Patterico's Pontifications



Filed under: General — Patterico @ 4:53 pm

Okay, I just biked down to the Trump golf course from our home in Mediterranea off Ganado in Rancho Palos Verdes — on a rusty old mountain bike. (Which means I also came back up.)

Look, I’m not saying I’m Charles Johnson, okay? But for me, it was tough. Jeff C. knows what I’m talking about.

3 Responses to “Whew!”

  1. At Trump, did you get off the bike and go all the way down to the beach? BTW, the fireworks a couple a weeks ago were for a wedding at Trump. Someone hired a barge to sit offshore and put on a show.

    TomHynes (672604)

  2. At Trump, did you get off the bike and go all the way down to the beach?

    Not today. But I have before.

    But sssshhhh. I don’t want people to know about that.

    Patterico (de0616)

  3. OT: Patterico, I’m curious. On Feb 16 the LAT ran a story on how the prosecution in the Holy Land case accidently turned over 16 boxes of highly classified documents to the defense. We discussed the case at Just One Minute (the prosecutor whose name appears nowhere in the article was Patrick Fitzgerald and he was at the time arguing in a discovery battle that Libby couldn’t be trusted with the classified material he was requesting). I drafted an article citing the story yesterday and the article is no longer online nor is it in the LAT archives. Someone found it here.

    Is this a normal practice–removing stories and not archiving them? I can’t imagine what this is about.

    clarice (c49871)

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