Patterico's Pontifications


Many Americans Woefully Misperceive Iraqis’ View of Whether Ousting Saddam Was a Good Thing

Filed under: International,War — Patterico @ 3:01 pm

Via Allah comes a link to a poll with all sorts of depressing results, but with a very telling question at the end. (Scroll to the bottom of the linked page.)

Americans were asked:

Given any hardships they might have suffered since the US-Britain invasion of Iraq, do you think that most Iraqis think that ousting Saddam Hussein was worth it, was not worth it, or views are evenly balanced?

44% believed most Iraqis think ousting Saddam was worth it.
22% said most Iraqis would say it was not worth it.
33% said views would be evenly balanced.

The poll also sets forth what Iraqis actually said in response to the question.

77% said it was worth it.
22% said it was not.

5 Responses to “Many Americans Woefully Misperceive Iraqis’ View of Whether Ousting Saddam Was a Good Thing”

  1. That proves you can fool some of the people all of the time.

    Black Jack (d8da01)

  2. They fooled the people who wanted to be fooled.

    Dana (dd8e7e)

  3. So the multi-millionaire professional MSM “reporters,” with their editorial checks and balances to protect us, are not accurately reporting on Iraq?

    perfectsense (024110)

  4. How can they accurately report on Iraq when most of them either haven’t been to Iraq, haven’t been there recently, or even if they are there now, report from their hotel rooms?

    How’s that for a rhetorical question?

    Harry Arthur (40c0a6)

  5. We know what “Americans” said in response to the survey question, and we know what “Iraqis” said, but wouldn’t it be instructive to also include the response of US media professionals?

    I’d like the opportunity to compare the numbers, analyze the results, and draw conclusions. Here’s an excellent example of a wide divergence of opinion. It’s a chance to learn something about how opinion in America is formed and transmitted.

    MSM loves polls. Perhaps someone appropriate can ask the question and post the results here.

    Black Jack (d8da01)

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