion to end because they can rely on low information one issue idiots to continue to cast a vote for something they have no plans on ending ABORTION.
    And when ROE v Wade does reach the Supreme Court they will uphold it as well because they know that the one issue voters will go away.

    Obama/Biden 2008

    David (c9d943)

  15. #9
    Bush/McCain and Palin have given the middle finger to the American People since this election started.

    I would guess its more likely the Obama democrats and MSM gave America and Joe the plumber the middle finger.

    ML (14488c)

  16. Thanks David Axelrod for your hard work in Getting Obama/Biden elected. You want steal this one Bush.

    Obama/Biden 2008

    David (c9d943)

  17. It would delightful to this putrid puppet of Soros and the Daley machine get whipped just to see how he, his hate Amerikka wife and his legion of kool-aid drinking, classless minions react.
    Wondering though just how many of the deceased, illegal aliens and ACORN frauds will have voted for the Neophyte assclown O!

    Ann Althouse was complaining that except for Bubba Clinton, her potus picks always lose. Let us hope her losing streak continues. Hopefully the rest of the country doesn’t think like leftwing academics do. But how many really lame ass thinkers are swayed by the fawning media? or waiting anxiously for their free gummint handouts courtesy of people who actually work?

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  18. How many politicians do you know who touch their faces when they give speeches?

    Of course this is deliberate. It’s a sign of his immaturity. He might as well be wearing a propeller beanie.

    Daryl Herbert (4ecd4c)

  19. Oh you want to bring the fake ass Plumber Joe. Who clearly gave you quys the finger when he lied about buying a $250,000 business with a $20.00 an hour job. And he is a real honest man working without a license Good law abiding citizen representing the Republicans. By the way did John McCain ever find him at his rally. No he was off signing a deal to sing country music. Sad

    David (c9d943)

  20. Comment by David — 11/3/2008 @ 12:50 pm

    Move along now, nothing to see here!

    Another Drew (7e15a8)

  21. The sad thing about it this is where the 26% of people who support George Bush come to Blog. Sorry the American people deserve better than another Bush/McCain administration.

    David (c9d943)

  22. Guess which two fingers I’m using to type this comment, David.

    And what exactly has Mr. Obama done that qualifies him as a “great” man, outside of being a good father and husband? And talkin’ purty.

    I'm Geekier (635720)

  23. First Presidential candidate I’ve wanted to punch in the face…tired of this crap

    Hawkins (3d318d)

  24. Attention employees: Clean-up of troll shit on aisle 9 . . . and aisles 14, 16, 19 & 21

    Icy Truth (0466e6)

  25. Let’s see well he was a Community Organizer that Rudy Gulliani and the Republicans laughed at, But wasn’t Jesus Christ a community organizer? Humm. He served in the United States Senate and is against this horrible war Bush lied us into, killing 4,324 Brave Americans and you 26% think that is ok. Yes he a great man can John McCain get 200,000 people in one place to him speak. Maybe if he puts some lip stick on Palin the Pig and dress her in a $150,000 wardrobe he might get 25,000 idiots to show up with the one Black guy tn the background

    David (c9d943)

  26. This is just silly. As bad as Obama would be for the country, he isn’t stupid, which you would have to be to give the finger to anyone during a press conference. He should probably work to avoid the habit of using his middle finger in such a way, but you just can’t assume he means anything by it.

    As an aside, David, please lay out in full detail the qualifications a person must fulfill to be allowed to ask a Presidential candidate a question about his economic policies.

    Justin (747191)

  27. # 19, David

    You should listen to the interview in its entirety before you stick your feet in your mouth, Joe never said he was going too, he gave a hypothetical question and talked about it growing into a 250k business, you know the kind with multiple trucks and multiple employees.

    Even Obama proved he didn’t listen when he ridiculed Joe claiming plumbers cant make 250k.

    Obama has a really good business sense and a proven ability to listen.

    ML (14488c)

  28. David plunges in
    Up to his neck in stinky stuff:
    Trolls should be ignored.

    Pious Agnostic (291f9a)

  29. Do you retards seriously believe that a presidential candidate would flip off his competitors on national television?

    chicken marsala (326f88)

  30. Some might even say he’s already there.

    Twice is the new pattern!

    More seriously, this ain’t even news when the sitting President does it.

    SEK (072055)

  31. BaracKKK the hate monger. I mean transitional figure.

    Perfect Sense (9d1b08)

  32. But wasn’t Jesus Christ a community organizer?

    No, Jesus was not a community organizer. To ask such a question tells everyone you don’t really know what a community organizer OR Jesus did.

    Steverino (647a08)

  33. It definitely seems deliberate in the first clip; in the second it is not so clear. Regardless, one of his umpteen-million handlers should get in his face about it. If it’s a physical tic that he’s not aware that he’s doing, someone needs to say “Hey!!! ASSHOLE!!!!! Start acting presidential!”

    Icy Truth (0466e6)

  34. And I am gone. It’s 3:00 and Randi Rhodes is XM 167. I have go get my Liberal dose of reality to overcome the hate of Rush Limbaugh and his oxy high rants from the 26% of the stupid ass George Bush supporters OBAMA / BIDEN 2008 you will not steal this one.

    By the way OBAMA leads in the polls 53% to 42% with 16 hours left before the POlls open on the East Coast. At 7:00 am I will make difference Obama/Biden 2008

    David (c9d943)

  35. But wasn’t Jesus Christ a community organizer?

    So are saying we should crucify Obama?
    Tomorrow maybe, in the election that is?

    And no Jesus was not a community organizer, when did Obama raise people from the dead, or walk on water or die for my sins? How absurd to suggest that crap.

    Obama supporters are like a really creepy cult.

    ML (14488c)

  36. But wasn’t Jesus Christ a community organizer?

    Jesus attended racist hate meetings for 20 years?

    Other famous community organizers:
    Pol Pot
    Ho Chi Minh

    Perfect Sense (9d1b08)

  37. Have a nice 4-hour wait in line, David

    Icy Truth (0466e6)

  38. I am definitely not an Obama supporter, but to insinuate that this latest gesture is some kind of “3rd finger salute” in code is really over the top. The first one when he was campaigning against Hillary, maybe. The crowd sure seemed to think so. But I don’t think this latest one has any particular meaning.

    jwarner (0a2a75)

  39. The Jesus I worship was a community organizer. It takes an organizer to gather 5000 and feed them with two fish and five loaves of bread. It takes an organizer to gather 12 men of diffent backgrounds and send them out to spread the Gospel. But you don’t believe Jesus was a community organizer because you get your religious beliefs from Rush Limbaugh a man who does not even attend church.

    David (c9d943)

  40. I guess my question wasn’t inflammatory enough for a response. Oh well.

    Justin (747191)

  41. The Jesus I worship was a community organizer. It takes an organizer to gather 5000 and feed them with two fish and five loaves of bread. It takes an organizer to gather 12 men of diffent backgrounds and send them out to spread the Gospel. But you don’t believe Jesus was a community organizer because you get your religious beliefs from Rush Limbaugh a man who does not even attend church.

    What rank stupidity.

    If that’s what a community organizer does, then Obama is no community organizer.

    BTW, I don’t listen to talk radio…unlike you. And my religious beliefs do not consist of puerile comparisons of God to political candidates.

    Steverino (647a08)

  42. David, you need to go take a cold shower.

    jwarner (0a2a75)

  43. Yes Jesus was a Community Organizer and Pontius Pilate was a Govenor. Isn’t Palin a Govenor of a corrupt State?

    No Obama is no Jesus Christ. Not even comparing the two. Just saying he is Christ like

    David (c9d943)

  44. No Obama is no Jesus Christ. Not even comparing the two. Just saying he is Christ like

    Haha, ok, this must be a gag. I’m not saying it’s a gag, but it is one.

    Justin (747191)

  45. I know that it’s making me gag, that’s for sure.

    The scary thing is that many of his followers really do believe that he’s Christ-like, when all he really is is Chavez-like.

    Icy Truth (0466e6)

  46. So are all of the Christians that attend Trinity Church in Chicago hate America. I guess Rev. Parsley worshippers are God fearing Americans?

    David (c9d943)

  47. No Obama is no Jesus Christ.

    That’s what I’ve been saying.

    Not even comparing the two. Just saying he is Christ like.

    How did your head not explode writing that? To say that A is like B is to compare A to B.

    Steverino (647a08)

  48. Just saying he is Christ like

    Jesus lived in a mansion partially paid for by a mobster? Who knew?
    Jesus had a throne room in a 757? Who knew?

    Perfect Sense (9d1b08)

  49. So are all of the Christians that attend Trinity Church in Chicago hate America.
    — No, just some of them. I’m wonderin’, did Jesus preach hate?

    I guess Rev. Parsley worshippers are God fearing Americans?
    — Rod Parsley has done more to help oppressed people in Africa than Trinity ever has.

    Icy Truth (0466e6)

  50. # 39. But you don’t believe Jesus was a community organizer because you get your religious beliefs from Rush Limbaugh a man who does not even attend church.
    Comment by David — 11/3/2008 @ 1:24 pm

    Not sure which one of us you are speaking to, although it doesn’t matter, don’t you think you’re going out on a limb there?

    How do you know if I listen to Rush or not and what churches I have been attended or even how long or much I have studied the Bible?

    And the crowd (community) was asked by Pilate who to set free, Jesus in whom I find no fault or Barabbas, the community cried out, “Give us Barabbas”.

    Community organizer indeed.

    ML (14488c)

  51. From what I learned in Sunday School to be a Christian is to be Christ Like. But you twenty six percenters Don’t believe Obama’s a Christian so how can you conceive in you mind that Obama can be Christ like. You all think that Christians that attend Trinity Church of God are not Christians. Just go ahead and call them Muslims

    David (c9d943)

  52. 1:07 David: “Yes he a great man can John McCain get 200,000 people in one place to him speak.”

    Cold shower might not be a bad idea.

    1:29 David,

    Weren’t you leaving at 1:17?

    brobin (c07c20)

  53. By the way Trinity Church of God is where OBAMA attended for 20 years the Media did not tell white America the name of the church or that there are actually Christians worshipping there

    David (c9d943)

  54. Just go ahead and call them Muslims

    Actually, I prefer to call Trinity “Church” members what they are: Racist Hate Mongers.

    Perfect Sense (9d1b08)

  55. Hey, Icy…Good to see your posts.

    This “David” person is one of a large variety of Trolls du Jour. In fact, it is clearly some bored undergraduate or high school student, avoiding studying by trying to irritate posters here.

    The whole “…it takes a community organizer to feed thousands with a few fish and a bit of bread…” schtick gives it away.

    Room temperature IQ astroturfing.

    Eric Blair (57b266)

  56. With all of the lies and false associations McCain has made against this great man, maybe they do deserve the middle finger.

    What lies and false associations are those, David?

    And when ROE v Wade does reach the Supreme Court they will uphold it as well because they know that the one issue voters will go away.

    This may come as a surprise to you, David, but Roe V. Wade reached the Supreme Court a long time ago.

    But wasn’t Jesus Christ a community organizer?

    No, he was a preacher.

    The Jesus I worship was a community organizer.

    And maybe tomorrow he’ll be pezzydent elect!

    Pablo (99243e)

  57. It takes an organizer to gather 5000 and feed them with two fish and five loaves of bread.

    No, that takes a miracle, are you really that delusional?

    Only God knows what is in the Obama’s heart, if anything, we are not judging his heart.
    We can and are judging his church and his actions, those are not only fair game but a God given requirement for us to do. Its called testing.

    ML (14488c)

  58. You know who’s a community organizer? Madonna. Look at all the people!

    Pablo (99243e)

  59. Yes I was leaving. Just wanted to respond to you Godless people who think George Bush and John McCain are great people for sending 4,324 brave men and women to their deaths.

    David (c9d943)

  60. By the way Trinity Church of God is where OBAMA attended for 20 years the Media did not tell white America the name of the church or that there are actually Christians worshipping there

    That’s Trinity United Church of Christ, actually. See here.

    Don’t ad lib, David. Stay on the script or you’re gonna screw it up. More.

    Pablo (99243e)

  61. All hail Halfrican Jesus!

    Pablo (99243e)

  62. I guess next you 26 percenters are going to tell me that Jesus Christ was a Christian?

    David (c9d943)

  63. Jesus was a Jew. Have your ever seen a Bible, David?

    Pablo (99243e)

  64. Don’t blame The Manchurian Community Organizer; He was just following His handlers’ instructions on the teleprompter.

    Cap'n Spackle (037445)

  65. I know he was a Jew, I wonder how he would have been received in the United States if he were a Muslim?

    And God forbid if Christ looked like OBAMA you people would choose hell over heaven. I wonder did Jerry Farwell make that choice when found out Jesus was actually Black

    David (c9d943)

  66. And God forbid if Christ looked like OBAMA you people would choose hell over heaven. I wonder did Jerry Farwell make that choice when found out Jesus was actually Black

    Comment by David — 11/3/2008 @ 2:02 pm

    I shall give this well thought out repartee the carefully considered response it deserves:


    no one you know (1f5ddb)

  67. Get ready Bush/McCain lovers a Black Man will Lead you in January. We will notify you when the ships will leave the states to what ever destination you choose. At least you will have a choice that Middle passage is a bitch

    David (c9d943)

  68. I know he was a Jew, I wonder how he would have been received in the United States if he were a Muslim?

    Well if he was a Moslem, he wouldn’t be a Jew and then He wouldn’t be Jesus, Moslems have different beliefs the Christians and Jews, oh clueless one.

    So vote Obama Bin Biden if you are clueless.

    ML (14488c)

  69. All hail Halfrican Jesus!

    Comment by Pablo — 11/3/2008 @ 1:55 pm

    The stress finally has you letting the hood show a bit, Pablo? Are you going to buy the lumber for the cross tonight and the lighter fluid tomorrow or are you buying them both on the same day?

    Oh, Pablo, since you are wearing your alleged Christianity on your sleeve, where does McCain go tot church? Is it “mainstream” enough for you? Why doesn’t he ever mention it or hum Onward Christian Soldiers? Doesn’t he know that’s all you and ML are waiting for?

    timb (a83d56)

  70. Actually Jews and Muslims have many similar views read the Torrah and Koran. And the first five Books of the Bible they read very similar

    David (c9d943)

  71. Get ready Bush/McCain lovers a Black Man will Lead you in January. We will notify you when the ships will leave the states to what ever destination you choose. At least you will have a choice that Middle passage is a bitch

    Comment by David — 11/3/2008 @ 2:07 pm

    The bonus for conservatives is that with every post, you render any future cries of “RAAAACCCCIIIST!” more and more impotent, since these are so transparently baseless.

    So keep posting. Please. It’s pretty amusing actually.

    no one you know (1f5ddb)

  72. Actually Jews and Muslims have many similar views read the Torrah and Koran. And the first five Books of the Bible they read very similar

    Comment by David — 11/3/2008 @ 2:12 pm

    Not to stop you or anything, but if you’re going to lecture us on others’ religious beliefs you could at least spell “Torah” correctly. hahahahaha

    no one you know (1f5ddb)

  73. David

    Not to keep picking on your lack of Bible knowledge, contrary to your idea of who Jesus is, He was not a “good looking guy” according to the Bible.

    I have read both the Qur’an and the Bible and if you think they read alike, then you cant read.

    Why the constant changing of the subject?
    Can you not answer a question and stay on topic for a few seconds?

    ML (14488c)

  74. Hey, look! Levi got religion!!!

    Icy Truth (0466e6)

  75. Umm…yes. Your comment, David, about the “Torrah” and the “first five books of the Bible” reading very similar to each other would be a little bit more convincing if you appeared to have any clue that the Torah and the first five books of the Bible are one and the same.

    Chris (6733a5)

  76. Real classy way of treating the opponent who bought ad time specifically to congratulate you on getting your party’s nomination, Bammy.

    Once elected, may your opposition give you every bit as much consideration as the liberals did with Bush.

    Dave (037445)

  77. The left-wing loonies above can guess what the internal polls are now saying, and know how the early voting is going, and that the most accurate polls from 2004 show the race close, and that the late surge is toward McCain, and they know the Obama campaign assumes that the Bradley effect will cost Obama 10 points off the top, and that Barack “Chump Change” Obama is going down in flames.

    Listen to them, they’re already hysterical.

    Official Internet Data Office (6c7d18)

  78. I agree, “David” is probably a bunch of kids hanging around a laptop in study hall somewhere, furiously Googling the Daily Kos and fat-fingering their giggling useless posts.

    To misquote Truman Capote,This isn’t arguing it’s typing.

    Pious Agnostic (b2c3ab)

  79. You want steal this one Bush.

    Eh, what?

    At least you will have a choice that Middle passage is a bitch


    At 7:00 am I will make difference Obama/Biden 2008

    No way to translate any of this, so I’ll go with:


    Dmac (e30284)

  80. you people

    That sounds racist, David. Are you a racist?

    Pablo (99243e)

  81. You know who else was a community organizer? Jim Jones.

    You have to be an organizer to get 900+ people to kill themselves.

    Pablo (99243e)

  82. Did Jesus accuse the money-lenders in the Temple of being racists if they failed to lend money to folks who couldn’t pay it back?

    Pious Agnostic (b2c3ab)

  83. No one scratches their face with their middle finger. No one would wipe anything away from their face with their middle finger either (not that I’ve ever seen). Clearly, he’s being an asshat.

    Karen (ce69ff)

  84. I once flipped a guy off for no particular reason.
    Man that guy got pissed.
    Jumped out of his car. Come a runnin at me.

    It was very amusing. Laughed at him as I drove away.

    Maybe in the spirit of bipartasanship Barack and Dick Cheney can go quail hunting.

    papertiger (33a0bd)

  85. David

    There are lots of ways Joe could buy the business even making $20HR

    The most time honored way is to be the best overall employee.
    I’ve seen multi million dollar revenue businesses passed on to guys who came here illegally (now naturalized) at the age of 18
    20 years to the American dream, so it is easily in the reach of a guy like Joe if he has the right situation and the right skills.
    Terms of sale on these usually involves partial discount in price for long time loyal service.
    Owner then continues to take a salary or a disbursement for a set number of years.
    Sale doesn’t include real estate (around here it is too expensive to add into the price)

    With this type of transfer, it is important for the owner to choose a successor wisely if he/she wants to draw that check.
    Technically competent, loyal, hard working, savvy in business, good people skills employees gets asked if he/she would be interested in continuing the business. Lots of mom and pop trades companies pass along that way.

    SteveG (71dc6f)

  86. Racists ! Now run along and get your bedsheets and pillow cases starched and ironed for tomorrow.

    Just saving david the effort.

    JD (5b4781)

  87. What bird? The man has more than enough flaws, let’s not concoct more out of thin air.

    Alan Kellogg (e4d258)

  88. Jesus was Jewish and dark skinned.

    Jesus was NOT a community organizer.
    He was God.

    Lamame (1619b3)

  89. I think that was AD, or daleyrocks, or Stashiu3 playing a joke on us. If not, that was sad. That moron will be cancelling out one of your votes somewhere.

    JD (5b4781)

  90. If come nov 5th Obama is the winner, will you people feel stupid for caring about this sort of junk? I think not. I think you’ll feel like you didn’t do it enough.

    imdw (de7003)

  91. –But wasn’t Jesus Christ a community organizer?

    What astounding ignorance. What lefty drool. How pathetic this recepient of a once great civilization. Back to the mud.

    Hitler was a community organizer, as was Mao, Stalin, Sadam Hussein and Pol Pot.

    red (c80113)

  92. —It takes an organizer to gather 5000 and feed them with two fish and five loaves of bread.–

    What a shallow, ignorant border-line interpretation of the bible. Jesus didn’t “organize a meal”, he performed a miracle. Only this kind of shallow mentation would think that a community organizer could bring heaven on earth. What a pathetic recipient of a once great civilization, living in a cartoon.

    red (c80113)

  93. Just wanted to respond to you Godless people who think George Bush and John McCain are great people for sending 4,324 brave men and women to their deaths.

    During the Civil War, 4,324 dead was a small battle. Each of the ten costliest battles of the Civil War saw many more casualties; each DAY of Gettysburg saw more than 4 times as many.

    Yes, each death is a tragedy. Better that none had to die for any cause.

    But considering we’ve given Afghanistan and Iraq their chances at liberty, that we’ve removed murderous tyrants from both lands, isn’t the relatively small cost worth it?

    Rob Crawford (b5d1c2)

  94. Comment by JD — 11/3/2008 @ 5:04 pm

    If you referencing #87: Not me.
    I don’t make jokes about God!
    Other than saying She’s Black!

    “… 4,324 dead was a small battle…”

    This number doesn’t even cover the number of dead on either side the morning of the first day of the Battle of Antietam, 1862. Over 20,000 men in 3 days – Union & Confederate!

    It is so sad how the knowledge of history has been allowed to go down the shit-hole of Progressive Education. Thanks, Bill Ayers!

    Another Drew (7e15a8)

  95. 4,324

    How many minutes did it take to lose that many brave men on D-Day?

    JD (5b4781)

  96. That was about 6 hours on Omaha Beach!

    Another Drew (7e15a8)

  97. addendum to my #93….

    She’s Black, and Pissed!

    …and that was before She started to read this blog.

    last God joke

    Another Drew (7e15a8)

  98. I am not even going to bother with that one. Michelle and Baracky are too busy worrying about how to keep fresh fruit on their table to mess around with all of this God stuff.

    JD (5b4781)

  99. Comment by JD — 11/3/2008 @ 6:56 pm

    See my #55 on the John Fund thread….

    Another Drew (7e15a8)

  100. We need a better class of troll.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  101. Comment by SPQR — 11/3/2008 @ 7:03 pm

    Speaking of Oxymorons!

    Another Drew (7e15a8)

  102. With the news of his grandmother’s death, I’m going to go with the “involuntary gesture” theory.

    I don’t believe he’s flipping anybody off while his gramma is dying.

    Not even him.

    Pious Agnostic (b2c3ab)

  103. I don’t believe he’s flipping anybody off while his gramma is dying.

    I was unaware that grief could preclude rude gestures.

    Rob Crawford (b5d1c2)

  104. Pious Agnostic,

    I think that’s the best possible argument in Obama’s favor and I hope it’s the case.

    DRJ (cb68f2)

  105. In mathematics, 2 dots is a stright line.

    Since he did it twice, that’s all the evidence you need.

    McClatchy Watch (7e9933)

  106. Is now the right time to thank the left for demoralizing the troops and undermining the mission?

    Traitorous crapweasels.

    daleyrocks (60704b)

  107. I think Baracky was scrathing that cancerous growth on his face.

    Has he released his medical records yet?

    daleyrocks (60704b)

  108. The only part I’m looking forward to is Obama’s followers in Chicago burning down their neighborhoods, tomorrow, well ahead of whether he wins or loses.

    Oh, crap! We’ll rebuild them for them.

    JD, call me a racist.

    nk (95bfab)

  109. That would be sad. It’s supposed to get cold again come the weekend.

    happyfeet (5836ae)

  110. I’m not entirely joking. Multi-employee institutions in Chicago have sent out “security alerts” about tomorrow.

    nk (95bfab)

  111. There’s gonna be pizza and hot dogs I heard and lots of security. You couldn’t pay me to go.

    happyfeet (5836ae)

  112. nk – You always fall under the blanket denunciation and condemnation, in case I am not around.

    JD (5b4781)

  113. Maybe I’m naive but I’m going to say that the gesture Obama makes with his hand is merely a case of spontaneous movement. Sort of like the way that people will move their hands due to nervousness, or tension, or in order to scratch or rub portions of their face or nose. However, the murmurs that appear to well up in the crowd around the moment in question does make me wonder whether there’s more to this than I’d imagine.

    Still, as flaky and street-wise as Obama is, I can’t believe he’s so trashy to be slyly making an “F U” signal to the person he’s talking about.

    Whatever the case, there already is a mountain of things that makes Obama a walking debacle and mess — an ultra-liberal — for America.

    And more than hand gestures meaning something or not, I do notice that when Obama starts getting passionate in his speeches, a bit of what I’ll call black-lingo-dialect starts to creep into his speech patterns. An exaggerated version of that was depicted by actor Sherman Helmsley in the old TV show “The Jeffersons.”

    Mark (411533)

  114. I’m late to this party, but you guys may have missed the pics of W actually flipping the bird intentionally from his campaign days in Texas.

    I don’t think this is a big pattern to worry about.

    i like america (d2f951)

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