Patterico's Pontifications


The Democrat Alternative: Spock, Activate the Transporter!

Filed under: Buffoons,Morons,War — Patterico @ 9:18 pm

A depressing recent Meet the Press survey shows that 46% of House Democrats can’t find Okinawa on a map — in that they apparently think it’s within striking distance of Iraq.

You want to take out the next Zarqawi? Just scramble the fighter jets from Okinawa! They’ll be at the target in no time flat!

I am not joking. I swear.

Blackfive has a visual to help. Hint: it’s 4800 miles away — assuming, of course, that our allies China and Iran would allow our fighters to cross their airspace. Which, they would, right?

Can someone find us an adult among the Democrats?

P.S. If it’s a slip of the tongue, it’s the second time he’s done it.

15 Responses to “The Democrat Alternative: Spock, Activate the Transporter!”

  1. ummm … either this is an example of the “when no one else sees something you think is obvious, then maybe you better check your facts” rule, or Murtha has completely lost it. If I were his opponent, I’d wonder publicly if he was mentally impaired.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  2. Aside from his lack of geographical knowledge, is he suggesting that we do need to be over there for a stable Middle East–just not in Iraq?

    Why? Because the terrorists don’t want us in Iraq, so we should go somewhere that’s already stable enough to recognize that we’re a good thing to have around? Because if we’re not actually in Iraq, Iraqi terrorists can take all the time they need to plan to hit us in … Kuwait? Hrm, that sounds familiar.

    Forget different language. What planet does he live on?

    Anwyn (01a5cc)

  3. Patterico

    this is what I posted at 6:11 pm PDT

    Um, can someone take Murtha aside and let him know that Capt Kirk and transporters were, like, fiction?



    Darleen (81f712)

  4. Great minds. Never saw your comment.

    Patterico (50c3cd)

  5. Although it appears that your comment was linked by Instapundit. Which is pretty rare for blog comments.

    Patterico (50c3cd)

  6. whoa…didn’t see THAT. =)

    Darleen (81f712)

  7. Yeah. Good line, too. I love Grandpa Simpson.

    I do a pretty good Grandpa Simpson voice. Not a bad Frink, as well. When I read books to my kids, I do voices, and I always make one of them the Frink voice.

    Patterico (50c3cd)

  8. Pat, Darleen, Star Trek is real!

    Dana (3e4784)

  9. If you haven’t seen it elsewhere, the folks on Okinawa don’t want anymore American GI’s stationed on their island. In fact, they want most of the ones already there to go home.

    John Murtha might want to check with the host before he invites thousands of new visitors to someone else’s home. Bet, then, he’s not known for either common courtesy or thinking ahead..

    Black Jack (d8da01)

  10. Just goes to show you how unserious he is about “redeployment”, “Okinawa, Oklahoma, Okefenokee..wherever.”

    Tom (bdcac1)

  11. Murtha is performing a magic act. He is making a safe district in Pennsylvania disappear. Sort of like the drunk who suddenly turned into a saloon. Is he getting a little senile ? The Meet The Press session looked that way.

    Mike K (f89cb3)

  12. Could Murtha have meant Diego Garcia?

    Not that I agree with him, mind you, but it might suffice to lift his comment out of the deepest dark of the looney bin.

    jim (05c829)

  13. LOL Murtha is always good for a laugh or two.

    I see that, when mentioning middle east countries that “would take us,” he left out Israel. I wonder why that is? I also wonder if he could find Israel on the map? He also mentioned China as a middle east country! I thought China was a part of Asia? Guess my geography teacher was wrong.

    What world does Murtha live in again?

    Ray (be81f9)

  14. Oops, that should be East Asia. LOL at myself.

    Ray (be81f9)

  15. Have all the liberal beamed down to the planet TARUS II where the inhabitents and big nasty apelike creature that carry spears and bid around as telephonepoles and have shields as large as VW bug

    krazy kagu (0a3548)

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