Patterico's Pontifications


On Annenberg, Arrogance and Obama’s Acceptance Speech

Filed under: 2008 Election — DRJ @ 12:05 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

On Tuesday, the University of Illinois at Chicago released more than 1,000 files from the Chicago Annenberg Challenge that some, including National Review’s Stanley Kurtz, believe will shed light on connections between Barack Obama and Bill Ayers. (Read this City Journal article for more on why Bill Ayers matters.)

Kurtz and National Review have actively pursued the connections between Obama-Ayers while Obama’s campaign has worked to limit these efforts, including organizing supporters to confront WGN-AM radio in Chicago for giving Kurtz air-time. The Obama campaign’s rapid and strong response suggests it learned a lesson from John Kerry’s experience with the Swift Boat Vets 4 years ago.

I wonder how journalists and media sources view these actions by the Obama campaign? Even those that support Obama must be concerned at the campaign’s efforts to manipulate or intimidate the media. (Perhaps it even explains, at least in part, the growing number of major media articles on Obama’s arrogance, such as this and this.) We’ll soon see what role the media plays from this point forward but I think the Annenberg story and the Obama campaign’s response contributes to the increasing pressure on old and new media sources to break stories, including pressure from bloggers and fringe media like the National Enquirer.

I expect Barack Obama will give an impressive speech tonight on this anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream Speech.” It will be a powerful moment for Barack Obama and for America, and I’m proud most Americans are now blind to the color of a man’s skin as King dreamed we would be.

I also believe this could be the nadir zenith of Obama’s campaign. Over the next two months, the American public will learn more about Obama’s liberal voting record and questionable connections. In addition, Obama and McCain will debate three times, forums I expect both candidates will be prepared for but that neither can control.

It’s important to be a good closer in politics and neither the Obama campaign nor its candidate showed that ability in the primary against Hillary. And as WLS has shown, the Obama campaign may have miscalculated money and that will only add to its problems.


59 Responses to “On Annenberg, Arrogance and Obama’s Acceptance Speech”

  1. The nadir? I hope you mean the zenith.

    [You’re right! That will teach me to proofread more carefully, and thanks. — DRJ]

    LW (69fe90)

  2. I also believe this could be the nadir of Obama’s campaign. Over the next two months, the American public will learn more about Obama’s liberal voting record and questionable connections.

    Ummm… do you really mean you think this is the lowest point of his campaign? The sentence that follows the “nadir” remark makes it sounds like you believe more voters will be turned off by Obama.

    Brutarius (99f230)

  3. The Obama campaign’s rapid and strong response suggests it learned a lesson from John Kerry’s experience with the Swift Boat Vets 4 years ago.

    If there was nothing to be concerned about transparency would be embraced, not fought tooth and nail. Even before the docs have been scrutinized they are taking a defensive position, making their pre-emptive strikes and attacking Kurtz in an attempt to control what isn’t theirs to control. Simple and perhaps trite, but a clear conscience doesn’t behave this way.

    Dana (b4a26c)

  4. My thoughts,exactly.Regarding the nadir/zenith thing.He must surely go downhill from this point on.

    campfreddy (f2eb2a)

  5. #3 Dana – Excellent point. Attacking the messenger reeks of guilt. They have a real problem with this, and as DRJ’s link to the City Journal article, the fact that Ayers is unrepentant (especially on 9/11/01) makes the judgment regarding the association far more difficult to explain. It’s obvious that they simply don’t want to talk about this, and will try to suppress it.

    As for DRJ’s nadir thing, she was shocked as a young child by an improperly wired television. The manufacturer? Zenith. Everyone knows what she meant, so let’s leave it be.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  6. “My thoughts,exactly.Regarding the nadir/zenith thing.He must surely go downhill from this point on.”

    People refer to convention ‘bounces’ because they go up and then come down.

    kirby (de7003)

  7. Obama learned the wrong lessons about the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. First, is the belief that Ketchup didn’t answer the attacks quickly enough. But what the campaign conveniently forgets is that the DNC’s and Ketchup’s mouthpieces (the LMSM) refused to print the allegations made by the Swifties for many weeks. It was only after FOX news and Talk Radio started airing them without let up that Ketchup decided he had to do something about them. However like the Obamanation he did not do the one thing that would have disposed of these allegations, he did not sign form 180 to release his military records to the general press. (He did so only to a dem buttlicking Boston paper which surprise surprise gave him glowing remarks). Obamanation has the same lack of transparency and lies. He like Ketchup went in with the foulest elements of leftwing tin foil hat wearers and worse (unrepentent terrorists and racist ministers) to further his political career. Such opportunism would be deadly if disclosed in the life of a Republican, but with the Affirmative Action candidate, the liberal media just ho-hums it.

    eaglewingz08 (98291e)

  8. Don’t look for much emphasis on MLKs dream that men would be judged for the content of their character, rather than the color of their skin.

    Obama’s quite happy to have his skin color determine the outcome of this election, and you just might be a redneck if you don’t see the light.

    Ropelight (4a83c9)

  9. Why doesn’t Obama display the same hatred when he talks about Ayers? I think William “Kill your Parents” Ayers is far more deserving of that hatred.

    Roy Mustang (a7923d)

  10. It is my understanding that Walter H. Annenberg was a republican who founded the Annenberg challenge. I don’t understand how being part of the program makes you a social extremist. If the journalist had recorded tapes of Obama saying that he wants to blow up the white house, I think that could be news, but to say that the media are accomplice of Obama because they don’t report incomplete information is just stupid.

    I would suggest Kurtz to finish is reading, so he can come up with clear, serious information about that thing.

    By the way the website of Annenberg is still up. Look for yourself.

    Luc (480671)

  11. I would suggest Kurtz to finish is reading, so he can come up with clear, serious information about that thing.

    No need.

    We’re told the National Enquirer may be on the case.

    steve (9c1187)

  12. The action alert issued yesterday urging Obama supporters to shut down the 2 hour Milt Rosenberg program was a big mistake, but it was a very calculated move.

    The action alert included references to Dr. Kurtz research on the impact of same sex marriage in Scandanavian countries. The objective was to increase scrutiny of Dr. Kurtz research subjects as a whole in order to use them against his research into the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.

    What will be interesting is to see if any pundits take this bait and launch attempts to discredit Dr. Kurtz as a whole. I have little doubt that operators in the netroots are already engaging in this activity. It’s not like the Obama campaign didn’t have a dossier all ready to go to slam Dr. Kurtz. They had one. They used it.

    Gabriel Sutherland (90b3a1)

  13. People refer to convention ‘bounces’ because they go up and then come down.

    No argument there Kirby.Iwas just referring to DRJ’s choice of word.the following sentence suggested that DRJ thought it would get worse for Obambi,which suggests that the use of the word “nadir” was a momentary lapse.

    campfreddy (f2eb2a)

  14. Luc #10 – 1:58pm I don’t understand how being part of the program makes you a social extremist.

    It doesn’t. It would be a causal fallacy to make that assertion. But that fact fails to discount the possibility of a social extremist being part of the program, something that requires no causality.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  15. Luc: Could you explain the relevance of the political party preferred by Walter Annenberg to the working relationship of Barack Obama and William Ayers?

    Gabriel Sutherland (90b3a1)

  16. Could you explain the relevance of the political party preferred by Walter Annenberg to the working relationship of Barack Obama and William Ayers?

    Yep, there is not mention of that here, letting some readers to think that the whole organization was a far-left one.

    I live in Minneapolis, I work with a bunch of liberals, I don’t know there past and I don’t talk politics to them because they annoy me. The fact is they are competent in what they are doing and if I have nothing to do one day I might even go to one of the BBQ they keep inviting me on for the past five years. I don’t want THAT to prevent me from being president one day. 😉

    Luc (480671)

  17. Why Obama wants to silence Kurtz.

    Obama said he was acquainted with Bill Aryes because their kids went that the same school. That can’t be true. Obama’s kids are in grade school, Ayres kids are adults already at mid-life. The notion they go to the same school is pure hokum. Obama was caught off guard and made a big-time blunder, he lied on national TV.

    Obama panicked and made up a stupid story to conceal his relationship with Ayres. Voters need to know WHY Obama went to such lengths to hide his long standing personal and professional ties to the domestic terrorist and to his associates and fellow travelers.

    Ropelight (4a83c9)

  18. Yep, there is not mention of that(Walter Annenberg being a Republican) here, letting some readers to think that the whole organization was a far-left one.

    The referenced organization is the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. It is merely the Chicago version of what was the national Annenberg Challenge. The Chicago group was very different from the groups that operated in other cities.

    But you still didn’t explain why Walter Annenberg’s party of preference is relevant to this story. Mr. Annenberg’s wife isn’t mentioned either. Should that be included whenever talking about the Chicago Annenberg Challenge?

    Gabriel Sutherland (90b3a1)

  19. I’ve updated the post to correct my nadir/zenith error. Thanks for the kind corrections, folks.

    DRJ (8b9d41)

  20. Most of the big charitable trusts were set up by Republicans. The Pew trusts, for example, were from the estate of Pew who was a big political power in Pennsylvania and who was an America Firster. Ford Foundation is another example. The trusts get taken over by boards that slowly lean left until the original donor’s will is being ignored. Annenberg is no exception.

    What happens is that they go into the grant business and we all know that the political left is pretty much in control of getting grants these days.

    The Dems tried to make a big deal about McCain getting endorsed by a pastor named Hagee that he really met once so don’t try to tell us that Obama’s association with Ayres doesn’t matter. The fact that they are so furious about it suggests there is fire where that smoke is. Didn’t Nixon teach you the coverup is worse than the crime ? We just had another lesson from Clinton but they never learn.

    Mike K (f89cb3)

  21. Let’s not forget that the partnership of the Annenberg Challenge, Ayers and Hussien Obama result in ???? I guess it highlighted Baracky’s lack of managerial/executive expertise? What did they actually show for pissing away something like $150 million in matching funds? Wasn’t there something about indoctrination of young kids into marxist theology? Doesn’t Ayers desire to spread his commie beliefs? What are Obama’s actual beliefs regarding education? Was anyone paid off or assisted in any way financially beyond the dictates of the Annenberg Challenge? Who benefited from the program and in what ways? What does Bambi have to hide? Why are so many of his dear friends and associates hate america first asswads? How come the RNC doesn’t show the pix of Obama pal Ayers desecrating the flag after 911? Dear Ayer’s wife Bernadette is a real work of art also. Really sensitive of her to chuckle about the manson gangsticking a fork in belly of the butchered Sharon Tate. ..Kill the rich.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  22. # 18
    It is not a preference of one or the other, it is to put things into perspective.

    Maybe I will explain differently, I personally work with people that could have been criminals because they are liberals, I did not ask them if they ever installed bombs and if they told they had I am not sure that I’m going to leave my job because they are the one responsible for their act not me.

    Just one clarification,the Chicago site of the Annenberg Challenge is one of eighteen ones. Do you mean that all seventeen others worked the same way? How the Chicago ones was different from the others?

    Luc (480671)

  23. There were lots of smelly parts to the MSM’s treatment of the SBVT. How about the fact that Kerry had kept a diary that theoretically would have settled at least some of the SBVT/Kerry disputes and the MSM never said squat to Kerry about releasing it to settle the matter?

    Imagine if Bush was known to have kept a diary during his Texas Guard days. Would the MSM have asked him to release it to settle Rathergate? I think Helen Thomas would have threatened to set herself on fire if he DIDN’T release it.

    Bel Aire (2fd7f7)

  24. Bel Aire –

    How about the fact that Kerry had kept a diary that theoretically would have settled at least some of the SBVT/Kerry disputes and the MSM never said squat to Kerry about releasing it to settle the matter?

    — Why would the onus be upon them to prod him into releasing it? If he had independently decided to release it, do you think they would have refused to publish it for some reason? NOT!

    Imagine if Bush was known to have kept a diary during his Texas Guard days.
    — And that’s what we would have to do (imagine); right? Because we all know that the guy can barely read.

    Would the MSM have asked him to release it to settle Rathergate?
    — Asked? There would be lawsuits and court orders 5 minutes after it was known.

    I think Helen Thomas would have threatened to set herself on fire if he DIDN’T release it.
    — The consequences of which many people would pay good money to see.

    Icy Truth (7d05ae)

  25. What “perspective” does Walter Annenberg’s political party of preference provide here? He puts up 500 million dollars of his own money to study education in urban environments independent of government spending. He clearly wants people to learn new things about public education in urban areas. But what does being a Republican have to do with that question?

    Just one clarification,the Chicago site of the Annenberg Challenge is one of eighteen ones. Do you mean that all seventeen others worked the same way? How the Chicago ones was different from the others?

    To my knowledge, each Annenberg city was operated independently. Locally, groups united to appeal to the National Annenberg Challenge to present their appeal. Upon review, the NAC released funds to connect with those appeals. Each city had a unique set of circumstances that required modified proposals. The NAC received multiple appeals from select cities and chose one of them to fund.

    Nationally, the NAC maintained local oversight review boards probably connected through the most locally esteemed university. In Chicago, the review authority was granted to the the University of Chicago’s Consortium on Chicago School Research.

    Gabriel Sutherland (90b3a1)

  26. I expect Barack Obama will give an impressive speech tonight on this anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream Speech.”

    It is important, however, that we remember what else happened on this day, this time 40 years ago…

    Oh the sweet, sweet irony…

    Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec)

  27. Dear Barack Obama :

    If William Ayers doesn’t matter, why does it matter to you ?

    Chill buddy. You’ve got the world at your feet (or at your podium). I guess you’re famous now.

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  28. Luc –

    Yep, there is not mention of that here, letting some readers to think that the whole organization was a far-left one.
    — It’s always about what isn’t there, not what is. *sigh*

    I live in Minneapolis, I work with a bunch of liberals, I don’t know there past and I don’t talk politics to them because they annoy me. The fact is they are competent in what they are doing and if I have nothing to do one day I might even go to one of the BBQ they keep inviting me on for the past five years. I don’t want THAT to prevent me from being president one day.
    — What are the odds that one of them committed a terrorist act in their past? How is that the same as serving in an organization with someone whose criminal record is public knowledge?

    Maybe I will explain differently, I personally work with people that could have been criminals because they are liberals, I did not ask them if they ever installed bombs and if they told they had I am not sure that I’m going to leave my job because they are the one responsible for their act not me.
    — 1) This is one of those higher standards to which presidential candidates are held. 2) In the case of Ayers and Obama, Ayers’s crimes were high-profile public knowledge; Obama didn’t have to ask. 3) They didn’t just happen to be working at the same place, where one of them would have to quit in order to distance himself; they chose to work together, with full knowledge of who each other was beforehand.

    — I used to have a dog named Luc. A 75lb black lab. He passed on many years ago now. I miss him.

    BTW, Kurtz is on the Hugh Hewitt radio show right now, giving details. Check it out!

    Icy Truth (7d05ae)

  29. Luc – I know you cannot be serious. How many of your liberal friends are known domestic terrorists? The idea that the all-knowing thoughtful Baracky did not know, or even come to know that Ayers was an unrepentant domestic terrorist is absurd.

    JD (5f0e11)

  30. Doesn’t matter, JD. Luc’s point is that, no matter the circumstances, it is never fair to judge someone by the company that they keep.

    Icy Truth (7d05ae)

  31. Icy, my friend, you are wrong. It is never wrong for a Dem to be judged by their associations. Republicans, on the other hand, can be, and in fact, are judged by their associations. Abramoff is a perfect example, in how Sen. Reid skated.

    JD (5f0e11)

  32. Or, refer back to Hagee and McCain.

    JD (5f0e11)

  33. # 28

    I have nothing against him doing all his interviews once his research are over ; doing it before is a mistake. The article could have been the front page of Newsweek, explaining who created it, who was part of it and why this is so important. Once the article is released that’s when he should have done the interview.

    Doing it the other way around is just putting him on the same level as the not so trustworthy sources.

    We can’t afford to lose that election because real information are seen as tactics by independent voters.

    My condolence for your dog, I’m sure he’s having fun with your mom.

    Luc (f8877d)

  34. Never fair to judge people by the company that they keep. Would be nice if anyone might point out obama assocaitions that are not replete with reprobates en masse……a veritable gallery of rogues. And I put the esteemed asshole chitown mayor Daley in that group also. Local libs are telling me Obama will bring delightful change to washington and sweep out the corruption??? Obama and his minions may well be far worse. The arrogant prick wants to be worshipped and never questioned, sued his way to victories in the past. Like some of the fever swamp corksuckers on this blog, he excels at changing the subject or declaring vast areas of interest as off limits, racist or divisive Healing the races, my ass. Feck him and the camel he rode in on and the olberdouche ass-licking lackey wannabes behind him.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  35. The difference between Hagee and Ayers is that no party official has yet taken part of the Ayer case, only private parties did. Pelosi was the one asking explanation to McCain on Hagee.

    Luc (f8877d)

  36. DRJ,

    Steve Diamond has a very informative post on CAC just up. I would urge everyone who is intrested in the formulations which Obama will use to justify reparations to read the first part carefully. The second part has to do with Ayers using $2 million of the grant money to develop “leadership skills” among Local School Councils. As you read it you might want to consider what other purpose those Local School Councils might serve wrt electoral politics.

    At least they stole the money from kids. That’s one way to educate them.

    Rick Ballard (0a8990)

  37. Icy – Luc’s assertion is a mixture of straw man and causal fallacies, the intent of which is to distort the questions relating to B.O.’s judgment. It is a dishonest statement, and thus is not part of a moral position regarding guilt by association at all.

    For example:
    I personally work with people that could have been criminals because they are liberals
    Incorrect. No one is saying that being liberal indicates past criminal behavior. (The antithetical point being that no conservative could be a criminal – equally bogus)

    I’m not sure I’m going to leave my job because they are the one responsible for their act not me.
    Again, dishonesty. No one is alleging that B.O. assembled or set any bombs, which qualifies as the act. This also falsely implies that B.O.’s only interaction with Ayers was in a working environment.

    Not true, as we all know B.O. has termed Ayers as a “mentor” and held a political rally in the man’s home.

    Aside from this, it is quite suspect that ‘Luc’ posits that ‘liberals’ ‘annoy’ him, and that he holds himself outside the group. Dishonest behavior like this is indicative of the failure of the belief system of the left.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  38. My definition of liberal:
    – Higher taxes
    – For abortion
    – Against Privatization
    – For a universal health care

    I don’t subscribe to any of those ideas, but I don’t hate Obama.

    …” that could have been criminals because they are liberals”

    That’s a joke, grow up.

    Luc (f8877d)

  39. How about the fact that Kerry had kept a diary that theoretically would have settled at least some of the SBVT/Kerry disputes and the MSM never said squat to Kerry about releasing it to settle the matter?

    Senator Kerry let the Boston Globe journalist who wrote Senator Kerry’s hagiography read his Vietnam diary. So at least one MSM journalist knew about it and read it.

    The William Ayres problem, boiled down, is that Mr. Ayres is an unrepentant murderer who murdered random innocent bystanders for political reasons.

    The keyword is unrepentant. “Guilty as hell, free as a bird!” – Willaim Ayres.

    Actual (aac875)

  40. I have nothing against him doing all his interviews once his research are over ; doing it before is a mistake.

    There is a side story when in the midst of your research that you have previously secured access to, out of nowhere, your access is revoked and full review is ordered to determine if the material previously granted public access is in fact accessible to the public.

    Can you discuss the side story? Absolutely. It is an interesting story.

    Gabriel Sutherland (90b3a1)

  41. Hagee was a legitimate story because Pelosi asked about it? Good Allah! Do you have velcro shoes?

    JD (5f0e11)

  42. #28 – How many of your liberal friends are known domestic terrorists? The idea that the all-knowing thoughtful Baracky did not know, or even come to know that Ayers was an unrepentant domestic terrorist is absurd.

    Did Kerry people four years ago get all worked up about Bush’s business dealings with the bin-Laden family? No, Michael Moore did.

    Mayor Daley claims credit for the reinvention of Bill Ayers, not Barack Obama.

    I guess Hillary kissing and embracing Yasser Arafat would be dominating this space had she been nominated.

    steve (acbfb4)

  43. Luc – That’s a joke, grow up.

    I did not ask them if they ever installed bombs and if they told they had I am not sure that I’m going to leave my job because they are the one responsible for their act not me.

    Is that a joke as well? Don’t quit your day job.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  44. steve – Intentionally obtuse?

    JD (5f0e11)

  45. JD – That’s steve being steve. He tells himself inside jokes.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  46. Luc – Did you listen to the interview on WGN?

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  47. Speaking of ‘jokes’, Luc –

    My condolence for your dog, I’m sure he’s having fun with your mom.

    — 1) My mom is still very much alive, thank you very little. 2) The only thing worse than ‘low class’ is no class whatsoever.

    Icy Truth (7d05ae)

  48. I don’t subscribe to any of those ideas, but I don’t hate Obama.

    I don’t hate Obama either, but I really, really don’t wnt him to be the President…

    Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec)

  49. Harboring a grudge against Chicago ex-radicals-turned-legit seems not to have been commonplace on the southside.

    Obama also bonded with U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush, who co-founded the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party.

    There appear to be a lot of people who respect the man he has become.

    steve (4906c8)

  50. “Harboring a grudge against Chicago ex-radicals-turned-legit seems not to have been commonplace on the southside.”

    steve – Why do you say Ayers has turned legit? He is a professor, sure, but he is unrepentant about his Weatherman activities. Politically he is still radical. His ideas on education also put him on the radical side, at least from my perspective, although in that field you never know. Reparations? That’s one of his starting points in education steve.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  51. steve, the American electorate isn’t the southside of Chicago. The other 49 states still hate people who try to blow up the Pentagon, murder police and rob banks.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  52. 51 SPQR – Outstanding.

    JD (5f0e11)

  53. SPQR – 49 or 56 other states?

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  54. DRJ wrote:

    I wonder how journalists and media sources view these actions by the Obama campaign? Even those that support Obama must be concerned at the campaign’s efforts to manipulate or intimidate the media.

    Journalist express concern here:

    Several members of the media were seen cheering and clapping for Barack Obama as the Illinois senator accepted the Democratic nomination Thursday.

    Standing on the periphery of the football field serving as the Democratic convention floor, dozens of men and women wearing green media floor passes chanted along with the crowd.

    Two members of the foreign press exchanged opportunities to take each other’s pictue while wearing an Obama hat and waving a flag.

    Several others nearby screamed “woo” during some of Obama’s biggest applause lines.

    Who needs to be manipulated when they are already this far in the tank?

    Eric (43ff8a)

  55. Ya got me, daleyrocks. 56 states it is.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  56. You know this horse was dead before it even left the gate and is still dead. Yet it keeps getting beaten and propped up with all manner of issues whose relationship is tenuous at best.

    What, does Annenberg have to do with arrogance, or, even more curiosly, have to do , have to do with Obama’s paradigm shifting acceptance speech?

    With a link from March?

    Should Obama and his campaign and his supporters not not challenge the lies and not so subtle implications, that he has sympathies for terrorists?

    Should his supporters not ask Stanley Kurtz to clarify? Should they not call him out on his self-serving, slandering drama queen behavior? Should Obama and Dems sit on their hands and believe what he says no matter how scummy and obvious in intent?

    I wonder if Repubs are just frustrated that the Obama campaign isn’t rolling over and taking this sh*t politely. Yea verily, I think the problem here is that the right has feelings of entitlement towards a democratic party that has cowered in the past and not fought back effectively, and now it’s complaining, as any indignant bully would, that his or her intimidation, is no longer having the intended and needed effect. It’s enraged that the Dems and the progressives aren’t rolling over and playing possum as they’re supposed to. My fellow Dem and friend Marlon, has something to say about that. (Turn up sound).

    Kurtz is an opportunistic drama queen, who roughs up what he perceives as a dastardly conspiratorial coven of librarians at UIC library system bent on a “covering up” for the Obama campaign, when there was no cover up only his false prejudices against “liberal fascists” and an over-eagerness to make a story out of nothing. The files were made available, within an entirely reasonable length of time, but not for Kurtz, because nothing must get in the way of his mission to save the world from Obama and be rocketed to right wing immortality. Silly. Unethical and unprofessional really, but I say silly because I’m trying to be kind to someone who apparently isn’t getting laid enough.

    So he lies on Fox news about Ayers “recruiting” Obama for the board of the Annenberg challenge, when Ayers had nothing to do with it. Even worse, the NRO had to write an editorial piece propping him up his bona fides (Harvard educated, Senior fellow etc) trying to buttress what a fool he’s made of himself, by clarifying that he didn’t lie, only made an “inference”. And further embellishing the story with accusations of Obama supporter Thugs. They just don’t seem to know when to cut their losses.


    I also believe this could be the zenith of Obama’s campaign. Over the next two months, the American public will learn more about Obama’s liberal voting record and questionable connections. In addition, Obama and McCain will debate three times, forums I expect both candidates will be prepared for but that neither can control.

    It’s important to be a good closer in politics and neither the Obama campaign nor its candidate showed that ability in the primary against Hillary. And as WLS has shown, the Obama campaign may have miscalculated money and that will only add to its problems.

    Jeezus. What is this some sort of magical thinking? By all measures Clinton’s delegates have enthusiastically transferred their support to Obama, and it was handled as delicately and competently as the situation required. Are we forgetting once again, DRJ, that Obama, beat the most powerful and well known Dem family in the country and the hands down favorite to win the nomination? I think that speaks for itself.


    Latest Gallup: Obama 48%, McCain 42%

    That was Monday through Wednesday and doesn’t even count Obama’s paint blistering acceptance speech from a few hours ago.

    Everyone, here who said he’d get no bounce was wrong. Sorry. Expect the lead to widen. He’s getting awfully close to that magical 50% number. And if that’s not ringing alarm bells for the Repubs.

    McCain will, no doubt get some sort of bounce after next week, but the cards are laid out it, I for one no longer have any doubts that Obama and Biden will take down McCain and anyone he chooses as his vp. I’m hoping it’s either Lieberman or Romney. Both are a dream on GOP schizophrenia.

    Anyhow considering the amount of negativity coming out of the Neocon affiliated Rovian McCain Campaign, so does he.

    Those debates are going to be something else.

    Peter (e70d1c)

  57. Your jabberings connote the death rattle of the old slice/dice, smear/tear looney machine.

    You are history. Go drink your kool-aid.

    TexasDem (866e58)

  58. Don’t you hate it when someone forgets to flush?

    Icy Truth (f54eb3)

  59. #56 – Spoken like a true Democrat. Half hyperbole, half emotion, no sense.

    Apogee (366e8b)

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