[Posted by WLS]
I’ve been itching to put up a post on the absolute abdication of journalistic integrity by Time Magazine.
First, they hire that obviously qualified gossip columnist Ana Marie Cox, late of Wonkette, as editor of their online operation.
Next, Joe Klein is rabidly in the tank for Obama. But he’s an opinion columnist who has never hidden his political views, and I don’t begrudge him his forum. Conservatives have columns in news magazines as well. But Klein’s willingness to simply be an Obama campaign mouthpiece has been a little much, as been his willingness to question McCain’s character and integrity every time McCain takes a step towards beating the Anointed One.
Then Jay Carney, whom I have always liked as a reporter, has had trouble hiding his contempt for the McCain-Palin ticket. I’ll put up some examples of his writing later.
But the final straw right now is Karen Tumulty. From her numerous appearances on a variety of television talk shows, her political sympathies have never been a secret. But she is not an opinion columnist — she is their lead political reporter.
An hour ago, in this post at the Swampland blog site, she took on the McCain campaign’s latest ad out today on the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac fiasco. In the ad, the McCain campaign links Obama to Franklin Raines, the OMB Director in the Clinton Administration who left to become the CEO at Fannie Mae — a position to which he had to be appointed by Clinton.
Over the ensuing 5 years, Raines took home tens of millions of dollars in compensation and bonuses — but an auditor’s investigation found the accounting of Fannie Mae riddled with fraud, all of which the investigator attributed to the desire on the part of Raines and other Fannie Mae officials to hit certain pre-determined business targets in order to get their bonuses paid.
The ad links Obama to Raines for two reasons — Obama, in just 4 years, received more campaign contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac than all U.S. Senators except one: Chris Dodd, who happens to be head of the Senate Banking Committee.
Secondly, a Washington Post article, which the McCain campaign refers to in its ad, identified Raines as an advisor to the Obama campaign on issues of mortgage financing and housing.
But Franklin Raines is African-American. So is Barack Obama.
So Karen Tumulty pulls out the old “Bloody Shirt” and starts waving it over Time’s head in a call to storm the ramparts.