Patterico's Pontifications


Crazy, That Global Warming

Filed under: General,Real Life — Patterico @ 11:26 pm

It’s November and we’re running our air conditioner.

10 Responses to “Crazy, That Global Warming”

  1. One day of warm weather is not even a blip on the screen. That statement shows that you and most other right-wingers are utterly clueless about scienctific methods. And that’s all it proves.

    [Lighten up, Francis! I wasn’t trying to make a point about global warming. I was just saying: jeez, it’s hot! I always shout “Global warming!” every time there’s a hot day. For fun. — P]

    Psyberian (2a27d0)

  2. I’m all for global warming… I hate cold weather.

    Justin (747191)

  3. It’s November and we’re running our air conditioner.

    Here’s your answer: One cartoon to change your mind.

    actus (10527e)

  4. Localized warming is more like it. Over the weekend I got up early, and Mrs. X asked me the temperature outside. I was too lazy to go upstairs to check the weather report, so I just brought in the outdoor dog dish, which was frozen over.

    Xrlq (f52b4f)

  5. During the last several thousand years, the Earth has has a minor climate fluctuation of a few degrees , with a periodicity of 800-900 years. We’re back in the early part of a warming phase.

    Whether or not human activity has had any affect on this is still very much in dispute. The level of CO2 in the atmosphere is about 380 parts per million, which is 0.038% No one can prove how much of this is due to volcanic activity, human activity, or effect of the natural warming cycle. Anyone who wants to contend that the increase in what is still a minute trace gas has climatic effects has some serious explaining to do.

    We do know what effect jet contrails have (due to the commercial aviation being grounded for a while after 9/11). They moderate the daily temperature swings, without affecting the mean temperature.

    larry (336e87)

  6. Quick! Someone light the “Gore-Signal” so that he may swoop in an save us all!

    AndrewGurn (c37ea2)

  7. @larry:
    yes, the carbon dioxide level now is about 380 ppm, but at the start of the industrial revolution it was about 280 ppm. that’s a 35% increase. methane, a far more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, is sharply up too. i don’t have to do any serious explaining to you, it’s enough to tell you to stop your lies, your denial. you have some serious explaining to do to the inuits, who are watching their way of life vanish before their eyes.

    assistant devil's advocate (7164db)

  8. Data for October 2006 from NOAA website:

    -52nd coolest October on record (1895-2006).
    -All regions near to or below normal temperature (first time since February 2003 with no regions above average temperature).
    -Only 2 states above normal temperatures in October: New Hampshire and Texas.


    Of course, this can’t be used in the debate because any data that doesn’t show warming trends doesn’t count.

    Bush or the Oil Companies probably hacked the NOAA website this month.

    John Ekdahl (ef51c0)

  9. Dont give me that Patterico. I know youre smarter than that. You know what political effect your offhand comment had.

    [If I were trying to deny global warming I’d complain about a cold day, not a hot one. Sorry you’re unwilling to believe my simple and truthful explanation. — P]

    Psyberian (edfa75)

  10. Ouch. You’re right Patterico. My apologies.

    Psyberian (edfa75)

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