Patterico's Pontifications


Ace of Spades Outed

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 5:57 pm

Ace of Spades was outed on Fox News today — possibly by me, and more probably by Adnan Hajj. (Or maybe by himself, but what’s the dif? Personally, I blame me.) You can view the footage here.

The bad news is that he doesn’t look distinctively evil or otherwise representative of the nefarious right-wing agenda we’re all trying to push here. The good news is that I won my bet with Allah.

8 Responses to “Ace of Spades Outed”

  1. he doesn’t look distinctively evil

    Give the guy a break, Patt. I thought he looked distinctively evil (in a laid back way).

    Dan Collins (01c9ab)

  2. Fooled the heck out of me. I pictured him as short and squat, drooling a lot, and wearing a stained wife-beater T-shirt. 😉

    Old Coot (caf903)

  3. Fooled the heck out of me. I pictured him as short and squat, drooling a lot, and wearing a stained wife-beater T-shirt.

    No, you’re thinking of me on that one!!!!

    Bill M (d9e4b2)

  4. It worries me. We all know Ace has a really tentative hold on sanity. The pressures associated with becoming a big time tv personality could be just the nudge that pushes him permanently over the edge.

    Lew Clark (3936f1)

  5. Now we know the tough-guy on-line persona was really a form of compensating.

    Macswain (2aadc0)

  6. That beard and hair style couldn’t be real, could it? I’m fairly certain he was in disguise to protect his anonymity. He kind of had that Mark Steyn look going.

    Jeff C. (428193)

  7. You’re not the first to say that.

    Patterico (50c3cd)

  8. Que Macho.

    BigTobacco (6802c9)

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