Posted by WLS:
Ben Smith’s blog over at the Politico has this entry from earlier today:
A Virginia reader reports that Obama’s on the radio there with an ad hitting McCain on abortion rights.
That would be the first paid media on an issue Democrats have used in the past as a trump card but that Obama has generally placed behind economic issues in his outreach to women.
UPDATE: Another reader hears the same spot on a country station in Milwaukee, Wis. The campaign hasn’t responded to questions about it, but if you’ve got audio, send it over.
ALSO: Colorado and Iowa.
So, McCain announces a pro-life running mate who last April at the age of 44 decided to have a child who she knew in advance would be born with Down Syndrome — thereby “walking the walk” of her pro-life stance.
Now the news is filled with stories about her 17-year-old daughter being pregnant, and having the complete support and love of her family to have the child and marry the father. Again, another example of leadership on this very difficult and personal subject — and I’m guessing representing a struggle that tens of thousands of American families go through in their family lives every year.
And this is a week that Obama’s campaign decides to start airing abortion commercials??????
And this is supposed to bring him votes how?????
In giving the strategy angle of this a little more thought, I couldn’t get away from the idea that on the eve of Palin’s speech, this is an incredibly bad idea on the part of the Obama campaign. Unless…..
Unless their polling over the past 48 hours shows significant movement by female Clinton supporters towards the McCain/Palin ticket.
Virginia, Wisconsin, Colorado, Iowa.
Battlegrounds all (Virginia not so much).
It wouldn’t take much movement by women in these states to put Obama in serious trouble. And he can’t win if he loses Wisconsin, Colorado and Iowa.
Now I think the ad rollout is a sign of trouble for Obama — its meant to remind women that votes on the Supreme Court are at stake.
Its to keep the Clinton females supporters on the team.
I smell smoke. Something is on fire.