Patterico's Pontifications


Rand Paul Announces

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:00 am

Welcome to another candidate. I have nothing nasty to say about Rand Paul. He would be far better than Hillary Clinton, as would many others.

57 Responses to “Rand Paul Announces”

  1. Ding.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  2. i like his position on civil forfeiture but he’s not presidency material

    just another precocious lil senator boy

    how many is this now they’re like pokemon anymore

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  3. True, many others would be better than Hillary, but none of them are Republicans.

    Missile (3f8f5f)

  4. There is no Republican candidate who would or could be worse than Hillary Clinton or any other Democratic candidate.

    The realistic Dana (f6a568)

  5. A rotten turnip would be better than Hillary.

    That said, can we get someone with leadership experience?

    KPBrown (f9370f)

  6. Pot growers and prostitutes are thrilled.

    nk (dbc370)

  7. Leave it up to Cruz and Walker in the primary, otherwise team republican and the primary debates could resemble a Dean Martin Roast.

    mg (31009b)

  8. Libertarians can be susceptible to self-defeating obsessions, like bible thumpers, so heavenly minded they’re no earthly good.

    ropelight (84a560)

  9. He wants to repeal laws that disproportionately impact blacks.

    ropelight (84a560)

  10. Like the SNAP program? It’ll never happen — the farm lobby is too powerful.

    nk (dbc370)

  11. It will be good to have another communicator in the race, as it will also be when Rubes joins up. Our best hope is his kids listen, if accidentally, to the others.

    DNF (208255)

  12. “He wants to repeal laws . . .”

    Sounds good to me. I’ve had enough of preening social engineers, on the left or on the right.

    ThOR (a52560)

  13. There is no Republican candidate who would or could be worse than Hillary Clinton or any other Democratic candidate.

    I could name a few. Pat Buchanan comes to mind. But maybe you meant likely ones.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  14. Walker, Cruz, Rand, Jeb, Rubio and Huckabee seem to be the first and second tiers, in some order. I could vote for 5 of those, but would be a lot happier with one of the first two.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  15. R.I.P. James Best, who was best known for his role as bumbling sheriff Rosco P Coltrane on Dukes of Hazzard

    Icy (232f7c)

  16. Mr M wrote:

    There is no Republican candidate who would or could be worse than Hillary Clinton or any other Democratic candidate.

    I could name a few. Pat Buchanan comes to mind. But maybe you meant likely ones.

    Even Mr Buchanan would be better than Mrs Clinton.

    The Republican Dana (f6a568)

  17. OT but interesting for lawyers who know what to make of such things,
    via powerline

    MD in Philly (not in Philly at the moment) (deca84)

  18. Hey icy, I remember his Oscar-winning performance in “Attack of the Killer Shrews” the best.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  19. RuPaul in 2016!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  20. if i had to pick between Rand Paul and Ted Cruz I think I would choose Mr. Governor Scott Walker

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  21. Mr Feet wrote:

    if i had to pick between Rand Paul and Ted Cruz I think I would choose Mr. Governor Scott Walker

    As would I!

    That said, I like what Senator Cruz says, and most of what Dr Paul says, but I like even more what Governor Walker has actually done.

    Actual deeds mean a lot more to me than words.

    The agreeable Dana (f6a568)

  22. Did you see the clip of Walker talking about a gay owner of a printing shop being forced to print “God hates fa**” t-shirts for the Westboro baptist folk?

    Pretty good response to the question about the Pizzeria shop, I thought

    MD in Philly (not in Philly at the moment) (deca84)

  23. That said, I like what Senator Cruz says, and most of what Dr Paul says, but I like even more what Governor Walker has actually done.

    Actual deeds mean a lot more to me than words.


    felipe (b5e0f4)

  24. traditional marriage posterbabe maggie gallagher did a report card for the Rs on the Indiana RFRA

    Ted Cruz got an A++ with sprinkles

    Mr. Governor Scott Walker did NOT get an A++ with sprinkles

    ADVANTAGE: Mr. Governor Scott Walker

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  25. the prancing poofters
    ISIS blows diseased donkeys
    allahu AFLAC

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  26. I’m a saving up to send Ted another Benjamin.

    mg (31009b)

  27. #16: Doc’s link. Patrick Fitzgerald is quite a piece of work. Why would anyone want to go down in history as a ruthless, lawless, bully? The Scooter persecution isn’t the Dreyfus affair, but it is a lesson that should not be ignored.

    bobathome (ef0d3a)

  28. #21 MD in Pilly – that was actually Rick Santorum – still made great sense. Of course Huffington Post just pulled the Santorum said “God Hates F-gs” part. Same as it ever was.

    Em (d81b2f)

  29. Rand Paul? Meh. It’s always a question of, compared to what.

    I would rather see Rand Paul as president than Hillary. The damage he would do by axing three or four bureaucracies would be more than offset with the explosion of liberty and entrepreneurialism!

    Patricia (5fc097)

  30. You don’t think that Scooter Libby took one for the team? That if it had come out that Armitage was the blabbermouth, the Shrub might have lost in 2004? That this was not Fitzgerald’s manipulation, it was Rove’s?

    nk (dbc370)

  31. By law could obama pardon Libby?

    mg (31009b)

  32. The Shrub already did.

    nk (dbc370)

  33. Oops, no he did not, he only commuted his sentence.

    nk (dbc370)

  34. If he brings the Ronulans and the Randifarians into the republican party then running for president while not risking his senate seat will have been a good thing. Otherwise, there are enough dividers in the mix.

    crazy (cde091)

  35. That if it had come out that Armitage was the blabbermouth, the Shrub might have lost in 2004?

    How quaint that Plame scandal was.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  36. bobathome,

    Fitzgerald pretty much ended the special prosecutor law. Pity. We could use a half dozen Fitzgeralds right about now.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  37. Judas was remorseful, too. Did you throw your salary back to Sulzberger, Judith?

    nk (dbc370)

  38. There is no Republican candidate who would or could be worse than Hillary Clinton or any other Democratic candidate.

    The realistic Dana (f6a568) — 4/7/2015 @ 8:38 am

    With her recent scandals, that’s easy to say and understandable, but I disagree. I think many in leadership in the party would actually be worse than her. Not Rand, but those who have basically committed fraud with their politics (riding a wave one way, then acting against it, as they leverage the fear of the democrats into power).

    Rand could do two things. He could challenge other candidates with good sense on economic policy and bold stands that go against the grain, making the primary debates more interesting and worthwhile as candidates are forced to contend with these issues. Or he could trend to the safer ground. Time will tell.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  39. Two insuperable problems for me with Rand Paul.

    1. He used a DNC talking point (lie) to attack Cheney saying that Cheney pushed Bush to invade Iraq because of Cheney’s Halliburton stock.

    2. He said this in a shames pander to blacks of the Al Sharpton and Jeremiah Wright variety.

    I see an America where criminal justice is applied equally and any law that disproportionately incarcerates people of color is repealed.

    Does he plan to repeal all criminal law ?

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  40. Em (d81b2f) — 4/7/2015 @ 1:30 pm
    Thanks for the correction.
    Maybe all those black haired white faced politicians look the same to me.

    bobathome (ef0d3a) — 4/7/2015 @ 1:23 pm
    When one sees what happened to Libby and compare it to what happened to Sandy Bergler, it is hard to not believe the corruption runs deep.

    MD in Philly (not in Philly at the moment) (deca84)

  41. Mike K–

    I would be upset at a situation where blacks are incarcerated at a higher rate than whites who commit the same crime. But repealing the law won’t fix sentencing disparity.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  42. If it could be done, Obama/Holder would have already done it. Paul is talking through his Rand. The fruitcake does not fall far from the tree.

    nk (dbc370)

  43. fruitcakes are good for re-gifting.

    mg (31009b)

  44. 39
    He is actually taking a leaf out of his father’s book with that one. Ron P. liked to point out that blacks are overrepresented in our prisons, and that some of that was due to differing enforcement, and some to laws that shoukd not be in the books.
    Of course, this never kept the Left from labelling him a racist Stormfront supporter.

    kishnevi (91d5c6)

  45. There are a lot of ifs involved here, but

    if Rand Paul brings a strong libertarian perspective to the primary, and
    if Ted Cruz makes the case for Constitutional conservativism, and
    if Scott Walker pushes the idea of taking on the public employee machine and sclerotic bureaucracy, and
    if Jeb Bush rallies the moderate deal-making wing of the party,

    and if they have a robust and healthy debate and one of them emerges as the party’s consensus choice then I think the GOP will be a lot better off than the Democrats will be having Hillary! just breeze through their nomination process without having to address the fissures between the progressive one-percenters, the low-wage social democrats, and the racial/gender/sexual grievance lobbies in that coalition.

    JVW (a1146f)

  46. With her recent scandals, that’s easy to say and understandable, but I disagree. I think many in leadership in the party would actually be worse than her.

    I draw the line at “would actually be as bad as her.”

    I’m not aware of any even somewhat prominent figure in the Republican Party who is as ideologically liberal or leftwing (intrinsically and emotionally) as she is. Or — if some don’t agree with that characterization — I’m not aware of any Republican who is as ethically bankrupt (and also truly devious) as she is.

    An honest liberal full full of integrity is pathetic enough (and also almost non-existent). But a dishonest liberal is beyond the pale, and Hillary rockets past even that boundary.

    The fact that far too many Americans would disagree with such a assessment of her is why this nation is headed into a banana-republic, third-worldish-or-emerging-worldish future.

    Mark (77395a)

  47. For Californians who have been putting down Chicago, I have some bad news and some in-your-face bad news:
    The bad news is that Garcia lost.
    The in-your-face bad news is Safe image.

    nk (dbc370)

  48. The in-your-face bad news is Safe image.

    Ehh, we have confidence that you guys will figure out a way to waste all of it. Like dying it green for St. Paddy’s Day or having to use it to put out a city-wide fire. Or maybe you’ll just tax it so much that it will be mostly out of reach except for to those in Hyde Park.

    JVW (a1146f)

  49. There’s only one politician on the national stage worse than Hillary Clinton -> Barack Obama.

    ropelight (c30b7f)

  50. 48.There’s only one politician on the national stage worse than Hillary Clinton -> Barack Obama.

    Yeah, but not by much, ropelight.

    Hoagie (58a3ec)

  51. A couple points on the Chicago election. It hurt Commissioner Garcia when Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vermont Socialist) came to town to campaign for him. Well, that, plus the Teacher’s Union money bankrolling Garcia, his being a candidate having no apparent credentials or ability to govern the nation’s third largest city, and Chuy being unable to string two coherent sentences together in front of the Tribune editorial Board. Still, the fact that Mayor Rahm was challenged somewhat successfully from his far left by a candidate with a much smaller war chest is the true wake up call that people who pay attention to these things should be seriously thinking about. The right leaning people (otherwise called Republicans) who live in the city of Chicago had no choice but to vote their interests for one or the other of them in the run-off. Rahm for all his obvious faults has made some progress, was seen as the least objectionable to a broader coalition of voters, and in addition to picking up a fair number of black voters over the primary he heavily campaigned in the northern (more white/affluent) parts of the city. What there is left of a GOP organization and some private R money went primarily in Rahm’s direction yesterday.

    elissa (fd3fab)

  52. Fitz actually did was Starr was accused of doing, he played favorites, as he did in the Conrad Black case, not touching any of the Hollinger directors, protecting Armitage, who went on to be the Turk’s man in Washington, which ties to events in Libya and Syria, and he got a cushy partnership out of it,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  53. He is White Obama in the foreign policy department. Bomb Iran back to the stone age and drop Rand in on the first pass.

    TheHat (58d08b)

  54. Ted’s scoring big.
    so long rand
    thanks for coming señor jebby.
    good riddance rove

    mg (31009b)

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