Patterico's Pontifications


MoDo Smears Palin, Again

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:30 am

Maureen Dowd is cheerfully spreading the message of the distorted Palin interview:

Two weeks after being thrown onto a national ticket, and moments after being speed-briefed by McCain foreign-policy advisers, our new Napoleon in bunny boots (not the Pamela Anderson kind, but the knock-offs of the U.S. Army Extreme Cold Weather Vapor Barrier Boots) is ready to face down the Russkies and start a land war over Georgia, and, holy cow, what business is it of ours if Israel attacks Iran?

Yeah, she sure sounds ready to start a war — if you ignore all the stuff ABC cut out about how she doesn’t want to start a war. But that’s from the unedited transcript, and I guess Dowd hadn’t heard about that. That’s what happens when you get your information from reading viral e-mails.

Asked by Charlie Gibson what insight into Russian actions her Alaskan proximity gave her, Sarah blithely replied: “They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska.”

Well, Palin’s response makes more sense if you read the whole transcript, but it’s not like Dowd gets paid to keep current with the news.

She tried to finesse her previous church comments about Iraq, asking worshipers to pray “that there is a plan, and that plan is God’s plan.” Earnestly repeating after her tutors, she said she had meant to echo Abraham Lincoln, that in war we must pray that we are on God’s side rather than that he is on ours. But her original comments sounded more W. than Abe — taking your policy and ideology and giving it the hallowed mantle of a mission from God.

Tom Maguire says:

I think there is a difference between “finessing” and “clarifying” – Gibson had presented a misleading quote (dare we say, a “Dowdified” quote?), Ms. Dowd seems to be aware of the correct context, yet she is bashing Palin anyway.

Maguire makes a good point. Dowd is pathetic, to be sure — but at least give her credit for pioneering the technique by which Charlie Gibson smeared Sarah Palin.

For this MoDo had to travel to Alaska? Can’t one transcribe viral e-mails in New York City? Ah, but then, you can’t write off your Alaska vacation.

43 Responses to “MoDo Smears Palin, Again”

  1. The MSM seems to be going to great lengths to fact-check the most banal and inconsequential assertions the candidates make. Dowd travels to Alaska to confirm stuff she could have just as easily confirmed from NY. Jake Tapper confirms that yup, Alaska and Russia really are near each other. Etc.

    Coming next: Jerry Riviera travels to some farm to empirically test Obama’s assertion that you can put lipstick on a pig without converting said pig to something else.

    Xrlq (b71926)

  2. Napoleon…land war [against Russia]

    I’m as disgusted as anyone over Dowd, but I just have to point out this too-cute hidden historical analogy.

    I love obscure historical analogies. It is a pity that this one is inappropriate. After all, Palin would surely respect the Russian winter.

    Amphipolis (fdbc48)

  3. You really should have more pity for a doyenne of the Upper East side salons, one now fading into obscurity with her bitter and clingy notions of feminism.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  4. The media and these democratic politicians don’t understand that the only ones ooohing and ahhhing their witch hunt is people who are already solid Obama supporters. These ridiculous smears are just making most people resent the obvious journalistic bias.
    By the way McCain is the one running for president not Palin but then again Biden is as exciting as a house plant. Obama has REAL skeletons in his closet and has a laughable lack of experience. In the end Rezko, Ayers, Wright will eat him up. They are great stepping stones when running in your own party or a highly democratic area but are not very appealing to your average American. The swing voters are not dumb, they are skeptical and incredulous that is why they haven’t pledged their undying allegiance to any one candidate. When the buzz of the Obama’s feel good side show wears off, voters aren’t going to be very impressed with the man behind the mask.

    BrentF (e6db0a)

  5. The more they talk about Palin, the less they talk about Bambi – and Bambi’s message is lost, too.

    People are excite about Palin. People aren’t excited about Bambi.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  6. MoDo the Dodo: She tried to finesse her previous church comments about Iraq, asking worshipers to pray “that there is a plan, and that plan is God’s plan.” Earnestly repeating after her tutors, she said she had meant to echo Abraham Lincoln, that in war we must pray that we are on God’s side rather than that he is on ours. But her original comments sounded more W. than Abe — taking your policy and ideology and giving it the hallowed mantle of a mission from God.

    Daureen Mowd is a buying litch.

    L.N. Smithee (0931d2)

  7. Palin makes a statement charged with humility, implying that we could be wrong about the war. So Dowd hears what she wants to hear – that Palin thinks she is on a mission from God.

    What really offends Dowd is Palin’s belief that God has a plan.

    Amphipolis (fdbc48)

  8. I agree with BrentF that the only people who read Dowd’s columns are voting for Obama anyway. Second, the knowledge that she is doing another hit job damages Obama. Read Mickey Kaus’s advice today.

    I have a theory that Dowd, after taking a long and loving look at Todd, is up there looking for a MAN. She needs one badly. Even for a day or two.

    Mike K (f89cb3)

  9. Once again, seems Dowd can parody and take the piss out of anyone: The clintons, Bush and Co., McCAin, but Palin is supposed to be immune from criticism because anything said against her is a smear?? Or (if DOwd were a man) sexist??

    Doesn’t matter. She’s peaked because people are finally seeing here for the con job she is. As evidenced from the Gibson interviews she’ll do just fine ruining her own credibility just by opening her mouth, whether it’s to sound like she’s been cramming on her VP for Dummies handbook or just lying again for the 38th time.

    Peter (e70d1c)

  10. I’d love to see the Alaskan photoblogs on their new best friends from the MSM. You know, the ones wearing brand-new designer parkas in mid-summer.

    Kevin Murphy (805c5b)

  11. Actually, summer in Alaska ends in August but Greta Van Sustern was wearing a multilayer parka on TV last week, while the Alaskans she was interviewing were in shirt sleeves. I can understand it. I was living in Hanover NH a few years ago and, one day in March, was walking down Main Street in shirt sleeves and looked at a temperature reading in a store window. It was 28. When it hits 40 in Hanover, the girls show up in shorts. It’s much the same in Alaska.

    Mike K (6d4fc3)

  12. Dowd is what she is. It would be folly to expect her to be anything other than a female Michael Moore. One might as well expect excrement to refrain from stinking.

    ccoffer (5d37a3)

  13. I see Petey’s still desperately trying to get his meme across, throwing all manner of sh-t at the wall and hoping that something, anything, will stick. Poor petey, don’t you know that big boys don’t cry?

    Dmac (e639cc)

  14. BrentF wrote: Obama has REAL skeletons in his closet and has a laughable lack of experience.

    As Palin said to Gibson, “I’m an open book.” The media and/or the Obamanoids invaded Alaska digging for dirt, and are ginning up controversies where none really exist (She hired her friends! She fired her enemies! That would never happen in Washington, and especially not Chicago!)

    Meanwhile, ten months ago, Obama’s State Senate archives were mysteriously unavailable well before he gained traction on Hillary in Iowa!

    From the blog of Chicago Sun-Times writer Lynn Sweet, November 9, 2007:

    JOHNSTON, IA.—White House hopeful Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.)—whose staff has been deflecting questions about the whereabouts of his state senate papers–said Friday he was not certain whether they still exist.

    Obama made the comment after I asked him, “Where is the stuff?” VIDEO LINK

    The context for pressing Obama on his state papers is this: He is campaigning as a champion of government transparency and slamming chief rival Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) for not pushing the Clinton Library in Arkansas to speed up the release of papers from her tenure as First Lady.

    At a press conference, I asked Obama, “Do your state senate papers still exist? If they do, just where are they? And would you ever intend to make them public to be responsive to some requests?

    “Nobody has requested specific documents,” Obama said.

    However, the Chicago Tribune reported it has asked for documents from Obama’s Springfield years and never received a response. The Chicago Sun-Times has also been asking about Obama’s papers. Records from Obama’s office—if he kept them—would potentially show appointments with lobbyists, policy memos, meetings, etc., items the state would not have. Obama has no legal obligation to archive his state papers.

    “I was in the state senate for eight years,” Obama said. “I had one staff person, that was what was allocated. I don’t have archivists in the state senate. I don’t have the Barack Obama state senate library available to me, so we had a bunch of file cabinets. I do not have a whole bunch of records from those years. Now, if there are particular documents that you are interested in, then you should let us know.”

    I said my question was not about specific records. “When the office was packed up, where is the stuff?

    “You know I’m not certain, Lynn,” Obama said. “As I said, I didn’t have the resources to ensure that all this stuff was archived in some way … it could have been thrown out.”

    What are the chances a 47-year-old who has written TWO bestselling memoirs doesn’t keep meticulous records when he wants to?

    L.N. Smithee (e1f2bf)

  15. Peter wrote: Dowd can parody and take the piss out of anyone: The clintons, Bush and Co., McCAin, but Palin is supposed to be immune from criticism because anything said against her is a smear??

    Nobody should be immune from parody. But a smear is a smear even if it’s dressed up like parody. By your standard, I guess the Daily Kos smears about faking her pregnancy were “parody.” (Bill Maher, who doesn’t believe in God, gave indication that he wasn’t convinced the rumors were false even after Bristol’s pregnancy was revealed. There’s a rational mind for ya.)

    An honest person that understands the English language cannot say that Palin’s prayer request was “[taking her] policy and ideology and giving it the hallowed mantle of a mission from God.” But of course, we all know about MoDo’s problem with accurate quotes, aka “Dowdification.”

    From “Dowd spawns Bush media myth,” Spinsanity, May 22, 2003:

    New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd misrepresented a Bush statement to imply that he said the Al Qaeda terrorist network is “not a problem anymore,” and the distorted quotation has since been repeated by MSNBC “Buchanan and Press” co-host Bill Press, CNN’s Miles O’Brien and others, including numerous foreign press outlets. At a time when the New York Times is under fire for its conduct in the Jayson Blair scandal, Dowd’s creation of an exploding media myth is cause for serious concern.

    In her May 14 column (which was reprinted in newspapers around the country), Dowd wrote the following:

    Busy chasing off Saddam, the president and vice president had told us that Al Qaeda was spent. “Al Qaeda is on the run,” President Bush said last week. “That group of terrorists who attacked our country is slowly but surely being decimated… They’re not a problem anymore.”

    But as Andrew Sullivan [Apparently, before he lost his mind – L.N.] pointed out on his website (and later in his Washington Times column), these quotes [were] taken wildly out of context from a May 5 speech in Arkansas in which Bush said this:

    Al Qaeda is on the run. That group of terrorists who attacked our country is slowly but surely being decimated. Right now, about half of all the top Al Qaeda operatives are either jailed or dead. In either case, they’re not a problem anymore.

    Dowd has no conscience. She’s started a brush fire with sloppy writing at least or lies at worst, and failed to acknowledge her deceit.

    L.N. Smithee (e1f2bf)

  16. Political satire is as old as the hills. If Palin is above political parody, she is not fit to serve office, because only a fool is unable to laugh at his or herself occasionally.

    More “sexism” and “disrespect” says Carly Fiorina about SNL sketch.

    So is Tina Fey also on the hit list now, for doing a dead on imitation of Sarah Palin?

    Peter (e70d1c)

  17. The one thing I don’t understand about the love of Palin is how people can support someone who was married to a seccionist. I love this country and what does it say about someone who is married to a man that hates the United States. My wife served her country, just like me. I wouldn’t marry or condone the behavior of a spouse the belonged to the equivalent of a Terrorist Organization. She even sent greetings to this terrorist organization! If the Klan met in her town would she have sent a greeting to them. Alaska First! I THINK NOT! USA FIRST!!! Vote for who you want. If you look objectively at both candidates, you will see they are both good men, flawed in ways, but good. But to talk about Palin like she is some great thing when her husband has more in common with TIM MCVIE then the great Americans that work hard and serve this country every day. How soon we forget that Radical Islam is not the only group of terroists…before people go ballistic…I know Radical Islam is dangerous…had friends at both the pentagon and khobar towers.

    stu (a7f174)

  18. stu, your comment is a ridiculous, despicable lie. The AIP is not a terrorist organization and never was, and has absolutely nothing to do with the KKK.

    Democrats should have no problem voting for someone associated with the real KKK, given that it was the terrorist wing of the Democratic party for so long, and they have Robert Byrd to admire in the Senate.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  19. Peter –

    Once again, seems Dowd can parody and take the piss out of anyone: The clintons, Bush and Co., McCAin, but Palin is supposed to be immune from criticism because anything said against her is a smear?? Or (if DOwd were a man) sexist??
    — The exact same defense offered by supporters of Ann Coulter. Do you buy it when they say it?

    Doesn’t matter. She’s peaked because people are finally seeing here for the con job she is.
    — No, Peter. MoD’oh peaked years ago. Only diehard libs don’t know that she’s conning them.

    So is Tina Fey also on the hit list now, for doing a dead on imitation of Sarah Palin?
    — Well, she is on my “spank list”, but not for doing this impression. Actually, it might be cool for her to wear that get-up when I lay the smack down. [Fucking-A! Is it really that tough to use correct terminology?]

    Icy Truth (7b38bb)

  20. I did not say that the AIP has anything to do with the KKK, but if you think that an organization that hates the United States and wants to break away from the Union is not a terrorist organization then that is what is really ridiculous. Ok..I know you have to have dark skin to be a terrorist(sarcasm). Both sides have and still continue to struggle with race. I’m sure both democrats and republicans can point to areas that they need to improve on race relations. So to state either side is racist is also ridiculous. It always kills me that both sides are so biased and fail be to objective instead of put America first. Democrates kill babies….Republicans kill everyone else. Democrates will steal your money and give it to the poor. The Repubicans will steal all your money and give it to the rich. Wow..talking points are easy.

    stu (a7f174)

  21. stu, most normal people would think that the definition of a terrorist organization is … oh, I don’t know … maybe one that uses terror?

    Your kooky definition is that a terrorist organization is one that has a platform you don’t support. Great job.

    Oh, and the insinuation of racism – well, that’s a typical Democratic smear.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  22. oh yeah…SPQR maybe your saying the the AIP is not a terrorist organization is because you are a supporter…and domestic terrorist cheerleader…just like Mr. Palin

    stu (a7f174)

  23. I think having MoDo reassigned to lunch lady at a really snobby girls prep school is something all decent thinking people of all political stripes can agree to.

    Bob Loblaw (6d485c)

  24. Wow…i never made an accusation of racism. I said both sides struggle with racism. Its been a curse on our great nation. I define a terroist organization, as one that would like to do harm to the Union. Maybe a group like the AIP. Maybe you would like to break up the United States…not me. I love America!

    stu (a7f174)

  25. stu, it appears that you have a problem with basic logic. Redefining basic terms to be more convenient to your slanders is not an impressive trick.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  26. #9 – As evidenced from the Gibson interviews she’ll do just fine ruining her own credibility

    It is Gibson’s credibility that is in question.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  27. Again SPQR your support of terrorist organizations is not impressive either

    stu (a7f174)

  28. stu, that’s really pathetic on your part. Try to come up with an argument that relies on basic english definitions and simple logic.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  29. has AIP blown stuff up? Did I miss a day of notes?

    Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec)

  30. And bubble begins to burst. The post Palin/convention bounce as all but evaporated. Soon Obama will take back the lead and continue to pull away from McCain. Do you know why? This election is not going to be about personalities and biographies. It’s going to be about the issues. The economy, occupying the first position. On that score, Obama wins. No more lies.

    love2008 (1b037c)

  31. Who cares if the AIP are terrorists? They hate America! Why would anyone vote for a Vice President who is married to someone who recently belonged to a group that hates America? It’s not like she didn’t know. How could we possibly trust her to act in America’s interest and not in Alaska’s?

    Wow, stu is right, this talking points stuff is really easy! (Yeah I know I’m not doing them right). They just keep everything so simple!
    But those things sure can sneak around and bite you in the butt if you aren’t looking.

    Ooh! I got it! She was so good at reforming everything in Alaska that she CONVINCED him to stop hating America and love America just as much as she does! Whew! When your guys go around accusing the other guys of hating America you better have some really good excuses handy or you’ll end up swinging from your own rope.

    EdWood (d193c2)

  32. Love2008 wrote: Soon Obama will take back the lead and continue to pull away from McCain. Do you know why? This election is not going to be about personalities and biographies.

    It’s going to be about the issues.

    You mean “issues” like “McCain, by his own admission, can’t use a computer…can’t send email?” You mean “issues” like “McCain’s going to drop dead of melanoma” when Obama still puts flaming “cancer sticks” in his face and his running mate has had two brain aneurysms?

    You mean “issues” like “Jesus was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate was a Governor?” You mean “issues” like the alleged Foreign Policy Expert that said right after 9/11 “Let’s send Iran $300 million dollars in cash to placate the ‘Arab’ world” calling McCain “McSame” and “Bush 44?”

    Get wise, Love: Obama’s not going to ride into the White House on his charisma and speaking skills (as he had planned); that ship has sailed. It’s not enough for him and Biden to say “McCain’s incompetent,” he’s got to prove he’s competent now, and he hasn’t got a record to run on (see my post about his State Senate records vanishing into thin air).

    L.N. Smithee (27530b)

  33. Why would anyone vote for a Vice President who is married to someone who recently belonged to a group that hates America?

    First, he left the group years ago. Without it ever becoming an issue.

    Second, if the HUSBAND of the VP belonging to such a group causes you to believe she should not run, then perhaps you could explain to me why you have no trouble with your Presidential canidate belonging to such a group for a longer period of time, and only leaving the group when the public pressure got to be too much?

    Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec)

  34. Who cares if the AIP are terrorists? They hate America!

    Which is why the AIP party nominated and won the position of Governor in the 1990 election. With 39% of the vote (Dem 30%, Repub 26%) Who was the candidate? Walter Hickel, who happened to be responsible for getting Alaska statehood in 1958. Then, once they’d snatched the reins of power, uh, um, oh. Nothing. There’s definitely a fringe element to the AIP, but it seems any time they open their mouths, they lose elections.

    And members.

    This has been done ad-nauseum. Ed, please do try and catch up. The Palins have explained their relationship with the AIP party, and it has to do with their dissatisfaction with the Republican party of the 1990s. That would be the same Republican party that Palin eviscerated in her opposition to political corruption. Just like Barack Obama did in Chi… Okay, maybe he’s working up to it.

    As for her husband, he’s a native Alaskan, and hasn’t been a member of the AIP since 2002.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  35. stu wrote:

    But to talk about Palin like she is some great thing when her husband has more in common with TIM MCVIE then the great Americans that work hard and serve this country every day.

    Oh, gawwwd…

    Hey Stu! Why didn’t you sign your full name…”Stu Pid?”

    Honestly…it’s sad that there are still people who could learn something from Wikipedia!

    Scott Jacobs wrote: has AIP blown stuff up? Did I miss a day of notes?

    Naw, it’s just one of the Obamatrolls showing up with talking points past their freshness date. Stu Pid there, having shot at Palin but missing by a mile, is picking up slugs and throwing them at her as hard as he can. But, as you can see, he throws like a girl wuss.

    L.N. Smithee (27530b)

  36. Love2008 – Soon Obama will take back the lead and continue to pull away from McCain.

    And unicorns and magic pixies will sprinkle us with candy and mommy and daddy will never leave us to go to work again!

    – Brought to you by Amalgamated Sunshine Corporation, Detroit, Michigan.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  37. Scott Jacobs #33- exactly my point. And stu’s, well, at least stu’s original point.

    “XYZ hates America” is complete B.S.

    -so why do so many people keep pulling that accusation out of their butts? And why are so many people happy to repeat it?

    EdWood (d193c2)

  38. stu wrote: I love this country and what does it say about someone who is married to a man that hates the United States.

    Click here, dummy.

    L.N. Smithee (27530b)

  39. Apogee wrote: And unicorns and magic pixies will sprinkle us with candy and mommy and daddy will never leave us to go to work again!

    Hold your palominos…I disagree with Lovey that Obama’s going to retake the lead based on “issues.” I have NO faith in McCain being able to continue up until November without botching something horribly.

    Palin notwithstanding, I said it before, I meant it then, and I mean it now: I will be upchucking on inauguration day regardless of which of these two wins. It’s only a matter of whether I’ll need one bag (McCain) or three (Obama; Hillary would have been worth two).

    L.N. Smithee (27530b)

  40. Apogee wrote: Brought to you by Amalgamated Sunshine Corporation, Detroit, Michigan.

    Oh…didn’t you hear? Layoffs are coming to Amalgamated.

    L.N. Smithee (27530b)

  41. Before his breakdown into madness, Exitable Andy issued a Maureen Dowd Award for “to writers, columnists or pundits who deliberately distort, elide, truncate or garble quotes for ideological purposes”. Unfortunately, the latest winners of that award would have to include Andy himself.

    It is fitting that Dowd should glow with approval over Gibson’s “interview”.

    Random Numbers (5656cf)

  42. But L.N., No one ever, ever, leaves Amalgamated. Everybody knows that could cause a cloud, and we can’t have clouds now, can we? You will continue to work for the happy narrative, and there won’t be any more talk of anyone leaving.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  43. That was an excellent article by Dowd, I enjoyed it. I don’t think it was a smear, unless the new definition of smear is ‘telling it like it is’.

    Jack (db6433)

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