Patterico's Pontifications


Asian Student Files Complaint Alleging Discrimination by Princeton in Admissions

Filed under: General,Race — Patterico @ 1:51 pm

The Wall Street Journal reports that an Asian student with a perfect SAT score who was rejected by Princeton has filed a complaint with the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, alleging discrimination by Princeton against Asians.

[Jian Li] ultimately focused his complaint against Princeton after reading a 2004 study by three Princeton researchers concluding that an Asian-American applicant needed to score 50 points higher on the SAT than other applicants to have the same change of admission to an elite university.

“As an Asian-American and a native of China, my chances of admission were drastically reduced,” Mr. Li claims in his complaint.

Interesting — especially given reports that colleges have worried that their classes are “too Asian.”

Granted, colleges look at more than SAT scores. I don’t know what the rest of Mr. Li’s record looks like. And he’s hardly suffering; he’s a student at Yale.

But the fact remains that discrimination in favor of one race is discrimination against people of all other races. It has real-world effects. Not every Asian discriminated against will be able to land at Yale.

I’ll keep an eye on this one.

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