Patterico's Pontifications


Trump Flip-Flops on Minimum Wage, Self-Funding

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:22 am

And thus begins the “I told you so” phase of our proceedings.

Flip-flop #1: the minimum wage.

Trump November 2015, on the minimum wage:

I hate to say it, but we have to leave it the way it is.

Trump April 2016:

I’m looking at that, I’m very different from most Republicans.

A higher minimum wage is, of course, a job killer.

Flip-flop #2: “self-funding.”

I put that in scare quotes, of course, because Trump has never been truly self-funding. But now he won’t even pretend to be:

“I’ll be putting up money, but won’t be completely self-funding,” the presumptive Republican nominee said in an interview Wednesday. Mr. Trump, who had largely self-financed his successful primary run, added that he would create a “world-class finance organization.” The campaign will tap his expansive personal Rolodex and a new base of supporters who aren’t on party rolls, two Trump advisers said.

It’s gonna be epic when he says: “We’re not gonna build a wall.”

But it won’t change any Trumpkins’ minds. Chumps gonna chump.

185 Responses to “Trump Flip-Flops on Minimum Wage, Self-Funding”

  1. As evidence, see the comments of Trumpkins below, which will defend Trump on both issues. Somehow.

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  2. As I do the math The Donald has been talking like Hillary! longer than Hillary! has.

    He’s over a year older than her. And he only started mouthing different phrases than his fellow crooked New York on-the-take establishment leftist 15 minutes ago.

    Steve57 (412496)

  3. Reporter: “Bernie Sanders says he wants $15-an-hour minimum wage, and he has really gone after you lately for saying you’re happy with $7.25, the current federal minimum wage. You can’t live on $7.25-an-hour.”

    Donald Trump: “No, and I’m actually looking at that, because I’m very different from most Republicans. I mean, you have to have something that you can live on, but what I’m really looking to do, is get people great jobs so they make much more money than that, so they make much money — more money than the $15. Now, if you start playing around too much with the lower level, the lower level number, you’re not going to be competitive.”

    Matthew Quigley: [Quigley shoots Dobkin, O’Flynn and Marston before they can even aim their guns, then walks up to a dying Marston] “I said I never had much use for one. Never said I didn’t know how to use it.”

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  4. Trump. A husband to women and a wife to men. (Or is that Roger Stone?)

    nk (dbc370)

  5. The reason it won’t matter to the Trumpkins is that they wanted him to blow up the GOP.

    crazy (cde091)

  6. ohnoes picklepuppies

    Jamba moving HQ from Cali to Texas our Texas

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  7. 6-ding,ding,ding. Get yourself a cigar.

    mg (31009b)

  8. Know how we sometimes say we have to pick the lesser of two evils? It’s a way to describe a hard choice, but most of the time the choices aren’t evil as much as undesirable.

    This time the choices are actually evil, and picking evil (even the “lesser” evil) is never good.

    DRJ (15874d)

  9. Good point, crazy.

    DRJ (15874d)

  10. I also think Trump supporters will like Trump’s shift on the minimum wage because many of them make minimum wage.

    DRJ (15874d)

  11. when the lifeydoodles whine about hillary’s judges i’m a giggle like a pooper

    giggle giggle poop!

    they carry on so

    about the precious fetuses

    but it’s not worth even the chance to them that Mr. Trump would appoint a lifeydoodle

    (it’s dead certain pee-stank won’t)

    yeah we see how they are


    poopy doopy posers the lot of them

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  12. Trump is a liar, but he isn’t lying about self-funding for the general election.

    He has stated previously when it comes to the general election he will need to accept limited donations to even thea Ying field. And if he can take money from his cultists, so be it. It worked for Scientology; why not Trumpism?

    njrob (6507a7)

  13. What is your problem with religious people? Do you just hate religion, or has someone in your life been hurt by a pregnancy that you think an abortion would have prevented?

    DRJ (15874d)

  14. Even the playing field*

    njrob (6507a7)

  15. DRJ,

    why bother. You know he won’t give a serious answer.

    I don’t know how anyone could tolerate him offline with his persona on here.

    njrob (6507a7)

  16. I agree. Many people have said he is nice in real life but, at this point, that makes me question their judgment. He is cruel and hateful and it can’t just be online that he acts thus way.

    DRJ (15874d)

  17. is a perfectly sound observation

    to note the disconnect

    harvardtrash ben sasse thinks all the wee widdle fetuses are being murdered (ohnoes!)

    but he won’t lift a finger to stop hillary and her judges

    oh yes

    this is who they are

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  18. Its an act like Christian slatet, mostly.

    narciso (1b4366)

  19. that’s my favorite movie after fargo

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  20. Trump is a salesman.

    Right now, the product he is selling is himself. So he will say whatever he thinks is needed to close the sale.

    kishnevi (28fa9f)

  21. #12

    I am open to voting for Trump only because of judges. I think he has a chance to win over a lot of conservatives by being able to articulate constitutional concepts and why it’s important. I think there’s virtually no chance of that happening. He would probably have to be tutored at some length to be able to speak convincingly on why he wants to appoint strict constructionist judges who don’t try to rewrite the constitution.

    IMO Trump just thinks of courts the way the average clueless person does, i.e., that courts are just another group of people that make laws, and you just want to get people in there who’ll make laws that you like. So if you want to own guns but want women to be able get an abortion, then you want judges who protect gun rights and vote to wipe out all the state laws restricting abortions. The constitution has nothing to do with it.

    Instead what he’ll do is say he wants to appoint judges who won’t take peoples guns away, which is fine in itself. But then when the media starts asking him if he’d appoint a judge who’d repeal Roe v Wade he’d say “oh no we have to keep Roe Wade!”. At that point it’ll be anyone’s guess what kind of judge he’d actually appoint but it’ll lead many of us lifeydoodle types to take a pass.

    The bottom line is it’s very difficult to know what he’d appoint, because he has no conservative philosophy in this area (like most other areas) unlike Ted Cruz.

    Gerald A (7c7ffb)

  22. 17. I agree. Many people have said he is nice in real life but, at this point, that makes me question their judgment. He is cruel and hateful and it can’t just be online that he acts thus way.

    DRJ (15874d) — 5/5/2016 @ 8:58 am

    I subscribe to what I’ve learned to call the Hemingway rule.

    Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk. That’ll teach you.

    What I mean is, I’m not tempted to be more of an (expletive deleted) online than I would be offline.

    Steve57 (412496)

  23. I also think Trump supporters will like Trump’s shift on the minimum wage because many of them make minimum wage.

    Trump is a salesman.

    Right now, the product he is selling is himself. So he will say whatever he thinks is needed to close the sale.

    Yes and yes.

    nk (dbc370)

  24. The ideology or philosophy behind Trump is whatever idea or statement or approach helps him win. If he has to be a liberal, he can be that; if he has to be conservative, he’ll be that.

    And his hardcore supporters go along with it. Because for them: “They all lie, they’re all corrupt, we must beat Hillary and the ends – saving America – justifies any and all means. And we trust him to do the right thing even if he has to lie to do it.”

    We can intellectualize this as much as we want and talk about declining wages among blue collar whites or the trade deficit or this or that; but it boils down to the simple explanation above.

    SteveMG (205671)

  25. I am open to voting for Trump only because of judges.

    see this is sound thinking

    i can relate to these thinkings; they are make sense

    for the love of pumpernickel after 8 years of food stamp I don’t understand why so many people think we have to have ivory soap purity or pee-stank

    that’s just twisted

    it’s just putting someone in the presidency it’s not like you’re taking a wedding vow

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  26. SteveMG you give me hope.

    You aren’t the only one. Too numerous to mention. All I can say is, thanks for the intertubes and forums like Pat’s. Because otherwise I could be convinced I was alone and everything was lost.

    Steve57 (412496)

  27. No, they’re Reagan Democrats formerly Wallace Democrats and they fear and hate people of color. All people of color but the foreign ones are the ones they can get away with. They are not especially pro-life, or pro-religious liberty, or pro-sexual morality. They are pro-government services and pro-government handouts and they want what they consider their lion’s share seeing as they are the dominant group. In other words, a$$holes. Like the Johnsons of Rock Ridge.

    nk (dbc370)

  28. How many times must a man turn his head and pretend that he just doesn’t see?

    ropelight (ee660f)

  29. What’s your count so far?

    Rick Ballard (44b7ba)

  30. DRJ,

    why bother. You know he won’t give a serious answer.

    I don’t know how anyone could tolerate him offline with his persona on here.
    njrob (6507a7) — 5/5/2016 @ 8:55 am

    Are we sure happyfeet isn’t that adult baby guy on disability?

    L.N. Smithee (b84cf6)

  31. why you gotta be like that hello i have feelings

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  32. The morning after Trump, the Great Self-Funder, flip-flops on his pledge, The Great Rush Limbaugh begins his program talking about…Boeing.

    L.N. Smithee (b84cf6)

  33. why you gotta be like that hello i have feelings

    happyfeet (a037ad) — 5/5/2016 @ 9:47 am

    Short answer: Because you gotta be like that.

    L.N. Smithee (b84cf6)

  34. You aren’t the only one. Too numerous to mention

    Patterico is angry at the party when his anger should be largely directed at the millions who support Mr. Trump. They’re the problem.

    I think many, if not most, of Trump’s supporters are really good people. Good as people, as neighbors, as friends, as Americas. But as citizens I think they are failing miserably.

    Of course, they say the same thing, more or less, about us.

    SteveMG (205671)

  35. that is unislamic

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  36. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump outlined economic policy initiatives on Thursday that he would pursue if elected to the White House in November, including refinancing longer-term U.S. debt, lowering taxes and scrapping a slew of federal regulations.

    The Manhattan real estate mogul said his aim would be to clear the way for U.S. businesses to succeed.

    “We’re lowering taxes very substantially and we’re going to be getting rid of a tremendous amount of regulations,” Trump said in a wide-ranging interview with CNBC.

    oh my goodness

    here he comes on the run with a burger and a bun

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  37. Feets You’ve Failed Us Now

    Your daddy says yer no good
    Your mama says keep away
    I got to tell you truthful, feets, you gonna have to go get spayed
    We got somethin’ comin’ down this road
    I’ll bet you my last dollar, feets, you been smokin’ poison toad

    Colonel Haiku (5cf471)

  38. There’s a quote about how it’s our job to vote for the one who will do the least amount of damage. So thats where I’m at. Hillary is a dull but predictable pol and probably not repeat a lybia Fiasco. I couldn’t vote for her but I could abstain

    Pj (b8af2d)

  39. If you want to pay unskilled workers accordingly then you’d have to find a free country to set up shop in, not the slavery hell of modern, liberal America.

    CrustyB (69f730)

  40. One Ohio Blue Tip Match away from a blaze.

    mg (31009b)

  41. Dustin Teh Wind

    We close our eyes
    only for a moment, and a post appears
    All his schemes
    pass before his eyes, a curiosity
    Dustin teh wind, all we read is Dustin teh wind

    Same old song
    breakin’ wind is easy, just ask Hillary
    She’s the worst
    Bad points mixed with worse, though some refuse to see
    Dustin teh wind, all we read is Dustin teh wind

    Now, just read on,
    nothing lasts forever, it just seems that way
    If he starts to bray
    shake yer head and stand up or just turn the page
    Dustin teh wind, all we read is Dustin teh wind (all we read is Dustin teh wind)
    Dustin teh wind (everything is Dustin teh wind), everything is Dustin teh wind (teh wind)

    Colonel Haiku (5cf471)

  42. Sorry, just waitin’ on an oil change, feelin’ sassy

    Colonel Haiku (5cf471)

  43. “probably not repeat a lybia Fiasco”

    She’s probably committing a labia Fiasco as I write this!

    Colonel Haiku (5cf471)

  44. As I posted on another thread,

    He’s already betraying the Trumpies:

    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) stood with Trump. “As the presumptive nominee, he now has the opportunity and the obligation to unite our party around our goals,” McConnell said in a statement.

    “I’m very much a team player, and I look forward to working with Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy and everybody,” Trump said. He said he aims for “total cooperation,” though noted their clear differences on trade.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  45. What DRJ said about 2 evils and not just two poor choices.

    I’m not giving too much thought about it at the moment,
    I can see circumstances arise where neither is the candidate,
    especially HRC.
    And as I and others have said,
    if she gets elected, she will not really be president,
    her handlers will be
    she will need to deal with more than Jarrett,
    though she will be one of them,
    she will have a crapp* existence until the DOJ or other blackmailer puts her out of her misery.

    MD in Philly (062f39)

  46. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) stood with Trump. “As the presumptive nominee, he now has the opportunity and the obligation to unite our party around our goals,” McConnell said in a statement.

    I will not wait on ropelight’s permission to commence projectile vomiting.

    Steve57 (412496)

  47. If Trump is still the Republican nominee in November,
    as others have also said,
    the only reason to vote for him is if one thinks his judicial picks will be better, even if by accident.

    My #1 hope is in the least somebody having a road to Damascus experience,
    Or a grazing with the beasts of the field episode,
    Or similar,
    We will continue our decline into Romans 1,
    Getting what we deserve.

    MD in Philly (062f39)

  48. sleazy corrupt McConnell needs to go to his quiet place and stay there

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  49. I know people who are for Hillary and I know people who are for Trump.
    One of them has to lose. Yay!!!!
    It will make one group of people I care about unhappy.
    I prefer it to be the group who is for Trump.
    Because I care for the people who are for Hillary more.
    Not to mention that Trump losing will make me happy.
    Sometimes you just have to prioritize.
    Instead of asking which is the lesser evil, ask which is the greater good.
    Discouraging future Nicky Santoros and Ginger McKennas from looking to take up residence in the White House is good for America.

    nk (dbc370)

  50. oh my goodness

    here he comes on the run with a burger and a bun
    happyfeet (a037ad) — 5/5/2016 @ 9:56 am

    Well, that’s gonna be going through my head all day (not a bad thing).

    Yabba Dabba Doo!

    L.N. Smithee (b84cf6)

  51. love that song!

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  52. The title of the WaPo link is “Donald Trump takes the reins of a divided Republican Party”. That’s the down ticket targeting smear which the media will be using for the next six months in an effort to regain the House and Senate for the Dems. It’s a good tactical move and should be reasonably effective.

    Rick Ballard (44b7ba)

  53. if anyone here is willing to put on their grown up hat for a moment, consider this:

    if Trump says he’s against the minimum wage, or against raising it, the cries from the left of “H8r!!!” etc will be endless, and Shrillery will beat him over the head with it endlessly.

    but, if he says “i’m looking at it”, they’ve got nothing.

    great ghu, he’s running for office, and against a biased media. what do you want him to do, GIVE them more ammo?

    get a fing grip.

    redc1c4 (b14302)

  54. So, what is Trump’s position on the minimum wage? Do you care to know? Or is your argument that he can’t say because he’ll get hurt politically? And therefore whatever it is is fine with you?

    This is why I said above for his supporters the ends justify any means.

    Well, you’re fine to accept that but include me out.

    SteveMG (205671)

  55. Key figure in Trump super PAC convicted in campaign money case

    His decision to hire a Dem supporter for his new PAC is a great example of how he learns from vetting errors.

    Rick Ballard (44b7ba)

  56. Grifter Clinton voted in by conservatives and 10 alarm fire still burning the republican party.

    mg (31009b)

  57. Y’all just don’t get it.

    All things are negotiable with Pragmatist Trump. It is the art of the deal.

    There is no ideology.

    “The world is a business, Mr. Beale. It’s been that way since man crawled out of the slime.” -‘Arthur Jensen’ (Ned Beatty) “Network,” 1976.

    DCSCA (a343d5)

  58. red,

    Using your logic, President Trump will cave to the Democratic position on everything because he won’t want to get beaten up by the media and Congress. He will also lose people who really care about the positions he caves on now.

    You realize what stealth candidates do once they get to Washington, don’t you? They do what John Roberts did.

    DRJ (15874d)

  59. If Roberts had voted to strike down Obamacare would Trump be where he is today?

    I think probably not. And the irony is (or one of them) is that Obama opposed Robert’s nomination.

    So not only did Roberts save Obama’s major legacy issue he also produced Donald Trump.

    Yeah, Cleopatra’s nose and all that….

    SteveMG (205671)

  60. oh my goodness this has nothing to do with cleopatra

    it has to do with pee-stank

    Mr. Trump will do much better economics on the minimal wage than pee-stank hello

    this is obvious to anyone who is willing to do the analysis (unless they wearing crazypants)

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  61. I hate to be a conspiracist but I think Roberts was blackmailed. There is nothing else that accounts for his constitutional backbend.

    SarahW (67599f)

  62. i agree someone leaned on him

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  63. I can’t get no
    sat is fac tion.

    I can’t get no
    sat is fac tion.

    Trump flipped the bird at Lips Jagger.
    “We have the rights to use them. I always buy the rights.

    Doesn’t everybody?

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  64. I hate to be a conspiracist but I think Roberts was blackmailed. There is nothing else that accounts for his constitutional backbend.

    SarahW (67599f) — 5/5/2016 @ 12:24 pm

    Unfortunately, there’s no way anybody can prove that, unless someday Hastert-like details emerge.

    In one sense, being a Supreme Court Justice is like love, as described in the movie Love Story; You never have to say “I’m sorry”. You also don’t have to explain yourself, at least not in a coherent fashion. Thus, Obergefell and the “right to dignity” penciled into the margins of the Constitution by Anthony Kennedy.

    L.N. Smithee (b84cf6)

  65. Trump Hires New Finance Chair Who Was Partner at Goldman, Gave to Clinton, AND Worked for Soros!

    The Trump tent is just YUUUUGE!
    Rick Ballard (44b7ba) — 5/5/2016 @ 12:30 pm

    Trump has a goldy sacky on his team? Say it ain’t so, Joe!

    L.N. Smithee (b84cf6)

  66. Using your logic, President Trump will cave to the Democratic position on everything because he won’t want to get beaten up by the media and Congress.

    DRJ (15874d) — 5/5/2016 @ 11:43 am

    You mean, like Schwarzenegger? Who could’ve seen that coming?

    L.N. Smithee (b84cf6)

  67. steve produced the lego movie

    everything is awesome!

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  68. Peach Ghost Pepper Jelly arrive, happyfeet?

    mg (31009b)

  69. yes yes but oops i think i just got regular

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  70. i’m a take it to des moines i think

    whenever that trip is – sometime in June I think

    we’ll serve it and then my aunt can take some home if she likes

    is so hard up here in midwest

    people are averse to spicy more than regular people are

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  71. but it’s not worth even the chance to them that Mr. Trump would appoint a lifeydoodle

    Well let’s think about that for a second. Trump’s chance of winning is remote.

    And his politics are defined by New York values. He’s a lifelong con artist whose recent conservatism runs against his lavish support of Hillary and Pelosi and his statements about being pro-choice, and he betrays everyone who deals with him, in business, marriage, and politics.

    So you’re right, the chance he’s going to appoint judges I like is not worth very much.

    I have reacted poorly to the news that the GOP has nominated a would-be tyrant, grimly realizing Hillary is actually not as horrible (albeit I’m obviously very unhappy with Hillary being the likely next president). But I think this is an opportunity for a third party to shake things up on politics.

    There’s a lot of discontent in both parties, and perhaps if we just gave a fiscally sound, mind-your-own business approach a shot, we’d find a lot of takers. The people running the GOP wouldn’t be that unhappy as democrats, and only picked the GOP for political advantage (like Trump).

    I’ll keep an open mind that a third way opens up. That’s worth more to me than happyfeet’s cryptic promise of pro-life judges (which is like Obama promising to balance the budget).

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  72. Is it any comfort that Trump was always in this as a spoiler, and means to throw the election in spectacular fashion, handing his old pal Hillary a Reaganesque landslide and revealing his supporters as the worst kind of ninnies forever tainting the GOP as down at the heels dumb. Then he will laugh and laugh as he informs us he always meant to do this.

    That, or he really is that taco-bowl dumb. Distinction without a difference?

    SarahW (67599f)

  73. did i go to wrong website?

    i did that with cheese cave

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  74. y’all are wrong Mr. Trump is gonna win the whole presidency, and he’ll do just fine

    and he’s a delightful alternative to vintage pee-stank

    block the dates

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  75. My hearts in the basement, my cinco’s at an all time low.

    SarahW (67599f)

  76. Sarah, it looks like we’re back to seeing things similarly.

    Happyfeet, you’re telling me you really think Trump is going to be a pro-life president, and this brings you happiness? Am I understanding you?

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  77. including refinancing longer-term U.S. debt It looks like Trump actually said something that makes sense, but I suppose, upon further examination, it will turn out he didn’t. That’s true. The United States needs to refinance its debt even at a higher interest rate. Or keep interest rates low.

    He’s saying erefinance the debt because he wants interest rates to go up. At least he realizes – maybe – taht should be done first.

    But if Trump thinks raising interest rates much above 0% is a good idea, he could get the United States right into a major depression, and he won’t be able to refinance enough of the debt in time.

    Of course, one could point out, he’s good at sticking people with debt that declines in value, and has no conscience about it.

    But he hasn’t figured out yet what happenes when bank balance sheets drop in value because all those Treasury bonds they bought yielding 3.5% will be selling at 70% of their face value after 18 months or so.

    He’s could be as dumb in economics as Andrew Jackson.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  78. Many see Trump as a candidate outside the mold. An outlier. I don’t.

    For as long as I can remember – and surely long before that – Republican voters have been suckered into voting for candidates who talk a good game. Salesmen with nothing to sell but themselves, using whatever convenient lie helps to close the deal. A Romney staffer called his man – and, let’s be honest, it describes most pols – as a human etch-a-sketch. We didn’t go off the deep end because Romney was an etch-a-sketch, because we all saw it coming. So why with Shorty?

    Shorty doesn’t have “New York values,” he has Washington values. He’ll fit in just fine. If anything, he fits the “compassionate conservative” mold better than Bush Jr.

    And I don’t really expect any “a-ha” insights from Shorty’s supporters, given what we’ve seen from Obama supporters. Symbolic votes are like that. Henceforth, regardless of whatever his policies amount to be, he will always be the crass and bombastic anti-pol that you either love or love to hate.

    To finish, I’d like to defend etch-a-sketch candidates. I can’t blame them. Voters who fail to learn from their own mistakes are asking for it. Chumps get what they deserve. There are lots of delightful sayings about human gullibility. Two of my favorites are: “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me;” and the always useful ” In a democracy, the people get the government they deserve.” In either Hill or Shorty, we will be getting what we deserve.

    ThOR (df0186)

  79. sleazy corrupt McConnell needs to go to his quiet place and stay there

    How about a comment on Trump embracing the GOPe leaders, hippyfeet? Wouldn’t it have been better to wait a few days first?

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  80. So, Trump supporter, what’s his view on the minimum wage? Raise it? Lower it? What?

    Trump supporter: “It’s great.”

    Okay but what is it?

    “It’s the best.”

    And it is…?

    “Whatever he says.”

    SteveMG (205671)

  81. If Trump refinances rates from short to long and bumps up interest payment then expect him to call for cuts and tax increases.

    A truly noble Prince would get the cuts. Turds like Obola would raise taxes and screw the people.

    Rodney King's Spirit (db6706)

  82. Again, Trump could come out against football, barbecue and pie and his supporters wouldn’t bat an eye.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  83. Happyfeet, you’re telling me you really think Trump is going to be a pro-life president, and this brings you happiness? Am I understanding you?

    number one yeah i think it’s likely he will take path of least resistance and nominate someone who’s more or less a lifeydoodle

    whatever that’s just life

    but no you are not understanding me

    my point is that lifeydoodles who are not lifting a finger to keep partial birth pee-stank from appointing judges are not at all acting in accord with their rather melodramatic beliefs on the subject

    and i think it’s very telling

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  84. There’s a cheese cave?

    SarahW (67599f)

  85. For the USA to screw around with the world’s underlying currency (US Treasury notes) is the type of thing that leads to wars. Especially from a guy who thinks BK is just a another business ploy.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  86. there’s TWO!

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  87. Next week: Global warming and why unions are good.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  88. this is the wrong one – i accidentally got three months of cheese for aunt picklehead there

    then i realized error and got a basket from the right one here – that one has actual caves of cheese splendor

    happyfeet (a037ad)

    cheese caves.

    mg (31009b)

  90. lifeydoodles who are not lifting a finger to keep partial birth pee-stank from appointing judges are not at all acting in accord with their rather melodramatic beliefs on the subject

    I know you’re smart so don’t take this as patronizing, but this argument relies on the assumption Trump is going to be a pro-life president. He is to Hillary’s left on social issues, at least in his actions. His words don’t mean anything to me, and this post is a good example of why.

    What I’m actually hearing from you is that pro-lifers are stupid, because they are missing their great shot here by not trusting this pro-life leader you admire, Mr ‘Piece of Ass’ Trump. Did you cross your fingers when you said that?

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  91. “A truly noble Prince would get the cuts.”

    Teh Prince is dead. Long live teh Prince.

    Colonel Haiku (5cf471)

  92. But of course, he’ll never stop reaching out to Hispanics:

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  93. Dustin (2a8be7) — 5/5/2016 @ 12:56 pm

    Hillary arguably got four people killed in Benghazi. She certainly brazenly lied to the families and the nation about how they got killed.

    We know of at least one person she may have gotten killed through her criminal use of an unsecured email server, and maybe more that we don’t know of. She certainly put people’s lives at risk and harmed national security by her behavior, and I don’t perceive that she cares at all. And why did she set up a private server anyway? It was apparently to be able to conceal ways that she misused her office. For example she appears to have blended activities related to the Clinton Global Initiative with her duties at State.

    Then there’s the State Dept. approval while she was in charge, of the sale of a large US uranium company to a Russian company after they paid Bill a few hundred thousand for a speech.

    And her speeches for which she was paid millions, the contents of which she refuses to make public.

    Going back a ways there’s the cattle futures and her smearing of women who came forward about Bill’s behavior.

    As bad as Trump is it’s utterly astounding to me that anyone could think she’s less bad.

    Gerald A (7c7ffb)

  94. Kevin, I’m a fan of all things Taco, but that was pathetic!

    I’ve never understood pandering politicians or how that stuff works on people, but with Trump it’s comical when someone believes in him.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  95. That is the correct jelly, happyfeet. I thought I tasted peach.
    I could eat a jar a day.

    mg (31009b)

  96. There’s a certain pointlessness to political arguments, which I see all the time living here in the SF Bay Area. Here, liberals profess that their view are reasoned, but if you succeed in refuting their best “reasoned” argument, there is a second, equally important argument supporting their position. If you can disprove that argument, then there is a third, and a fourth and on and on. The truth is that for them, support for any particular position is an article of faith, no matter how much they deny it. When it gets right down to it, their world view is not about reasoned facts, but something much greater. It is the embrace of “truth,” for which facts only play a role of transient convenience.

    For the Trumphilic, their support for Shorty is not reasoned, no matter how much they protest it is, but, rather, an article of faith.

    ThOR (df0186)

  97. Gerald, Trump embraced Hillary being the Secretary of State and if you watch his Larry King interview before her confirmation hearing, he clearly would have picked her too. She did very poorly, and the consequences were predictable. That and the classified emails scandal are both serious scandals and I have the lowest opinion of Hillary because of them.

    As bad as Trump is it’s utterly astounding to me that anyone could think she’s less bad.

    Astounding? Really?

    Trump threatened riots of millions on America’s streets and violence at his rallies in response to free speech. And when it happened he embraced it. I can’t recall Hillary smearing the families of her political opponents in the nasty, endlessly spammy way Trump did. Her behavior with her husband’s sleaze is nothing compared to Trump’s with his own. Trump has openly threatened consequences for his critics if he gets power, whereas Hillary keeps her blacklist private.

    Trump’s values towards family, which I think are an important characteristic, are horrible.

    Trump has praised the bloodthirsty communist regimes for the Tiananmen Square massacre, for North Korea’s behavior, and praises Putin’s treatment of his detractors. These aren’t isolated comments, but line up perfectly with his treatment of critics, and his willingness to smear them or even see them roughed up.

    And you are shocked I would say he’s worse than Hillary for being a bumbling idiot as Secretary of State? Even with your awareness that Trump boosted Hillary into that role after embracing her run for the presidency? At what point is Trump responsible for anything he does or says? To me, Hillary’s behavior actually stains the judgment of both her and Trump.

    If Trump were the democrat, and Hillary the republican, I wonder if you’d still see it that way. Me, I think they are both awful, but Trump is the one making noises to be a tyrant.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  98. I’m curious as to whether he’s going to choose fried chicken or watermelon for his black outreach move.

    Rick Ballard (44b7ba)

  99. i don’t think Mr. Trump is to pee-stank’s left on social issues at all

    and i don’t think he has anything even remotely approaching a constituency for being so

    he may not be Lila Rose but he’ll be way more lifeydoodle than hillary

    I promise

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  100. I could eat a jar a day.

    i’m a give one jar to lil brudder for to glaze a ham or something

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  101. Gerald, just to be clear, I think Hillary is everything you say she is. And worse, probably.

    Trump’s contempt for our soldiers, and his praise of violence, particularly historical violence committed by dictatorships against dissent, along with his actual actions against dissent and the potential he would not win this election, prove to me he is actually worse.

    Worse than Hillary may seem impossible after 22 years Hillary being who she is on the national stage, but Trump loved Hillary in 2008, when we all knew who she was. Those who promoted Hillary being Secretary of State get blame when she predictably treats the job with her zealous politics to the point of blood being spilled. Blood Trump doesn’t even care about, if you recall him swindling the vets, kicking them off Park Avenue, and insulting POWs.

    I can appreciate someone deciding Trump is not as bad. It’s not an easy call, I guess. But I don’t think it’s so astonishing that most Americans, double digit margin, think Trump’s worse. There’s just so much reason to think this.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  102. 86. Kevin M (25bbee) — 5/5/2016 @ 1:24 pm

    For the USA to screw around with the world’s underlying currency (US Treasury notes) is the type of thing that leads to wars. Especially from a guy who thinks BK is just a another business ploy.

    Trump’s now saying (it would seem)that he’d first refinance most of the U.S. debt into long term bonds (using Goldman Sachs maybe to place the issue?) and then raise interest rates higher than the people buying the bonds expect.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  103. Honest Trump supporter: “Yeah he’s pandering. I hate it and he needs to get back on track. He’s the best we have but I admit he’s flawed. And if he continues I’ll hammer him. I’m not going to accept anything.”

    But nope, no can do. They can’t do that.

    It’s things like this that make us hold them in low regard. Unquestioning loyalty.

    SteveMG (205671)

  104. As bad as Trump is it’s utterly astounding to me that anyone could think she’s less bad.

    I can say with certainty that Hillary will not accidentally get us in a major war. Trump is so ignorant, willful and arrogant that I cannot say the same for him.

    He already talks about a trade war with China, which is terribly dangerous and threatens them with economic collapse. Maybe they negotiate. Maybe they say eff you and invade Taiwan.

    He talks of using nuclear weapons, and/or giving them to other nations (both in contravention of treaties).

    He talks about using the military to round up illegals (and perhaps people who look like illegals).

    It’s not hard to see him using the military against Mexico.

    And let’s not even get into his Napoleonic complex.

    Hillary is merely awful. Trump’s damage could be existential.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  105. Sammy had a good post on the other thread from Sasse.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  106. #105:

    Just like all those Democrats who said that if the Lewinsky thing was proved, Clinton would have to resign forgetting all they said when the Lewinsky thing was proved.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

    just tried the wild rice pancake mix. Good stuff.

    mg (31009b)

  108. Gerald A (7c7ffb) — 5/5/2016 @ 1:32 pm

    She certainly brazenly lied to the families and the nation about how they got killed.

    Not how they got killed – by the way, we still don’t really know that for the Ambassador – but why they got killed, and not to the nation, but only to a few members of the families, in private. Jake Sullivan went back through her statements that October, and e-mailed her that she never said (the sort of things Susan Rice said.)

    We know of at least one person she may have gotten killed through her criminal use of an unsecured email server,

    Who is that?

    And why did she set up a private server anyway? It was apparently to be able to conceal ways that she misused her office. For example she appears to have blended activities related to the Clinton Global Initiative with her duties at State.

    Yes, of course. (or more precisely because she or someone else might slip up and send or receive mail she shouldn’t at her account. If she never had a account in the first place it would be easier to avoid mistakenly leaving incriminating evidence in the government’s possession.)

    But I don’t see people saying that. They only say it was to evade the Freedom of Information Act.

    Then there’s the State Dept. approval while she was in charge, of the sale of a large US uranium company to a Russian company after they paid Bill a few hundred thousand for a speech.

    A very real possible quid pro quo.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  109. Hillary’s damage will be existential as well with the judiciary alone.

    As DRJ said, the choice is the “lesser” of two really bad evils.

    The time is ripe for a common sense 3rd candidate,
    Will the person be the answer,
    or the devil itself?

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  110. Charles Lane in the evil Washington Post:

    I would also note that those who may support Trump due to economic concerns are fully aware of his contemptuous refusal to offer anything but his own purported business brilliance by way of a solution — because no sentient person could be unaware of it.

    The pro-Trump segment of the American electorate has thus abdicated a basic duty of a democratic citizenry: to hold a candidate accountable for his or her ideas.

    Responding about the need to defeat Hillary at all costs and we can’t be worried about this is not persuasive since you held this same view during the primaries BEFORE Trump won the nomination. You didn’t hold him accountable then so spare me your new argument that we must defeat Hillary and therefore can’t hold him accountable now.

    You don’t hold him accountable period.

    SteveMG (205671)

  111. I think it’s anyone’s guess whether and to what extend Shorty will live up to his primary promises.

    I also think it is anyone’s guess as to how Shorty’s quick temper and venality will manifest themselves in the White House.

    Clinton, on the other hand, is very much a known quantity. The only question in my mind is the extent to which she’ll let her husband call the shots. If, when in office, Hill decides to emulate Bill, a Clinton presidency wouldn’t be so bad.

    ThOR (df0186)

  112. that wild rice place is a little

    i dunno

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  113. y’all do not do good thinks

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  114. i’m a have to help you a lot i can tell

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  115. Ted Kennedy thought today was cinquodeoldsmobile.

    mg (31009b)


    happyfeet (a037ad)

  117. I read where DJT could legally reimburse his primary campaign expenses with new donations from others any time up to the last primary. So, will he? Will the media go after this point with vigor – just like they have the non-distribution of the proceeds from the Vet telethon?

    Ed from SFV (3400a5)

  118. I just read an idiotic article recommending what Trump needs to do to beat Hillary (I am not linking to it). The article plays down Trump’s repugnant comments by suggesting that “His biggest offense, though, is that he wins without their help.” The term “their” refers to establishment Republicans. The author is trying to depict Trump as a maverick who is going to crush the establishment. Below is the comment that I left below the article. Feel free to adapt this and use it anywhere it might reach Trump supporters who can still be reached:

    Really? Trump’s biggest offenses are the sophomoric and morally repugnant things he says. How do you defend a man who:

    1) Ridiculed a war veteran for being a prisoner of war.

    2) Proudly posted an unflattering video-freeze of Heidi Cruz.

    3) Peddled unsubstantiated allegations from a crappy rag about Ted Cruz’s extramarital affairs.

    4) Peddled unsubstantiated allegations from a crappy rag about Rafael Cruz’s involvement Kennedy’s assassination -and doubled down on this the next day!

    Trump supporters are going to hammer me for posting this with the usual arsenal of insults and crude talking points. I challenge them to defend any of these things I have listed. I will make it easier for you. Here is a questionnaire:

    How do you justify nominating a candidate who has made the aforementioned comments?

    a) This does not bother me because I do not like the people he attacked.

    b) This bothers me, but I let this slide because only someone who takes the low road can beat Hillary.

    c) This bothers me, but I let this slide because Trump lacks political experience.

    If you answered “a”, I have no intention of finding common ground with you. If you answered “b”, you are gravely mistaken. These disgusting comments and tweets will come back to haunt the Trump campaign now that he is running against the media’s favored candidate. If you answered “c”, I have follow-up question for you: Would you excuse this kind of behavior from any of your friends who have no political experience whatsoever?

    Tony (ff2fe4)

  119. Looking at that image, you might think he was eating Hispanics.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  120. Gerald:

    As bad as Trump is it’s utterly astounding to me that anyone could think she’s less bad.

    In addition to what Dustin and Kevin M said above, Trump damages conservativism far more than Hillary because Republican leaders will follow him. As President, he would be the person who is supposed to rein in government but he clearly wants to expand government on his terms. Hillary will promote liberal policies that are bad for America, but Trump will do lasting damage to America and conservatism.

    Specifically, the Republican Party will become the permanent party of crony capitalism with Trump in charge, and most DC Republicans will be thrilled. Conservatives (or at least a quasi-conservative) might be able to win in 2020 if Hillary is President, but the Party and many of its leaders will be corrupted. How can conservatives come back if the Presidency becomes the bipartisan domain of crony capitalists?

    It’s a terrible choice and I won’t vote for either one, but I understand why people here and many of my neighbors here in Texas prefer Hillary.

    DRJ (15874d)

  121. Another thing I forgot to mention was Travelgate where she tried to get someone jailed to cover up the fact she was doing a favor for their Hollywood friends.

    Gerald A (7c7ffb)

  122. The convention is 2 months away. There is time for the RNC to avoid the suicide death spiral. THere are several things they could do.

    1. They could change the rules to force an open convention, such as:
    a. Require a 2/3rds vote
    b. Declare all delegates are unbound, overriding all state party rules *
    c, Add all members of Congress and the Senate as super-delegates

    2. They could find that Trump had colluded with Kasich to game the rules on winner-take-all, and that they were therefore both disqualified. It would be interesting to follow Kasich’s money here.

    Failing that, state parties are under no obligation to recognize the national convention’s choice. IF some set of states had another name on the ballot the VOTE would not be split, but the electoral vote would be. If Hillary did not win, the House would choose.

    Or, Donald Trump could look at the dim prospects for raising money, passive-aggressive hostility from the party apparatus, and not wish (or be able) to fund it himself, and decide to step aside and release his delegates, perhaps asking hte others to do so also.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  123. * state laws binding delegate actions in another state are laughable.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  124. 1) Ridiculed a war veteran for being a prisoner of war.

    who doesn’t like having a lil fun at Meghan’s coward daddy’s expense i know i sure do

    2) Proudly posted an unflattering video-freeze of Heidi Cruz.

    lol! she looked all oogie like a monster heidi!

    3) Peddled unsubstantiated allegations from a crappy rag about Ted Cruz’s extramarital affairs.

    the key word there is allegations

    4) Peddled unsubstantiated allegations from a crappy rag about Rafael Cruz’s involvement Kennedy’s assassination – and doubled down on this the next day!

    pappy cruz is weird and creepy – and he really kinda skated through this whole dealio without any real scrutiny…. I can’t blame Mr. Trump for saying hey you guys check out this creepy old weirdo – it woulda sure as heck happened in the general if Mr. Cruz had been the nominee person (instead of Mr. Trump)

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  125. 124 – any of those options work for me. The Cuyahoga will be used to put out the flames.

    mg (31009b)

  126. Gerald,

    How you feel about Hillary has a lot to do with how you feel about Trump.

    Trump supporters have faith that Trump is a conservative at heart and will govern accordingly. Others hope that Trump will be a conservative or at least a moderate. For those of us who don’t have any hope or faith in Trump because we believe he is a con man who only cares about himself, we know everyday Americans will be screwed for the next 4 years no matter who wins. The question for us is whether we are also going to be screwed for 8, 12, or 16 years.

    DRJ (15874d)

  127. hispanics are friends not food

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  128. Surprise surprise, a guy who is golfing and and texting buddies with John Boehner would start sucking up to the establishment and hiring goldy sacksmen!

    Its clear his supporters don’t care what he says or thinks, only that he is one of them (even if he is actually not) and not one of them (even if he actually is).

    Patrick Henry, the 2nd (ddead1)

  129. Hopefully Mel hasn’t seen the old Marla Maples bikini pic he had under his plate.

    urbanleftbehind (756a52)

  130. Kevin M (25bbee) — 5/5/2016 @ 2:42 pm

    The RNC could

    b. Declare all delegates are unbound, overriding all state party rules

    A North Dakota delegate last week or so was proposing to do that.

    He was talking maybe about changing the rules fopr delegate selection, though.

    But, in any case, it not the RNC whicich could do that. The convention could do that. If they were disposed to do that, Trump probably wouldn’t win on the first ballot anyway.

    We have yet to see how Nebraska will vote.

    Failing that, state parties are under no obligation to recognize the national convention’s choice.

    That is true. But maybe only Oklahoma would do that.

    IF some set of states had another name on the ballot the VOTE would not be split, but the electoral vote would be. If Hillary did not win, the House would choose.

    For this to matter, the alternative candidate would have to win some usually blue or purple states. For instance, Ohio. Enough to keep everyone below 270.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  131. Hmmm.

    Mr. Feet pontificates on this, his personal website:

    “…pappy cruz is weird and creepy – and he really kinda skated through this whole dealio without any real scrutiny…”

    First, um, you are weird and creepy. And you have skated through all kinds of jaw dropping hypocrisy with the “clown nose on / clown nose off” nonsense that Patterico hates.


    And if you think it is your right to bloviate endlessly in your bizarre personal style, why, the rest of us have the right to point out you are deeply committed to be both offensive and lazy.

    Also, I’m SO glad you think that family members need to be investigated. I agree completely!

    Let’s look at that classy family of Trump. In detail.

    And you know there is much, much more. In particular, I haven’t touched on Trump’s, um, unusual father. Since you seem concerned with “weird” and “creepy” people.

    Make America Grate Again!

    Simon Jester (2708f4)

  132. @Gerald A

    Oh you mean this:

    One of the classified email chains discovered on Hillary Clinton’s personal unsecured server discussed an Afghan national’s ties to the CIA and a report that he was on the agency’s payroll, a U.S. government official with knowledge of the document told Fox News

    But this person was mentioned in the New York Times, and killed two years later during a shoot-out, and the Taliban had much more against Ahmed Wali Karzai, the half-brother of then-Afghan president Hamid Karzai, than the fact that the New York Times reported he had received “regular payments from the Central Intelligence Agency” and he may not have been killed by the Taliban at all.

    It’s also possible this refers to a different New York Times story about somebody else who wasn’t killed.

    Ahmed Wali Karzai was an official. Who had regular dealings with the Taliban maybe too. And there’s no reason to believe that mentioning him on her server resulted in anything.

    Sammy Finkelman (643dcd)

  133. I hope Paul Ryan runs third party.
    Fire in the sky.

    mg (31009b)

  134. I thought Heidi looked a lot like Stifler’s mom, Jennifer Coolidge from the American Pie movie, who is an attractive woman.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  135. If Mr happyfeet thought The Mr Donald would make America great again, he would vote for him. But Mr happyfeet doesn’t believe in voting because he thinks voting is stinky pee.
    Therefore, Mr happyfeet asserts that voting for The Mr Donald is equal to stinky pee.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  136. I have a hard time believing anyone supports Trump because they think he is a conservative,
    if there are, they don’t have evidence for it

    As I said before, I think Trump’s main support comes from people sick of DC, politicians, political correctness, and backing down.
    No more analysis than the first impression.
    Besides, if they all lie anyway, why bother analyzing?

    It is the equivalent of Obama, appeal to the darker angels,
    The envy card played the other way.
    As I read somewhere, an unemployed carpenter watching houses built by Spanish speakers doesn’t have much patience for listening to lectures about white privilege.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  137. Well, narciso,
    It worked so well with Gruber and domestic policy…

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  138. yes, that had occurred to me, what is striking is how they bought it again.

    narciso (732bc0)

  139. I hope Paul Ryan runs third party.
    Fire in the sky.

    He’s still dealing the Speaker thing.

    Romney/Condi — Romney because he can appeal to the center and because he doesn’t need to figure the general election out — he presumably won’t repeat mistakes. Condi because.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  140. I think Trump’s main support comes from people sick of DC, politicians, political correctness, and backing down.

    The Blutarsky theory.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  141. lol! she looked all oogie like a monster heidi!

    Patrick, thank you for not banning the Trump supporters. It provides my children with cautionary examples of what happens to them if they don’t eat their vegetables.

    Tony (ff2fe4)

  142. I don’t know any way to poll back a minimum wage increase that is already in place.
    If Federal minimum went to $10.10 tomorrow, lots other people would have to get bumped up to the point where they are making the same amount over minimum they were previously.
    You can roll that all back legally, but not practically… it would put the entire lower wage group into complete turmoil and the media would go into a frenzy finding the single mom with 14 kids stories.

    So rolling it back won’t work.
    The point where I agreed with Trump in that same interview on minimum wage was where he noted(in a round about way and I paraphrase) that the best way to solve the problem was to bring good paying jobs to America and render the minimum wage point moot

    steveg (fed1c9)

  143. pull… not poll

    steveg (fed1c9)

  144. They will keep selling it
    And buying it
    Until they don’t…
    Which doesn’t look like any time soon.

    But maybe the Ceausescu moment is nearer than we think.
    One can pray.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  145. 64. …The Trump tent is just YUUUUGE!

    Rick Ballard (44b7ba) — 5/5/2016 @ 12:30 pm

    Everything is now negotiable. And OK it always was. But in the past the RINOs at least had to lie to me to get me into bed with them. I had at least that much self-respect.

    Further to your last.

    This guy really is something new. He promises up front he’s going to sell me out. He’s already selling out the Trumpanzees. Unless, of course, the Trumpanzees want to confess they were in on it all along and they were always on the sly Goldman Sachs fans and George Soros acolytes.

    Steve57 (412496)

  146. I think Ryan may be doing what Levin advocates,
    Now that he is the nominee,
    Make him earn “our” support,
    Which he said he didn’t need or want
    Until he does

    At least Cruz can be consistent with those he opposes.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  147. It is in the nature of Stalinism for its adherents to make a certain kind of lying – and not only to others, but first of all to themselves – a fundamental part of their lives.

    It is always a mistake to assume that Stalinists do not know the truth about the political reality they espouse. If they don’t know the truth (or all of it) one day, they know it the next, and it makes absolutely no difference to them politically for their loyalty is to something other than the truth.

    And no historical enormity is so great, no personal humiliation or betrayal so extreme, no crime so heinous that it cannot be assimilated into the “ideals” that govern the true Stalinist mind which is impervious alike to documentary evidence and moral discrimination.

    – Hilton Kramer

    Jaycen (36b1e0)

  148. Mr Donald is sexy!
    He’ll make America great. Or at least pretty good!
    Because he’s The Mr Donald! He’s never made any company bankrupt, except for the four that he did!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  149. another novel that might be on point is bely’s very symbol laden tale of late czarism petersberg,

    narciso (732bc0)


    But I strongly recommend getting the paper reprint at a gun show and still testing the formulas with all possible care in case the CIA has sabotaged all extant editions. Or it was a trap to begin with.

    nk (dbc370)

  151. And, of course, comply with all international, federal, state and local laws.

    nk (dbc370)

  152. Kevin at #45 says;
    As I posted on another thread,

    He’s already betraying the Trumpies:

    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) stood with Trump. “As the presumptive nominee, he now has the opportunity and the obligation to unite our party around our goals,” McConnell said in a statement.

    “I’m very much a team player, and I look forward to working with Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy and everybody,” Trump said. He said he aims for “total cooperation,” though noted their clear differences on trade.

    On the same day that Hillary drops an attack ad using sound bites from the sour ex GOP candidates claiming Republicans won’t work with Trump,

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  153. he leveraged free media, because he had a message that didn’t put people to sleep, I thought it scorched earth more than it needed to, but when both vicente fox and cameron make some amends one wonders,

    narciso (732bc0)

  154. The Mr Donald is for America.
    Unfortunately, America is not for him.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  155. pt,

    we told you and TOLD you and TOLD YOU that we would not support Trump. You guys laughed it off as posturing.


    Kevin M (25bbee)

  156. On the same day that Hillary drops an attack ad using sound bites from the sour ex GOP candidates claiming Republicans won’t work with Trump,

    Yisss. Go Hillary! Hit Tiny Donnie from all sides.

    nk (dbc370)

  157. That taco thing. . .it should have come with a caption saying “obvious troll is obvious.” Anyone who took it as anything other than Trump yanking everyone’s chain and waiting for the Internet to explode probably should be assigned a minder to keep them from buying whatever suspension bridges are in the town they happen to be in.

    M. Scott Eiland (b97d1e)

  158. Steve57,

    The Trump supporter theme song is Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head and they’re never going to stop singing it just because Trump’s fly is always open to take advantage of their credulity.

    Rick Ballard (44b7ba)

  159. I left the Gubernatorial selection blank on the NJ vote after Christie kissed Obama and I will do the same this year for President. If David Larsen doesn’t unseat Leonard Lance for the Republican congressional nomination, I’ll do the same there as well.

    Thanks to all for dealing with clown nose so I don’t have to.

    njrob (9103c0)

  160. Totally on topic.

    I like takillya as much as the next guy. If I were to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, my thoughts wouldn’t first run to taco salad bowls.

    I have no problem celebrating Americans, though, including those whose names end in “Z.”

    MSG Roy Benavidez speech 1991

    If I were of Mexican heritage I’d be insulted by the Taco salad reference. I’m mostly Italian; is Puttanesca really the only thing we contributed? Manila John was nothing?

    …Sometime after 0200 the firing died down. No one relaxed. At 0300 the final remnants of the Sendai Regiments with their officers prepared themselves for a final Banzai charge. The full weight of the fanatical Japanese seemed to fall on Basilone’s men. But he had set up a cross fire which smashed the charge. Dropping to the mud, still screaming Colonel Sendai’s remnants crawled forward trying to reach their tormentors. Depressing the muzzles of his weapons — Basilone destroyed them. Nash Phillips lost a hand fighting next to his Sergeant. He was surprised to see John Basilone appear next to his bed a little while after dawn. “He was barefooted and his eyes were red as fire. His face was dirty black from gunfire and lack of sleep. His shirt sleeves were rolled up to his shoulders. He had a .45 tucked into the waistband of his trousers. He’d just dropped by to see how I was making out; me and the others in the section. I’ll never forget him. He’ll never be dead in my mind!”

    My Paisan! I can’t pass the road the Marines named after him at Camp Pendleton on I-5 without bowing my head.

    This was my point for mentioning Charles Keating IV. Do we remember bankster or the SEAL? Do we remember the edible salad bowl or Roy Benevidez?

    I look forward to the usual insults from the usual suspects.

    The various ethnic pride holidays, including Columbus Day (where it’s still allowed) I tend to celebrate by sitting on the couch watching a movie that had nothing to with it.

    Steve57 (412496)

  161. What do you guys think of a rumor that Donald Trump’s father used to give out a copy of Mao’s Little Red Book with every new lease in his buildings?

    nk (dbc370)

  162. There is a day
    It comes in May
    And Cinco is its name-o
    C-I-N-C-O… C-I-N-C-O… C-I-N-C-O…
    And Cinco was its name-o

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  163. seems unlikely, he started the real estate business when he was 15, his mother cosigned, obviously that made him a klansmen 7 years later, sarc,

    narciso (732bc0)

  164. a late friend of mine, who was half italian and irish, who was officially tdyed to tachikawa airbase, but unofficially was active at tan son nhut, pre 1965, became very cynical with the whole experience, and that what before he went into law enforcement,

    narciso (732bc0)

  165. Sour grapes barking dogs.

    ropelight (ee660f)

  166. Rick Perry has endorsed Donald “Cancer on Conservatism” Trump.

    I have a new post about that, and Jindal’s endorsement.

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  167. Col. Haiku,

    Tim Cavanaugh fan?

    It isn’t uno, isn’t dos,
    It isn’t tres or quattro.
    C-I-N-CO, C-I-N-C-O, C-I-N-C-O
    It’s called Cinco de Mayo!

    arik (02de93)

  168. Well, he was first generation German stock, do you think it might have been copies of Mein Kampf instead?

    nk (dbc370)

  169. BTW, domelight, sour grapes would be if we said “Bah, we didn’t like Cruz all that much, anyway”. Learn your cliches. Still opposing Tiny Donnie is “F*** yourselves, Trumpkins”.

    nk (dbc370)

  170. What’s your count so far?

    Rick Ballard,

    Nearly 36 hours in, we’re just shy of 300. Michael van der Galien gave us a nice boost today. I’m slogging through it. I think I found a slightly better way to do it than copying everything entirely by hand. But not much better.

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  171. I tried for 300th.

    Rick Ballard (44b7ba)

  172. Rick,

    I think you were 294th.

    Two more since your email! We’ll be at 300 tonight.

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  173. Please, finish emoting.

    The sane portion of the GOP lost because its institutions had become nearly transparently decrepit. This was happening since Bush. It is no news to the people suffering because of the vast betrayal.

    Cruz was your last chance at redemption, but even so, we saw 25% at least unrepentant GOP pigs voting for Rubio and Kasich.

    So you think rebranding is the solution? You are still pigs with too much lipstick.

    The solution to the problem is that we should all suffer and that you will learn to grow a spine.

    You were warned. This effort of yours is nearly pornographic in its self-love.

    Paul Deignan (4e3514)

  174. but I understand why people here and many of my neighbors here in Texas prefer Hillary.

    My question is whether such people are intrinsically, emotionally of the right.

    So far, when observing at least certain individuals expressing the “Hillary isn’t as bad” or Hillary is less horrible” sentiment, I’ve detected a peculiar bit, or whiff, of left-leaning sentiment. At the very least, such people seem ignorant of the dynamics of the ongoing leftward tilt of the US and how social-political factions will be either more emboldened (and arrogant) or more despondent (and apathetic) in November if the symbolic third term of “Goddamn America” is accepted by a majority of the electorate.

    That assessment is based on ongoing dynamics not changing over the next several months, in which most of the public opposition currently aimed at Trump, particularly among demonstrators in the field, emanates from liberals, not conservatives. At least at this moment, most of the talking heads and usual-suspect celebrities denouncing Trump do so because they categorize him as of the right, not the left. Or not categorizing him for what he really is, which is a squish-squish loaded down with lots of liberal bias. But all of this is merely another sign of just how leftwing America has become over the past 60 years.

    Mark (fb60e8)

  175. Just got to 300 and now I a going to bed.

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  176. The problem with this website as a political “movement” is that it is more like a teaser from the movie “The Crying Game”. Everyone has some secret identity and feels super special about themselves as they try to build some super special relationship with a Simpson’s avatar.

    Rather than political movement, this is a cocoon that has become a coffin.

    Instead of influencing the Trump trogs, this is a parody of conservatism–soulless and spineless.

    For all the intelligence of this group, it is gone to waste talking amongst itself in its treehouse club fort and no effort expended at broadening the network.

    Grow up gents. This is not the 1990s anymore. Use your real human names, get out some into the other sites, and quit with the lists of disgruntled super special people. It is embarrassing to behold.

    Paul Deignan (2b1ee1)

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