Patterico's Pontifications



Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:22 pm

Larry Correia, on Facebook:

Well, we’re boned. It’s going to be huckster fraud democrat against lying criminal democrat.

Half the GOP hates the jackass. Question now is what percentage of us stay home or make a 3rd party protest vote. All those crossover democrats who voted for that orange half wit in the primaries will go back to voting democrat in the general election. He thinks young Bernie voters are going to vote for him? Fool.

I’ve voted republican in every election of my adult life. I’ve volunteered and donated money. I can’t in good conscience vote for this vile populist demagogue. If even a few percentage points of the GOP feels the same way, that’s it. He’s toast in the general.

So he energizes the democrats, so they’ll feel like they are fighting tyranny (now comes the great part where all the fawning media coverage turns on him) and he demotivates the republican base.

All the kid glove BS from this season is over. Every vile nasty stupid thing he has ever done will be covered 24/7. By November he will be the most laughed at and despised candidate in history. Because he makes it too easy.

So the classless boor probably loses to the sea hag. Not that it matters too much, since they’d both govern as authoritarian democrats, only one has more nationalist rah rah thrown in.

Spare me the nonsense about lesser evils and SCOTUS judges. He won’t make it that far. And by some miracle, like Hillary has a stroke, this rambling ignoramus wins, he would still screw that up somehow in his one term. Big question is does he suck enough to take the GOP with him?

And if you think he is going to actually build a wall, you are a sucker.

Did I love Cruz? No. Because I was hiring an employee, not a god. He was the least likely to rape the Constitution. Instead we get an authoritarian, who is either lying, or made it to 70 before understanding basic American principles about liberty.

You ignorant low information bastards. Motivated by fear and anger, you overlooked every gain made over the last few cycles, and traded it in to a lying huckster democrat for some magic beans. So you could stick it to the establishment, by electing the shit bird who funded them.

Edit to add, don’t bother posting to argue. We are past that. Now we batten down the hatches and get ready for the suck. If you want to gloat, you are an idiot who doesn’t realize what you have wrought. If you feel disrespected, good. You should.

Yup. Bold type by me, to emphasize my very favorite parts. Although really, it’s all my favorite part.

Thanks to Simon Jester.


99 Responses to “Catharsis”

  1. The question about what to do about democracy, we’ll save for another day. Tonight is for the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

    But if you want to blame the voters, I will have your back.

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  2. there’s no such thing as Larry Correia

    happyfeet (831175)

  3. No wailing, no gnashing. They broke through our skirmish line, now it’s time to reform into rifle teams and snipe at them from all directions.

    nk (dbc370)

  4. Larry, it’s guys like you who’d make it easy for me to push the button.

    ropelight (5c7740)

  5. What button is that?

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  6. The one that dunks them into a tub of cold water.

    ropelight (5c7740)

  7. catharsis, I call it insanity per Einstein’s definition, it’s over, no matter how dense mailman’s son is at getting it, all the kvetching over fields, and megyn’s temper tantrums,
    it’s Norwegian Blue, the enemy lies at there, she’s been taken down a peg tonight, because his hordes are more resolute, and dangerous,

    narciso (732bc0)

  8. Doesn’t matter to my vote in the general. I’m still voting for Cruz this November, even if it means I have to use the write-in line on the ballot.

    “Rafael Edward Cruz”, in anyone needs to double-check the spelling.

    Robin Munn (8e4b72)

  9. ropelight,

    If you feel disrespected, good. You should. Although “disrespected” is way to mild a word.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  10. Suggested rule change for the convention: “Only persons who have been continuously registered as Republicans for the previous 10 years may be nominated.”

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  11. If you think staying at home or voting for hillary will be a win for democracy or a protest vote, think again. If hillary wins the presidency do you believe she will nominate a supreme court justice who will think and vote like Scalia? What will the country look like in a couple of years if someone like kagan or sotomayer is appointed?

    The republicans have promised us change for many, many, many years but whenever they win elections it is more of the status quo. Whatever the democrats did when they were in power remain in place. It is the same thing. So, someone comes along promising to be different. Do we listen to the party of liars or try something new? Let’s try something new.

    And, I am not a low information voter, or a loser or ignorant. Try a new argument. I have a masters of science in engineering and I am tired of being lied to. I voted for mccain in 2008 hoping he would be elected and die in his term so Palin could be President. I held my nose then, you hold your nose now.

    Jim (a9b7c7)

  12. Makes me feel good knowing I’ve spent my money well enjoying his books.

    NJRob (a07d2e)

  13. If you think staying at home or voting for hillary will be a win for democracy or a protest vote, think again. If hillary wins the presidency do you believe she will nominate a supreme court justice who will think and vote like Scalia? What will the country look like in a couple of years if someone like kagan or sotomayer is appointed?

    The republicans have promised us change for many, many, many years but whenever they win elections it is more of the status quo. Whatever the democrats did when they were in power remain in place. It is the same thing. So, someone comes along promising to be different. Do we listen to the party of liars or try something new? Let’s try something new.

    And, I am not a low information voter, or a loser or ignorant. Try a new argument. I have a masters of science in engineering and I am tired of being lied to. I voted for mccain in 2008 hoping he would be elected and die in his term so Palin could be President. I held my nose then, you hold your nose now.

    Jim (a9b7c7) — 5/3/2016 @ 10:06 pm

    And the person who was promising to change things and actually follow the Constitution was Cruz. And you spit on him.

    Congratulations on voting for the authoritarian who wants to ban criticism of himself and just goes around slandering everyone who doesn’t kiss his arse.

    NJRob (a07d2e)

  14. “Motivated by fear and anger, you overlooked every gain made over the last few cycles”

    What gains have the GOPe made in the last 15 years at the federal level? Not what they promised, but what did they actually do? Defund Obamacare? Nominate Supreme Ct. judges that stop unconst. laws (Obamacare)?

    If Trump lies about the wall, then he fits in with the rest of the GOPe.

    Scoob (580f73)

  15. ropeliar,

    Old retired guys such as yourself can afford President Hillary.
    Those of us trying to make a buck can’t.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  16. Larry nailed it.

    SPQR (a3a747)

  17. Yes, Trump is a bit of an excrement sandwich.

    So was Romney. People stayed home. Now we have some of the worst of the Gitmo detainees being released by the man you allowed to get elected. If you do this again, you have only yourselves to blame for what happens. When men and women of good will fail to act evil triumphs as we see with the moral, ethical, and intellectual lump of solid waste occupying the White House today.

    I figure I’ll vote for Trump simply because somewhere along the line “the horse might learn how to sing.” That’s hope, which is not the sin of despair.


    JDow (babe94)

  18. You people need to back Trump now. Like I had to back your despicable John McCain and Romney when they were the nominees. It sucks, I know. We’re gonna make America great again if we have to drag you along kicking and screaming.

    jcurtis (60d33c)

  19. You people need to back Trump now.
    jcurtis (60d33c) — 5/3/2016 @ 11:21 pm

    No we don’t. I will never vote for a liberal, anti gun, Liberty hating authoritarian of either party. I have a conscience and I have principles.

    Patrick Henry, the 2nd (ddead1)

  20. What Patrick Henry said.

    Again. I guess it didn’t take the first time.

    Steve57 (412496)

  21. “Like I had to back your despicable John McCain and Romney when they were the nominees. It sucks, I know. We’re gonna make America great again if we have to drag you along kicking and screaming.”

    Assuming that it’s reasonable to assume that those you’re talking to had McCain and Romney as their first choices – which isn’t a reasonable assumption – neither were hucksters nor frauds nor democrats.

    scrubone (84f787)

  22. Better Trump than Cruz, any day.


    Foo Bar (44481f)

  23. I didn’t much like McCain or Romney on some matters, but at least they were Republicans. Trump is not, no matter how often he tells you he is, and his Supreme Court picks will be no better than Hillary’s.

    We weren’t bluffing when we said “Never Trump”.

    Robin Munn (b30897)

  24. Foo Bar –

    So you’re opposed to what Cruz has done to uphold Constitutional principles in his time in the Senate? What, specifically?

    Robin Munn (b30897)

  25. Now the choice is between the Red Harpy and the Orange Ape.


    J C Rhoades (d562d9)

  26. I am opposed to Cruz’s twisted mis-interpretation of certain “Constitutional principles”

    I am opposed to Cruz’s wrong idea that our country is a “Christian” nation or that our laws or leaders are obligated to follow anything in the bible.

    I am opposed to Cruz’s support for the majority Christians in this country to have special privileges that exempt them from having to obey the law.

    (And yes, I know Trump has paid lip service to some of the same ideas, but only to placate loony-tune evangelicals, many of whom are foolish enough to believe he is one of them)

    #nevercruz #neverhillary

    Foo Bar (44481f)

  27. I can confirm. FUBAR is accurately named.

    Steve57 (412496)

  28. I know it when I see it.

    Steve57 (412496)

  29. Not a bad expression of Pogo’s, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

    It also evoked for me the famous SNL “Point/Counterpoint” skit when Akroyd exclaimed, “Jane, you ignorant slut!” Hmmm. The electorate as Shana Alexander? Works for me.

    Ed from SFV (3400a5)

  30. “Know” whatever you want.

    But what *I* know is that Ted Cruz will NOT be the next US President, and that makes me very happy.

    Of all the possibilities he was the worst. Billary comes in a close second. So if that witch ends up being the Dem nominee I can firmly cast my vote for Trump.

    Foo Bar (44481f)

  31. “He won’t make it that far.”
    If I had a nickel for every time someone said that about Trump, I’d be richer than Trump. As we’ve all seen, misunderestimating works in his favor.

    Karen (db1adf)

  32. speaking of catharsis, i got my voter change confirmation off to the county yesterday.

    that way i can vote for Bernie in June…

    Go Me!

    redc1c4 (018028)

  33. I hope you’ll be happy scratching at yourself, FUBAR.

    Steve57 (412496)

  34. This was one of the few moments in which a white majority status of the GOP hurt the party. There just wasn’t enough numbers on the anti Trump forces to turn back the angry white vote that could take over white majority states.

    The non white republican voters should have come out in force to deny Trump the nomination. But I think they didn’t like any of the candidates they saw. They sat out most of the primaries. When I saw racial breakdown of Trump votes Asians and blacks often come up as “N/A”.

    In hindsight, the establishment should have supported Cruz way earlier. And Cruz should have reached out to older Asians who are social conservatives and often come out of vote republican in local races.

    lee (246fe2)

  35. It’s interesting you say that, Lee. One of Trump’s more obvious lies was when he accused Ganzalo Curiel of not dismissing his RICO/fraud lawsuit because as is obvious to his hick fanbois no mex judge can look on his ‘tude toward the border with favor.

    Too strong on the border (he does this “strong” device a lot; it’s how he crowd tests ideas to see how they play). ‘Ceptin’ Donny wasn’t. Not back then. Back then he claimed Mittens lost the election because MITTS was too strong on the border. Which lost us Hispanics, he claimed in 2013, and Asians.

    …“He had a crazy policy of self deportation which was maniacal,” Trump said. He was referring to Romney’s answer during a Jan. 2012 primary debate in which he said that instead of rounding up illegal immigrants and deporting them, the U.S. should adopt a policy of “self-deportation.”

    Illegal immigrants without job prospects would eventually return to their home countries, Romney claimed.

    “It sounded as bad as it was, and he lost all of the Latino vote,” Trump told Kessler. “He lost the Asian vote. He lost everybody who is inspired to come into this country.”

    Read more:

    Steve57 (412496)

  36. …foreign types with the hookah pipes say…

    Steve57 (412496)

  37. “18. You people need to back Trump now.”

    Actually, no, we don’t. The triumph of the LIVs and crossover Democrats imposes no mandates on us. If there was a Republican on the ballot in November I’d vote for him, but now I guess I’ll have to write one in.

    Luke Stywalker (0fa633)

  38. Whatever we do, it we should not give into the temptation of forming a third party (at least not prior to November). When Trump loses in a landslide, the people who enabled his nomination have to own it. The formation of a third party will give them someone else to blame. If they have only themselves to blame, the credibility of Trump’s high profile enablers will go down in flames. Dennis Prager often asks, “Does it feel good or does it do good?” Forming a third party may feel good, but it will undermine the likelihood of seeing people like Hannity, Coulter, Christie, and Palin cut down to size. Patrick said recently that payback is a bitch. This is the silver lining. Don’t screw it up!

    Tony (ff2fe4)

  39. Must get out and vote Trump even if you hate yourself for doing it. House, Senate and State races are more endangered than ever and remain critically important. Don’t stay home…vote the undercard or we lose power to legislate at federal and state levels.
    Next President likley gets 2-3 Supreme Court appointments. If Clinton wins, kiss the Court goodby for 30 years. She already said Obama is qualified…think about that! At least with Trump appointments might not be as noxious. If the Senate is lost so is the power to block so get out and vote!

    George (c07c77)

  40. When Trump wins, and wins easily, I expect all the toffs who looked down their noses at ordinary peoples concerns to be drummed out of the movement. They have made themselves known, they don’t wish to represent out views, they wish to tell us what our views ought to be. Fine. You may tell us all you want – from OUTSIDE the tent.

    Mr Black (3efb66)

  41. Some people were angry at being lied to,
    So we wanted someone with a track record of doing what he promised.
    Others were angry at being pi**ed on,
    And wanted someone to promise pi**ing back.

    The second group won.
    So, do you cheer for more pi**ing,
    or more lying???

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  42. Others just want “our side” to win.

    Plenty of blame to go around, from the least to the most powerful.

    Jesus did not say to ignore one’s self interest,
    but to realize that the wisest self interest came by looking at what mattered in the long run,
    living according to what is true about our existence.

    What we have is a cacophony of voices screaming short term, blind, and foolish immediate self interest.

    One thing I have always been amazed at when reading stories about Jesus was how he could make a wise third choice when it looked like He had only two bad choices to pick from.
    I have no idea what the wise third choice will be.
    That Jesus returns soon?
    Well, that would be one answer,
    but not exactly one that we can implement.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  43. If you think staying at home or voting for hillary will be a win for democracy or a protest vote, think again. If hillary wins the presidency do you believe she will nominate a supreme court justice who will think and vote like Scalia?

    No. That’s why I wanted her to run against someone who would. Ted Cruz.

    What will the country look like in a couple of years if someone like kagan or sotomayer is appointed?

    Now that Ted Cruz has been defeated, we’re going to find out. New York liberal Donald Trump’s got more in common with Sotomayor than does Cruz, who clerked at the Supreme Court for Chief Justice William Rehnquist.

    Or didn’t you know that?

    The republicans have promised us change for many, many, many years but whenever they win elections it is more of the status quo. Whatever the democrats did when they were in power remain in place. It is the same thing. So, someone comes along promising to be different. Do we listen to the party of liars or try something new? Let’s try something new.

    So, nominating a 70-year-old shady businessman/reality TV star from a deep blue state whose political leanings have been Democrat until four years ago and who admits corrupting politicians with his money and influence is “something new.”

    And, I am not a low information voter, or a loser or ignorant. Try a new argument. I have a masters of science in engineering and I am tired of being lied to. I voted for mccain in 2008 hoping he would be elected and die in his term so Palin could be President.

    I notice that you didn’t mention 2012. I know there’s a reason for that. But let’s back up. Lemme get this straight: You voted for a man to become President of the United States “hoping he would be elected and die in his term” so the Vice President would replace him. You HOPED the man you voted to become President would die. And you’re telling us all this to prove to us all that you’re “not a low information voter, or a loser or ignorant. Try a new argument.”

    Nope, don’t need to. Having an M.S. doesn’t mean you’re not susceptible to B.S., and you’ve proved that you certainly are if your course of action as someone who is “tired of being lied to” is putting a man who literally wrote a book about lying to people to get what you want in charge of the Executive branch.

    I held my nose then, you hold your nose now.

    Jim (a9b7c7) — 5/3/2016 @ 10:06 pm

    Another reason you’re an ignorant, low-information voter: In 2008, we held our noses for moderate McCain because, among major contenders, Romney couldn’t gain traction with Mike Huckabee running interference. In 2012, we got Romney, a pioneer in government-run healthcare, who we know now didn’t know how to press a case against Obama without damaging the case for himself in the process. In 2016, there were other choices of Republicans who could mount a case against the weakest, most damaged Democrat nominee since George McGovern, and you chose the least-qualified, most-disliked person possible.

    The clown shoes fit, Gruber. Wear them.

    L.N. Smithee (d3752a)

  44. I am opposed to Cruz’s twisted mis-interpretation of certain “Constitutional principles”

    I am opposed to Cruz’s wrong idea that our country is a “Christian” nation or that our laws or leaders are obligated to follow anything in the bible.

    I am opposed to Cruz’s support for the majority Christians in this country to have special privileges that exempt them from having to obey the law.

    (And yes, I know Trump has paid lip service to some of the same ideas, but only to placate loony-tune evangelicals, many of whom are foolish enough to believe he is one of them)

    #nevercruz #neverhillary

    Foo Bar (44481f) — 5/4/2016 @ 1:08 am

    There are reasons why people like you are never specific even when asked to elaborate; you either don’t want to reveal your true motives, or you don’t want to reveal you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. In your case, it’s obvious both of these are in play.

    L.N. Smithee (d3752a)

  45. Cruz should have reached out to older Asians who are social conservatives and often come out of vote republican in local races.

    Tell me what that outreach would look and sound like.

    L.N. Smithee (d3752a)

  46. When Trump wins, and wins easily, I expect all the toffs who looked down their noses at ordinary peoples concerns to be drummed out of the movement. They have made themselves known, they don’t wish to represent out views, they wish to tell us what our views ought to be. Fine. You may tell us all you want – from OUTSIDE the tent.

    Mr Black (3efb66) — 5/4/2016 @ 4:50 am

    Uhhhhh yeah that’s the point. That’s what we want.

    As far as Trump winning, here is the likely electoral college map, and CNN’s national poll yesterday showed Clinton winning by 13 points.

    Patrick Henry, the 2nd (ddead1)

  47. If you think staying at home or voting for hillary will be a win for democracy or a protest vote, think again. If hillary wins the presidency do you believe she will nominate a supreme court justice who will think and vote like Scalia? What will the country look like in a couple of years if someone like kagan or sotomayer is appointed?

    The republicans have promised us change for many, many, many years but whenever they win elections it is more of the status quo. Whatever the democrats did when they were in power remain in place. It is the same thing. So, someone comes along promising to be different. Do we listen to the party of liars or try something new? Let’s try something new.

    And, I am not a low information voter, or a loser or ignorant. Try a new argument. I have a masters of science in engineering and I am tired of being lied to. I voted for mccain in 2008 hoping he would be elected and die in his term so Palin could be President. I held my nose then, you hold your nose now.

    Jim (a9b7c7) — 5/3/2016 @ 10:06 pm

    Jim, I live in California. I don’t have to “think again”. Another Kagan is a lock. Also, I too voted for McCain, then Romney, so take your appeal to authority- your degree in engineering- and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine. That only makes you book-smart. I don’t have to hold my nose a third time. I’ll still vote Cruz in the primary, but I’m writing in for the general, and there is nothing you can say that will convince me.

    Bill H (971e5f)

  48. Dark hearts.

    Denise (d76d0f)

  49. You people need to back Trump now. Like I had to back your despicable John McCain and Romney when they were the nominees. It sucks, I know. We’re gonna make America great again if we have to drag you along kicking and screaming.

    jcurtis (60d33c) — 5/3/2016 @ 11:21 pm

    No, I don’t think so. I don’t need your permission or your approval to vote my conscience.

    Bill H (971e5f)

  50. The schadenfreude-ic part of the next six months will be that since Trump is tied to no ideology, and simply moves left or right depending on where he thinks the angry swing voters happen to be, he’s unlikely to double down on his current message if he thinks there are more swing voters moving to Hillary than are on his side.

    He’ll simply abandon what he’s saying now in favor of whatever he thinks the new hot issue is where he can press enough of the public’s buttons. So a trailing Trump come the fall who starts borrowing some of Bernie Sanders’ ideas, because of how well Bernie’s doing against Hillary right now, would be perfectly in line with how Trump’s operated for almost 40 years. The question then will be how many of Trump’s current supporters will finally have had enough of excusing their guys actions, if he now is supporting things he opposed 6-12 months earlier, and how many still won’t care, as long as Trump is loud and angry in voicing his new ‘core beliefs’.

    John (997ab7)

  51. Shorter John: Trump can now afford to let his freak flag fly.

    Bill H (971e5f)

  52. We seem to have attracted the Trumpkin Ladies Auxiliary. School Marm, Karen, Denise. Or should we call them Frumpkins? I’ve seen what they look like at Trump rallies. And at Walmart.

    nk (dbc370)

  53. SCOTT ADAMS: Clinton Versus Trump — Persuasion Scores: “We’ll start with Clinton’s new campaign slogan: LOVE TRUMPS HATE… Spoken aloud, the slogan sounds like asking people to agree with Trump’s hate, as in “Love Trump’s hate (because Trump hates war, terrorism, and bad trade deals, same as you?). This is the sort of mistake you never see out of the Trump campaign. The slogan is pure amateur hour. It accomplishes the opposite of its intent, and you can’t fail harder than that. Now let’s look at the ‘woman card’ issue… You can’t make this up. When you saw that symbol, you thought of a restroom. it is automatic.

    But the biggest mistake was putting a magnetic strip on the Woman Card. That makes you think of a credit card. And that makes you think of debt. Or perhaps it makes you think of a transit card that Clinton had trouble using at the subway in New York. All bad.

    You might ask yourself why the campaign did not go with a playing card model instead of a credit card. After all, “deal me in” is not typically associated with a magnetic strip.

    I’ll tell you why they didn’t use playing cards as their clever response. It’s because you would have to end up labeling Clinton the queen of – let’s say –hearts. And in cards, the queen is ranked below the king. That’s not so good if your opponent is a man…who lives in castles…”

    Colonel Haiku (40880a)

  54. Scott Adams sucks monkey turds.

    nk (dbc370)

  55. As do people who will cast a protest vote for the criminal harridan.

    Colonel Haiku (40880a)

  56. Death to the demoness Hillary Clinton!

    Colonel Haiku (40880a)

  57. that toddlin’ town
    kills ’em when they’re up or down
    teh Chicago Way

    Colonel Haiku (40880a)

  58. Teh jury’s still out, nk…

    Colonel Haiku (40880a)

  59. I figure I’ll vote for Trump simply because somewhere along the line “the horse might learn how to sing.” That’s hope, which is not the sin of despair.

    Clinton’s as likely as Trump to do that.

    Milhouse (87c499)

  60. When Trump wins, and wins easily, I expect all the toffs who looked down their noses at ordinary peoples concerns to be drummed out of the movement.

    I want no part of your movement.

    Buzzsawmonkey sent me this. Now’s the time for the sound bees to leave the hive and wait for it to be disinfected and sterilized, before returning to recolonize it.

    Milhouse (87c499)

  61. Mr. Black: “When Trump wins, and wins easily, I expect all the toffs who looked down their noses at ordinary peoples concerns to be drummed out of the movement. … You may tell us all you want – from OUTSIDE the tent.” 5/4/2016 @ 4:50 am”

    You democrats do this already. So what will be the difference when you elect Hillary Trump?

    Dave (c24882)

  62. Mr. Trump is of the zeitgeist and pee-stank knows it.

    She brings absolutely nothing to the table you don’t have to wash your hands after touching.

    happyfeet (831175)

  63. At 70, he’s close to a just plain geist, thankfully.

    nk (dbc370)

  64. In other cheerful news:

    Also, Senior Master Sergeant McDougal, USAF, 562nd Red Horse Squadron, was flayed for using the word “tranny” in a way that wasn’t obviously work related.

    That is all.

    Steve57 (412496)

  65. Also, Senior Master Sergeant McDougal, USAF, 562nd Red Horse Squadron, was flayed for using the word “tranny” in a way that wasn’t obviously work related.

    What, just for listening to music or the news?

    Milhouse (87c499)

  66. Its satire I think, mogatu would render a judgement.

    narciso (1b4366)

  67. I am opposed to Cruz’s wrong idea that our country is a “Christian” nation or that our laws or leaders are obligated to follow anything in the bible.

    Your type (ie, a person who perceives Cruz as too conservative and can tolerate Trump because he isn’t) fascinates me as much as that sub-set of Republicans and independents who are gnashing their teeth over what’s going on right now but who, at the same time, express even a bit of softness towards Hillary and — most tellingly — weren’t as appalled at they should have been at what occurred in November 2008, when the era of “Goddamn America” really commenced.

    Rorschach tests and the dynamics of Rashomon on parade.

    In turn, one observation: Ronald Reagan’s biggest blunder was when he let his inner-liberal get the better of him, resulting in the Iran-Contra debacle. Reagan admitted that pangs of sympathy made him go against his publicly stated position of never negotiating with hostage-taking countries and caused him to secretly bargain with Iran.

    Mark (fb60e8)


    I’m basically the Pirelli calendar circa 1972, narciso.

    Steve57 (412496)

  69. When Trump wins, and wins easily, I expect all the toffs who looked down their noses at ordinary peoples concerns to be drummed out of the movement. They have made themselves known, they don’t wish to represent out views, they wish to tell us what our views ought to be. Fine. You may tell us all you want – from OUTSIDE the tent.

    Mr Black (3efb66) — 5/4/2016 @ 4:50 am

    I believe what you’re trying to say is that we need to “get to the back of the bus.”

    That about cover it Obama?

    NJRob (a07d2e)

  70. Duffelblog I mean,

    narciso (b19692)

  71. Yes that too.

    Steve57 (412496)

  72. Shockingly mark, you miss the point, much of the via though Khomeini was on the way out, so it was time to reach out to the next generation, unfortunately rouhani, mossawi and co, were right at the core of the counsel’s of war.

    narciso (b19692)

  73. 60. The old bag could enter senility right after the swearing-in. If much of her remaining memory bank is of her high school years as a Goldwater Girl, Id call it a wash.

    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb)

  74. Pls school me on the mark I missed. Make it plane.

    Steve57 (412496)

  75. One thing I’m wondering about is, given:

    ll the kid glove BS from this season is over. Every vile nasty stupid thing he has ever done will be covered 24/7. By November he will be the most laughed at and despised candidate in history. Because he makes it too easy.

    We all know the media have been very sparing with their criticism, and Trump hasn’t been hit with nearly as much strident opposition as he could have gotten. Now that Trump is the only one still campaigning, will the media maintain enough fire discipline to wait until after the convention, or will the salvos begin now?
    If the media unleash all the ammunition they’ve been saving now, Trump will cease to be a viable candidate long before the Republican Party actually has to decide. At that point, there are at least three candidates who have “suspended” their campaigns and can re-start them at any time.

    Karl Lembke (e37f42)

  76. Let me summarize

    “I am angry my ignorant low information bastards did not vote the way they normally vote and dman them for being so stupid for not voting the way I wanted them too. Maybe next time …”

    Loser view point if you want to win elections.

    Rodney King's Spirit (db6706)

  77. My Trump bumpersticker

    Cafone! 2016

    Rodney King's Spirit (db6706)

  78. # 26 Foo bar — our entire moral code is basic on judeo christian principles. That folks can’t distinguish between principles and values and religion only affirms low intellect or mendacious reasoning.

    Fact is this was built on white christian northern european values. Abandoning those values is a disaster for the nation. Abandoning them for “diversity” is even worse.

    Societies that function need rules to auto-organize themselves around. Killing babies, telling me I have to bake cakes for Gay folks, inviting men into girl’s bathrooms and condoning drug use and vice ….. diversity indeed.

    The soil which feeds a functioning American flower has been severed from the mucky stinky soil it came from. The flower is dying as a result.

    Rodney King's Spirit (db6706)

  79. “will the media maintain enough fire discipline to wait until after the convention, or will the salvos begin now?”

    The objective will be to maximize both profit and damage to the GOP so I would expect the near term media focus to be tainting GOP incumbents with trump stink for supporting him prior to the complete vivisection. His approval/disapproval numbers will improve in the short term and the media adjust the volume as necessary to compensate. He’s a big sewer – there’s plenty to pump.

    Rick Ballard (0ef036)

  80. Must get out and vote Trump even if you hate yourself for doing it.

    No. He’s actual evil and he’s wrong about everything. I do not want to give this corrupt man power, and I know he would harm people if he had power. The vast majority of this country will join with me on this.

    When Trump wins, and wins easily, I expect all the toffs who looked down their noses at ordinary peoples concerns to be drummed out of the movement. They have made themselves known

    Ooooh scary.

    Except Trump is behind by double digits. The lie yesterday was that he was beating Hillary. Guess what, it was a ridiculous lie and only chumps believed he had somehow turned it around by going after Cruz’s family.

    Also, whatever movement Trump is actually with is hostile to the US Constitution. I oppose you directly, rather than hoping I could be a part.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  81. Let me summarize

    “I am angry my ignorant low information bastards did not vote the way they normally vote and dman them for being so stupid for not voting the way I wanted them too. Maybe next time …”

    Loser view point if you want to win elections.
    Rodney King’s Spirit (db6706) — 5/4/2016 @ 9:42 am

    Bad summary. Larry hit the nail on the head.

    You’ve watched Trump in action on the stump. You’ve watched Michael Cohen, Katrina Pierson, Roger Stone stretch the truth to a transparent gauze in his defense. You’ve seen Sean Hannity, Andrea Tantaros, Eric Bolling, and Lou Dobbs totally lose their objectivity. You saw the sunglass-wearing tools yesterday regurgitating Trumpian slander in Ted Cruz’s face as he attempted to engage them.

    If eight years ago, someone had said, “That’s what the GOP has got to do to get back in the White House — duplicate Obama’s cult, say a stuff of meaningless crap, and give a total snow job to people who only pay attention every four years!” you likely would have recoiled. Now, you’re embracing it.

    L.N. Smithee (b84cf6)

  82. Cheer up.
    There is always Loretta Sanchez running for Senate and Antonio Villaraigosa running as idiot at large

    fast forward to 2:05

    steveg (fed1c9)

  83. There is always Loretta Sanchez running for Senate and Antonio Villaraigosa running as idiot at large

    Ha! That doesn’t even rate on the weirdness scale out here.

    Bill H (971e5f)

  84. I’m operating under the assumption that the general election fight for Senate will be between Rep. Sanchez and AG Harris. As someone with a strong dislike of AG Harris, I’m inclined to vote for Sanchez in such a race; perhaps you could undertake to persuade me not to?

    aphrael (e0cdc9)

  85. In that race do Trump voters vote Harris because she’s not Mexican, vote Sanchez becuse she’s less wacky liberal, or leave that part of the ballot blank.

    urbanleftbehind (d3ea16)

  86. “But if you want to blame the voters, I will have your back.”

    Pfft. Another ‘American’ who pretends to ‘love America’ but hates Americans. How ‘Canadian’ of you. No wonder you backed Cruz.

    DCSCA (a343d5)

  87. DCSCA, how dishonest of you. No wonder you back the orange con man.

    SPQR (a3a747)

  88. I’m operating under the assumption that the general election fight for Senate will be between Rep. Sanchez and AG Harris. As someone with a strong dislike of AG Harris, I’m inclined to vote for Sanchez in such a race; perhaps you could undertake to persuade me not to?

    aphrael (e0cdc9) — 5/4/2016 @ 4:24 pm

    I don’t think there’s much to persuade coming from me. Both women are known party apparatchiks, but at least Sanchez doesn’t try for the Socialist positions of Harris. For example, Harris just got her ass handed to her in that court decision, telling her to go pound sand, the State did not have a compelling reason to forcefully take that donor list. Sanchez, leftist as she is, I don’t think ( I could easily be wrong) has ever tried to float such an idea. Additionally, while Harris has aspirations well beyond AG (in itself, not a disqualifier), Sanchez has been happily working her patch of Orange County (a much more conservative section of California) for quite a while. She’s tended to be a little more responsive than the average CA pol.

    I don’t like Loretta Sanchez’ politics, but I don’t viscerally hate her, either.

    Bill H (971e5f)

  89. Pfft. Another ‘American’ who pretends to ‘love America’ but hates Americans. How ‘Canadian’ of you. No wonder you backed Cruz.

    DCSCA (a343d5) — 5/4/2016 @ 5:53 pm

    Oh, joy. Yet another drive-by comment from yet another cowardly troll. This is my Capt. Renault face.

    Bill H (971e5f)

  90. Loretta has a screech that makes even Sarah Palin cringe… but since she rolls with (D) after her name, she is a stateswoman.
    A dumb incoherent stateswoman, but with a (D).

    steveg (fed1c9)

  91. Sanchez is the shame of Katella High School in Anaheim, California.

    Colonel Haiku (2f3828)

  92. 93, 94: you’re really not getting into the spirit of this.

    I don’t like Harris. I am asking you for a reason to vote for her over Sanchez, if (as I expect) November sees a Harris-Sanchez race. Comments like the ones you’re leaving are not persuasive.

    aphrael (3f0569)

  93. it’s a quixotic exercise, isn’t there anyone sane in california politics,

    narciso (732bc0)

  94. 89. …Another ‘American’ who pretends to ‘love America’ but hates Americans. How ‘Canadian’ of you. No wonder you backed Cruz.
    DCSCA (a343d5) — 5/4/2016 @ 5:53 pm

    Another dead giveaway. Canadians don’t hate you. Canadians are nice people. It’s what we poker players call a “tell.”

    If anyone hates you it’s me.

    Steve57 (412496)

  95. Key words. IF ANYONE HATES YOU. I don’t hate you, but I’m not naturally a nice person so I have to be commanded.

    Steve57 (412496)

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