[Guest post by DRJ]
Liberals – including some commenters here – are jumping on the bandwagon that Palin proves experience isn’t the issue in this election. I think the reverse is true and Palin shows experience counts. Here’s why:
Terrorism is the issue of this decade and, in my opinion, it will be for decades to come. John McCain has experience that will help him deal with the challenges of terrorism but Barack Obama also thinks he has the answers. Obama’s plan is to escalate the fight in Afghanistan and Pakistan, a military solution that is at odds with the desires of his liberal supporters and that makes me leery he will follow through.
But Americans have lived with terrorism for 7 years since 9/11 and we’ve learned a lot about this threat during that time. It’s unlikely any President will be given a blank check to deal with terrorism now. We’re all armchair quarterbacks on this issue.
There is another, related problem that faces America and that’s Energy. Solving our energy problems will not only help our economy but will also help us deal with national security and even terrorism by limiting the funds available to terrorists from Middle Eastern states. We can solve our energy problems the Democratic way by curtailing our energy consumption and jeopardizing our economy in an all-or-nothing effort to switch to green energy sources. Or we can really mean it when we say every energy source is on the table including hydroelectric, wind, solar, nuclear, coal, gas, and oil.
Sarah Palin has proven experience with and more knowledge of oil and gas production than any candidate in this Presidential election. As Beldar explains, she’s used that knowledge and experience to work with oil companies to maximize production but Palin is not in the pocket of the oil companies. That’s exactly how it should be. Business doesn’t need a partner in government just a fair opportunity, and small “c” conservatives like Sarah Palin know that.
In addition, there is a lot of overlap in the production of energy. It’s no surprise that oilmen like T. Boone Pickens are able to transition from oil and gas to wind power without losing a step. Oil, gas, wind, etc., are all resources and the laws and processes that help people develop one energy source often apply to other sources. Thus, the experience and knowledge Sarah Palin has developed in dealing with the oil and gas industry will help her analyze and deal with all energy sources, and Energy is the issue of the future our leaders must be prepared to deal with.
Obama and Biden believe they are the best team for an America whose goal is that everyone get along and share. I want America and Americans to do more than get along and share. I want America and Americans to be efficient and prepared for the future, and for that McCain and Palin have the experience that counts.