Patterico's Pontifications


Fun Passage

Filed under: Court Decisions,Humor — Patterico @ 4:45 pm

I just like this opinion because it contains the following passage:

As the Supreme Court of the United States has noted, “ ‘[t]here are few activities in our society more personal or private than the passing of urine.’ “

It’s really an opinion about whether it’s illegal to urinate in public in California (it is, but the analysis is more complex than you would expect). But if you just read the quote above, out of context, it sounds like the Supreme Court constitutionalizing the right to make water.

(Via How Appealing.)

5 Responses to “Fun Passage”

  1. Heh! The city fathers of Florence, in roughly 1880, hired a renowned criminolgist to advise them on how to solve the problem of men urinating in public. His advice: Build public lavatories.

    nk (54c569)

  2. It’s fun and humbling to read books and bar journal articles devoted to funny court opinions, depositions, and other legal humor. Judge Buchmeyer’s column in the Texas Bar Journal is one of the best as I’m sure you know since I believe you are a Texas law graduate. Here is a humorous court opinion, and one of my favorites, that’s been featured recently on several internet websites.

    DRJ (3c8cd6)

  3. It’s fun and humbling to read books and bar journal articles devoted to funny court opinions, depositions, and other legal humor. Judge Buchmeyer’s column in the Texas Bar Journal is one of the best as I’m sure you know since I believe you are a Texas law graduate. Here is a humorous court opinion, and one of my favorites, that’s been featured recently on several internet websites.

    I interviewed with Judge Buchmeyer. He is the one who told me the story about LBJ alleging certain activities between Nixon and pigs.

    Patterico (de0616)

  4. Maybe this will be something about the number of bums in California who make a living by setting up tents and pissing on the sidewalk. Especially the ones that live on the sidewalk on Spring between Cesar Chavez and Temple.

    Nick (58999f)

  5. “Litter”? That was an … inventive … theory.

    aphrael (e7c761)

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