Patterico's Pontifications


Dog Trainer’s Poor Circulation

Filed under: Dog Trainer,General — Patterico @ 6:44 am

6:44 a.m., and still no paper.

5 Responses to “Dog Trainer’s Poor Circulation”

  1. You know, if’n you just pick up the Times the same way I do The Philadelphia Inquirer, at Turkey Hill when I get my morning coffee, then they won’t be able to claim you as a subscriber, and you’ll actually get your paper.

    Dana (3e4784)

  2. You don’t get your paper early because the prior owner of your property probably did not tip the carrier. The carrier changes quarterly because they soon realize the cost of gas and the upkeep on their 1987 Toyota is more than they get throwing your paper. Additionally, your neighbor probably calls and demands that they place her paper on her front porch! They soon tire of that. You should subscribe to the paper that comes around 4:30 AM brought to your neighbor’s carrier who plays loud music and turns around in your driveway. However, unless you are bilingual, you probably cannot even read that paper. Good luck, the quarter is nearly up.

    Jane (302221)

  3. You don’t get your paper early because the prior owner of your property probably did not tip the carrier.

    As the prior owner of the property, I’d think you’d know . . .

    Patterico (de0616)

  4. Jane has part of it pegged. I deliver for the San Diego Union Tribune. Most carriers get $0.09 per paper on weekdays and about $0.26 per paper on Sundays. And unlike about 20 years ago when there were rarely extra sections we have at least 2 sections to put together every day. Just folding the papers can take 1 hour, and delivering my 280 Sunday papers takes 2.5 hours (with 2 people sharing the work)

    Last month I got a total of $40.00 in tips (from 5 customers) and yet more than 20% of my customers demand that papers be delivered to special locations, which means taking extra time (for which I don’t get any extra money) Worse complaints are charged against me (at $2.00 per complaint)

    Needless to say I don’t know a single carrier at the distribution center I work for who really likes the job much, and the turn over is very high. In the month I’ve worked there has been new carriers being trained every day, but less than 25% last past training, and of those, less than 60% will last 3 months.

    Its only going to get worse, until the papers realize that part of why they lose subscribers is the poor pay and morale of the carriers, who for the most part have no interest in good customer service anymore.

    Mark (552ff6)

  5. My folks had to drop the Times to make a point to the carrier. He kept delivering the paper on time, but then would go barreling down an access road through their avocado grove. Root rot spores are spread from grove to grove on the treads of vehicle tires among other ways. He was using our road, using the roads of others, when he had perfectly good streets to drive on.

    A chain across the access road, at both ends, busted the carrier of that habit.

    the friendly grizzly (c46451)

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