Patterico's Pontifications


Police Finger Serial Litigant

Filed under: Morons,Scum — Patterico @ 8:13 pm

We knew that the woman who found a finger in her chili is a serial litigant. So it shouldn’t have been hard to guess the next development: apparently, she put the finger there herself.

Still no word on where she got it.

6 Responses to “Police Finger Serial Litigant”

  1. Police give the finger to woman with extra finger.

    Neo (7136ee)

  2. Surely if some one is missing a finger, they would by now have made the association?

    Does this remind anyone else of the pseudo-Irish ditty, “Who Threw the Overalls in Mrs. Murphy’s Chowder?”

    Ruth (469a35)

  3. w it a second here–why c n’t I re ch ll the keys on the keybo rd…ever since I went to the Wendy’s in s n Jose my typing has been bysm l…I should never h ve snuck b ck to look t the me t slicer!

    See-Dubya (feb293)

  4. See Dubya – thank heavens the mystery is solved at last.

    (More of Mrs. Murphy’s chowder:
    “It’s an Irish trick that’s true,
    I can lick the Mick that threw
    The overalls in Mrs. Murphy’s chowder.”)

    Racist as all get out, like that same old shelalegh.

    Ruth (bbd84d)

  5. There was a dumb lady from Vegas
    Who sought out some chili con carcass;
    She hated the taste
    But wanted the waste,
    For that’s how she augments her wages.

    Ladainian (91b3b2)

  6. The crime scene, the city San Jose
    This a city, a place far away;
    At Wendy’s she ate,
    Then spit on a plate
    The finger she hoped would make money.

    Ladainian (91b3b2)

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