Patterico's Pontifications


L.A. Times Has No Story on the Reuters Photo Controversy

Filed under: Dog Trainer,General — Patterico @ 7:03 am

The New York Times has a story this morning about the Reuters photo controversy, titled Bloggers Drive Inquiry on How Altered Images Saw Print. There is no discussion of the issues regarding the paper’s own publication of questionable images or captions. But they’ll get around to addressing that, I’m sure.

The Washington Post has its own story, titled Blogger Takes Aim At News Media and Makes a Direct Hit.

And the L.A. Times?


I don’t subscribe anymore, so I can’t leaf through the hard copies of the paper to verify this. But you would think that if any such story was printed, it would be pulled up by a search on the paper’s site for the word “Hajj” (the last name of Adnan Hajj, the photographer whose altered image got the ball rolling on this controversy). Yet as of the publication of this post, that search reveals only two articles, both of which are unrelated to the controversy (the word shows up as references to the hajj pilgrimage). But if you scroll down to images, you can see the paper has published at least one image from Hajj.

The paper will get around to addressing this controversy, I’m sure. And I’ll be watching when they do.

17 Responses to “L.A. Times Has No Story on the Reuters Photo Controversy”

  1. Thats becuase 85% of the photos you see in the New York Times and other liberals raggs are faked

    krazy kagu (8d6a8f)

  2. Hey, cut the Times some slack, it’s been a tough week for them:

    > Fidel’s on his death bed. Another LAT subscriber lost.

    > Anti-capitalist Murray Boochkin died (with a nice, long obit today from the LAT headed by this Boochkin quote: “I don’t regard people as a cancer on the planet. The real cancer that afflicts the planet is capitalism and hierarchy”).

    > Communist Dorothy Healey died (again with a nice, long obit yesterday in which the LAT glowingly recalled that Healey was “concerned about working people” and hated capitalism because it “degrades and debases humans”).

    Obviously, the Times news staff has been distraught and pre-occupied. They are protesting their own disdain for capitalism by refusing to make a profit in the foreseeable future.

    csufbomb (30e635)

  3. Great post, csufbomb! Funny and so true.

    Vermont Neighbor (a9ae2c)

  4. Cuz the Times, they are downsizin’

    Dan Collins (208fbe)

  5. I can’t find an e-mail contact, so I’ll ask you here: Do you, or does anyone, keep a log of the front-page LA Times photos? Wouldn’t a log of those in itself demonstrate clear left-wingism? About a month ago I glanced at the LAT at my local Starbucks: It was a fit young man being helped in a swimming pool by a colleague at his former unit; he was a triple amputee as a result of injuries while serving in Iraq. On the week-end I glanced at the NYT and LAT; both had prominent, above-the-fold, front-page photos of damage in Lebanon, not Israel. Is there a news-tracking/clipping service that has a log of these things? Has this information ever been analyzed and publicized? I would have to think so, but I’ve never come across anything like that. Thanks.

    Mr. W (0ab896)

  6. Charles Johnson responded to the malicious statements made by the CAIR representative about LGF in the Washington Post article.

    Jeff Goldstein also weighed in.

    aunursa (1b5bad)

  7. Reutered: The New York Times Weighs In…

    There is more to the controversy surrounding that picture than the authors (Katharine Q. Seelye and Julie Bosman) of this NYT article imply: another problem is that the caption said that it were bombs instead of flares. …

    Liberty and Justice (a5b264)


    And, as everyone already knows, LGF is a bigotted, racist and hate-filled site that caters to extremist wingers with itchy armchair-warrior trigger fingers.

    Not a surprise that someone would mention this.

    Shorter Rightwing Meanies (e92581)

  9. “And, as everyone already knows, LGF is a bigotted, racist and hate-filled site that caters to extremist wingers with itchy armchair-warrior trigger fingers.”

    Funny the accusations that result from debunking concerted media fraud — TWICE. Charles has clearly touched a raw nerve. Good on him.

    Federal Dog (9afd6c)

  10. Pravda never snitched on Izvestia. There is honor and loyalty among left-wing propagandists.

    Lew Clark (110e0c)

  11. […] Patterico points out that the Los Angeles Times has no story on the Reuters photoshop scandal.  (Think they’ll cover the NYT?) He also has the “Amazing Questionable Photo Roundup” in case you haven’t found enough links yet. […]

    The Random Yak » Dead Photojournalism Walking (dec680)

  12. > Fidel’s on his death bed. Another LAT subscriber lost.


    Dwilkers (a1687a)

  13. Re #8, Reuters is caught red handed using phony photos by LGF and what’s the Lefty’s response: Attack the messenger.

    Not one word of condemnation for the fraud, but a heap of insulting abuse directed against LGF. It’s not possible to be more wrongheaded on an issue, or to reveal your own shortcomings more clearly.

    Black Jack (d8da01)

  14. You fellows make fun of the LA Times inept coverage of the news. There are more important things to write about and they are right on top of those issues. Soft core porn ? Right there. In fact, the reporter found herself bent over the car fender with the subject of the interview applying parts of himself to her bottom. How can you get any closer to the big story than that ?

    Lebanon ? Where’s that ?

    Mike K (6d4fc3)

  15. I’ve located the source of Hajj’s smoke.

    Source of Smoke Detected

    Rovin (b348f4)

  16. More sock puppets and fake stories. Where’s that old news editor from the movies when you need him? Where’s Clark Kent?

    Mike K (6d4fc3)

  17. Amazingly, Brendan Bernhard did a very solid story on this story and the role Charles/LGF played in it.

    Bernhard even has a few wonderfully choice words for the media critic from Los Angeles magazine, who may in fact be “Shorter Rightwing Meanines” based on a cursory content analysis.

    SRM, would you care to quote Mr. Johnson and back up your allegation?

    Pablo (efa871)

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