Patterico's Pontifications


Obama 2004: “We have to Finish the Job”

Filed under: 2008 Election — DRJ @ 11:51 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Jake Tapper reports that ABC aired tonight a previously unreleased Nightline interview of Barack Obama after his impressive speech at the 2004 Democratic convention, and Obama had this to say about Iraq:

“Asked Koppel: “Well, how does electing John Kerry resolve that dilemma for America?”

Obama said, “If you look at what has happened over the last several months, I think there is a convergence. Basically, the Bush administration has moved in the direction of its critics in trying to internationalize the reconstruction process. So, I am not sure that, on paper, the differences between the Bush administration and a Kerry administration would be significant.”

Obama continued, “All of us assume that when we make that commitment, that we have to finish the job, we owe it not only to the troops who sacrificed their lives, but also the Iraqi people. The question is, who can execute. Who has the credibility to gather its allies together and to make sure that they are willing to expand their political capital, domestically, to invest into Iraq, to send their own troops into Iraq, to pressure countries, like Iran, to deal with issues of proliferation?

“And I think that there is a strong impression that the Bush administration has squandered its will on the international stage, and that John Kerry would come in with a broader vision and the possibility of bringing people onboard in a way that is necessary for our long-term success,” Obama said.

Koppel said, “Presidents often talk about the importance of their personal relations with other leaders, but essentially that is a lot of hooey. You know, nations do things because of national interest.”

“Absolutely,” agreed Obama.”

You need to read the link to get the full context of Obama’s point but I think this is representative and, needless to say, ironic.


Obama at the Waffle House Invesco Field

Filed under: 2008 Election — DRJ @ 11:32 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Barack Obama is slated to accept the Democratic nomination for President tomorrow at Denver’s Invesco Field before 80,000 supporters. The Politico reports that some Democrats are nervous the event will reinforce Obama’s image as a celebrity – especially given reports of the elaborate Greek temple staging – or that there will be problems with the outdoor venue.

Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen has good political instincts and his advice hits the right tone:

“Bredesen also acknowledged that while he has concerns, Obama is a virtuoso performer who can’t be underestimated. “I don’t think that’s the right thing [to hold the event at Invesco Field], but they are not asking me and they have got a great track record so far,” he said. “I would love to see him out showing a certain kind of humility, being in touch with people who go to breakfast at the Waffle House, sending a message.”

Classic quote and good advice, too. Still, given Obama’s recent waffle on the issues, meeting at the “Waffle House” is a great image. (And No, I don’t think Bredesen meant it that way but it’s also funny that he might have.)


MSNBC’s Convention Coverage, Day 3

Filed under: 2008 Election,Media Bias — DRJ @ 9:44 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Amid reports that MSNBC’s politically-driven Convention coverage is ready to implode, GOP strategist Mike Murphy belatedly appeared as a guest commentator but had to parry snide comments like these by Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews:

From Newsbusters:

CHRIS MATTHEWS: Let me ask you Mike: are we to, to place the credibility of you as a pundit on your belief, that you’ve just asserted, that the Clintons will vote for John McCain?

MURPHY: Absolutely. I really believe Hillary Clinton will vote for McCain. Look, they’re friends. [Crowd boos]. Ah, come on, don’t shout me down: let me talk. I mean come on, this is, you guys are so in the tank we ought to be filming this on a submarine. The fact is, Barack Obama, to his credit, has moved closer to Hillary Clinton and John McCain on foreign policy, Hillary and John McCain have worked —

MATTHEWS: That’s an argument — that’s not what I’m asking you.

MURPHY: I really believe —

MATTHEWS: Mike, let me get back to —

It was then that Olbermann could be heard angrily off-camera.

KEITH OLBERMANN: Let’s wrap him up, alright?

Perhaps Chris didn’t want to be outdone in insulting his guest:

MATTHEWS: I want to ask this question, Mike. You say the audience out there is biased. Where would you find an audience in sane America who would agree with you?

MSNBC is doing its part to blur the lines between news and entertainment.


Bill Clinton Endorses Barack Obama (Updated)

Filed under: 2008 Election — DRJ @ 6:55 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

In his speech before the Democratic National Convention tonight, former President Bill Clinton endorsed Barack Obama for President, likening Obama’s candidacy to his own campaign in 1992 and affirming that Obama is ready to lead:

“Clinton pushed back on attacks – initiated by himself and his wife during the bitter primary campaign, and later taken up by Republican John McCain, that Obama is ill prepared for the White House, especially on matters of national defense.

“With Joe Biden’s experience and wisdom, supporting Barack Obama’s proven understanding, insight, and good instincts, America will have the national security leadership we need,” Clinton said.
Jabbing a finger at thousands of cheering delegates, he declared: “I want all of you who supported her to vote for Barack Obama in November.”

There is a much more unified feeling at the Democratic Convention than when it started. The stage is set for Biden’s speech tonight and the Obama’s acceptance speech tomorrow evening.

UPDATE: Compare the AP’s positive spin to this thoughtful analysis by Stephen Green at Vodkapundit.


Dem Convention Day Three Parlor Game: Anticipatory Sycophantic Praise Predictions — The Olbermann Edition

[Posted by WLS]

With Joe Biden and Bill Clinton on tap to to speak tonight, lets start a contest to see who can predict what cliche’-ridden slobberfest stream of free-association praise and worship Keith Olbermann will have flow from his lips at the conclusion of their speeches. To give you some guidance on what you might anticipate, consider the following from Monday night after Michelle Obama’s speech:

OLBERMANN: Case, I think, closed. If that speech was to be more about tone than content, pitch-perfect. If it was supposed to be more about content than tone, pitch-perfect. If that was supposed to be friendliness and what they call accessibility, couldn’t have done it better. Couldn’t have done it better.

OLBERMANN: And the premise of this speech, to try to erase doubts that now seem difficult to voice aloud because they seem almost foolish, was also done subtly. There was a reference to, they love the country, meaning the troops. There was another one to, I love the country. There were six references to country. But if you went back and listened to that speech again and waited for the moment in which she is supposedly selling herself or redeeming herself, you wouldn’t have noticed it.

OLBERMANN: Yes, case closed. That could not have gone better for them. That could not have gone better for them right to the point with the little girls taking the mikes away and suddenly turning out to be hams. It’s wonderful. It really was terrific. And notice—did you notice that throughout that, especially as it built towards its conclusion, the women in that convention hall, the ones we saw at least, we can’t say every one was this way, but there were tears throughout among the women. And it was not a maudlin speech, it was not a—it was not a salesmanship speech, there was just a—I know, I’m beginning to sound borderline sycophantic on this.

Borderline?? Pal, you lost sight of the border years ago. You’re John-Madden-Monday-Night-Football-RV-Ride away from the border.

But lets also not forget last night after Hillary’s speech:

OLBERMANN: Grand slam. Grand slam, out of the ballpark, across the street.

OLBERMANN: Across the buildings across the street.

OLBERMANN: Five, six, maybe seven campaign slogans in that speech, starting out from the initial get-go, a sock to the jaw of disunity, a speech that started about Barack Obama, a proud American, a proud Democrat, a proud senator, and a proud supporter of Barack Obama, then a lot about her, some about George Bush, twisting it all back to get her supporters to recognize that their goals are now best served by Barack Obama, then Michelle, then Biden, then several key, probably the strongest hits against John McCain we have heard at this convention, and finally tying it all back together. I don’t know how it could have been better. I don’t know how it could have been better, Chris.

OLBERMANN: The usual Hillary approach of listing those things and those people she met who were in trouble and she tried to help, going along in that traditional manner we saw throughout the primaries, and now with a twist at the end: Those are the reasons I ran for president. Those are the reasons I support Barack Obama. And those are the reasons you should, too.

It’s literally what we have been talking about. How do you convert her campaign into their campaign? I don’t know how she could have done it better. At the end of the speech, it is one of those speeches, I would think, for Democrats, at least, that you now charge through the doorway, and, after you are through it, you check to see whether or not it was open. You go through the wall, if necessary, what she just told you to do.

Ok — so that’s what we’ve got so far. Lets have some predictions about what Keith has in store for us tonight.

Day 3 at the Democratic National Convention

Filed under: 2008 Election — DRJ @ 1:09 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

This is an open thread on Day 3 of the Democratic National Convention.

The theme for Day 3 is “Securing America’s Future” and the featured events include the roll call vote scheduled to begin sometime between 3-5 PM local time and a live performance by Melissa Etheridge.

Featured speakers are Chicago Mayor Richard Daley at approximately 5 PM, followed by various speakers including the “Women of the US House of Representatives,” Senators Jay Rockefeller, Harry Reid, Evan Bayh, Jack Reed, and former Senator Tom Daschle.

Former President Bill Clinton is scheduled to begin at 7 PM local time. Senator John Kerry and Governor Bill Richardson will also speak. The final speaker will be Senator and Vice Presidential nominee-designate Joe Biden.

Here is a link to the full schedule for Day 3.


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